use strict;
use List::Util 'sum';
use Storable 'dclone';
use JSON 2;
#use Data::Visitor::Callback;
my $class = 'Bio::JBrowse::Store::NCList::LazyNCList';
use_ok( $class );
my $lazyClass = 2;
my %nclist_output;
my $list = $class->new(
# array spec
{ attributes => [qw( start end strand id name subfeatures )],
isArrayAttr => { 'subfeatures' => 1 },
{ attributes => [qw( start end strand type )] },
{ attributes => [qw( start end chunk )],
isArrayAttr => {'sublist' => 1}
# class number for lazy class
# make lazy feature
sub {
my ( $start, $end, $id ) = @_;
#make feature
#diag "making lazy feature [$lazyClass, $start, $end, $id]\n";
[$lazyClass, $start, $end, $id];
# load chunk from storage
sub {
#diag "lazy-loading chunk $_[0]";
$nclist_output{ $_[0] }
# measure size of serialized chunk in bytes
sub { 1 + length encode_json( $_[0] ) },
# output chunk
sub {
my ($toStore, $chunkId) = @_;
#diag "writing lazy chunk $chunkId";
$nclist_output{$chunkId} = $toStore;
my $features = decode_json( slurp( 't/data/tomato_features.json' ) );
diag "loaded ".@$features." test features";
my $features_clone = dclone $features;
$list->addSorted( $_ ) for @$features;
local $TODO = 'not causing problems right now, but needs to be fixed';
is_deeply( $features,
'LazyNCList did not modify the features it was passed' );
#find_missing_features( $features_clone, \%nclist_output );
# remove this one when the TODO above is passing
#find_missing_features( $features, \%nclist_output );
# #use this to re-dump the correct output if needed at some point
# { open my $f, '>', 't/data/tomato_features_nclist_with_chunksize_10000.json' or die;
# print $f encode_json( \%nclist_output );
# }
my $correct_nclist = decode_json( slurp( 't/data/tomato_features_nclist_with_chunksize_10000.json' ) );
'got the right output chunks'
# test overlapCallback
my $oc_count = 0;
$list->overlapCallback( $list->minStart, $list->maxEnd, sub { $oc_count++ } );
is( $oc_count, scalar @$features, 'overlapCallback hit all features' );
sub slurp { open my $f, '<', $_[0]; local $/; <$f> }
sub find_missing_features {
my ( $features, $nclist_chunks ) = @_;
my $keyfunc = sub {
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
Data::Dumper::Dumper( @_ );
my %original_features;
my %output_features;
for ( @$features ) {
my $key = $keyfunc->($_);
$original_features{ $key } = 1;
array => sub {
my ( $v, $array ) = @_;
my $key = $keyfunc->($array);
#warn "visiting $key";
if( $array->[0] == 0
&& (@$array == 7 || @$array == 8)
&& ref $array->[6] eq 'ARRAY'
) {
# it's a top-level feature
my $key = $keyfunc->($array);
$output_features{ $key }++;
# visit its sublist if it has one
$v->visit( $array->[7]) if $array->[7] && ref $array->[7] eq 'HASH';
} else {
# it's something else; recurse
$v->visit( $_ ) for @$array;
)->visit( $nclist_chunks );
is_deeply( \%original_features, \%output_features );
my $irregular_count = 0;
for my $key ( keys %original_features ) {
my $count = $output_features{$key} || 0;
next if $count == 1;
diag "PROBLEM: feature seen $count time(s) in LazyNCList output:\n$key\n";
is( $irregular_count, 0, "$irregular_count total irregular features" );
return $irregular_count;