use POE;
plan tests => 2;
# this quiets the warning "POE::Kernel's run() method was never called."
eval { require POE::Component::SNMP };
my $CONF = do "config.cache";
my $localport;
do {
$localport = int(rand(65535 - 1025) + 1025)
} while (check_port_free($localport));
eval { POE::Component::SNMP->create(
-alias => 'snmp',
-hostname => $CONF->{hostname} || 'localhost',
-community => $CONF->{community}|| 'public',
-debug => $CONF->{debug},
-timeout => 5,
-localport => $localport,
skip "ASSERT_DATA bug", 1 if ($POE::VERSION <= 0.95 and POE::Kernel::ASSERT_DATA);
ok $poe_kernel->alias_resolve('snmp');
eval { POE::Component::SNMP->create(
-alias => 'snmp2',
-hostname => $CONF->{hostname} || 'localhost',
-community => $CONF->{community}|| 'public',
-debug => $CONF->{debug},
-timeout => 5,
-localport => $localport,
skip "ASSERT_DATA bug", 1 if ($POE::VERSION <= 0.95 and POE::Kernel::ASSERT_DATA);
ok ! ($poe_kernel->alias_resolve('snmp2'));
# returns 1 if there is an error, 0 if no error
sub check_port_free {
my $port = shift;
my $s = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => 'udp',
LocalPort => $port,
PeerAddr => $CONF->{hostname} || 'localhost',
PeerPort => 161,
return $@ ? 1 : 0 ;