use lib 'lib';
use 5.010;
use Ouch;
use JSON;
use_ok 'Wing::Client';
# process responses
my $wing = Wing::Client->new(uri=>'');
my $result = $wing->_process_response(HTTP::Response->new(200, 'OK', ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'], '{"result":{"foo":"bar"}}'));
is $result->{foo}, 'bar', 'process_response()';
if (HTTP::Thin->new->get('')->content =~ m,<title>Apple</title>,) { # skip online tests if we have no online access
# get
my $result = eval{$wing->get('_test')};
if ($@) {
note "CODE: ".$@->code;
note "MESSAGE: ".$@->code;
note "DATA: ".to_json($@->data);
else {
is $result->{method}, 'GET', 'get';
# error
eval { $wing->get('/api/something/that/does/not/exist') };
is $@->code, '404', 'error handling works';
# put
is $wing->put('_test', {foo => 'bar'})->{method}, 'PUT', 'put';
# delete
is $wing->delete('_test', {foo => 'bar'})->{method}, 'DELETE', 'delete';
# post & upload
$wing->post('_test', { file => ['t/upload.txt']}),
"params" => {
"file" => "upload.txt"
"uploads" => [
"filename" => "upload.txt",
"type" => "text/plain",
"size" => "13"
"method" => "POST",
"path" => "/api/_test",
"tracer" => ignore(),
'post / upload';
} # end skip online tests if we have no online access
else {
note "Skipping online tests, because we don't appear to have internet access.";
# really bad error
eval { $wing->_process_response(HTTP::Response->new(500, 'ERROR', ['Content-Type' => 'text/plain'], 'fubared')) };
isa_ok $@, 'Ouch';
is $@->code, 500, 'parsing error code works';
is $@->message, 'Server returned unparsable content.', 'parsing error message works';
is $@->data->{content}, 'fubared', 'parsing error data works';