use strict;
use Test::More 'no_plan';
BEGIN { use_ok('Macro::Micro'); }
my $format = qr/(\{\s*(\w+)\s*\})/;
my $expander = Macro::Micro->new(macro_format => $format);
eval { $expander->macro_format(undef); };
like($@, qr/must be a regexp/, "you can't undefine the macro_format");
eval { $expander->macro_format("123"); };
like($@, qr/must be a regexp/, "you must set the macro_format to a regexp");
isa_ok($expander, 'Macro::Micro');
can_ok($expander, 'register_macros');
FAVORITE_BEVERAGE => sub { "hot tea" },
TURN_ONS => "50,000 volts",
TURN_OFFS => "electromagnetic pulses",
qr/SECRET_\w+/ => sub { "(secret macro! $_[0]!)" },
AREA_OF_FLATHEAD => sub { ($_[2]->{edge}||0) ** 2 },
my $text_square = <<END_TEXT;
I enjoy drinking [FAVORITE_BEVERAGE].
My turn-ons include [TURN_ONS] but not [TURN_OFFS].
My head, which is flat, is [AREA_OF_FLATHEAD] square inches in area.
my $text_squiggly = <<END_TEXT;
I enjoy drinking {FAVORITE_BEVERAGE}.
My turn-ons include {TURN_ONS } but not { TURN_OFFS}.
My head, which is flat, is { AREA_OF_FLATHEAD } square inches in area.
my $translated = <<END_TEXT;
I enjoy drinking hot tea.
My turn-ons include 50,000 volts but not electromagnetic pulses.
My head, which is flat, is 4 square inches in area.
(secret macro! SECRET_YOUR_FACE!)
my $orig_square = $text_square;
$expander->expand_macros_in(\$text_square, { edge => 2 });
is($text_square, $orig_square, "square brackets ignored with of new format");
$expander->expand_macros_in(\$text_squiggly, { edge => 2 });
is($text_squiggly, $translated, "expansion worked as planned");