use Test::More tests => 2;
note 'Checking Changes';
my $changes_file = 'Changes';
my $newver = '0.004';
my $trial_token = '-TRIAL';
my $encoding = 'UTF-8';
ok(-e $changes_file, "$changes_file file exists")
or skip 'Changes is missing', 1;
ok(_get_changes($newver), "$changes_file has content for $newver");
sub _get_changes
my $newver = shift;
# parse changelog to find commit message
open(my $fh, '<', $changes_file) or die "cannot open $changes_file: $!";
my $changelog = join('', <$fh>);
if ($encoding) {
require Encode;
$changelog = Encode::decode($encoding, $changelog, Encode::FB_CROAK());
close $fh;
my @content =
grep { /^$newver(?:$trial_token)?(?:\s+|$)/ ... /^\S/ } # from newver to un-indented
split /\n/, $changelog;
shift @content; # drop the version line
# drop unindented last line and trailing blank lines
pop @content while ( @content && $content[-1] =~ /^(?:\S|\s*$)/ );
# return number of non-blank lines
return scalar @content;