Unfortunately, compiling this module is not straight forward. The
following are some things to check if you have problems compiling
or running.
- Is the Perl/Tk module installed?
- Is PTK_INCL set correctly in the appropriate .conf file?
The correct value should be found automatically by the .conf
file but it may make a mistake (such as using the wrong version
of perl). Try directly entering the value of PTK_INCL, or using
the simple one liner. Note that some Linux distributions don't
install Tk in the site_perl directory, so you will have to hunt
around for the pTk directory by hand.
- If compiling on Linux you must compile pgplot using g77_gcc.conf
NOT g77_aout.conf
- If you are using Tk800.022, you need to define -DOLDTK in the .conf file
- If you a compilation warning like
ptkpgplot.c:613: warning: implicit declaration of function `LangWidgetObj'
then you are compiling for the wrong versipn of Tk. See PGPLOT.patch
- Is the Perl PGPLOT module linked against the patched pgplot installation? You
can do a check using something like:
find . -name PGPLOT.so -exec ldd \{} \;
- Is Makefile.PL configured correctly?
If $PGPLOT_DIR cannot be used to locate the pgplot directories and
include files you must use the IDIR and LDIR command-line options on
- If Makefile.PL cannot find ptkpgplot.h check the value of
IDIRS in Makefile.PL.
- If Makefile.PL cannot find libptkpgplot.a check the value of
LDIRS in Makefile.PL.
- If "make test" fails with something like "undefined symbol: LangWidgetObj"
then you have compiled pgplot for the wrong Tk version. See PGPLOT.patch
- Is Tk.pm installed?
This module has been developed using Tk804.027. Some earlier versions
before 800.015 are known to not be compatible.
- Is PGPLOT.pm installed?
You also need ExtUtils::F77, which PGPLOT.pm also requires.
- Is Makefile.PL really linking you with the patched version of Pgplot?
If you are using a private version of pgplot with the ptk patch, make
sure you really are linking with it. You can also do a check using
something like:
find . -name Pgplot.so -exec ldd \{} \;
- Have you upgraded Tk since you compiled pgplot?