use v5.010;
use strict;
use POSIX qw/:sys_wait_h/;
my $debug = 0;
my $version = '0.1.0_dev190';
sub debug($);
sub usage($);
sub version();
sub read_config($ $);
my ($fname);
my %opts;
getopts('f:hs:Vv', \%opts) or usage 1;
version if $opts{V};
usage 0 if $opts{h};
exit 0 if $opts{V} || $opts{h};
$debug = $opts{v};
if (!defined $opts{f}) {
warn "No configuration file specified\n";
usage 1;
usage 1 if @ARGV;
my $cfg = read_config $opts{f}, [qw/username password/];
my $tic = Net::SixXS::TIC::Client->new(
username => $cfg->{username},
password => $cfg->{password}) or
die "Could not create the TIC client object\n";
$tic->server($opts{s} // 'localhost');
debug "About to connect to TIC server ".$tic->server.
" as ".$tic->username;
my $tunnels = $tic->tunnels;
debug "Got some tunnels: ".join ' ', sort keys %{$tunnels};
for my $t (sort keys %{$tunnels}) {
debug "Requesting info for tunnel $t";
say $tic->tunnel_info($t)->to_text;
debug "Done, it seems.";
sub usage($)
my ($err) = @_;
my $s = <<EOUSAGE
Usage: sixxs-tic-tunnels [-v] [-s server] -f configfile
sixxs-tic-tunnels -V | -h
-f specify the name of the authentication configuration file
-h display program usage information and exit
-s specify the address of the TIC server (default: localhost)
-V display program version information and exit
-v verbose operation; display diagnostic output
if ($err) {
die $s;
} else {
print "$s";
sub version()
say "sixxs-tic-tunnels $version";
sub debug($)
say STDERR "RDBG $_[0]" if $debug;
sub read_config($ $)
my ($fname, $needed) = @_;
open my $f, '<', $fname or
die "Could not open $fname: $!\n";
my %need = map { ($_, 1) } @{$needed};
my %cfg;
while (<$f>) {
next if /^\s*(#|$)/;
if (!/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
die "Invalid configuration line: $_\n";
my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2);
if (exists $cfg{$k}) {
die "Duplicate key $k in config file $fname\n";
$cfg{$k} = $v;
delete $need{$k};
close $f or
die "Could not close $fname: $!\n";
if (%need) {
die "Missing configuration in $fname: ".
join(', ', sort keys %need)."\n";
return \%cfg;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
sixxs-tic-tunnels - fetch information about TIC tunnels
sixxs-tic-tunnels [-v] [-s server] -f configfile
sixxs-tic-tunnels -V | -h
The C<sixxs-tic-tunnels> tool is a sample client for the TIC protocol
for configuring IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnels running the "Anything-In-Anything"
(AYIYA) protocol as used by SixXS. It reads a configuration file in
the format used by the L<aiccu> SixXS client to obtain the username and
password for authentication, then it connects to a TIC server and obtains
information about the tunnels managed by the authenticated user account.
The C<sixxs-tic-tunnels> tool's output may be used by L<sixxs-tic-server>,
the sample TIC server in the L<Net-SixXS> distribution, as well as other
software using the L<Net::SixXS::Data::Tunnel> module.
The C<sixxs-tic-tunnels> tool accepts the following command-line options:
=over 4
=item B<-f>
Specify the name of the authentication configuration file.
=item B<-h>
Display program usage information and exit.
=item B<-s>
Specify the address of the TIC server to connect to; defaults to
"localhost" for safety reasons - repeated attempts to authenticate
and query the SixXS servers may be mistaken for a denial of service
=item B<-V>
Display program version information and exit.
=item B<-v>
Verbose operation; display diagnostic output.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Net::SixXS>, L<Net::SixXS::TIC::Data::Tunnel>,
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (C) 2015 Peter Pentchev E<lt>roam@ringlet.netE<gt>.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Peter Pentchev E<lt>roam@ringlet.netE<gt>