#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use subs 'quit';
my $file = shift || quit "no file specified";
-f $file || quit "$file does not exist or is not a file";
eval 'use Pod::Markdown; 1' || quit "no Pod::Markdown";
# Parse the documentation
my $parser = Local::Pod::Markdown->new (markdown_fragment_format => sub {
# remove non-word characters, along with non-hypens and non-spaces
# replace spaces with hyphens
# return the lowercase version of the string
open my $outfh, ">", "README.md" || die "can't open README.md for writing: $!";
$parser->output_fh ($outfh);
$parser->parse_file ($file);
print "README.md generated.", $/;
sub quit
print STDERR "skipping $0: ", shift, $/;
exit 0 # we didn't fail
# Apply some fixes to Pod::Markdown
use strict;
our @ISA;
push @ISA, 'Pod::Markdown';
# Highlight Verbatim blocks.
sub end_Verbatim
my ($self) = @_;
my $text = $self->_pop_stack_text;
# Find the smallest indentation. (Pod::Markdown::_indent_verbatim)
my $indent = ' ' x 4;
foreach my $line (split /\n/, $text)
next unless $line =~ /^(\s+)/;
$indent = $1 if length ($1) < length ($indent);
# Remove it.
$text =~ s/^$indent//mg;
$self->_private->{no_escape} = 0;
# Add the syntax highlighting block.
$self->_save_block (join '', '```perl', $/, $text, $/, '```');
# Normalize heading names, and fix normalization errors
sub _end_head
my ($self, $num) = @_;
my $h = '#' x $num;
my $text = $self->_pop_stack_text;
$self->_private->{search_header} =
$text =~ /NAME/ ? 'Title'
: $text =~ /AUTHOR/ ? 'Author'
: undef;
# Normalize the heading name.
$text = ucfirst lc $text if lc $text ne $text;
# Fix lowercase names that shouldn't be lowercase.
$text =~ s/([$@%][^\s]+)/uc $1/e;
$self->_save_block (join ' ', $h, $text);