#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
plan skip_all => 'Digest::SHA required for this test!'
unless eval 'use Digest::SHA; 1';
# Configuration
my @packet_tests = (
# The method of Net::Telnet::Netgear::Packet to call
method => 'from_string',
# The parameters to pass to that method
params => [ 'Hello world' ],
# In addition, the params to pass to the constructor of Net::Telnet::Netgear
constr => [ packet_content => 'Hello world' ],
# The SHA-1 hash of the expected packet.
expect => '7b502c3a1f48c8609ae212cdfb639dee39673f5e'
method => 'from_base64',
params => [ 'U2hoLCBJJ20gYSBzZWNyZXQgc3RyaW5nIQ==' ],
constr => [ packet_base64 => 'U2hoLCBJJ20gYSBzZWNyZXQgc3RyaW5nIQ==' ],
expect => '8d2b98c122639e5cfcbfca3486c683874da00039'
method => 'new',
params => [ mac => 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF' ],
constr => [ packet_mac => 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF' ],
expect => 'bce8be8764099fbb4012acbaec12e811c0b2ba88'
method => 'new',
params => [
mac => 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF',
username => '123456abc',
password => 'cba654321'
constr => [
packet_mac => 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF',
packet_username => '123456abc',
packet_password => 'cba654321'
expect => 'e6165958232ef674f53c3e0d53f144e54df0ad02'
method => 'new',
params => [
mac => 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF',
username => 'admin',
constr => [
packet_mac => 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF',
packet_username => 'admin',
expect => 'b8ee6e186dcffa63f2bea38a0a0e0cc81af8186a'
plan tests => 2 * @packet_tests;
foreach my $conf (@packet_tests)
# Create the packet instance.
my $method = $conf->{method};
my $packet = Net::Telnet::Netgear::Packet->$method (@{$conf->{params}});
is $conf->{expect}, Digest::SHA::sha1_hex ($packet->get_packet),
"packet generated by $method is as expected";
# Now repeat the test, using Net::Telnet::Netgear->new.
my $inst = Net::Telnet::Netgear->new (@{$conf->{constr}});
is $conf->{expect}, Digest::SHA::sha1_hex ($inst->packet),
'packet generated by the constructor is as expected';