use v5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use experimental qw(smartmatch);
plan tests => 202;
ok(defined $FIRST_SEASON, 'first season defined');
ok(scalar(@LOCKOUT_SEASONS), 'lockout seasons defined');
my $first = 0;
for my $doc (keys %FIRST_REPORT_SEASONS) {
ok($FIRST_REPORT_SEASONS{$doc}, 'first season for each report defined');
like($FIRST_REPORT_SEASONS{$doc}, qr/^\d{4}$/, 'each season is a YYYY');
$first = 1 if $FIRST_REPORT_SEASONS{$doc} == $FIRST_SEASON;
ok($first, "a doc traces to $FIRST_SEASON");
ok(defined $MAIN_GAME_FILE, 'main game file defined');
ok(defined $SECONDARY_GAME_FILE, 'secondary game file defined');
ok(defined $REGULAR, 'regular stage defined');
ok(defined $PLAYOFF, 'playoff stage defined');
for my $team (keys %TEAMS) {
like($team, qr/^[A-Z]{3}/, 'team id three digit code');
for my $key (keys %{$TEAMS{$team}}) {
if ($key eq 'defunct') {
like($TEAMS{$team}->{$key}, qr/^0|1$/, 'defunct is 0 or 1');
else {
isa_ok($TEAMS{$team}->{$key}, 'ARRAY', 'a list of alternative names for teams');
ok($UNDRAFTED_PICK, 'undrafted pick defined');