use v5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use experimental qw(smartmatch);
plan tests => 19;
for my $id (193020010, 201120010) {
my @game_files = get_game_files_by_id($id);
if ($id =~ /^1930/) {
is(scalar(@game_files), 1, 'just one JS file');
is($game_files[0], "$ENV{HOCKEYDB_DATA_DIR}/1930/0002/0010/BS.json");
else {
is(scalar(@game_files), 6, 'full set of six');
for my $game_file (@game_files) {
is(dirname($game_file), "$ENV{HOCKEYDB_DATA_DIR}/2011/0002/0010", "directory correct");
like(basename($game_file), qr/^[A-Z]{2}\.(html|json)/, 'XX.yyyy file');
eval { vocabulary_lookup('xx', 'yy')};
like($@, qr/unknown word/i, 'exception in vocabulary caught');
is(vocabulary_lookup('strength', 'EV'), 'EV', 'vocabulary by key ok');
is(vocabulary_lookup('miss', 'OVER NET'), 'OVER', 'vocabulary single synonym ok');
is(vocabulary_lookup('penalty', 'ATTEMPT TO INJURE'), 'ATTEMPT TO/DELIBERATE INJURY - MATCH PENALTY', 'vocabulary multiple synonym ok');