use v5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use experimental qw(smartmatch);
use Sport::Analytics::NHL::Config qw(:basic :ids);
use Storable qw(dclone);
=head1 NAME
Sport::Analytics::NHL::Report::ES - Class for the NHL HTML ES report.
Class for the NHL HTML ES report. Should not be constructed directly, but via Sport::Analytics::NHL::Report (q.v.)
As with any other HTML report, there are two types: old (pre-2007) and new (2007 and on). Parsers of them may have something in common but may turn out to be completely different more often than not.
=head1 METHODS
=over 2
=item C<get_new_headers>
Get the headers of the player tables in the new HTML.
Arguments: HTML element with the team table
Returns: the array of headers.
=item C<get_old_headers>
Get the headers of the player tables in the old HTML.
Arguments: HTML element with the team table
Returns: the array of headers.
=item C<normalize>
Cleaning up and standardizing the parsed data.
Arguments: none
Returns: void. Everything is in the $self.
=item C<parse>
Parse the ES html tree into a boxscore object
Arguments: none
Returns: void. Everything is in the $self.
=item C<parse_new_team_summary>
Parse a team's table in the new HTML.
Arguments: HTML element with the team table
Returns: the team hashref.
=item C<parse_old_team_summary>
Parse a team's table in the old HTML.
Arguments: HTML element with the team table
Returns: the team hashref.
=item C<parse_goaltender_summary>
Parse the seldom-happening goaltending summary in the ES report.
Arguments: the HTML element with the summary
Returns: void, the object is updated.
S => {
G => 'goals', 'A' => 'assists', P => 'points', FW => 'faceOffWins',
PN => 'penalties', FL => 'faceOffLosses', 'F%' => 'faceOffPct',
TOI => 'timeOnIce', AVG => 'averageTimeShift', S => 'shots', MS => 'misses',
'+/-' => 'plusMinus', 'A/B' => 'attemptsBlocked', HT => 'hits',
GV => 'giveaways', TK => 'takeaways', BS => 'blocked', SHF => 'shifts',
TOIPP => 'powerPlayTimeOnIce', TOISH => 'shortHandedTimeOnIce', TOITOT => 'timeOnIce',
PP => 'powerPlayTimeOnIce', SH => 'shortHandedTimeOnIce', EV => 'evenTimeOnIce',
TOIEV => 'evenTimeOnIce', POS => 'position', 'No.' => 'number', TOI => 'timeOnIce',
PIM => 'penaltyMinutes', TOISHF => 'shifts', TOIAVG => 'averageIceTime', SHOTT => 'shots',
S => [qw(shortHandedGoals shortHandedAssists powerPlayGoals powerPlayAssists evenStrengthGoals evenStrengthAssists)],
G => [qw(pim goals assists)]
my %FRENCH = (
'TOI' => '14:19',
'LB' => 'BS',
'MG' => 'FW',
'LANC.' => 'S',
'PP' => 'TK',
'B' => 'G',
'LR' => 'MS',
'M%' => 'F%',
'PUN' => 'PN',
'MP' => 'FL',
'MO' => 'FL',
'R' => 'GV',
'MIN' => 'PIM',
'TENT/BL' => 'A/B',
'MÃ' => 'HT'
sub get_old_headers ($$;$) {
my $self = shift;
my $team_summary = shift;
my $header_row = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [ 0 ], $team_summary);
my $headers_num = scalar @{$header_row->{_content}};
my @headers;
for my $h (0..$headers_num-1) {
for ($h) {
when (0) {
$headers[$h] = 'No.';
when (1) {
$headers[$h] = 'POS';
when (2) {
$headers[$h] = 'name';
default {
$headers[$h] =
$self->get_sub_tree(0, [$h,0,1], $header_row) ||
$self->get_sub_tree(0, [$h,0,0,1], $header_row) ||
if (ref $headers[$h]) {
$headers[$h] =
$self->get_sub_tree(0, [$h,0,2], $header_row) ||
$self->get_sub_tree(0, [$h,0,0,2], $header_row);
my $shots_row = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [1], $team_summary);
my $h = 0;
my $shot_offset;
for my $header (@headers) {
unless ($header) {
$shot_offset = $h;
for my $h (2..$#{$shots_row->{_content}}) {
my $subshot = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [$h,0,0,0], $shots_row);
last unless $subshot;
splice(@headers, $shot_offset-1+$h, 0, "SHOT" . $subshot);
splice(@headers, $shot_offset, 1);
@headers = grep { /\S/ } @headers;
sub get_new_headers ($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $team_summary = shift;
my $header_row = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [ 0,0,0 ], $team_summary);
my $headers_num = scalar @{$header_row->{_content}};
my @headers;
for my $h (0..$headers_num-1) {
for ($h) {
when (0) {
$headers[$h] = 'name';
default {
$headers[$h] =
$self->get_sub_tree(0, [$h,0,], $header_row) ||
unshift(@headers, qw(No. POS));
my $shots_row = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [0,0,1], $team_summary);
for my $h (0..$#{$shots_row->{_content}}) {
my $subcol = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [$h,0], $shots_row);
splice(@headers, 10+$h, 0, "TOI$subcol") if $subcol;
splice(@headers, 9, 1);
@headers = grep { /\S/ } @headers;
for my $header (@headers) {
$header = $FRENCH{$header} if $FRENCH{$header};
$header = 'TOIEV' if $header =~ /TOIF.*EV/;
$header = 'HT' if $header =~ /^M./ && $header ne 'MS' && $header ne 'M%' && $header ne 'MO' && $header ne 'MG';
sub parse_old_team_summary ($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $team_summary = shift;
my $roster = [];
my @headers = $self->get_old_headers($team_summary);
my $g = 2;
while (my $player_row = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [$g], $team_summary)) {
my $player = {};
for my $h (0..$#headers) {
$player->{$headers[$h]} = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [$h,0,0], $player_row);
push(@{$roster}, $player) if
$player->{name} && $player->{name} !~ /TOTALS/ && $player->{name} !~ /team penalty/i;
sub parse_new_team_summary ($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $team_summary = shift;
my @headers = $self->get_new_headers($team_summary);
my @rosters;
my $g = 2;
my $roster = [];
while (my $player_row = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [0,0,$g], $team_summary)) {
my $player = {};
for my $h (0..$#headers) {
$player->{$headers[$h]} = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [$h,0], $player_row);
push(@{$roster}, $player) if
$player->{'No.'} && $player->{'No.'} =~ /\S/ && $player->{'No.'} !~ /\D/;
if ($player->{'No.'} && $player->{'No.'} =~ /TOTALS/) {
push(@rosters, $roster);
$roster = [];
sub parse_goaltender_summary ($$$) {
my $self = shift;
my $goaltender_summary = shift;
$self->{goalies} = [];
my $g = 2;
my $t = 0;
while (my $goalies_row = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [$g], $goaltender_summary)) {
last unless $goalies_row && ref $goalies_row;
my $number = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [0,0], $goalies_row);
if ($number =~ /^\d+$/) {
$t = 1 if $t;
my $goalie = {
number => $number,
team => $t,
position => 'G',
name_decision => $self->get_sub_tree(0, [2,0], $goalies_row),
ev => $self->get_sub_tree(0, [3,0], $goalies_row),
pp => $self->get_sub_tree(0, [4,0], $goalies_row),
sh => $self->get_sub_tree(0, [5,0], $goalies_row),
toitot => $self->get_sub_tree(0, [6,0], $goalies_row),
my $s = 1;
while (my $shots_period = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [$s+6,0], $goalies_row)) {
$goalie->{"SHOT$s"} = $shots_period;
$self->{last_period} = $s;
$goalie->{"SHOT"} = delete $goalie->{"SHOT$s"};
push(@{$self->{goalies}}, $goalie);
else {
sub parse ($$) {
my $self = shift;
my $body_size = scalar @{$self->{html}{_content}};
if ($self->{old}) {
my $away_summary = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [3,(0)x$#{$self->{head}}]);
$self->{teams}[0]{roster} = $self->parse_old_team_summary($away_summary);
my $home_summary = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [5,(0)x$#{$self->{head}}]);
$self->{teams}[1]{roster} = $self->parse_old_team_summary($home_summary);
else {
my $gs_probe = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [$body_size/2,3,0,0]);
if ($gs_probe eq 'GOALTENDER SUMMARY') {
my $goaltender_summary = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [$body_size/2,4,0,0]);
my $summary = $self->get_sub_tree(0, [$body_size/2,7]);
my @rosters = $self->parse_new_team_summary($summary);
$self->{teams}[0]{roster} = dclone $rosters[0];
$self->{teams}[1]{roster} = dclone $rosters[1];
sub normalize ($$) {
my $self = shift;
for my $team (@{$self->{teams}}) {
for my $player (@{$team->{roster}}) {
$player->{'No.'} =~ s/\D//g;
if ($player->{POS} eq 'G') {
delete @{$player}{qw(BS +/- SHF FW FL F% A/B)};
for my $field (keys %{$player}) {
$player->{$field} ||= $field eq 'TOIAVG' ? '0:00' : 0;
$player->{$field} =~ s/^\s+//;
$player->{$field} =~ s/\s+$//;
$player->{$field} =~ s/\;/:/g;
if ($player->{$field} =~ /:/) {
$player->{$field} =~ s/^(\d+):(\d+)$/$1*60+$2/e;
elsif ($field ne 'name' && $field ne 'POS') {
$player->{$field} = 0 if $player->{$field} !~ /\d/;
$player->{$field} += 0;
$player->{$field} += 0 if $player->{$field} =~ /^\-?\d+$/;
$player->{name} = "$2 $1" if $player->{name} =~ /^(\S.*\S)\,\s+(\S.*)$/;
$player->{start} = 2;
$player->{shots} ||= 0;
$player->{status} = 'X';
for my $field (qw(G A PIM)) {
$player->{$field} ||= 0E0;
for my $field (keys %{$NORMAL_FIELDS{S}}) {
$player->{$NORMAL_FIELDS{S}->{$field}} = delete $player->{$field}
if exists $player->{$field};
my $pos = $player->{position} eq 'G' ? 'G' : 'S';
for my $field (@{$LIVE_FIELDS{$pos}}) {
$player->{$field} ||= 0E0;
if ($player->{position} ne 'G') {
$player->{faceoffTaken} = $player->{faceOffWins} + $player->{faceOffLosses};
$player->{timeOnIce} = $player->{evenTimeOnIce} + $player->{powerPlayTimeOnIce} + $player->{shortHandedTimeOnIce} if defined $player->{evenTimeOnIce};
for my $goalie (@{$self->{goalies}}) {
for my $field (keys %{$goalie}) {
if ($field eq 'name_decision') {
if ($goalie->{$field} =~ /^(\S+.*)\,\s+(\S+.*\S+)\s+\((W|L|OT)\)/) {
$goalie->{name} = "$2 $1";
$goalie->{wl} = $3;
else {
$goalie->{$field} =~ /^(\S+.*)\,\s+(\S+.*\S+)/;
$goalie->{name} = "$2 $1";
$goalie->{wl} = '';
elsif ($field eq 'team') {
$goalie->{$field} = $self->{teams}[$goalie->{$field}]{name};
elsif ($goalie->{$field} =~ /(\d+)\:(\d+)/) {
$goalie->{uc $field} = $goalie->{$field};
$goalie->{$field} = $1*60 + $2;
elsif ($goalie->{$field} =~ /(\d+)\-(\d+)/) {
$goalie->{$field} = [$1, $2];
if ($goalie->{$field} eq ' ' || ord($goalie->{$field}) == 160) {
$goalie->{$field} = $field =~ /SHOT/ ? [0,0] : 0;
delete $goalie->{name_decision};
=head1 AUTHOR
More Hockey Stats, C<< <contact at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<contact at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Sport::Analytics::NHL::Report::ES
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN