package Class::Tables;
use Carp;
use strict;
$VERSION = "0.27";
## flyweight data
my ( %CLASS, %OBJ, %TABLE_MAP );
## public interface ##
sub import {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
$CASCADE = $args{cascade} if exists $args{cascade};
$INFLECT = $args{inflect} if exists $args{inflect};
sub dbh {
my ($super, $dbh) = @_;
croak "No DBH given" unless $dbh;
($dbh, "Class::Tables::$dbh->{Driver}{Name}");
eval "use $DB_DRIVER; 1;"
or croak "$dbh->{Driver}{Name} is an unsupported database driver";
no strict qw/refs subs/;
*plural_cmp = ($INFLECT && eval "use Lingua::EN::Inflect; 1")
? sub {
!! ( Lingua::EN::Inflect::PL_N_eq(@_) =~ /^(?:s:p|eq)$/ );
: sub {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
!! ( $x eq ($y . "s") or $x eq $y );
## inherited class methods ##
sub fetch {
my ($class, $id) = @_;
my $id_col = $class->_id_col;
return exists $OBJ{$class}{$id}
? $class->_mk_obj($id)
: scalar $class->_get_objs("where $id_col=?", $id);
sub search {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
return unless defined wantarray;
my @fields = grep { exists $CLASS{$class}{accessors}{$_} } keys %params;
my @binds = map { UNIVERSAL::can($_, 'id') ? $_->id : $_ } @params{@fields};
my @cols = map { $CLASS{$class}{accessors}{$_}{col} } @fields;
my $clause = @cols
? "where " . join(" and " => map "$_=?", @cols)
: "";
$clause .= " order by " . $class->_order_by;
$clause .= " limit 1" unless wantarray;
return $class->_get_objs($clause, @binds);
sub new {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
delete $params{id};
my @fields = grep { exists $CLASS{$class}{accessors}{$_} } keys %params;
my @binds = map { UNIVERSAL::can($_, 'id') ? $_->id : $_ } @params{@fields};
my @cols = map { $CLASS{$class}{accessors}{$_}{col} } @fields;
my $table = $class->_table;
my $sql = sprintf "insert into $table (%s) values (%s)",
join("," => @cols),
join("," => ("?") x @cols);
sql_do($sql, @binds) or return undef;
my $id = $DB_DRIVER->insert_id($DBH, $table, $class->_id_col)
or die "Couldn't get last insert id";
my $obj = $class->_mk_obj($id);
@{ $OBJ{$class}{$id} }{@cols} = @binds;
return $obj;
## inherited object methods ##
sub id { ${ $_[0] } }
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref $self;
my $id = $self->id;
if (0 == --$CLASS{$class}{obj_count}{$id}) {
delete $OBJ{$class}{$id};
delete $CLASS{$class}{obj_count}{$id};
my $self = shift;
(my $func = $Class::Tables::AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
croak qq{Can't locate object method "$func" via package "$self"}
unless ref $self and UNIVERSAL::isa( $self, "Class::Tables" );
unshift @_, $self, $func;
goto &field;
sub field {
my $self = shift;
my $field = shift;
my $id = $self->id;
my $class = ref $self;
my $table = $class->_table;
my $id_col = $class->_id_col;
croak qq{Can't locate accessor "$field" via package "$class"}
unless exists $CLASS{$class}{accessors}{$field};
my $type = $CLASS{$class}{accessors}{$field}{type};
my $ref = $CLASS{$class}{accessors}{$field}{ref};
my $col = $CLASS{$class}{accessors}{$field}{col};
return $TABLE_MAP{$ref}->search( $col => $id, @_ )
if $type eq '1-to-n';
## lazy-load columns now
$OBJ{$class}{$id}{$col} =
sql_do("select $col from $table where $id_col=?", $id)
if not exists $OBJ{$class}{$id}{$col};
if ( $type eq '1-to-1' ) {
if (@_) {
my $ref_id = UNIVERSAL::can($_[0], 'id') ? $_[0]->id : $_[0];
sql_do("update $table set $col=? where $id_col=?", $ref_id, $id)
and $OBJ{$class}{$id}{$col} = $ref_id;
## inflate keys
return unless defined wantarray;
return $TABLE_MAP{$ref}->fetch( $OBJ{$class}{$id}{$col} )
if defined $OBJ{$class}{$id}{$col};
} elsif ( $type eq 'normal' ) {
if (@_) {
sql_do("update $table set $col=? where $id_col=?", $_[0], $id)
and $OBJ{$class}{$id}{$col} = shift;
return $OBJ{$class}{$id}{$col};
sub delete {
my $self = shift;
my $id = $self->id;
my $class = ref $self;
my $table = $class->_table;
my $id_col = $class->_id_col;
if ($CASCADE) {
my @cascade = grep { $CLASS{$class}{accessors}{$_}{type} eq '1-to-n' }
keys %{ $CLASS{$class}{accessors} };
for my $accessor (@cascade) {
$_->delete for $self->$accessor;
sql_do("delete from $table where $id_col=?", $id);
delete $OBJ{$class}{$id};
fallback => 1,
'""' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref $self;
return exists $CLASS{$class}{accessors}{'name'}
? $self->name
: $class . ":" . $self->id;
'bool' => sub { 1 };
## play nice with HTML::Template ##
sub dump {
my ($self, @ignore) = @_;
my $class = ref $self;
my $table = $class->_table;
my %ignore = map { $_ => 1 } @ignore;
my @fields = grep { not $ignore{ $CLASS{$class}{accessors}{$_}{ref} } }
keys %{ $CLASS{$class}{accessors} };
push @ignore, $table;
my %h = map {
my $type = $CLASS{$class}{accessors}{$_}{type};
my @result = $self->$_;
my %values;
if ($type eq '1-to-n') {
$values{$_} = [ map { $_->dump(@ignore) } @result ];
} elsif ($type eq '1-to-1') {
if ($result[0]) {
my $r = $result[0]->dump(@ignore);
my $prefix = $_;
%values = map {; "$prefix.$_" => $r->{$_} } keys %$r;
} else {
$values{$_} = undef;
} elsif ($type eq 'normal') {
$values{$_} = $result[0];
} @fields;
$h{id} = $self->id;
return \%h;
## private class methods ##
sub _where_id {
"where " . join " and " => map { "$_=?" } $_[0]->_id_col;
sub _table { $CLASS{ $_[0] }{table}; }
sub _load_cols { @{ $CLASS{ $_[0] }{load_cols} }; }
sub _id_col { $CLASS{ $_[0] }{id_col}; }
sub _accessors { keys %{ $CLASS{ $_[0] }{accessors} }; }
sub _order_by { $CLASS{ $_[0] }{order_by} ||= $_[0]->_id_col; }
sub _mk_obj {
my ($class, $id) = @_;
return bless \$id, $class;
my $MAX_ROWS = 5_000;
sub _get_objs {
my $class = shift;
my $clause = shift;
my $table = $class->_table;
my @cols = ($class->_id_col, $class->_load_cols);
my @objs;
my $sql = sprintf "select %s from $table $clause", join "," => @cols;
my $q = sql_query($sql, @_);
while (my $row = $q->fetchrow_arrayref) {
my $id = $row->[0];
push @objs, $class->_mk_obj($id);
@{ $OBJ{$class}{$id} }{@cols} = @$row;
return wantarray ? @objs : $objs[0];
## private subs ##
sub _parse_tables {
my $super = shift;
my %map = %{ $DB_DRIVER->map_tables($DBH) };
for my $table (keys %map) {
my $class = _table_to_package_name($table);
croak "Tables '$table' and '$CLASS{$class}{table}' both become "
. "the '$class' class"
if exists $CLASS{$class};
$TABLE_MAP{$table} = $class;
$CLASS{$class}{table} = $table;
for my $table (keys %map) {
my $class = $TABLE_MAP{$table};
for my $col ( @{ $map{$table}{col_order} } ) {
my $col_type = $map{$table}{cols}{$col}{type};
my $primary = $map{$table}{cols}{$col}{primary};
my ($field, $type, $ref) = _accessor_type($table, $col);
if ($primary or $type eq "id") {
croak "Two primary key columns detected for the '$table' "
. "table: '$CLASS{$class}{id_col}' and '$col'"
if $CLASS{$class}{id_col};
$CLASS{$class}{accessors}{"id"} = {
col => $col,
type => "id",
ref => ""
$CLASS{$class}{id_col} = $col;
$CLASS{$class}{accessors}{$field} = {
col => $col,
type => $type,
ref => $ref,
## reverse the foreign keys in the appropriate class
if ($type eq '1-to-1') {
my $ref_class = $TABLE_MAP{$ref};
$CLASS{$ref_class}{accessors}{$table} = {
col => $field,
type => '1-to-n',
ref => $table
$CLASS{$class}{order_by} = $col
unless exists $CLASS{$class}{order_by};
push @{ $CLASS{$class}{load_cols} }, $col
unless $col_type =~ /blob|text|bytea/;
sub _accessor_type {
my ($table, $col) = @_;
## $name is the name of the accessor *method*
## $ref is the name of the table being referred to, for foreign keys
my $type = 'normal';
my $ref = '';
my $name = $col;
## remove optional prefix of "tablename_" (accounting for singular/plural)
## .. couldn't do this with one giant extended regex, because PL_N re-
## invokes the regex engine.
while ($col =~ /_/g) {
my $pre = substr($col, 0, pos($col) - 1);
my $post = substr($col, pos $col);
if (plural_cmp($pre, $table)) {
$name = $col = $post;
$col =~ s/_id$//;
if ( $col eq "id" ) { # or ($col =~ s/_id$// and plural_cmp($col, $table)) ) {
$name = $type = 'id';
for my $t (keys %TABLE_MAP) {
if (plural_cmp($col, $t)) {
$name = $col;
$type = "1-to-1";
$ref = $t;
return ($name, $type, $ref);
sub _table_to_package_name {
return join "" => map ucfirst, split /_/, lc shift;
my $table = lc shift;
$table =~ s/(?:^|_)(.)/uc $1/ge;
return $table;
sub _generate_package {
my ($super, $class) = @_;
no strict 'refs';
unshift @{ "$class\::ISA" }, $super
unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $class, $super );
## private db convenience functions ##
sub sql_query {
confess "No DBH supplied" unless $DBH;
my $sql = shift;
my $sth;
eval {
local $DBH->{RaiseError} = 1;
local $DBH->{PrintError} = 0;
print "$sql\n" if $SQL_DEBUG;
$sth = $DBH->prepare_cached($sql);
} or return undef;
return $sth;
sub sql_do {
my $sql = shift;
my $sth = sql_query($sql, @_) or return undef;
my @ret = $sql =~ /^\s*select/i
? $sth->fetchrow_array
: (1);
return wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0];
=head1 NAME
Class::Tables - Auto-vivification of persistent classes, based on RDBMS schema
Telling your relational object persistence class about all your table
relationships is no fun. Wouldn't it be nice to just include a few lines in a
use Class::Tables;
and magically have all the object persistence classes from the database,
preconfigured, with table relations auto-detected, etc?
This is the goal of Class::Tables. Its aim is not to be an all-encompassing
tool like L<Class::DBI|Class::DBI>, but to handle the most common and useful
cases smartly, quickly, and without needing your help. Just pass in a database
handle, and this module will read your mind (by way of your database's table
schema) in terms of relational object persistence. The very simple (and
flexible) rules it uses to determine your object relationships from your
database's schema are so simple, you will probably find that you are already
following them.
=head2 Introductory Example
Suppose your database schema were as unweildy as the following MySQL. The
incosistent naming, the plural table names and singular column names are not
a problem for Class::Tables.
create table departments (
id int not null primary key auto_increment,
department_name varchar(50) not null
create table employees (
employee_id int not null primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(50) not null,
salary int not null,
department_id int not null
To use Class::Tables, you need to do no more than this:
use Class::Tables;
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $passwd) or die;
Et voila! Class::Tables looks at your table schema and generates two classes,
C<Departments> and C<Employees>, each with constructor and search class
my $marketing = Departments->new( name => "Marketing" );
my @underpaid = Employees->search( salary => 20_000 );
my @marketeers = Employees->search( department => $marketing );
my $self = Employees->fetch($my_id);
It also generates the following instance methods:
=item A deletion method for both classes
This simply removes the object from the database.
=item Readonly id accessor methods for both classes
For C<Departments> objects, this corresponds to the C<id> column in the table,
and for C<Employees> objects, this corresponds to the C<employee_id> column.
Class::Tables is smart enough to figure this out, even though "employee" is
singular and "employees" is plural (See L<Plural And Singular Nouns>).
print "You're not just a name, you're a number: " . $self->id;
=item Normal accessor/mutator methods
C<Departments> objects get a C<name> accessor/mutator method, and C<Employees>
objects get C<name> and C<salary> accessor/mutator methods, referring to the
respective columns in the database. Note that the C<department_> prefix is
automatically removed from the C<department_name> column because the name of
the table is C<departments>.
$self->salary(int rand 100_000);
print "Pass go, collect " . $self->salary . " dollars";
=item Foreign key methods
When Class::Tables sees the C<department_id> column in the C<employees> table,
it knows that there is also a C<departments> table, so it treats this column
as a foreign key. Thus, C<Employees> objects get a C<department>
accessor/mutator method, which returns (and can be set to) a C<Departments>
print "I'd rather be in marketing than " . $self->department->name;
It also reverses the foreign key relationship, so that all C<Departments>
objects have a readonly C<employees> method, which returns a list of all
C<Employees> objects referencing the particular C<Departments> object.
my @overpaid = $marketing->employees;
## same as: Employees->search( department => $marketing )
my @coworkers = $self->department->employees;
Notice how the plural vs. singular names of the methods match their return
values. This is all automatic! (See L<Plural And Singular Nouns>)
=head1 USAGE
Class::Tables offers more functionality than just the methods in this example.
=head2 Database Metadata
Here's a more concrete explanation of how Class::Tables will use your table
schema to generate the persistent classes.
=item Class Names
Each table in the database must be associated with a class. The table name
will be converted from C<underscore_separated> style into C<StudlyCaps> for
the name of the class/package.
=item Primary Key
All tables must have a integer single-column primary key. By default,
Class::Tables will use the primary key from the table definition. If no
column is explicitly listed as the primary key, it will try to find one by
name: valid names are C<id> or the table name (plus or minus pluralization)
followed by an C<_id> suffix.
In our above example, if the C<primary key> keyword was omitted from the
C<employees> table definition, Class::Tables would have looked for columns
named C<employee_id>, C<employees_id>, or C<id> as the primary key. The
flexibility allows for reasonable choices whether you name your tables as
singular or plural nouns. (See L<Plural And Singular Nouns>)
Note: For simplicity and transparency, the associated object accessor is
always named C<id>, regardless of the underlying column name.
In MySQL, the primary key column must be set to C<AUTO_INCREMENT>.
In SQLite, the primary key may be an auto increment column (in SQLite this is
only possible if the column is the first column in the table and declared as
C<integer primary key>) using the same naming conventions as above.
Alternatively, you may omit an explicit primary key column and Class::Tables
will use the hidden C<ROWID> column.
In Postgres, the primary key column must be a C<serial primary key>. Using
the hidden C<oid> column as primary key is not (yet) supported.
=item Foreign Key Inflating
If a column has the same name as another table (plus or minus pluralization),
that column is treated as a foreign key reference to that table. The column
name may also have an optional C<_id> suffix and C<tablename_> prefix, where
C<tablename> is the name of the current table (plus or minus pluralization).
The name of the accessor is the name of the column, without the optional
prefix and suffix.
In our above example, the foreign key column relating each employee with a
department could have been anything matching
C</^(employees?_)?(departments?)(_id)?$/>, with the accessor being named the
value of $2 in that expression. Again, the flexibility allows for a meaningful
column name whether your table names are singular or plural. (See
L<Plural And Singular Nouns>).
The foreign key relationship is also reversed as described in the example. The
name of the accessor in the opposite 1-to-1ion is the name of the table. In
our example, this means that objects of the C<Departments> class get an
accessor named C<employees>. For this reason, it is often convenient to name
the tables as plural nouns.
=item Lazy Loading
All C<*blob> and C<*text> columns will be lazy-loaded: not loaded from the
database until their values are requested or changed.
=item Automatic Sort Order
The first column in the table which is not the primary key is the default
sort order for the class. All operations that return a list of objects will be
sorted in this order (ascending). In our above example, both tables are sorted
on C<name>.
=item Stringification
If the table has a C<name> accessor, then any objects of that type will
stringify to the value of C<< $obj->name >>. Otherwise, the object will
stringify to C<CLASS:ID>.
=head2 Public Interface
=item C<< use Class::Tables %args >>
Valid argument keys are C<'cascade'> and C<'inflect'>, to control cascading
deletes and use of L<Lingua::EN::Inflect|Lingua::EN::Inflect> for plural &
singular nouns, respectively. Use a boolean value to enable or disable the
feature. The default behavior is:
use Class::Tables cascade => 1, inflect => 1;
See L<Plural And Singular Nouns> for more information on noun pluralization.
See C<delete> below for information on cascading deletes. If you need to
change cascading delete behavior on the fly, set C<$Class::Tables::CASCADE>.
=item C<< Class::Tables->dbh($dbh) >>
You must pass Class::Tables an active database handle before you can use any
generated object classes.
=head2 Object Instance Methods
Every object in a Class::Tables-generated class has the following methods:
=item C<< $obj->id >>
This readonly accessor returns the primary key of the object.
=item C<< $obj->delete >>
Removes the object from the database. The behavior of further method calls on
the object are undefined.
If cascading deletes are enabled, then all other objects in the database that
have foreign keys pointing to C<$obj> are deleted as well, and so on. Cyclic
references are not handled gracefully, so if you have a complicated
database structure, you should disable cascading deletes. You can roll your
own cascading delete (to add finer control) very simply:
package Department;
sub delete {
my $self = shift;
$_->delete for $self->employees;
It's important to point out that in this process, if an object looses all
foreign key references to it, it is not deleted. For example, if all
Employees in a certain department are deleted, the department object is not
automatically deleted. If you want this behavior, you must add it yourself
in the Employees::delete method.
=item C<< $obj->attrib >> and C<< $obj->attrib($new_val) >>
For normal columns in the table (that is, columns not determined to be a
foreign key reference), accessor/mutator methods are provided to get and
set the value of the column, depending if an argument is given.
For foreign key reference columns, calling the method as an accessor is
equivalent to a C<fetch> (see below) on the appropriate class, so will return
the referent object or C<undef> if there is no such object. When called as a
mutator, the argument may be either an ID or an appropriate object:
## both are ok:
$self->department( $marketing );
$self->department( 10 );
For the reverse-mapped foreign key references, the method is readonly, and
returns a list of objects. It is equivalent to a C<search> (see below) on the
appropriate class, which means you can also pass additional constraints:
my @marketeers = $marketing->employees;
## same as Employees->search( department => $marketing );
my @volunteers = $marketing->employees( salary => 0 );
## same as Employees->search( department => $marketing, salary => 0 );
For I<all> columns in the table C<tablename>, the column name will have any
C<tablename_> prefix removed in the name of the accessor (plus or minus
pluralization). So in the Employees table, the column name is effectively
treated with C<s/^employees?_//> before consideration.
=item C<< $obj->field($field) >> and C<< $obj->field($field, $new_val) >>
This is an alternative syntax to accessors/mutators. When C<$field> is the
name of a valid accessor/mutator method for the object, this is equivalent to
saying C<< $obj->$field >> and C<< $obj->$field($new_val) >>.
=item C<< $obj->dump >>
Returns a hashref containing the object's attribute data. It recursively
inflates foreign keys and maps reverse foreign keys to an array reference.
This is particularly useful for generating structures to pass to
L<HTML::Template|HTML::Template> and friends.
As an example, suppose we also have tables for Purchases and Products, with
appropriate foreign keys. Then the result of C<dump> on an Employees object
may look something like this:
'name' => 'John Doe',
'id' => 7,
'' => 'Sales',
'' => 4,
'purchases' => [
'date' => '2002-12-13',
'quantity' => 1,
'id' => 5,
'' => 1,
'' => 'Widgets',
'product.price' => 200,
'product.weight' => 10
'date' => '2002-12-15',
'quantity' => 2,
'id' => 6,
'' => 3,
'' => 'Foobars',
'product.price' => 150,
'product.weight' => 200
The amount of foreign key inflation is bounded: A foreign key accessor will
only be followed if its corresponding table hasn't been seen before in the
dump. This is necessary because, for example, our Purchases objects have a
foreign key pointing back to the John Doe employee object. But following that
foreign key would cause an infinite recursion. This means there is no quick
way to get a list such as C<< $john_doe->department->employees >> from the
dump, because the employees table would be visited twice.
=head2 Data Class Methods
Every persistent object class that Class::Tables generates gets the following
class methods:
=item C<< Class->new( field1 => $value1, field2 => $value2, ... ) >>
Creates a new object in the database with the given attributes set. If
successful, returns the object, otherwise returns C<undef>. This is
equivalent to the following:
my $obj = Class->new;
So for foreign key attributes, you may pass an actual object or an ID:
## both are ok:
my $e = Employees->new( department => $marketing );
my $e = Employees->new( department => 10 );
=item C<< Class->search( field1 => $value1, field2 => $value2, ... ) >>
Searches the appropriate table for objects matching the given constraints.
In list context, returns all objects that matched (or an empty list if no
objects matched). In scalar context returns only the first object returned
by the query (or C<undef> if no objects matched). The scalar context SQL query
is slightly optimized.
C<field1>, C<field2>, etc, must be names of the I<accessors>, and not the
underlying column.
As usual, for foreign key attributes, you may pass an actual object or an ID.
If no arguments are passed to C<search>, every object in the class is
=item C<< Class->fetch($id) >>
Equivalent to C<< Class->search( id => $id ) >> in scalar context, but
slightly optimized internally. Returns the object, or C<undef> if no object
with the given ID exists in the database.
=head2 Notes On Persistent Classes
Objects in these persistent classes are implemented as lightweight blessed
scalars in an inside-out mechanism. This has some benefits, mainly that
concurrency across identical objects is always preserved:
my $bob1 = Employees->fetch(10);
my $bob2 = Employees->fetch(10);
## now $bob1 and $bob2 may not be the same physical object, but...
print $bob1->name, $bob2->name;
## will print "Robert" twice
You can still override/augment object methods if you need to with C<SUPER::>
## Suppose the "last_seen" column in a "users" table was a
## YYYYMMDDHHMMSS timestamp column. We could override the last_seen
## method to return a Time::Piece object, and accept one when used
## as a mutator:
package Users;
my $date_fmt = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S";
sub last_seen {
my $self = shift;
my $ret = @_
? $self->SUPER::last_seen( $_[0]->strftime($date_fmt) );
: $self->SUPER::last_seen;
Time::Piece->strptime($ret, $date_fmt);
But since these objects are implemented as blessed scalars, you have to use
some sort of inside-out mechanism to store extra (non-persistent) subclass
attributes with the objects:
package Employees;
my %foo;
sub foo {
my $self = shift;
@_ ? $foo{ $self->id } = shift
: $foo{ $self->id };
my $self = shift;
delete $foo{ $self->id };
=head2 Subclassing/wrapping Class::Tables
You may find it necessary to subclass Class::Tables. One example I can think
of is to implement a security wrapper. This is pretty simple. You can simply
add wrappers to the C<new>, C<fetch>, and C<search> methods as necessary. For
a really hairbrained example, say that we want to restrict certain users of
our application to objects with I<odd-numbered IDs only>:
package MySubclass;
use base 'Class::Tables';
sub fetch {
my ($pkg, $id) = @_;
warn("Odd numbers only!") and return
unless privileged( get_current_user() ) or $id % 2;
sub search {
my $pkg = shift;
my @results = $pkg->SUPER::search(@_);
## something similarly appropriate if the current user is
## unprivileged, perhaps along the lines of:
## grep { $_->id % 2 } @results
## or raising warnings, etc.
To use this subclass, simply change these two lines in the application code
and the persistence classes will be created beneath C<MySubclass> instead of
beneath Class::Tables:
## use Class::Tables;
## Class::Tables->dbh($dbh);
use MySubclass;
## this will now raise a warning if privileges not met
my $obj = Employees->fetch(10);
=head2 Plural And Singular Nouns
Class::Tables makes strong use of L<Lingua::EN::Inflect|Lingua::EN::Inflect>
to convert between singular and plural, in an effort to make accessor names
more meaningful and allow a wide range of column-naming schemes. So when this
documentation says "plus or minus pluralization", it does not just consider
"adding an S at the end." You zoologists may have a C<mice> table with a
corresponding primary/foreign key named C<mouse_id>! Goose to geese, child to
children, etc. The only limitations are what
L<Lingua::EN::Inflect|Lingua::EN::Inflect> doesn't know about.
I recommend naming tables with a plural noun and foreign key columns with a
singular noun (optionally with the C<_id> suffix). This combination makes the
accessor names much more meaningful, and is (to my knowledge) the most common
relational naming convention.
If L<Lingua::EN::Inflect|Lingua::EN::Inflect> is not available on your system,
Class::Tables will still work fine, but using a very naive singular-to-plural
conversion algorithm ("adding an S at the end").
You can manually disable using L<Lingua::EN::Inflect|Lingua::EN::Inflect> with
use Class::Tables inflect => 0;
=head1 CAVEATS
=item *
Supported database drivers are MySQL, SQLite, and Postgres. With SQLite, you
can only get an auto-incremented ID column if it is the first column in the
table, and if it is declared as C<integer primary key> (or you can just use
the hidden C<rowid> column). With Postgres, only C<serial primary key>s are
supported (usign the C<oid> column as primary key is not yet supported).
=item *
Pluralization code is only for English at the moment, sorry.
=item *
All modifications to objects are instantaneous -- no asynchronous updates
and/or rollbacks (yet?)
=item *
Only one database handle is used at a time. Calling C<< Class::Tables->dbh >>
a second time will produce undefined results. The parameters used in the
C<use Class::Tables> line are global.
=head1 AUTHOR
Class::Tables is written by Mike Rosulek E<lt>mike@mikero.comE<gt>. Feel
free to contact me with comments, questions, patches, or whatever.
Copyright (c) 2004 Mike Rosulek. All rights reserved. This module is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl