$Math::Lapack::Expr::VERSION = '0.002';
use strict;
use strictures 2;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
our $_debug_counts;
our @EXPORT = qw.$_debug_counts transpose inverse sum abs T.;
'0+' => \&eval_ast,
'""' => \&to_string,
'**' => \&pow_ast,
'-' => \&sub_ast,
'+' => \&add_ast,
'*' => \&mul_ast,
'/' => \&div_ast,
'x' => \&dot_ast,
log => \&log_ast,
exp => \&exp_ast;
sub to_string {
sub add_ast {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
return bless { type => 'add', args => [$a,$b] } => __PACKAGE__;
sub sub_ast {
my ($a, $b, $s) = @_;
return bless { type => 'sub', args => [$a,$b,$s] } => __PACKAGE__;
sub mul_ast {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
return bless { type => 'mul', args => [$a, $b] } => __PACKAGE__;
sub div_ast {
my ($a, $b, $s) = @_;
return bless { type => 'div', args => [$a,$b,$s] } => __PACKAGE__;
sub dot_ast {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
return bless { type => 'dot', args => [$a, $b] } => __PACKAGE__;
sub T { &transpose }
sub transpose {
my $a = shift;
return bless { type => 'transpose', args => [$a] } => __PACKAGE__;
sub inverse {
my $a = shift;
return bless { type => 'inverse', args => [$a] } => __PACKAGE__;
sub pow_ast {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
return bless { type => 'pow', args => [$a, $b] } => __PACKAGE__;
sub sum {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
return bless { type => 'sum', args => [$a, $b] } => __PACKAGE__;
sub log_ast {
my ($a) = @_;
return bless { type => 'log', args => [$a] } => __PACKAGE__;
sub exp_ast {
my ($a) = @_;
return bless { type => 'exp', args => [$a] } => __PACKAGE__;
## Special cases (for now)
our %evaluators = (
dot => sub {
my $tree = shift;
return Math::Lapack::Matrix::eval_dot($tree->{args}[0],
sub eval_ast {
my $tree = shift;
if(blessed($tree) && $tree->isa(__PACKAGE__)) { # Is this an Expr?
return $tree->{evaluated} if exists($tree->{evaluated}); # return it if we did evaluate it already
if ($tree->{type} ne "matrix") {
my $evaluated = exists($tree->{simplified}) ? $tree->{simplified} : _optimize_ast($tree);
if (exists($tree->{args})) {
$tree->{args} = [ map {eval_ast($_)} @{$tree->{args}} ];
my $ans;
if (exists($evaluators{$tree->{type}})) {
$ans = $evaluators{$tree->{type}}->($tree);
else {
no strict 'refs';
my $package = exists($tree->{package}) ? $tree->{package} : "Math::Lapack::Matrix";
# print STDERR "Calling $package with eval_$tree->{type}\n\n"; ## DEBUG
$ans = "${package}::eval_$tree->{type}"->(@{$tree->{args}});
$tree->{evaluated} = $ans;
return $ans;
return $tree;
sub _is_transpose {
my $child = shift;
return blessed($child) && $child->isa(__PACKAGE__) && $child->{type} eq "transpose";
sub _optimize_ast {
my ($tree) = @_;
if (blessed($tree) && $tree->isa(__PACKAGE__)) {
if (exists($tree->{evaluated})) {
$tree = $tree->{evaluated};
} elsif (exists($tree->{simplified})) {
$tree = $tree->{simplified};
} elsif (exists($tree->{args})) { ## Autovivification is a thing
my @child = map { _optimize_ast($_) } @{$tree->{args}};
## check if we are a dot
if ($tree->{type} eq "dot") {
## Dot has just two children
## is the left side transposed?
if (_is_transpose($child[0])) {
## save flag
$tree->{transpose_left} = 1;
## take the transpose child, and make it ours
$tree->{args}[0] = $child[0]{args}[0];
if (_is_transpose($child[1])) {
## save flag
$tree->{transpose_right} = 1;
## take the transpose child, and make it ours
$tree->{args}[1] = $child[1]{args}[0];
else {
$tree->{args} = [@child];
# Cache simplified tree
# $tree->{simplified} = $tree;
elsif (blessed($tree) && ref($tree) !~ /Matrix/) { die ref($tree) }
return $tree
my $self = shift;
## nothing for now
my $method = $AUTOLOAD;
our $Depth //= 0; local $Depth = $Depth + 1;
$method =~ s/.*:://; # transform Math::Lapack::Expr::get_element into get_element (for example)
my $obj = shift; # get object where unknown method was called
if (blessed($obj)) {
my $evaluated_tree = $obj->eval_ast;
if ($Depth > 100) {
my $ref = ref($obj);
my $ref_tree = ref($evaluated_tree);
die <<"EOD"
*** AUTOLOAD[$method] in deep recursion.
*** OBJ is a $ref.
*** TREE is a $ref_tree.
if (blessed($evaluated_tree)) {
return $evaluated_tree->$method(@_); # evaluate the object, and invoke method on resulting value
} else {
no strict 'refs';
return &$method($evaluated_tree);
} else {
return $obj;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
=head1 VERSION
version 0.002
=for Pod::Coverage T add_ast div_ast dot_ast eval_ast exp_ast log_ast mul_ast pow_ast sub_ast sum to_string transpose inverse
=head1 AUTHOR
Rui Meira
This software is copyright (c) 2018-2019 by Rui Meira.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.