eval 'exec /usr/local/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0; # not running under some shell
# XXX 5.20-24 do not work with App::Rad
#BEGIN {$DB::single=1} # debug into attribute handling
# tee make test with -v (unbuffered IPC::Run or via fork-like callback?)
# maketest or -q: mark FAIL tests *RED*, p line bold black (see t/testc.sh)
# implement smoke, bench
# maketest --all (locally and testvm --all)
# more testvm_ctl: xen-shell, vmrun, VBoXManage
# uninstall: packfile of installed files instead of rather unsafe globbing
# cmd --help
# get msys compiled, bootstrap a mingw perl without strawberry
# build win32 from win32/
# init-modules: \ handling and `` expansion
# testvm logs back from forks
# fix testvm forked and --fork arg
# 'perlall=5.8* perlall do -m' should filter only main 5.8*
# testvm max balancing
# init is unstable (IO::Tee in IPC::Run) - refactored
# --as explicit and implicit - looks good, but no test
# non-critical TODO:
# 5.8.8 (centos5) fails with Attribute::Handler 0.78_02. monkeypatch or fail?
# build: test perlbrew and HOME friendly (no hardcoded paths)
# windows support (paths, tee, tools), die on other non-POSIX exots (VMS)...
# CPAN::Shell->expand("Devel::*"), not easy todo with metacpan.
use strict;
use 5.006;
our $VERSION = '0.51';
use Config;
use Cwd ();
use File::Spec ();
use File::Basename 'basename';
use Fcntl ();
my @extuse;
BEGIN { # check platform support: perldoc perlport
@extuse = qw(App::Rad IPC::Cmd IO::Scalar Devel::Platform::Info Devel::PatchPerl);
if ($^O !~ /^linux|freebsd|darwin|solaris|openbsd|cygwin$/) {
if ($^O =~ /^vms|dos|bsdos$/) {
die "unsupported OS $^O"; # fixes welcome
} elsif ($^O =~ /^MSWin32|msys/) {
warn "$^O not yet fully supported\n";
} else { # should theoretically work:
# netbsd sunos aix haiku beos hpux irix next svr4 unicos* plan9
# scary: VOS os390 os400 posix-bc vmesa riscos amigaos mpeix
warn "untested OS $^O. Feedback welcome";
# VOS forbids slashes in filenames. no big deal
sub _auto_use { # autoinstall the non-core modules, and use them
my @m;
for (@_) { push @m, $_ unless eval "require $_;" }
if (@m) { # Checked the API back to 1.76_01 (v5.8.4)
require CPAN; CPAN->import;
# TODO: skip core modules, perl-5
warn "CPAN::Shell->install(qw(@m))\n"; CPAN::Shell->install(@m); }
$_->import for @m;
_auto_use( @extuse );
# 5.8.4: solaris, 5.8.5: centos4, 5.8.8: centos5
# below dynamically parsed from git tags
our @main_releases = qw(5.6.2 5.8.4 5.8.5 5.8.8 5.8.9 5.10.1 5.12.5 5.14.4 5.16.3
5.18.4 5.20.3 5.22.4 5.24.4 5.26.3 5.28.2 5.30.0);
push @App::Rad::ISA, 'main';
our @opts = (
[ "skip=s", "skip versions (glob-style) or --skip=outdated" ],
[ "newer=s", "only newer and same versions (glob-style)" ],
[ "older=s", "only older versions (glob-style)" ],
[ "nogit", "skip @ git versions" ],
[ "main|m", "same as --skip=outdated" ],
[ "reverse|r","reverse, oldest first" ],
[ "quiet|q", "no TEST_VERBOSE, no system >STDOUT" ],
[ "verbose|v","Make perlall command say more" ],
[ "dryrun!", "do not execute commands, only print" ],
[ "nolog", "skip writing log file(s)" ],
[ "list|l", "shortcut for command list" ],
[ "help|h", "print usage for commands and options" ],
[ "debug|d", "lots of internal debugging output" ],
[ "gittag=s", "for the testvm logfile"],
[ "timeout=i", "IPC::Cmd::run timeout in seconds, Default: 0"],
[ "version|V" ]);
App::Rad->import ('debug') if grep /^-d$/, @ARGV;
=head1 NAME
perlall - build, test and do with all perls
perlall [opts] cmd [ what [ how ]]
perlall build perl5.16.2
perlall build bleadd-nt
perlall build --allpatches perl5.14.2-nt
perlall -v build -j4 bleadd-nt smoke-me/khw-tk
perlall build perl5.15.5d-nt-blead-clang blead # or with --as
perlall build --as perl5.15.5d-nt-blead-clang bleadd-nt
perlall uninstall perl5.15.4d-nt@khw-tk
perlall init perl5.15.4d-nt@blead DBI CPAN::SQLite $(cat ~/Perl/B-C/t/top100)
perlall set perl5.16.2d
perlall="5.1*" perlall do -MData::Dumper -e'my $a;$b={1=>\$a};$a=\$b;print Dumper($b)'
perlall --older 5.12 make -Mblib t/0basic.t
perlall=5.15.4 perlall maketest # test with version as ENV
perlall="5.14*" perlall makeinstall
perlall cpan My::Module
perlall cpanm More::Modules
perlall -v maketest "5.*.d*" # test verbose with all debugging versions as option
perlall testvm centos4 centos5 solaris10
perlall initvm --all --max=6
perlall testvm --all --fork -c=init # see testvm in .perlall
perlall config
perlall selfupgrade
=head2 Planned Features
perlall maketest --all
perlall smoke -j4 bleadd-nt smoke-me/*
perlall=5*[0-9]-nt perlall bench [ what [ how ]]
perlall cpan Devel::*Prof*
=head1 OPTIONS
General options before the command:
--skip=s skip versions (glob-style) or --skip=outdated
versions might be a glob-style regex.
E.g. --skip '5.1[024]d*'
--newer=s only newer and same versions (glob-style)
globs may include the special arch suffix.
E.g. perlall do --newer "5.10.?d-nt"
--older=s only older versions. glob-style as in --newer.
--nogit skip @ git versions
--main|-m same as --skip=outdated,
only 5.6.2 5.8.[4589] 5.10.1 5.12.4 5.14.2 5.15.5
--reverse|-r oldest first. default is sorted by newest first
--quiet|-q make perlall command quieter
--verbose|v make perlall command say more
--dryrun! do not execute commands, only print
--nolog skip writing log file(s)
--debug|-d, lots of internal debugging output
--timeout=i IPC::Cmd::run timeout in seconds, Default: 0
--gittag=s Internally set by testvm for the logfile
--forked! Internally set by testvm
--list|-l shortcut for command list
Specific options after the command I<(see also below)>
build and smoke only:
--D=s Configure option
--A=s Configure option
--U=s Configure option
-jn parallel make
--link -Dmksymlinks with blead, otherwise copy
--install skip Configure && make, only do make install
--allpatches apply also compiler and asan patches
--patches=name apply Compiler or Asan patches (Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin)
build and makeinstall:
--notest|-n skip the test suite on build and makeinstall
--force|-f force install
testvm: see L</testvm>
B<perlall> is like a better L<perlbrew> with a lot of testing
features. The perls are in the default F</usr/local/bin/>, and
F</usr/local/lib/perl5/VERSION> paths, instead of locally, and . You
need write access to the default PREFIX F</usr/local>, e.g. via
C<sudo>. It does not use L<local::lib>, does not mangle C<PERL5LIB>
and builds and keeps sane global perl installations with special
suffices, without the need to save and restore internal states. The
suffices are used in postprocessing scripts.
The currently used perl together with more options is stored as alias
C<p> in F<~/.perlall>, which can be sourced by your F<.profile>.
alias p=perl5.15.4d-nt
Build and init perls:
Version numbers look like C<5.xx.x> and the perl C<suffix> can be any of:
C<-nt> non-threaded, or
C<-m> multi (non-threaded)
C<@xxxxxx> git ids / branch names
You want to switch to use the "thr" suffix, then the default
is non-threaded. This behaviour is controlled via the config setting
C<usethrsuffix=1>. But be consistent to interpret the logfiles.
For older perls special patches are applied to successfully build
them. C<archname> and the archlibs are extended by C<-debug> and
special git suffices. The installed perl binary and on windows
the F<perl.dll> ditto.
I use and support perlall on cygwin, linux (debian+centos),
freebsd, openbsd and solaris, with bash, dash and ksh.
Supporting other platforms besides VMS should not be hard.
freebsd needs sudo from ports. mingw (strawberry) and msys
(mingw cross) support is planned.
Log Files
Most commands always create a log file with the command, platform
and version, like F<log.maketest-centos5-5.10.1d-nt> or
F<log.makeinstall-osx10.6.8-5.15.4>, F<log.build-osx10.6.8-5.15.4d-nt@30cb48da>.
In the L<B::C> perl-compiler distribution there are some post-processing scripts
F<status_upd>, F<store_rpt>, F<download-reports> for such logfiles.
Note in cmd.exe you need different quoting rules.
You can try:
perlall do -e"""print $^O"""
But easier is:
perlall do '-e"print $^O"'
sub setup {
$_[0]->register_commands( {-ignore_prefix => '_'} );
$_[0]->register('install', \&build, "alias to build");
$_[0]->register('smoke', \&build, "(NYI) smoke [ perl<version><suffix> branch ]");
$_[0]->unregister('basename'); #imported (bug)
sub App::Rad::Help::usage {
return "\nUsage: ".basename($0)." [options] command [arguments]";
sub pre_process {
my $c = shift;
my $cmd = $c->cmd;
# config defaults: for all
$c->config->{PERLALL_PREFIX} = '/usr/local';
# build only
$c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT} = '/usr/src/perl';
if ($cmd eq 'init') {
$c->config->{cpan} = 'cpan';
# DBD::Gofer on linux needs Clone but does not check for it
$c->config->{'init-modules'} = 'YAML Clone DBI DBD::SQLite CPAN::SQLite Devel::Platform::Info'
.' Params::Util Bundle::CPANReporter2 Math::Round Params::Classify Bundle::CygwinVendor'
.' YAML::XS List::MoreUtils DBIx::Class SQL::Abstract Module::Find Mouse MouseX::Types Modern::Perl'
.' Task::Kensho';
if (basename(Cwd::getcwd) =~/^B-C/ and -f "t/top100") {
$c->config->{'init-modules'} .= " "
.join(" ",File::Slurp::read_file("t/top100"));
my $sudo = $^O =~ /cygwin|msys|MSWin32/ ? "" : "sudo";
$c->config->{sudo} = $sudo;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$c->config->{PERLALL_PREFIX} = $Config{prefix};
$c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT} = $ENV{HOME}."\\perl5";
# bindir should be in the path.
if ($Config{installsitebin} and $Config{installsitebin} =~ $ENV{PATH}) {
$c->config->{PERLALL_BINDIR} = $Config{installsitebin};
} else {
$c->config->{PERLALL_BINDIR} = $ENV{HOME}."\\perl5\\bin";
# read .perlall config
if ($cmd =~ /^build|config|uninstall|init|list|testvm|smoke|do|make.*$|cpan.*/) {
for ( "/etc/perlall", "$ENV{HOME}/.perlall" ) {
$c->_dot_perlall($_) if -f $_;
$c->config->{PERLALL_PREFIX} = '/usr/local'
unless $c->config->{PERLALL_PREFIX};
$c->config->{PERLALL_BINDIR} = $c->config->{PERLALL_PREFIX}."/bin"
unless $c->config->{PERLALL_BINDIR};
$c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT} = '/usr/src/perl'
unless $c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT};
$c->config->{'perl-git'} = $c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT}.'/blead/perl-git'
unless $c->config->{'perl-git'};
$c->config->{'cdcperl'} = $c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT}.'/blead/cperl'
unless $c->config->{'cdcperl'};
$c->config->{'perlall_timeout'} = 0 unless $c->config->{'perlall_timeout'};
if ($c->is_command($cmd) and $cmd !~ /^list/) {
# logging + locking
my $d = Devel::Platform::Info->new->get_info();
my $s = $d->{oslabel};
my $v = $d->{osvers};
if ($^O eq 'solaris' and !$s) {
$s = "solaris";
$v = $d->{kvers} if $v eq 'SunOS';
$v =~ s/^\D*//; # strip non-number lead
$v =~ s/[^\d\.]//g; # only numbers and dots
$s = $s . $v;
$s =~ s/[\s\(\)\[\}\[\]]//g;
if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
$s = $d->{source}->{uname}->[2];
$s =~ s/\(.+$//;
$s = 'cygwin'.$s.'_'.$d->{source}->{uname}->[1]; # cygwin1.7.10s_winxp
$s = $^O unless $s;
if ($cmd eq 'maketest') {
$c->stash->{logprefix} = "log.test-".lc($s)."-";
} else {
$c->stash->{logprefix} = "log.$cmd-".lc($s)."-";
# "we should not disturb a running perlall in this dir"
$c->_check_lock() if $cmd =~ /^do|make/;
# accept multiple versions?
# expand versions from $ENV{perlall} or version from first argument
if ($cmd =~ /^do|make.*|init|cpanm?|list|uninstall$/) {
my @p;
if ( $c->argv->[0] =~ /^(c?perl)?5\./ ) {
@p = (shift @{$c->argv});
if ($p[0] =~ /[\*\?\[]/) { # only glob if necessary
$p[0] =~ s/^c?perl//;
@p = $c->_get_perlall($p[0]);
} else {
$p[0] =~ s/^5\./perl5\./;
} else {
@p = $c->_get_perlall();
$c->stash->{perlall} = \@p;
# add opts for specific commands
# getopts overwites the old opts
sub App::Rad::addopts {
my $c = shift;
my $savopts = $c->options;
my @savargv = @ARGV;
if ($c->cmd =~ /^make|do/ and $c->cmd ne 'maketest') {
$c->debug("pass some options verbatim through");
@ARGV = ();
if (grep{$_ eq '-v'} @savargv) {
push @ARGV, '-v';
$c->getopt( @_ );
$c->options->{$_} = $savopts->{$_} for keys %$savopts; # merge with old opts
@ARGV = @savargv;
# only process opts before the command.
# all other opts are passed verbatim to the subprocesses
sub App::Rad::_get_input {
my $c = shift;
require Getopt::Long;
die "Getopt::Long needs to be version 2.36 or above"
unless $Getopt::Long::VERSION >= 2.36;
my (@options, @params);
my $base = basename($0);
my $cmd;
if ($base ne 'perlall') {
# take cmd from link name
($cmd) = $base =~ /perlall-(\w+)$/;
$c->{'cmd'} = $cmd;
unless ($c->is_command($cmd)) {
warn "invalid link $base: unknown Command $cmd\n";
$c->config->{linked} = $cmd; # yet unused
for (my $i=0; $i<@ARGV; $i++) { # the first non-option is the cmd, the rest its args
if (defined ($ARGV[$i]) and substr($ARGV[$i], 0, 1) ne '-') {
$c->{'cmd'} = $ARGV[$i] unless $cmd;
@params = (@ARGV[$i..$#ARGV]);
shift @params unless $c->config->{linked};
push @options, ($ARGV[$i]);
@{$c->argv} = (@params);
$c->{'cmd'} = '' unless $c->{'cmd'};
my $parser = new Getopt::Long::Parser;
$parser->configure( qw(bundling) );
@ARGV = @options; # getoptions eats @ARGV
my $ret = $parser->getoptions($c->{'_options'}, map {$_->[0]} @opts);
$c->options->{timeout} = $c->config->{perlall_timeout} unless exists $c->options->{timeout};
delete $c->options->{timeout} unless $c->options->{timeout};
$c->debug('received options: ' . join(' ',@options) . ' => '
. _opts($c->options));
$c->debug('received command: ' . $c->{'cmd'});
$c->debug('received parameters: ' . join (' ', @{$c->argv} ));
@ARGV = @{$c->argv};
if (!$c->{'cmd'} and $c->options->{list}) {
$c->{'cmd'} = '';
if (!$c->{'cmd'} and $c->options->{version}) {
return $c->version();
return $c;
# from cmdline arg or ENV perlall
sub _get_perlall {
my ($c, $glob) = @_;
my $cperl;
unless ($glob) {
$glob = $ENV{perlall} ? $ENV{perlall} : "5.*";
if ($glob =~ /^cperl/) {
$glob =~ s/^cperl//;
$cperl = 1;
elsif ($glob =~ /^perl/) {
$glob =~ s/^perl//;
$cperl = -1;
die "invalid version $glob" if $glob !~ /^5\./ or $glob =~ /[!"';,\(\)]/;
my $prefix = $c->config->{PERLALL_BINDIR};
$prefix = "/usr/local/bin" unless $prefix;
my @p;
my $pathsep = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '\\' : '/';
my $perl = "$prefix$pathsep"."perl";
if ($c->options->{dryrun} and $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE}) { # testing only
@p = map{"/usr/local/bin/perl$_"} qw(5.8.9d 5.12.1-nt 5.14.2 5.15.4@ababab);
} else {
if ($cperl) {
@p = $cperl == 1
? glob("$prefix$pathsep"."cperl$glob")
: glob("$prefix$pathsep"."perl$glob");
} else {
@p = (glob("$prefix$pathsep"."cperl$glob"), glob("$perl$glob"));
# do the filtering
@p = grep !/\.dSYM$/,@p if $^O eq 'darwin';
my %skip;
if ($c->options->{skip} or $c->options->{main}) {
if ($c->options->{main} or $c->options->{skip} eq 'outdated') {
# no @git releases only blead
# Check newer main releases from git tags
my $srcdir = $c->config->{'perl-git'};
if ($srcdir and -d $srcdir and -d "$srcdir/.git" ) {
my $major;
for (split(/\n/,`git --git-dir="$srcdir/.git" tag -l`)) {
my ($mj, $mi) = $_ =~ m/^(?:v|perl-)5\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
push @{$major->{$mj}}, $mi if $mj and $mj % 2 == 0;
for my $mj (keys %$major) {
my $max = 0;
for (@{$major->{$mj}}) { $max = $_ if $_ > $max; }
unless (grep {"5.$mj.$max" eq $_} @main_releases) {
@main_releases = grep !/^5\.$mj\.\d+/, @main_releases;
push @main_releases, "5.$mj.$max";
if ($cperl) {
my $srcdir = $c->config->{'cdcperl'};
if ($srcdir and -d $srcdir and -d "$srcdir/.git" ) {
my $major;
for (split(/\n/,`git --git-dir="$srcdir/.git" tag -l`)) {
my ($mj, $mi) = $_ =~ m/^cperl-5\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/;
push @{$major->{$mj}}, $mi if $mj and $mj % 2 == 0;
for my $mj (keys %$major) {
my $max = 0;
for (@{$major->{$mj}}) { $max = $_ if $_ > $max; }
unless (grep {"5.$mj.$max" eq $_} @main_releases) {
@main_releases = grep !/^5\.$mj\.\d+/, @main_releases;
push @main_releases, "5.$mj.$max";
else {
push @main_releases, ("5.28.2", "5.26.5", "5.24.4", "5.22.5");
my @np;
for my $p (grep !/(\@|-asan|-nt-)/, @p) {
push @np, map{index($p, "perl$_")>=0 ? $p :()} @main_releases;
@p = @np; @np = ();
for my $p (@p) { # '5.8.9-nt' vs '5.8.9d-nt'
my $nondbg = $p;
$nondbg =~ s/(\.\d)d/$1/; # skip debug if non-debug exists
if ($nondbg ne $p) {
$skip{$p}++ if grep {$nondbg eq $_} @p;
} else {
%skip = map {$_ => 1} glob $perl.$c->options->{skip};
@p = grep !/(\@|-git)/,@p if $c->options->{nogit};
# glob-style
if (my $ver = $c->options->{older}) {
# XXX? if last char is non-decimal match this suffix filter also. or use skip
for (@p) {
$skip{$_}++ unless $c->_older( $_, $ver);
if (my $ver = $c->options->{newer}) { #or same
for (@p) {
$skip{$_}++ if $c->_older( $_, $ver);
@p = grep(!$skip{$_},@p) if %skip;
# resolve symlinks: @blead => @id (just to simplify implementation)
# XXX: we really should keep the -l and remove the target if also in the list
#for (grep {-l} @p) {
# @p = grep {
# my $b = readlink($_);
# if (basename($b) eq $b) { # -> perl5.some
# $b ne basename($_) ? $_ : 0
# } else { # /usr/bin/perl5.some
# $b ne $_ ? $_ : 0
# }
# } @p;
@p = grep {
(-l $_ and (readlink($_) =~ m|$prefix/c?perl5\..*|)) ? 0 : $_
} @p;
if ($c->options->{reverse}) { # oldest first
sort { _strip2float($a) <=> _strip2float($b) } @p;
} else {
# sort reverse numerically, newest first
sort { _strip2float($b) <=> _strip2float($a) } @p;
# string of hash key=val...
sub _opts {
my $h = shift;
my $s = '';
for (keys %$h) {
my $v = $h->{$_};
if (ref($v) eq 'ARRAY') {
for my $v (@{$h->{$_}}) {
$s .= ($v != 1 ? " --".$_."=$v" : " --".$_);
} else {
$s .= ($v != 1 ? " --".$_."=$v" : " --".$_);
# perl5.14.2d-nt => 14.2
sub _strip2float {
my $p = shift;
$p =~ s/^.*perl5\.//;
$p =~ s/^5\.//;
$p =~ s/(\.\d+)\D.*$/$1/;
# if p is older then ver
# $p gets full path
sub _older {
my $c = shift;
my ($p, $ver) = @_;
$p =~ s/^.*perl5\.//;
$p =~ s/^5\.//;
$p =~ s/(\.\d+)\D.*$/$1/;
# perl5.14.2d-nt@345aef vs 5.12 => 14.2 vs 12
$ver =~ s/^5\.//;
$c->debug("_older($_[0], $_[1]) => $p, $ver");
return $p < $ver;
sub _dot_perlall {
my ($c, $filename, $write) = (@_);
$c->debug(($write?"writing":"loading")." configuration from $filename");
open my $CONFIG, '<', $filename
or Carp::croak "error opening $filename: $!\n";
my ($s, $NEW);
$write = undef if $c->options->{dryrun};
if ($write) {
open $NEW, '>', $filename.".tmp"
or Carp::croak "error opening $filename.tmp: $!\n";
while (<$CONFIG>) {
$s = $_ if $write; # backup
print $NEW $s if $s and !length;
next unless length;
if (/\\\s*$/) {
my $t = '';
do {
$t .= $_;
} while ($_ = <$CONFIG> and $_ =~ /\\\s*$/);
$t .= $_;
$_ = $t;
if ( m/^alias\s([^\=\:\s]+) # alias key=value
(?:=['"]?) # ='
([^'"]+) # value
) {
my ($k,$v) = ($1, $2);
if ($k eq 'perl-git') {
$v =~ s/^cd //;
$c->config->{$k} = $v;
$v = "cd ".$v;
} elsif ($k eq 'cdcperl') {
$v =~ s/^cd //;
$c->config->{$k} = $v;
$v = "cd ".$v;
} else {
$c->config->{$k} = $v;
if ($write and $k eq 'p') {
$v = $write;
print $NEW "alias $k='$v'\n" if $write;
elsif ( m/^([^\=\:\s]+) # key
(?: # (value is optional)
(?:\s*[\=\:]\s*|\s+) # separator ('=', ':', '"' or whitespace)
(.+) # value
) {
my $v = $2;
if (substr($v,0,1) eq '"' and substr($v,-1,1) eq '"') {
$v = substr($v,1,-1);
$c->config->{$1} = $v;
print $NEW $s if $write;
} elsif ($write) {
print $NEW $s;
close $CONFIG;
if ($write) {
close $NEW;
unlink $CONFIG;
rename $filename.".tmp", $filename
or Carp::croak "error writing $filename: $!\n";
scalar keys %{$c->config};
# store alias p if explicitly wished (2nd arg $p),
# or if only one version was selected. received with no perl prefix
sub _set_alias {
my ($c, $p) = @_;
my $f = "$ENV{HOME}/.perlall";
unless ($p) {
$p = $c->stash->{perlall}->[0] if @{$c->stash->{perlall}} == 1;
$c->_dot_perlall($f, $p) if -f $f and $p; # set alias
} else {
$c->_dot_perlall($f, "perl$p") if -f $f and $p; # set alias
sub _numonly {
my $p = shift;
$p =~ s/^.*perl//;
$p =~ s/\-.+$//;
$p =~ s/@.+$//;
$p =~ s/thr$//;
$p =~ s/d$//;
return $p;
sub _short {
my $p = shift;
$p =~ s/^.*perl//;
return $p;
sub _print {
my $level = shift;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
print join(" ",@_),"\n";
} elsif ($level == 0) { # bold green, highest level, headers
print "\033[1;32m",join(" ",@_),"\033[0;0m\n";
} elsif ($level == 1) { # bold red/black, major commands
print "\033[1;39m",join(" ",@_),"\033[0;0m\n";
sub _backup($) {
my $f = shift;
my $i = 1;
while (-e "$f.$i") { $i++ }
rename $f,"$f.$i";
sub __system {
my $c = shift;
unless ($c->options->{dryrun}) {
# MSWin32 ExtUtils::Command methods (tools_other section)
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and $_[0] =~ /^(rm|mv|mkdir) /) {
my $what = join " ",@_;
if ($what =~ /^rm -rf/) {
system("$^X -MExtUtils::Command -e 'rm_rf' -- ",substr($what,6));
} elsif ($what =~ /^rm /) {
system("$^X -MExtUtils::Command -e 'rm_f' -- ",substr($what,5));
} elsif ($what =~ /^mv /) {
system("$^X -MExtUtils::Command -e 'mv' -- ",substr($what,3));
} elsif ($what =~ /^mkdir (-p)?(.*)/) {
system("$^X -MExtUtils::Command -e 'mkpath' -- $2");
} else {
die "unhandled $what";
# native chdir/rmdir/mkdir/unlink/rename
} elsif ($_[0] =~ /^chdir|rmdir|mkdir|unlink|rename$/) {
my $cmd = shift @_;
my $what = join "','",@_;
if ($cmd =~ /^mkdir -p/) {
} else {
eval "$cmd('$what')";
} else {
my $fh = $c->stash->{log_fh};
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
# Need to replace ' with " otherwise we would need to write
# perlall do -e"""print $^O""". Now we only need to do
# perlall do '-e"print $^O"'
map { s/\'/"/g } @_;
my ($success, $error_message, $full_buf, $stdout_buf, $stderr_buf) =
IPC::Cmd::run('command' => [ @_ ],
? ('verbose' => 1) : ()),
(defined $c->options->{timeout}
? ('timeout' => $c->options->{timeout} )
: ())
if ($fh and !$c->options->{verbose} and @$full_buf) {
print $fh $_ for @$full_buf;
if (!$c->options->{quiet} and $c->cmd =~ /^smoke|do|make.*|cpan.*/) {
print $_ for @$stdout_buf;
if (@$stderr_buf and !$c->options->{quiet}) {
print STDERR $_ for @$stderr_buf;
sub _loginit {
my $c = shift;
my $q = $c->options->{quiet};
my $v = $c->options->{verbose};
my $dryrun = $c->options->{dryrun};
my $log = $c->stash->{log};
if ( !$dryrun and $log ) {
_backup($log) if -e $log;
$c->stash->{log_fh} = IO::File->new($v ? ">& $log" : "> $log");
# $c->_log(level, @messages)
# -q only print to log, STDOUT level 0
# STDOUT level 1, STDOUT+STDERR >>log
# -v tee to STDOUT (STDERR not yet) and log
sub _log {
my $c = shift;
my $level = shift;
my $q = $c->options->{quiet};
my $v = $c->options->{verbose};
my $dryrun = $c->options->{dryrun};
my $log = $c->stash->{log};
my $fh = $c->stash->{log_fh};
local $| = 1;
if ($log) {
$c->_loginit unless $fh;
$fh = $c->stash->{log_fh};
if (!$q) {
if ($level ne '') {
if ($fh) {
print $fh join(" ",@_),"\n";
} elsif ($level eq '') {
print join(" ",@_),"\n"; # fails on my centos5
} elsif ($level == 0) {
} elsif ($v or $level == 0) {
if ($level ne '') {
} else {
print join(" ",@_),"\n";
sub _system {
my $c = shift;
$c->_log('', @_) unless $c->options->{quiet};
sub _system0 {
my $c = shift;
sub _system1 {
my $c = shift;
sub _check_lock {
my $lock = Cwd::getcwd()."/perlall.lock";
if (-f $lock) {
print "$lock exists. Probably perlall still running.\n";
exit 1;
open LOCK,">",$lock;# XXX where? for build in the builddir
print LOCK $$,"\n";
close LOCK;
$SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {my $l=$lock; unlink $l if -f $l; exit 1; };
my $l = $lock;
if (-f $l) { # do not override other locks
open LOCK,"<",$l;
my $pid = <LOCK>;
chomp $pid;
close LOCK;
if ($$ == $pid) {
unlink $l;
} else {
warn "Other perlall process $pid still running. perlall.lock kept\n";
warn `ps -l -p $pid`,"\n";
# unlink $l;
sub _lognew {
my $c = shift;
my $p = shift;
if ($p) {
$p = substr($p,0,-4) if $p =~ /\.exe$/;
$c->stash->{log} = $c->stash->{logprefix} . $p;
} else {
$c->stash->{log} = substr($c->stash->{logprefix},0,-1); # strip last -
if ($c->stash->{log_fh}) {
$c->stash->{log_fh}->close() if ref($c->stash->{log_fh}) eq 'IO::File';
undef $c->stash->{log_fh};
# -i inplace editing or just grep
# print unless /<command-line>/
# s,$dll,$newdll,; print
sub _grep {
my $c = shift;
my $cmd = shift;
my ($inplace, $out);
if (substr($cmd,0,3) eq '-i ') {
$inplace = 1;
$cmd = substr($cmd,3);
$c->_log('',"perl -i~ -ne'$cmd'",join(" ",@_)) if $inplace;
return if $c->options->{dryrun};
my $catch = '';
while (my $f = shift @_) {
next unless -f $f;
my $b = $f;
if ($inplace) {
$b .= "~";
unlink $b if -e $b; # does this work on windows?
rename($f, $b);
open($out, ">", $f);
select $out;
} else {
$out = IO::Scalar->new(\$catch);
select $out;
open(IN, "<", $b);
LINE: while (<IN>) {
eval $cmd;
close IN;
close $out;
# takes path to file and applies all os patches from HEAD up to blead
sub _patch {
my ($c, $file) = @_;
$c->_system("git show HEAD..blead $file | patch -N -p1")
and warn("patch HEAD..blead $file had some errors\n");
# like Porting/bisect-runner.pl apply_commit
sub _apply_commit {
my ($c, $commit, @files) = @_;
$c->_system("git show $commit @files | patch -N -p1")
and warn("cannot apply commit $commit".(@files ? " to @files":"")."\n");
sub _teardown {
my $c = shift;
close $c->stash->{log_fh} if $c->stash->{log_fh};
sub _fail {
my $c = shift;
if ($c->options->{verbose}) {
warn $c->{output}," at perlall line @{[(caller(0))[2]]}\n";
die "@_\n";
sub _glob_git {
my $c = shift;
my $git = shift;
return qw(smoke-me/scream smoke-me/taint.t ) if $c->options->{dryrun};
my $srcdir = $c->config->{'perl-git'};
my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd;
chdir "$srcdir/.git/refs/heads" or die;
# XXX expand subdirs with glob. smoke-me/s*: smoke-me/s/r => smoke-me/s
# => File::Find
my @git = glob $git;
chdir "../remotes/origin" or die;
push @git, glob $git;
chdir "../../tags" or die;
push @git, glob $git;
chdir $cwd or die;
return @git;
=item B<build> [OPTIONS] <version><suffix> [ branch|from ]
Build and install the given version of perl.
The optional 2nd argument C<from> can be a git tag/commit/branch id,
e.g. a smoke-me branch, or a file or url with the perl-*.tar.gz.
The branchname or commit-id is added to the archname and dll suffix, such as
C<@sproututf8> for C<sprout/utf8>, the binary name is taken from the
first argument. All unreleased git versions, like C<blead> or C<smoke-me>
branches get a C<@gitid> suffix. C<smoke-me/> is stripped from the
suffix. The special version "blead" denotes the latest version.
E.g. C<perlall build blead-nt> builds latest non-threaded.
If the checkout from a bit branch is not a release, the suffix will be
marked with C<@> and the sources are copied to the
More special perl suffix rules:
-nt non-threaded
-m multiplicity
-clang -Dcc=clang
-asan clang -fsanitize=address
-tsan clang -fsanitize=thread
-msan clang -fsanitize=memory
-ubsan clang -fsanitize=undefined
-isan clang -fsanitize=integer
-dflow clang -fsanitize=dataflow
-sstack clang -fsanitize=safestack
-cps clang-cps -fcps
-cpi clang-cps -fcpi
-mad -Dmad
C<-Dmksymlinks> is used for blead, unless the option C<--link> is
On cygwin and windows the F<perl*.dll> also gets the suffix, because they
are stored globally.
The specified perl is taken from a perl git repo (version or tag or branch)
(specified via perl-git in ~/.perlall), or downloaded
via CPAN. (not yet)
C<man> files are not installed. This is the job for the default
/usr/local/bin/perl or /usr/bin/perl.
C<-Dusedevel -Uversiononly> is always used to install versioned executables.
Special site-specific non-default config vars are taken from
F</usr/local/bin/perl>, such as C<cf_email, perladmin, ccflags, cc,
ldflags, ld, pager, libpth, incpth, useshrplib>.
The builddir is under C<PERLALL_BUILDROOT> (Default: "/usr/src/perl")
as "build-E<lt>versionE<gt>E<lt>suffix>"
The intermediate "make install DESTDIR" as "inst-E<lt>versionE<gt>E<lt>suffixE<gt>".
Specific Options:
-D.. -U.. -A.. pass through switches to the perl Configure script.
perlall build perl5.10.1-nt -Dusemymalloc -Uuselargefiles
Certain special switches are merged from F</usr/local/bin/perl> or F</usr/bin/perl>
--as name Install a given perl under the given name. (not yet)
perlall build perl5.6.2 -Dusemymalloc --as perl5.6.2-mymalloc
perlall build blead-nt smoke-me/test --as perl5.15.4-test
-jnum Enable parallel make and test (if supported by the target perl)
perlall build -j5 perl5.12.3
--link Force -Dmksymlinks to the srcdir for blead only.
Otherwise releases from git are copied anew.
-n|--notest Skip the test suite
-f|--force Force installation if make test fails.
--install skip Configure, make, make test. make install only.
sub build
:Help('build [opts] perl<version><suffix> [ branch|from ]')
my $c = shift;
my $cperl;
# special build options (after the cmd)
if (@{$c->argv}) {
my @build_opts =
[ "as=s", "install perl under given name" ],
[ "D=s@", "./configure option" ],
[ "A=s@", "./configure option" ],
[ "U=s@", "./configure option" ],
[ "j=n", "parallel make (>5.10)" ],
[ "link", "make symlinks (blead only) from git" ],
[ "notest|n", "skip the test suite on build and makeinstall" ],
[ "force|f", "force install" ],
[ 'install', 'skip make, only do install' ],
[ "allpatches", "apply also Asan and Compiler patches" ],
[ "patches=s@", " apply Compiler or Asan patches (Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin)" ],
$c->addopts( map {$_->[0]} @build_opts );
my @args = @{$c->argv};
my $p = $args[0];
if ($p =~ /^(c?perl)?5\./ ) {
shift @args;
} elsif ($p =~ /^blead/ ) {
my $srcdir = $c->config->{'perl-git'} or $c->_fail("blead needs perl-git");
my $v = `$^X -ane'print \$F[2] if /PERL_API_VERSION/' $srcdir/patchlevel.h`;
my $sv = `$^X -ane'print \$F[2] if /PERL_API_SUBVERSION/' $srcdir/patchlevel.h`;
$p = "5.$v.$sv".substr($p,5);
if (@args > 1) {
shift @args;
} else {
$args[0] = 'blead'; # set $from, allows --link
} else {
$c->output("perlall build missing perlversion argument\n");
$c->execute('help') and return undef;
$cperl = 1 if $p =~ /^cperl/;
$p =~ s/^c?perl//;
$p =~ s/^-//;
if ($p =~ /[\*\?\[]/ or $p !~ /^5\.\d/) {
$c->output("perlall build invalid perlversion argument $p\n");
$c->execute('help') and return undef;
# $c->_log(0,"perlall",_opts($c->options),"build",$p,@args);
# $c->_fail("build not yet supported on Windows") if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
END { chdir $cwd if $cwd }
my $dryrun = $c->options->{dryrun};
my $root = $c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT};
my $prefix = $c->config->{PERLALL_PREFIX};
unless ($root) {
$c->_fail("Empty PERLALL_BUILDROOT in .perlall");
if (!-d $root and !$dryrun) {
$c->_log( 1, "mkdir $root # PERLALL_BUILDROOT");
$c->_system1( "mkdir",$root)
and $c->_fail("Cannot create PERLALL_BUILDROOT $root");
my $from = shift @args ; # might be empty
my $ps = _numonly($p);
my ($suffix) = $p =~ /5\.\d\d?\.\d\d?(.+)$/;
my $gitsuffix;
unless ($from) { # XXX git only at first
if ($cperl and $ps =~ /^5\./ and -d $c->config->{'cdcperl'}) {
$from = "cperl-$ps";
} elsif ($ps =~ /^5\./ and -d $c->config->{'perl-git'}) {
$from = $c->_older($ps,"5.11.0") ? "perl-$ps" : "v$ps";
} elsif ($c->options->{install}) {
} else {
$c->_log(1, "downloading perl-$ps via CPAN::Perl::Releases");
# get perl-release from CPAN-Perl-Releases
my $urls = CPAN::Perl::Releases::perl_tarballs($ps);
my $url = (values%$urls)[0];
require CPAN; CPAN->import;
warn "CPAN::Shell->get(qw($url))\n";
# $c->_fail ("could not determine from/branch argument for $p. perl-git missing?");
# check explicit --as. which suffix to use?
# 1. valid version, perl5.15.5-clang
# 2. any other name (or bleadperl-test): no suffix to extract
if ($c->options->{as}) {
my $p_as = $c->options->{as};
$p_as =~ s/^c?perl//;
$p_as =~ s/^-//;
my $suffix_as = $p_as =~ /5\.\d\d?\.\d\d?(.+)$/;
if ($suffix_as) {
$gitsuffix = $suffix_as;
$ps = _numonly($p_as) unless $ps;
$c->debug("explicit --as suffix $suffix_as");
} else {
warn "missing version for --as suffix $suffix_as";
} else { # check implicit --as
# normalize suffix
my ($suffix_as) = $suffix =~
if ($suffix_as) { # 5.15.5d-nt-git-clang => -git-clang
$gitsuffix = $suffix_as;
$c->debug("implicit --as suffix $gitsuffix");
warn "--link ignored. Only valid with blead.\n"
if $c->options->{link} and $from ne 'blead';
$c->_system("chdir", $root);
# chdir $root unless $dryrun;
# XXX build perl5.15.5d-nt-blead-clang blead
# => gitsuffix=d-nt-blead-clang
# p as --as
if (!$gitsuffix and $from and $from !~ /^(c?perl-|v)5\./) {
$gitsuffix = $from if !$gitsuffix and $from !~ /^(perl-|v)5\./;
if ($gitsuffix =~ /^[a-f0-9]{5,24}$/) {
$gitsuffix = "@".substr($gitsuffix,0,6);
$p .= $gitsuffix unless $p =~ /@/;
} else {
if ($gitsuffix =~ /\*/) { #expand branch glob-style
my $result = '';
my @git = $c->_glob_git($gitsuffix);
_print(0,"perlall build $p $gitsuffix => ",@git);
for my $git (@git) {
my $pg = $p;
my $s = $git;
$s =~ s/^smoke-me\///;
# $s =~ s{/}{}g;
$s =~ s/\W//g; # collapse non-word chars
$pg = $p."@".substr($s,0,12);
$result .= $c->_build($pg, $git, $ps, '@'.$git, $root, $prefix, $cwd);
return $result;
my $srcdir = $cperl ? $c->config->{'cdcperl'} : $c->config->{'perl-git'};
if ($gitsuffix =~ /^blead/ and !$dryrun and -d "$srcdir/.git") {
$gitsuffix = substr(`GIT_DIR=$srcdir/.git git rev-parse $gitsuffix`,0,8);
unless ($p =~ /@/) {
my $git = $gitsuffix;
$git =~ s/^smoke-me\///;
# $git =~ s{/}{}g;
$git =~ s/\W//g; # collapse non-word chars
$git = "@".substr($git,0,12);
$p .= $git;
$gitsuffix = "@".$gitsuffix;
return $c->_build($p, $from, $ps, $gitsuffix, $root, $prefix, $cwd);
sub _build {
my ($c, $p, $from, $ps, $gitsuffix, $root, $prefix, $cwd) = @_;
$c->debug("c, \$p=$p, \$from=$from, \$ps=$ps, \$gitsuffix=$gitsuffix,"
." \$root=$root, \$prefix=$prefix, \$cwd=$cwd");
my $make = $Config{make};
my $sed = $Config{sed};
$sed = "sed" unless $sed;
my $cp = $Config{cp};
$cp = "cp" unless $cp;
my $mv = $Config{mv};
$mv = "mv" unless $mv;
my $rm = $Config{rm};
$rm = "rm" unless $rm;
my $sudo = $c->config->{sudo};
$sudo = "" if $root =~ m!^/home!; # don't sudo if installing locally
$sudo = "" unless $<; # already sudo
# since when was make test parallel safe?
my @j = ("-j".$c->options->{j}) if $c->options->{j} and !$c->_older( $ps, "5.10.0");
my ($testerr, $archname);
my $is_cperl = $from =~ /^cperl/;
my $dryrun = $c->options->{dryrun};
my $srcdir = $is_cperl ? $c->config->{'cdcperl'} : $c->config->{'perl-git'};
my ($suffix) = $p =~ /5\.\d\d?\.\d\d?(.+)$/;
my $debug = substr($suffix,0,1) eq 'd';
my $multi = $suffix =~ /^d?-m[^a-z]?/;
my $ithreads = $suffix !~ /^d?-nt[^a-z]?/;
my ($archsuffix) = $suffix =~ /d?(?:-nt|-m[^a-z]?|thr)(.+)$/;
my ($asan, $cc);
if ($suffix =~ /-mad/) {
push @{$c->options->{D}}, "mad=y";
if ($suffix =~ /-cow/) {
push @{$c->options->{A}}, "ccflags=-DPERL_NEW_COPY_ON_WRITE";
if ($suffix =~ /-(clang|asan|tsan|msan|ubsan|isan|dflow|sstack|cps|cpi)/) {
$cc = 'clang';
unless (grep /cc=/, @{$c->options->{D}}) {
push @{$c->options->{D}}, "cc=clang";
} else {
($cc) = map /cc=(.*)$/, @{$c->options->{D}};
push @{$c->options->{D}}, "optimize='-fno-omit-frame-pointer -gline-tables-only'";
if ($suffix =~ /-asan/) {
$asan = "-fsanitize=address";
push @{$c->options->{A}}, "ccflags=$asan";
if ($suffix =~ /-(cps|cpi)/) { # only with a levee clang yet
my $san = $1;
push @{$c->options->{D}}, "cc=clang-cps", "ld=clang-cps";
push @{$c->options->{A}}, "ccflags='-f$san'",
if ($suffix =~ /-(tsan|ubsan|msan|isan|dflow)/) {
my %sanmap = (tsan => 'thread',
ubsan => 'undefined',
msan => 'memory',
isan => 'integer',
dflow => 'dataflow',
sstack => 'safestack',
# cps => 'cps',
# cpi => 'cpi'
my $san = $sanmap{$1};
push @{$c->options->{A}}, "ccflags='-fsanitize=$san -fPIE'",
"ldflags='-fsanitize=$san -fpie'",
"lddlflags='-shared -fsanitize=$san -fpie'";
$ithreads = undef if $multi;
my $bindir = $c->config->{PERLALL_BINDIR};
# XXX assert $p = $ps . $suffix;
if ($c->options->{install}) {
$c->stash->{logprefix} =~ s/^log.build-/log.build-install-/;
$c->stash->{log} = "$root/" . $c->stash->{logprefix} . $p;
if ($c->stash->{log_fh}) {
close $c->stash->{log_fh};
undef $c->stash->{log_fh};
my $builddir = "build-".$p;
if ($c->options->{install}) {
$c->_system1( "chdir", $root.'/'.$builddir );
# XXX maybe it already exists and is not empty
if (-f $from or $from =~ /^https?:|ftp:|rsync:/) {
warn "XXX build from file very very unstable.\n"
. "No idea how to know the resulting srcdir yet";
if (!-f $from) {
# try CPAN instead?
$c->_system1( "wget","-O","perl-$ps.tgz",$from)
and $c->_fail("downloading $from failed");
$from = "perl-$ps.tgz";
my @tarx = (($^O eq 'solaris' ? 'gtar' : 'tar'),
($from =~ m/\.bz2$/ ? 'xjf' : 'xzf' ));
$c->_system1( @tarx, $from) and _fail("extracting the tarball $from failed");
$srcdir = $root."/perl-$ps";
if (! -d $builddir) {
$c->_system("mkdir", $builddir)
and $c->_fail("Cannot create $builddir."
." Check your PERLALL_BUILDROOT in ~/.perlall");
$c->_system1( "chdir", $root.'/'.$builddir );
else { # git, much better
$c->_fail("perl-git $srcdir missing") if !-d $srcdir and !$dryrun;
my @cmd = ("mkdir", $builddir);
unshift @cmd, $sudo if $sudo and !-w $root;
$c->_log(1,"mkdir $root/$builddir # PERLALL_BUILDROOT") unless -d $builddir;
$c->_system1( @cmd) unless -d $builddir;
$c->_fail( "invalid builddir $builddir") if !-d $builddir and !$dryrun;
$c->_system($sudo, "chown", $<, $builddir) if $sudo eq $cmd[0];
if ( $from eq 'blead' and $c->options->{link} ) { # mksymlink for blead only
$c->debug("working symlinked to perl-git tree \@$gitsuffix")
if $c->options->{link};
$c->_system1( "chdir", $root.'/'.$builddir);
$c->_fail( "not existing builddir $builddir")
if basename(Cwd::getcwd()) ne $builddir and !$dryrun;
$c->_system1( "rm -rf * .config")
if -f 'Configure' and !-l "Configure";
} else { # cp anew
$c->debug("copy git tree for $from");
@cmd = ($cp, "-rf", "$srcdir/.git", "$builddir/");
# unshift @cmd, $sudo if $sudo; # cannot trust !-w "$builddir/.git";
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$c->_system1( "rm -rf \"$builddir\\.git\"") if -d "$builddir/.git";
@cmd = ("xcopy", "/S/I/H/Y".($c->options->{verbose}?"":"/Q"),
"\"$srcdir/.git\"", "\"$builddir\\.git\"");
$c->_system1( @cmd);
$srcdir = "."; # clean copy
$c->_system1( "chdir", $builddir);
$c->_fail( "not existing builddir $builddir")
if basename(Cwd::getcwd()) ne $builddir and !$dryrun;
$c->_system1( "git","checkout","-f",$from); # git returns strange values, ignore
$c->_fail( "git checkout -f $from") if !-f "Configure" and !$dryrun;
$c->_system1( "git","reset","--hard");
$c->_system1( "git","clean","-dxf");
# Backport various Configure and hints patches from blead
# via Devel::PatchPerl
if ( $srcdir eq "." or $srcdir eq $root."/perl-$ps" ) {
# TODO: monkeypatch Devel::PatchPerl to allow multiple plugins
if ($asan or $c->options->{allpatches} or grep /^Asan$/, @{$c->options->{patches}}) {
#require Devel::PatchPerl;
#require Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::General;
#Devel::PatchPerl::General->patch_source($ps) unless $dryrun;
$c->_log('',"Devel::PatchPerl::patch_source($ps) Asan");
local $ENV{PERL5_PATCHPERL_PLUGIN} = 'Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::Asan';
Devel::PatchPerl::patch_source($ps) unless $dryrun;
#require Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::Asan;
#Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::Asan->patch_source($ps) unless $dryrun;
elsif ($c->options->{allpatches} or grep /^Compiler$/, @{$c->options->{patches}}) {
#require Devel::PatchPerl;
#require Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::General;
#Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::General->patch_source($ps) unless $dryrun;
local $ENV{PERL5_PATCHPERL_PLUGIN} = 'Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::Compiler';
$c->_log('',"Devel::PatchPerl::patch_source($ps) Compiler");
Devel::PatchPerl::patch_source($ps) unless $dryrun;
#require Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::Compiler;
#Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::Compiler->patch_source($ps) unless $dryrun;
else {
Devel::PatchPerl::patch_source($ps) unless $dryrun;
if ($ps =~ /^5\.19\.[3456789]/ and $debug) {
local $ENV{PERL5_PATCHPERL_PLUGIN} = 'Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::General';
$c->_log('',"Devel::PatchPerl::patch_source($ps) General");
Devel::PatchPerl::patch_source($ps) unless $dryrun;
if ($ps =~ /^5\.6\.2/) {
$c->_log('',"patch to use 5.8.0 lib/File/Find.pm");
$c->_system("git diff HEAD..perl-5.8.0 lib/File/Find.pm | patch -N -p1")
and warn("patch HEAD..perl-5.8.0 lib/File/Find.pm had some errors\n");
} elsif (!$dryrun) {
warn "Warning: Building -Dmksymlink with no Devel::PatchPerl patches applied.\n"
."Use --no-link if this fails.\n";
# on versions rf .git now
if ( !$gitsuffix and -d ".git" and !$c->options->{debug}) {
$c->_system1( $rm,"-rf",".git");
# $c->_system( $make, @j, "clean") if -f "Makefile" and -f 'miniperl';
$c->_system( $rm, "config.h") if -f "config.h";
$c->_system( $rm, "Policy.sh") if -f "Policy.sh";
$c->_system( $rm, "-rf", "UU") if -d "UU";
$c->_system( $rm, "-rf", ".config") if -d ".config";
# prepare configure options, dependent on options and $p
my @conf = ("sh","$srcdir/Configure","-de","-Dusedevel",
# we cannot force archname, because we don't know the resulting name yet
# we fix that post-configure
my ($libperl);
if ($c->config->{usethrsuffix} and !$multi) {
$ithreads = $suffix =~ /^d?thr/; # perl5.14.2dthr
push @conf, "-Dmksymlinks" if $srcdir ne ".";
push @conf, "-DEBUGGING" if $debug;
push @conf, "-Doptimize='-g3'"
if $debug and $Config{gccversion} and !grep(/^optimize=/, @{$c->options->{D}});
push @conf, "-Dusemultiplicity" if $multi;
if ($^O eq 'cygwin') { # fixed with 5.15.8 [perl #109968]
push @conf, ($ithreads ? "-D" :"-U") . "usethreads";
} else {
push @conf, ($ithreads ? "-D" :"-U") . "useithreads";
push @conf, "-Uuseshrplib" # darwin cannot gdb step into shared libs, only lldb
if $^O eq 'darwin' and $debug;
push @conf, "-D'".$_."'" for @{$c->options->{D}};
push @conf, "-A'".$_."'" for @{$c->options->{A}};
push @conf, "-U'".$_."'" for @{$c->options->{U}};
push @conf, "-Dprefix='$prefix'" if $prefix ne '/usr/local';
# special *perl<xxx>.dll if non-default
if ($^O =~ /cygwin|msys/ and $suffix) {
if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
$libperl = $ps;
$libperl =~ s/\./_/g;
$libperl = 'cygperl'.$libperl.$suffix.'.dll';
push @conf, "-Dlibperl=$libperl";
} else {
$libperl = $ps;
$libperl =~ s/\.//g;
$libperl = 'perl'.$libperl.$suffix.'.dll';
push @conf, "-Dlibperl=$libperl";
# ensure ldflags and lddflags -faddress-sanitizer on ccflags=-faddress-sanitizer
# XXX this should go into darwin and linux hints somewhen
if (grep /-[DA]'ccflags=.*-fsanitize=address/, @conf) {
my $f = 'ldflags';
if (!(grep /-[DA]'$f=.*-fsanitize=address/, @conf)) {
push @conf, "-A'$f=$asan" . ($^O eq 'darwin' ? "\\ -Wl,-no_pie'" : "'");
$f = 'lddlflags';
if (!(grep /-[DA]'$f=.*-fsanitize=address/, @conf)
and !(grep /-U'?useshrplib/, @conf)) {
push @conf,
($^O eq 'darwin' ? "-A'$f=-bundle\\ $asan\\ -Wl,-no_pie'"
: "-A'$f=-shared\\ $asan'"),
$c->_system( $rm, "config.sh") if -f "config.sh";
$c->debug("config_args: ".join(" ",@conf));
for my $tryperl ("$bindir/perl", "/usr/local/bin/perl", "/usr/bin/perl") {
if (-e $tryperl) { # use tryperl as template and merge options
# same overrides as with tryperl
my $tryargs = `$tryperl -V:config_args`;
$c->debug("old args: $tryargs");
for my $f (qw(cc ld ccflags ldflags libpth incpth pager
cf_email perladmin))
next if grep /^$f[= ]/, @{$c->options->{D}}
or grep /^$f[= ]/, @{$c->options->{A}}
or grep /^$f[= ]/, @{$c->options->{U}};
# -Dlibpth=/usr/local/lib64 /lib64 /usr/lib64 -D
my ($d,$v) = $tryargs =~ m/-([AUD])$f=(.+?) (?:-[ADU]|;)/; # Not until -L
# check the
if ($f =~ /^use/ and !$v) {
my ($u) = $tryargs =~ /-([DU])$f /;
$c->debug("-$u$f") if $u;
push @conf, "-$u$f" if $u;
} elsif ($v and $d) {
$v =~ s/([^\\]) /$1\\ /g;
# There can be multiple -A$f=$v
if ($d eq 'A') {
for my $v ($tryargs =~ m/-A$f=(.+?) /g) {
$c->debug("-$d$f=$v") if $v;
$v =~ s/([^\\]) /$1\\ /g;
push @conf, "-$d$f='$v'";
} else {
# avoid the BSDPAN ports hack, we do not want to register our modules with ports
next if $^O =~ /bsd/ and $f eq "ccflags" and $v =~ /APPLLIB_EXP.*BSDPAN/;
# config options override default options
if (grep /^$f[= ](.*)/, @{$c->options->{D}}) {
$d = 'D';
$v = $1;
$v =~ s/([^\\]) /$1\ /g;
push @conf, "-D$f='$v'";
} elsif (grep /^$f[= ]/, @{$c->options->{U}}) {
$d = 'U';
$v = '';
} else {
$v =~ s/([^\\]) /$1\ /g;
push @conf, "-$d$f='$v'";
$c->debug("merged config_args: ".join(" ",@conf));
if ($ps =~ /^5\.6\.2/ and $^O =~ /darwin|bsd|dragon/) {
push @conf, "-Dd_Gconvert=sprintf";
# darwin: if -m32 or -m64 use -flat_namespace to avoid 2level
if ($^O eq 'darwin') {
my $conf = join(" ",@conf);
# XXX change @conf, not add
push @conf, "-Aldflags=-flat_namespace"
if $conf =~ /ccflags='?-m64/ or $conf =~ /ccflags='?-m32/;
# clang: use ld also
# XXX: done automatically on linux. bother only for darwin
push @conf, "-Dld=$cc" if $cc =~ /clang/;
if ($c->_older($p,'5.6.2')) { # need to use 5.6.2 hints/darwin.sh
#open F,">hints/darwin.sh";
#close F;
if ($^O eq 'msys') { # msys: mingw bootstrapping
push @conf, "-Dlibc=/usr/lib.libmsys-1.0.dll.a", "-Dusenm=no";
if ($cc =~ /clang/) { # our macros are just too bad
#if (grep /^-[DA]ccflags/, @conf) {
push @conf, "-Accflags=-Wno-unused-value"; # this belongs into Configure and cflags.SH
if ($^O ne 'MSWin32') {
$c->_system1( @conf);
$c->_fail("Configure failed") unless -f 'config.sh' or $dryrun;
} else {
my ($w64, $config);
my $aperl = $make eq 'nmake';
# XXX check which config and makefile we will need
my $makefile = $aperl ? 'Makefile' : 'makefile.mk';
# XXX copy and tune config.h and Makefile (INST_DRV, INST_TOP)
if ($ENV{WIN64}) { # XXX check if our compiler can do 64bit, else unset WIN64
warn "WIN64 not yet tested";
if ($w64) { $config = $aperl ? 'config.vc64' : 'config.gc64'; }
else {$config = $aperl ? 'config.vc' : 'config.gc';}
$c->_log(1,"win32 configure $config $make");
$c->_system1($cp, $config, 'config.h');
$dryrun = 1; # hack to skip post-configure patchups
$c->_log(1,"post-configure fixes");
# fix libs on debug and git-stuff
$archname = $dryrun ? "fake-arch"
: $c->_grep("/^archname='(.+?)'\$/ and print \$1", "config.sh");
my $new = $archname;
for my $d (@{$c->options->{D}}) {
if ($d =~ /^archname/) {
$new = $d;
$new =~ s/^archname=//;
$new =~ s/'//g;
if (($new ne $archname) or $archsuffix or $debug) {
if ($new eq $archname) {
if ($archname =~ /-thread-multi/ and !$c->_older($ps,"5.10.0")) {
$new =~ s/-thread-multi/-thread/;
$new .= "-debug" if $debug and $archname !~ /-debug/;
$new .= $archsuffix if $archsuffix and $archname !~ /$archsuffix$/;
if (!$ithreads and $new =~ /-thread/) {
$new =~ s/-thread//;
} elsif ($ithreads and $new !~ /-thread/) {
$new .= "-thread";
$c->debug("post-configure archname fixes: $archname => $new");
$c->_fail("archname not detected in config.sh") unless $archname;
# This was very fragile: e.g. archname=darwin or mach
# FIXME libpth was changed to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-debug-gnu
if ($archname and $archname ne $new) { # Time to make this stable
$new =~ s/([\$\%\@])/\\$1/g;
# which keys exactly? only those keys.
# maybe redo the whole Configure step again
$c->_grep("-i s|(\\d)/$archname'|\\1/$new'|;"
. " s|(\\d)/$archname\"|\\1/$new\"|;"
. " s|/$archname/CORE|/$new/CORE|;"
. " s|define ARCHNAME \"$archname\"|define ARCHNAME \"$new\"|;"
. " s|archname=$archname,|archname=$new,|;"
. " s|archname='$archname'|archname='$new'|; print",
qw(config.h config.sh Policy.sh myconfig));
if (!$dryrun and $c->_older($p,'5.14')) { #seems to be <=5.6.2 only
# remove archs from inc_version_list
if ($c->_grep('m|inc_version_list.+(\d\.\d\d?\.\d\d?)/'.$archname.' | and print $1',
"config.sh")) {
$c->debug("post-configure remove archlibs from inc_version_list");
$c->_grep('-i s|(\d\.\d\d?\.\d\d?)/'.$archname.' ||;'
. ' s|"(\d\.\d\d?\.\d\d?)/'.$archname.'",||;'
. " print",
qw(config.h config.sh));
if ($archname and $archname ne $new) {
$archname = $new;
if ($^O =~ /cygwin|msys/) {
$c->debug("post-configure perl.dll fixes");
# libperl really is libperl.a. Should be libperl.dll.a at least. we use the dll.
my $dll = $dryrun ? "fake.dll"
: $c->_grep("/^libperl='(.+?)'\$/ and print \$1", "config.sh");
if ($libperl eq $dll) {
$c->_log('',"configure did keep our libperl, good");
} elsif ($libperl and $dll) {
$libperl =~ s/([\.\$\%\@])/\\$1/g;
$c->_grep("-i s,$dll,$libperl,; print",
qw(config.sh config.h Makefile GNUmakefile myconfig));
if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
$c->_grep("-i s,libperl='libperl\.a',libperl='$libperl',; print",
$c->_grep("-i s,libperl=libperl\.a,libperl=$libperl,; print",
if ($^O eq 'cygwin' and !$dryrun) {
my $cygmk = 'cygwin/Makefile.SHs';
my $dll = substr($libperl,0,-4);
if ($c->_older($p,'5.8.9')) {
if (-e $cygmk and $c->_grep("/^linklibperl=(-l)/ and print \$1", $cygmk)) {
$c->debug("post-configure LLIBPERL llibperl fixes");
$c->_grep("-i s/^LLIBPERL= \$linklibperl/DLLNAME= $dll/; print", $cygmk);
$c->_grep('-i s/^-o $(LIBPERL)$(DLSUFFIX)/-o $(DLLNAME)$(DLSUFFIX)/; print', $cygmk);
$c->_grep('-i s/^$(LIBPERL).dll$(LIB_EXT): $& perl$(OBJ_EXT) $(cwobj) ld2/'
.'libperl.dll$(LIB_EXT): $& perl$(OBJ_EXT) $(cwobj)/; print;', $cygmk);
$c->_grep('-i s/$(LDLIBPTH) ld2 $(SHRPLDFLAGS) -o $(LIBPERL)$(DLSUFFIX)/'
.'$(LDLIBPTH) $(CC) $(SHRPLDFLAGS) -o $(DLLNAME)$(DLSUFFIX) -Wl,--out-implib=$@/; print', $cygmk);
# since 5.8.9
if (my $dllname = $c->_grep("/^DLLNAME= (\$dllname)\$/ and print \$1", $cygmk)) {
$c->debug("post-configure DLLNAME $dllname fixes");
if ($dll ne $dllname) {
$c->_grep("-i s/^DLLNAME= \$dllname/DLLNAME= $dll/; print", $cygmk);
$c->_grep('-i s/^-o $(LIBPERL)$(DLSUFFIX)/-o $(DLLNAME)$(DLSUFFIX)/; print', $cygmk);
$c->_grep('-i s/^-o $(LIBPERL)$(DLSUFFIX)/-o $(DLLNAME)$(DLSUFFIX)/; print', $cygmk);
# XXX fix config_args also
if ($^O eq 'darwin') { # darwin hints overwrote ld
$c->debug("post-configure darwin ld fixes");
my $ld = $dryrun ? "env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 cc"
: $c->_grep("/^ld='(.+?)'/ and print \$1", "config.sh");
my $cc = $dryrun ? "cc" : $c->_grep("/^cc='(.+?)'/ and print \$1", "config.sh");
if ($ld ne $cc) { # XXX check cmdline -Dld=
$c->_grep("-i s,^ld='$ld',ld='$cc',; print", "config.sh");
$c->debug("post-configure startperl fixes");
my $qp = $p; $qp =~ s/([\$\%\@])/\\$1/g;
# -Uversiononly:
$c->_grep("-i s,bin/perl,bin/perl$qp,; print", qw(config.h config.sh));
# XXX fix config_args also
my $makefile = -f "GNUmakefile" ? "GNUmakefile" : "makefile";
#$c->debug("post-configure clang fixes");
#if (join(" ",@conf) =~ /-D'?cc='?clang'?/) {
# $c->_grep("-i s/-fstack-protector-strong//; print", "config.sh", "myconfig", $makefile);
# $c->_grep("-i s/-fstack-protector//; print", "config.sh", "myconfig", $makefile);
if (!$dryrun and `grep '<command-line>' $makefile`) { # <5.8.8?
$c->debug("post-configure old-perl Makefile <command-line> fixes");
$c->_grep("-i print unless /<command-line>/", $makefile, "x2p/$makefile");
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$dryrun = $c->options->{dryrun};
$c->_log(1,"win32 $make");
} else {
$c->_system1( $make, @j);
$c->debug("post-make versiononly");
# TODO: need to install pureperl libs,
# but also version the executables
if (!grep /^-Uversiononly/, @{$c->options->{U}}) {
$c->_grep("-i s/versiononly='undef'/versiononly='define'/; print",
"config.sh", 'lib/Config_heavy.pl');
if ($c->cmd eq 'smoke') {
return $c->execute('_smoke', $p, $from, @j); # XXX not yet
unless ($c->options->{notest}) {
local $ENV{TEST_JOBS} = 4;
if ($dryrun) {
$c->_system1(join(" ",$make, @j, "test_harness"));
} else {
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$c->_system1(join(" ",$make, @j, "test_harness", "> log.test"));
} else {
$c->_system1(join(" ",$make, @j, "test_harness", "2>&1 |tee log.test"));
system("tail -30 log.test") unless $dryrun or $c->options->{quiet};
# XXX system is not giving me back the errcode??
$testerr = `grep "All tests successful." log.test` ? undef : 1;
if ($^O eq 'cygwin') { # patch installperl for cygwin
my $patch = <<'EOP'; # ignored
--- installperl.orig 2012-02-03 16:10:51.000000000 -0600
+++ installperl 2012-02-03 19:53:29.614891000 -0600
@@ -263,9 +263,11 @@
if ($Is_Cygwin) {
$perldll = $libperl;
- my $v_e_r_s = substr($ver,0,-2); $v_e_r_s =~ tr/./_/;
- $perldll =~ s/(\..*)?$/$v_e_r_s.$dlext/;
- $perldll =~ s/^lib/cyg/;
+ if (substr($perldll,-4) ne ".dll") {
+ my $v_e_r_s = substr($ver,0,-2); $v_e_r_s =~ tr/./_/;
+ $perldll =~ s/(\..*)?$/$v_e_r_s.$dlext/;
+ $perldll =~ s/^lib/cyg/;
+ }
} else {
$perldll = 'perl58.' . $dlext;
$c->debug("patch installperl for perldll");
$c->_grep('-i s{\$perldll =~ s/^lib/cyg/}{\$perldll = \$libperl}; print', 'installperl');
# XXX $archname is empty if --install
if (!$archname) {
$archname = $dryrun ? "fake-arch"
: $c->_grep("/^archname='(.+?)'\$/ and print \$1", "config.sh");
if (!$testerr or $c->options->{force}) {
$c->_system1( "rm","-rf","$root/inst-$p");
# XXX <= 5.8.0 needs sudo, as it doesn't do DESTDIR
# it also doesn't do lib on versiononly (i.e. usedevel)
# we better patch installperl
if ($c->_older($p,'5.8.1')) {
warn("TODO perl <= 5.8.0 needs to patch installperl: DESTDIR, versiononly w/ lib");
if ($^O eq 'darwin' and $c->_older($p,'5.6.2')) {
if ($^O eq 'cygwin' and $c->_older($p,'5.9.0')) {
$c->_system1("mkdir -p $prefix/lib/perl5/$ps/$archname");
my @c = ($make, @j, "install", "DESTDIR=$root/inst-$p");
unshift @c, $sudo if $sudo and (!-w "$root" or $c->_older($p,'5.8.1'));
# make install for static extensions severely broken
my $static_ext;
if (-d "$root/inst-$p" and $static_ext = $c->_grep("m|static_ext='(.+?)'| and print \$1", "config.sh")) {
$c->debug("post-make install static extensions $static_ext") if $static_ext;
for my $ext (split(/ /,$static_ext)) { # may be PerlIO/scalar
my $base = basename($ext);
my $dir = "$root/inst-$p$prefix/lib/perl5/$ps/$archname/auto/$ext";
$c->_system1("mkdir -p $dir") unless -d $dir;
$c->_system1($cp, "lib/auto/$ext/$base.a", "$dir/") if -e "lib/auto/$ext/$base.a";
# XXX on freebsd and windows there's no sudo. well in freebsd ports there is.
# do we need sudo? check writable
if ($c->_older($p,'5.8.1')) {
my @c = ( $mv, "$bindir/perl$ps","$bindir/perl$p" );
unshift @c, $sudo if $sudo and !-w "$bindir/perl$p";
$c->_system1( @c );
elsif (-f "$root/inst-$p$prefix/bin/perl$ps") {
my @c = ($cp, "$root/inst-$p$prefix/bin/perl$ps","$bindir/perl$p");
unshift @c, $sudo if $sudo and !-w "$bindir/perl$p";
$c->_system1( @c );
if ($^O =~ /^MSWin32|cygwin/) {
$c->_system1( "$cp $root/inst-$p$prefix/bin/*.dll $bindir/" );
# symlink to symbolic name (blead, smoke-me, ...)
if ($from eq 'blead' and $^O ne 'MSWin32') {
my $s = $p;
$s =~ s/\@.*//;
my @c = ('ln', '-sf', "$bindir/perl$p", "$bindir/perl$s\@blead");
unshift @c, $sudo if $sudo and !-w "$bindir/perl$p";
$c->_system( @c );
# move away perl5.x
$c->_system( 'mv', "$root/inst-$p$prefix/bin/perl$ps", "$root/inst-$p$prefix/perl$ps" );
# copy all versioned tools
my $cmd = "$cp $root/inst-$p$prefix/bin/* $bindir/";
$cmd = "$sudo $cmd" if $sudo and !-w "$bindir/perl$p";
$c->_system( $cmd );
# move back perl5.x
$c->_system( 'mv', "$root/inst-$p$prefix/perl$ps", "$root/inst-$p$prefix/bin/perl$ps" );
} else {
for (qw(cpan perldoc pod2man perlbug)) {
my @c = ($cp, "$root/inst-$p$prefix/bin/$_$ps","$bindir/");
unshift @c, $sudo if $sudo and !-w "$bindir/perl$p";
$c->_system1( @c );
@c = ($cp, "-rf", "$root/inst-$p$prefix/lib", "$prefix/");
my $lib = $is_cperl ? 'cperl' : 'perl5';
unshift @c, $sudo if $sudo and !-w "$prefix/lib/$lib/$ps";
$c->_system1( @c );
if (!$testerr and $srcdir eq "." and -d '.git') {
$c->_system1( "rm","-rf",".git");
chdir $cwd;
print $c->output() if $c->options->{verbose};
return "$bindir/perl$p faked" if $dryrun;
return -f "$bindir/perl$p"
? "$bindir/perl$p installed"
: "$bindir/perl$p failed to install";
=item B<install> [ perl<version><suffix> [ from ]]
Same as build
=item B<uninstall> perl<version><suffix>
Uninstalls the given version(s).
sub uninstall
:Help('sudo rm /usr/local/bin/perl<arg> and its archlibs')
my $c = shift;
for my $p (@{$c->stash->{perlall}}) {
my $bindir = $c->config->{PERLALL_BINDIR};
$bindir = "/usr/local/bin" unless $bindir;
$p = basename($p);
$c->_fail("$bindir/$p does not exist") unless -e "$bindir/$p";
my $pq = $p;
$pq =~ s/([\@\$\%])/\\$1/;
my $archlib = `$bindir/$pq -MConfig -e'print \$Config{archlibexp}'`;
$archlib = `$bindir/$pq -MConfig -e'print \$Config{archlib}'` unless $archlib;
my $sitearch = `$bindir/$pq -MConfig -e'print \$Config{sitearchexp}'`; # may be empty
if ($c->options->{dryrun} or (-f "$bindir/$p" and -d $archlib)) {
$c->_system0("sudo","rm","-rf", "$bindir/$p", $archlib, $sitearch);
} else {
$c->_fail("$p archlib $archlib did not exist");
my $root = $c->config->{PERLALL_BUILDROOT};
if (-d "$root/inst-$p") {
# XXX ask
if (-d "$root/build-$p") {
print "perl$p uninstalled\n";
=item B<smoke> [OPTIONS] perl<version><suffix> [ branch|from ]
Same as C<build>, but reports the testresults to the smokers mailing list.
C<from> may be a wildcard for multiple smoke branches, as C<smoke-me/*>.
Description and OPTIONS see L</build>.
sub _smoke
my ($c, $p, $from, @j) = @_;
return "unimplemented";
=item B<bench> [OPTIONS] <version><suffix> [ how ]
Runs a short perl-core benchmark, and optionally a third-party script,
automatically until the benchmark statistically stabilizes.
Rejects statistical outliers, heavy load, and does the
iterations up to 2 seconds on shorter scripts.
Tested are array access, hash access, s///, in a tak with
recursion and tail-recursion without IO to prevent too many
external influences, though perl typically shines on IO.
sub bench
my $c = shift;
return "unimplemented";
=item B<init> [perl<version><suffix> [--deps] [<modules>...]]
=item perlall="5.*" B<init> [<modules>...]
Installs and updates basic CPAN modules.
Default: C<init-modules> in F<~/.perlall>
YAML DBI DBD::SQLite CPAN::SQLite Devel::Platform::Info \
Params::Util Bundle::CPANReporter2 \
B::Flags Opcodes Math::Round Params::Classify `cat ~/Perl/B-C/t/top100` \
Bundle::CygwinVendor YAML::XS DBIx::Class SQL::Abstract Module::Find Mouse \
MouseX::Types Task::Kensho
Specific Options:
Default: C<cpan>=C<cpan> or C<cpanm> in F<.perlall>
--deps scan blib/lib and t for modules with ack
sub init
:Help('Installs and updates basic CPAN modules')
my $c = shift;
$c->addopts( "cpan=s", "deps" );
my @argv = @{$c->argv};
my $mods = @argv ? join(" ",@argv) : $c->config->{'init-modules'};
if (!@argv and $mods =~ /`(.+?)`/) { # expand `` in init-modules
my $sh = `$1`;
$mods =~ s/`(.+?)`/$sh/;
if ($c->options->{deps}) {
my $ack = q(ack -ho '(^\s*|\{\s*)(use|require) ([\w:]+);' blib/lib t | perl -lpe's/^\s*(\{|;|use|require)\s*//g;s/;?\s*\$//;' | sort -u);
$mods = `$ack`;
$mods = join(" ",split(/\n/, $mods));
return "no --deps found" unless $mods;
return "missing config init-modules" unless $mods;
my $cpan = $c->options->{'cpan'};
$cpan = $c->config->{'cpan'} unless $cpan;
$c->options->{verbose} = 1;
for my $p (@{$c->stash->{perlall}}) {
if ($c->_older( $p, "5.8.1")) {
$cpan = '-MCPAN';
} else {
if (!$cpan) {
if (qx($p -MApp::Cpan -e'print q(ok)') eq 'ok') {
$cpan = 'cpan';
} elsif (qx($p -MApp::cpanminus -e'print q(ok)') eq 'ok') {
$cpan = 'cpanm';
} else {
$cpan = '-MCPAN';
if ($cpan eq 'cpan') { # XXX and use_sqlite
# if App::cpan exists and works ok, -S cpan
# otherwise need -MCPAN -e'install qw(mods)'
# use_sqlite bootstrap: YAML DBI DBD::SQLite CPAN::SQLite
qx($p -MCPAN::SQLite -e'CPAN::SQLite->query(mode=>"dist",name=>"CPAN")' 2>/dev/null);
if ($? >> 8) {
my $nosql = "$ENV{HOME}/.cpan/CPAN/nosqlite.pm";
unless ( -f $nosql ) {
$c->_system("cp","$ENV{HOME}/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm", $nosql);
$c->_grep("-i s/'use_sqlite' => q\[1\]/'use_sqlite' => q\[0\]/; print", $nosql);
# XXX only newer cpan's can do -j
$c->_system1( $p, "-S", "cpan", "-j", $nosql, 'DBI', 'DBD::SQLite');
if ($cpan eq '-MCPAN') {
$c->_system1( $p, "-MCPAN", "-e", "install qw($mods)" );
} else {
$c->_system1( $p, "-S", $cpan, split(/\s+/,$mods));
$c->_set_alias() if @{$c->stash->{perlall}} < 5;
=item B<list> [version*]
List all installed perls available for perlall.
Note that options after list are ignored.
sub list
:Help('List all installed perlall versions')
my $c = shift;
warn "additional arguments @{$c->argv} ignored\n" if @{$c->argv};
return join "\n", @{$c->stash->{perlall}};
=item B<set> version
Set alias p in .perlall
sub set
:Help('Set alias p in .perlall')
my $c = shift;
my $p = pop @{$c->argv};
warn "additional arguments @{$c->argv} ignored\n" if @{$c->argv};
=item B<do> [<version>] commands...
Execute commands with all perls.
Specific Options:
All other options and arguments are passed through to the perl.
For example, run a Hello program:
perlall do -E'say "Hello from $]"'
is expanded to something like:
for perl in /usr/local/bin/perl5*; do
echo $perl $*
$perl $*
Better restricts perls via ENV:
perlall="5.14.*d*" perlall do -E'say "Hello from $]"'
is expanded to something like:
for perl in /usr/local/bin/perl5.14.*d*; do
echo $p $*
$p $*
The output depends on your perl installations, and looks like this:
perl5.12.2-nt -E'say "Hello from $]"'
Hello from perl-5.012002
perl5.12.3-m -E'say "Hello from $]"'
Hello from perl-5.012003
perl5.14.2 -E'say "Hello from $]"'
Hello from perl-5.014002
perl5.14.2d -E'say "Hello from $]"'
Hello from perl-5.014002
perl5.14.2d-nt -E'say "Hello from $]"'
Hello from perl-5.014002
perl5.8.9-nt -E'say "Hello from $]"'
Unrecognized switch: -E (-h will show valid options).
perl5.6.2-nt -E'say "Hello from $]"'
Unrecognized switch: -E (-h will show valid options).
Notice that the commands are not executed in parallel.
sub do
:Help('Execute commands with all perls')
my $c = shift;
my $argv = join " ",@{$c->argv};
return "missing args" unless $argv;
$c->addopts( "verbose|v", "quiet|q", "dryrun!", 'forked', "gittag=s" );
# $c->options->{verbose} = 1 unless $c->options->{quiet};
for my $p (@{$c->stash->{perlall}}) {
local $ENV{p} = $p;
local $c->options->{quiet};
$c->_system0( "$p $argv");
$c->_set_alias() if @{$c->stash->{perlall}} < 5;
=item B<cpan> modules
like C<perlall do>, but calls C<perl5.* -S cpan args...> for all perls
sub cpan
:Help('Call cpan with args for all perls')
my $c = shift;
my $argv = join " ",@{$c->argv};
return "missing args" unless $argv;
$c->options->{verbose} = 1 unless $c->options->{quiet};
for my $p (@{$c->stash->{perlall}}) {
$c->_system0($p, "-S", "cpan", @{$c->argv});
$c->_set_alias() if @{$c->stash->{perlall}} < 5;
=item B<cpanm> modules
like C<perlall cpan>, but uses C<cpanm>.
Note: C<--sudo> is very common argument passed trough.
sub cpanm
:Help('Call cpanm with args for all perls')
my $c = shift;
my $argv = join " ",@{$c->argv};
return "missing args" unless $argv;
$c->options->{verbose} = 1 unless $c->options->{quiet};
for my $p (@{$c->stash->{perlall}}) {
$c->_system0($p, "-S", "cpanm", @{$c->argv});
$c->_set_alias() if @{$c->stash->{perlall}} < 5;
sub _gitoneliner {
my $c = shift;
return $c->options->{gittag} if $c->options->{gittag};
if (-d '.svn') {
return `svn info t | grep Revision`;
} elsif (-d '.git') {
my $s = `git describe --long --tags --dirty --always`;
chomp $s;
$s .= `git log --oneline -1`;
return $s;
} else {
return '';
=item B<make> [commands...]
like C<perlall do>, but prepends C<make -s clean; $p Makefile.PL; make>
before executing the arguments.
C<$p> is expanded to the currently run perl.
perlall is also Build.PL aware but prefers Makefile.PL.
perlall make '-e1 && valgrind \$p -Mblib test.pl'
Specific Options:
All other options and arguments are passed through to the perl.
sub _make {
my $c = shift;
my $p = shift;
my $verbose = shift;
my $make = $Config{make};
# checks MB
$c->_system( $make, "-s", "clean") if -f "Makefile";
$c->_lognew(_short($p)) unless $c->stash->{log_fh};
if (-f "Makefile.PL") {
$c->_system0( $p, "Makefile.PL");
$verbose ? $c->_system1($make) : $c->_system($make);
} elsif (-f "Build.PL") {
# This is broken and needs a realclean
$c->_system( "./Build", "realclean") if -f "Build";# and $^O ne 'MSWin32';
$c->_system( "rm", "-rf", "blib", "_Build", "Build" ) if $^O ne 'MSWin32';
$c->_system0( $p, "Build.PL");
$verbose ? $c->_system1($p, "Build") : $c->_system($p, "Build");
sub make
:Help('Do perl Makefile.PL; make for all perls')
my $c = shift;
my $argv = join " ",@{$c->argv};
my $make = $Config{make};
$c->addopts( "verbose|v", "quiet|q", "dryrun!", 'forked', "gittag=s" );
my $gitshort = $c->_gitoneliner();
my $v = $c->options->{verbose};
for my $p (@{$c->stash->{perlall}}) {
my $fh = $c->stash->{log_fh};
print $fh $gitshort if $fh and $gitshort;
#local $c->options->{verbose} = 0;
#local $c->options->{quiet} = 1;
# undef $c->stash->{log_fh};
if ($argv) { # preserves quotes as in -e'my $a;'
#$c->options->{verbose} = 1 unless $c->options->{quiet};
local $ENV{p} = $p;
local $c->options->{quiet};
local $c->options->{verbose} = $v;
$c->_system0( "$p $argv" );
$c->_set_alias() if @{$c->stash->{perlall}} < 5;
=item B<maketest> [commands...]
like C<perlall make>, but runs C<make test TEST_VERBOSE=1> after C<make>.
This is the most used command.
On C<--quiet> or C<-q> does not do TEST_VERBOSE=1
Specific Options:
All other options and arguments are passed through to the perl.
sub maketest
:Help('Do make; make test for all perls')
my $c = shift;
my $make = $Config{make};
$c->addopts( "verbose|v", "quiet|q", "dryrun!", 'forked', "gittag=s" );
my $gitshort = $c->_gitoneliner();
my $v = $c->options->{verbose};
for my $p (@{$c->stash->{perlall}}) {
my $fh = $c->stash->{log_fh};
print $fh $gitshort if $fh and $gitshort;
# local $c->options->{verbose} = 0;
# local $c->options->{quiet} = $v ? 0 : 1;
my @opts = ("test", $v ? "TEST_VERBOSE=1" : ());
unshift @opts,"-j".$c->options->{j}
if $c->options->{j} and !$c->_older( $p,"5.10.0");
if (!-f "Makefile" and -f "Build") {
$c->_system1( $p, "Build", @opts);
} else {
$c->_system1( $make, @opts);
if ($c->options->{quiet}) {
my $log = $c->stash->{log};
my $result = `grep -a Result: $log`;
$c->_log(0, $result) if $result;
if (@{$c->argv}) {
local $c->options->{quiet};
local $c->options->{verbose} = $v;
# optionally additional tests
$c->_system0( "p=$p $p @{$c->argv}");
if (-d '.svn' and $fh) {
print $fh `svn info t | grep Revision`;
print $fh `svn diff -x -w` if -d '.svn';
} elsif (-d '.git' and $fh) {
print $fh `git log -1`;
print $fh `git diff`;
print $fh `$p -V` if $fh;
# special hooks:
`./store_rpt` if -f 'store_rpt';
$c->_set_alias() if @{$c->stash->{perlall}} < 5;
=item B<makeinstall> [commands...]
like C<perlall maketest>, but runs C<sudo make install> after C<make test>.
Specific Options:
sub makeinstall
:Help('Do make test && sudo make install for all perls')
my $c = shift;
my $make = $Config{make};
$c->addopts( "force|f", "notest|n" );
# XXX check CPAN/MyConfig.pm for sudo
#warn "additional arguments @{$c->argv} ignored\n" if @{$c->argv};
my $gitshort = $c->_gitoneliner();
my $sudo = $c->config->{sudo};
my $v = $c->options->{verbose};
for my $p (@{$c->stash->{perlall}}) {
local $c->options->{verbose} = $v;
my $fh = $c->stash->{log_fh};
print $fh $gitshort if $fh and $gitshort;
# undef $c->stash->{log_fh};
my $instcmd = "$sudo $make install";
if ($c->options->{notest}) {
$c->options->{verbose} = 1 unless $c->options->{quiet};
$c->_system1( $instcmd );
} elsif ($c->options->{force}) {
$c->_system1( $make, 'test' );
$c->options->{verbose} = 1 unless $c->options->{quiet};
$c->_system1( $instcmd );
} else {
$c->options->{verbose} = 1 unless $c->options->{quiet};
$c->_system1( "$make test && $instcmd" ); # csh?
if (@{$c->argv}) {
# optionally additional tests
local $ENV{p} = $p;
$c->_system0( $p, @{$c->argv} );
$c->_set_alias() if @{$c->stash->{perlall}} < 5;
# may return undef if not possible to start it
sub _startvm {
my $c = shift;
my $m = shift or die "_startvm missing vm name";
# XXX only virsh supported so far. BTW, we do not want to use the Libvirt XML module
my $ctl = $c->config->{testvm_ctl};
unless ($ctl) {
$c->_log('',"no testvm_ctl in .perlall. _startvm $m skipped");
return 1;
$c->_fail("Unsupported testvm_ctl='$ctl' in .perlall. Only virsh.") if $ctl ne 'virsh';
my $status = `sudo virsh list --all`;
my $test = '
Id Name State
14 win running
15 freebsd7 paused
18 centos6 paused
22 centos5 paused
24 centos4 paused
25 solaris running
- freebsd8 shut off
- openbsd49 shut off';
# XXX resolve DNS aliases (from /etc/hosts). i.e. c5 => centos5
my $max = $c->options->{max};
my (@running);
my @status = split/\n/,$status;
if ($max) {
for (@status) {
my @v = split /\s+/;
shift @v if $v[0] eq '';
push @running, $v[1] if $v[2] eq 'running';
for (@status) {
my @v = split /\s+/;
shift @v if $v[0] eq '';
if ($v[1] eq $m) {
if ($v[2] eq 'running') { # running,idle,paused,shutdown,shut off,crashed,dying
return 1;
elsif ($v[2] eq 'paused') {
if ($max and @running > $max) {
my $r = shift @running;
$c->_system1(qw(sudo virsh suspend), $r);
push @{$c->stash->{vm}}, [$m,'suspend'];
$c->_system1(qw(sudo virsh resume), $m);
sleep 0.1;
unshift @running, $m;
return 1;
elsif ($v[2] eq 'shut') {
if ($max and @running > $max) {
my $r = shift @running;
$c->_system1(qw(sudo virsh suspend), $r);
push @{$c->stash->{vm}}, [$m,'shutdown'];
$c->_system1(qw(sudo virsh start), $m);
sleep 25;
unshift @running, $m;
return 1;
else {
$c->_fail("vm $m in invalid state $v[2]");
$c->debug("vm $m not found");
return 1;
sub _vm_prevstatus {
my $c = shift;
my $m = shift or die "_vm_prevstatus missing vm name";
while (@{$c->stash->{vm}}) {
my $a = shift @{$c->stash->{vm}};
return $a->[1] if $a->[0] eq $m;
sub _vm_delstatus {
my $c = shift;
my $m = shift or die "_vm_delstatus missing vm name";
my @v = grep {$_->[0] ne $m} @{$c->stash->{vm}};
$c->stash->{vm} = \@v;
=item B<testvm> [OPTIONS] [user@]hostname...
Does C<perlall maketest> in parallel on remote machines.
C<testvm> is only usable within a perl core builddir/srcdir
or in a module rootdir.
It shells out to ssh account(s), copies the files in MANIFEST
to the machine, runs C<perlall maketest> there and copies the
logfiles back.
Specific Options:
--all|a - all hosts defined in config C<testvm>
--up - only upload (files from local MANIFEST)
--cmd|c=<remotecmd> any valid perlall command, like
build, init, makeinstall, smoke. Default: maketest
--option|o="" remaining remote perlall cmd options and args
--max|j 4 - how many machines in parallel.
--fork - test in parallel and do not wait for the results,
just gather logfiles
--prefix|p=Perl - remote basedir if different to local basedir
Config settings:
testvm_prefix=Perl - relative remote basepath of your modules
i.e. local basename = B-Generate => remote: vmhost:Perl/B-Generate
testvm_max=4 - balancing, default for -j
testvm_ctl=virsh - type of vm ctl: virsh, xen-shell, vmrun, VBoXManage
VM Balancing:
If the remote hosts are VM's on this machine, you can control how many
VM's should run in parallel, and how they are started and stopped.
Currently only C<virsh> is supported to resume a paused vm and start
a stopped vm. C<--max> is yet ignored.
If C<testvm_ctl> is not set, no balancing - start+shutdown - will be done,
such as on physical hosts or enough VM power.
See F<.perlall>
sub testvm
:Help('Test on remote accounts via ssh/rsync (vm or host)')
my $c = shift;
# testvm has a different option set and allows options after the command
my $gopts = _opts($c->options);
$c->addopts( "all|a", "up", "prefix|p=s", "cmd|c=s", "option|o=s",
"max|j=n", "fork!" );
my ($base);
my @testvm = split / /,$c->config->{testvm_all};
my @machines = $c->options->{all} ? @testvm : @{$c->argv};
return "missing args" unless @machines;
$c->options->{max} = $c->config->{testvm_max} unless $c->options->{max};
# XXX Expand glob-style machines
# Idea: - check /etc/hosts so testvm can be empty?
# But then we have to check the network for possible machines,
# or we want to do all hosts in /etc/hosts?
# - check hosts in .ssh/known_hosts
# XXX check if pwd in core or in a module
my $opts = _opts($c->options);
$opts =~ s/$_// for split/ /,$gopts;
$gopts = " ".$gopts if $gopts;
_print(1,"perlall$gopts testvm ".$opts,@machines)
if $c->options->{verbose};
my $cmd = $c->options->{cmd} || "maketest";
my $opt = $c->options->{option} ? (' '.$c->options->{option}) : ' -q';
my $man = 'MANIFEST';
$c->_fail("$man not found") unless -f $man;
my $f = 'MANIFEST.files';
if ( ! -f $f or -M $man < -M $f ) {
$c->_log(1,"Creating $f");
open M,'<',$man; open F,'>',$f;
while (<M>) {
s/ +$//;
print F $_ unless /^#/;
close M; close F;
# $vmprefix = File::Spec->abs2rel(Cwd::getcwd, $ENV{HOME});
my $home = $ENV{HOME};
if (!$home or !-d $home) {
$home = File::HomeDir->my_home;
if (File::Spec->can('abs2rel') and $home) {
my $cwd = Cwd::getcwd();
$base = File::Spec->abs2rel($cwd, $home);
if (length($cmd) < length($base)) { # use absolute paths if shorter
$base = $cwd;
} else {
my $vmprefix = $c->options->{testvm_prefix} || "Perl";
$base = File::Spec->catdir($vmprefix, basename(Cwd::getcwd()));
my $msg = "done";
my $remotecmd = "cd $base && touch Makefile.PL && perlall$gopts $cmd$opt";
my $up = $c->options->{up};
my $do_fork = $c->options->{fork} and IPC::Cmd->can_use_run_forked();
my $gitshort = $c->_gitoneliner();
my $fh = $c->stash->{log_fh};
print $fh $gitshort if $fh and $gitshort;
my @forked;
for my $m (@machines) {
$c->_startvm($m) or next;
# XXX some old systems (centos4) have rsync 2.6 which will fail.
# -vldogDtpRze.Lsf: unknown option
'.', "$m:$base/") or next;
unless ( $up ) {
# my $buf = ' 'x10000;
my $logglob = $cmd eq 'maketest' ? "log.test-*" : "log.$cmd-*";
if ($gitshort and $remotecmd != /--gittag/) {
my ($commit) = split / /, $gitshort;
$remotecmd .= " --gittag=$commit";
if ($do_fork) { # run cmds in parallel
$remotecmd .= ' --forked' if $cmd eq 'maketest' and $cmd !~ /--forked/;
my @cmd = ("sh","-c",
"if ssh $m '$remotecmd'; then rsync -avz $m:$base/$logglob .; grep Result $logglob; fi");
# if virsh was resumed, pause it back afterwards
if ($c->stash->{vm} and my $prevstat = $c->_vm_prevstatus($m)) {
@cmd = ("sh","-c",
"if ssh $m '$remotecmd'; then rsync -avz $m:$base/$logglob .; grep Result $logglob; "
."sudo virsh $m $prevstat; fi");
my $pid;
#my $pid = IPC::Cmd::run_forked( \@cmd,
# {timeout => 3600, # seconds, max 1h
# # discard_output => 1, # rather collect logfiles.
# # terminate_on_parent_sudden_death => 1,
# });
if ($pid = fork) {
$c->debug("forked $pid"); #parent
push @forked, $pid;
$msg = "forked";
$c->_log(0,"forked $remotecmd on $m");
} elsif (defined $pid) {
exec @cmd; # child just ends
} elsif ($! == &Fcntl::EAGAIN) { # supposedly recoverable fork error
sleep 5;
redo FORK;
} else {
die "Can't fork: $!\n"; # weird fork error
# do not wait for children forked off. they are perlall.lock'ed and come back alone
#sleep 15.0 if $forked; ## DEBUGGING
} else {
$c->_system1("grep Result $logglob");
if (!@forked and $c->stash->{vm}) {
while (@{$c->stash->{vm}}) {
my $a = shift @{$c->stash->{vm}};
$c->_system1(qw(sudo virsh), $a->[1], $a->[0]);
"testvm $cmd $msg on ".join(" ",@machines)
=item B<initvm> [--all] user@[hostname]...
copies pubkey to host:.ssh/authorized_keys if not exists
copies perlall to host:bin/
(if perlbin is installed at /usr/local/bin/ then symlink to it)
ssh hostname perlall -v init App::Rad IO::Scalar Devel::Platform::Info Devel::PatchPerl
sub initvm
:Help('Init remote perlall via ssh/rsync (vm or host)')
my $c = shift;
$c->addopts( "all|a", "max|j=n");
my @m = $c->options->{all} ? split(/ /,$c->config->{testvm_all}) : @{$c->argv};
return "missing host" unless @m;
$c->options->{max} = $c->config->{testvm_max} unless $c->options->{max};
for my $m (@m) {
_print(0,"perlall initvm $m") unless $c->options->{quiet};
$c->_startvm($m) or next;
unless (`ssh $m ls .ssh/authorized_keys` =~ /authorized_keys$/m) {
for my $t (/ecdsa dsa rsa/) {
if (-f "$ENV{HOME}/.ssh/id_$t.pub") {
_print 1,"rsync -avzL ~/.ssh/id_$t.pub >>$m:.ssh/authorized_keys"
unless $c->options->{quiet};
qx(rsync -avzL $ENV{HOME}/.ssh/id_$t.pub $m:.ssh/copied.pub);
qx(ssh $m cat .ssh/copied.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys);
# XXX To ~/bin/ or /usr/local/bin/?
# make install puts it into /usr/local/bin/ but this will need sudo
# XXX if $m is cygwin, check if pl2bat needed
# XXX TODO current msys and mingw recipes:
#rsync -azL ~/bin/perlall win:/cygdrive/c/mingw/msys/1.0/home/$USER/bin/
#rsync -azL ~/bin/perlall win:/cygdrive/c/perl514/perl/site/bin
#ssh win 'cd /cygdrive/c/perl514/perl/site/bin && cmd /C "PATH=c:\perl514\perl\bin;%PATH% & c:\perl514\perl\bin\pl2bat perlall"'
#rsync -azL /home/rurban/bin/perlall win:/cygdrive/c/perl512/perl/site/bin
#ssh win 'cd /cygdrive/c/perl512/perl/site/bin && cmd /C "PATH=c:\perl512\perl\bin;%PATH% & c:\perl512\perl\bin\pl2bat perlall"'
$c->_system1("rsync","-avzL",$0,"$m:bin/perlall") or next;
# check .perlall, and cpan deps
unless (`ssh $m ls .perlall` =~ /.perlall$/m) {
$c->_system1("ssh $m "
."'perl -MCPAN -e\"install qw/" . join(" ",@extuse). "/\"'");
my $patchperlpath = `ssh $m perldoc -l Devel::PatchPerl`;
chomp $patchperlpath;
$patchperlpath =~ s|PatchPerl\.pm|PatchPerl/Plugin|;
my $patchasan = `perldoc -l Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::Asan`;
chomp $patchasan;
die "Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::Asan missing\n" unless $patchasan;
my $patchperlall = `perldoc -l Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::perlall`;
chomp $patchperlall;
die "Devel::PatchPerl::Plugin::perlall missing\n" unless $patchperlall;
$c->_system1("ssh",$m,"mkdir -p $patchperlpath");
while ($c->stash->{vm} and @{$c->stash->{vm}}) { # restore previous vm state
my $a = shift @{$c->stash->{vm}};
$c->_system1(qw(sudo virsh), $a->[1], $a->[0]);
"initvm done on ".join(" ",@m)
=item B<config> I<(var (value))>
sub config
:Help('Print (or update - not yet) config')
my $c = shift;
my $file = ".perlall=";
for ( "/etc/perlall", "$ENV{HOME}/.perlall" ) {
$file .= $_.":" if -f $_;
print substr($file,0,-1),"\n";
for (keys %{$c->config}) {
print $_,"=",$c->config->{$_},"\n";
if ($c->options->{options}) {
delete $c->options->{options};
for (keys %{$c->options}) {
print $_,"=",$c->options->{$_},"\n";
=item B<selfupgrade> [ --latest ]
This command upgrades perlall to its latest or stable version.
sub selfupgrade
:Help('Upgrade perlall to its latest or stable version')
my $c = shift;
my $branch = $c->options->{latest} ? 'master' : 'release';
if (-s "perlall.tmp" > 5000) {
$c->_system("mv","perlall.tmp",-l $0 ? readlink($0) : $0) or
"$0 updated"
} else {
"wget download from github failed"
=item B<help>
prints this help. With -v even more.
sub help
:Help('List of commands. With -v more')
my $c = shift;
$c->addopts( 'verbose|v' );
require Pod::Usage;
return Pod::Usage::pod2usage
( { -message => App::Rad::Help::usage() . "\n\n"
. App::Rad::Help::helpstr($c),
-verbose => $c->options->{verbose} ? 3 : 0,
} );
=item B<version>
sub version
:Help('Print version')
# hardlink variants (perlall-make, ...)
print basename($0)." $main::VERSION\n";
Stored in F<~/.perlall> or F</etc/perlall>
This is shell-script syntax with ENV vars and aliases.
C<alias p=$perlall> is also written by C<perlall>.
It is recommended to source this from your F<.profile> for the handy aliases.
=over 4
=item alias p=perl5.15.4d-nt
Save current perl in shell alias form.
This is stored after each perlall execution.
Dependend on p there are several other handy p aliases,
which are active if you source them from your F<~/.profile>
See F<.perlall>
=item alias perl-git="cd /usr/src/perl/blead/perl-git"
Directory with a perl5 git repo to avoid downloading perl-*.tar.gz from CPAN,
in shell alias form.
C<perl-git> stores the perl git workdir, and is also a handy alias to cd into it.
=item alias cdcperl="cd /usr/src/perl/blead/cdcperl"
Directory with a cperl git repo in shell alias form.
C<cdcperl> stores the cperl git workdir, and is also a handy alias to cd into it
Where perls are installed into. Default: /usr/local
Where perl5.* binaries are expected. Currently built into
Default: PREFIX/bin but can also be ~/perl5/perlbrew/bin
Where perls are built.
Default: /usr/src/perl
=item cpan
For init only.
C<cpan> or C<cpanm> (C<-MCPAN> not yet)
=item init-modules
List of CPAN module names for C<init>
=item sudo
Default: "sudo". Or "" on cygwin|msys|MSWin32
=item testvm
See L</testvm>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
The bash scripts, which I used for some years:
L<App::perlbrew> which is good for complete private unshared installations.
It looked like my bash scripts and B<perlall>, but cannot be used as easily.
L<App::SmokeBrew> which also builds a lot of perls to smoke cpan
releases with them.
This software is copyright (c) 2011,2012 by cPanel Inc.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.