# Same as 400_ping_sync.t, but port should be included in return
use strict;
($ENV{PERL_CORE} && !$ENV{PERL_TEST_Net_Ping})) {
print "1..0 # Skip: network dependent test\n";
unless (eval "require Socket") {
print "1..0 \# Skip: no Socket\n";
unless (getservbyname('echo', 'tcp')) {
print "1..0 \# Skip: no echo port\n";
unless (getservbyname('http', 'tcp')) {
print "1..0 \# Skip: no http port\n";
# Remote network test using syn protocol.
# Network connectivity will be required for all tests to pass.
# Firewalls may also cause some tests to fail, so test it
# on a clear network. If you know you do not have a direct
# connection to remote networks, but you still want the tests
# to pass, use the following:
# $ NO_NETWORK_TESTING=1 make test
# Hopefully this is never a routeable host
my $fail_ip = $ENV{NET_PING_FAIL_IP} || "";
# Try a few remote servers
my %webs;
my @hosts = (
# Hopefully all these http and https ports are open
use Test::More tests => 19;
BEGIN {use_ok('Net::Ping')};
my $can_alarm = eval {alarm 0; 1;};
sub Alarm {
alarm(shift) if $can_alarm;
$SIG{ALRM} = sub {
fail('Alarm timed out');
die "TIMED OUT!";
my $p = Net::Ping->new("syn", 10);
isa_ok($p, 'Net::Ping', 'new() worked');
# Change to use the more common web port.
# (Make sure getservbyname works in scalar context.)
cmp_ok(($p->{port_num} = getservbyname("http", "tcp")), '>', 0, 'valid port for http/tcp');
my %contacted;
foreach my $host (@hosts) {
# ping() does dns resolution and
# only sends the SYN at this point
Alarm(50); # (Plenty for a DNS lookup)
foreach my $port (80, 443) {
is($p->ping($host), 1, "Sent SYN to $host at port $port [" . ($p->{bad}->{$host} || "") . "]");
$contacted{"$host:$port"} = 1;
while (my @r = $p->ack()) {
my %res;
@res{qw(host ack_time ip port)} = @r;
my $answered = "$res{host}:$res{port}";
like($answered, qr/^[\w\.]+:\d+$/, "Supposed to be up: $res{host}:$res{port}");
delete $contacted{$answered};
# $fail_ip should not be reachable
is keys %contacted, 2,
'2 servers did not acknowledge our ping'
or diag sort keys %contacted;
delete $contacted{$_}
foreach ("$fail_ip:80","$fail_ip:443", 'www.about.com:443');
is keys %contacted, 0,
'The servers that did not acknowledge our ping were correct';