#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
my @custom_inc;
if ($ENV{PERL_CORE}) {
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@custom_inc = @INC = '../lib';
} elsif (!grep /blib/, @INC) {
chdir 't' if -d 't';
unshift @INC, (@custom_inc = ('../blib/lib', '../blib/arch'));
BEGIN {delete $ENV{THREADS_DEBUG}} # no debugging during testing!
use forks; # must be done _before_ Test::More which loads real threads.pm
diag( <<EOD );
These tests check shared_clone functionality.
# "Unpatch" Test::More, who internally tries to disable threads
no warnings 'redefine';
if ($] < 5.008001) {
import forks::shared::global_filter 'Test::Builder';
require Test::Builder;
*Test::Builder::share = \&threads::shared::share;
*Test::Builder::lock = \&threads::shared::lock;
# Patch Test::Builder to add fork-thread awareness
no warnings 'redefine';
my $_sanity_check_old = \&Test::Builder::_sanity_check;
*Test::Builder::_sanity_check = sub {
my $self = $_[0];
# Don't bother with an ending if this is a forked copy. Only the parent
# should do the ending.
if( $self->{Original_Pid} != $$ ) {
use Test::More tests => 33;
use strict;
### Start of Testing ###
my $x = shared_clone(14);
ok($x == 14, 'number');
$x = shared_clone('test');
ok($x eq 'test', 'string');
my %hsh = ('foo' => 2);
eval {
my $x = shared_clone(%hsh);
ok($@ =~ /Usage:/, '1 arg');
threads->create(sub {})->join(); # Hide leaks, etc.
my $x = 'test';
my $foo :shared = shared_clone($x);
ok($foo eq 'test', 'cloned string');
$foo = shared_clone(\$x);
ok($$foo eq 'test', 'cloned scalar ref');
threads->create(sub {
ok($$foo eq 'test', 'cloned scalar ref in thread');
my $foo :shared;
$foo = shared_clone(\$foo);
ok(ref($foo) eq 'REF', 'Circular ref typ');
ok(is_shared($foo) == is_shared($$foo), 'Circular ref');
threads->create(sub {
ok(is_shared($foo) == is_shared($$foo), 'Circular ref in thread');
my ($x, $y, $z);
$x = \$y; $y = \$z; $z = \$x;
$foo = shared_clone($x);
#TODO: fix to re-load shared REFs before comparison; to be addressed in later release
ok(is_shared($$foo) == is_shared($$$$$foo),
'Cloned circular refs from thread');
my @ary = (qw/foo bar baz/);
my $ary = shared_clone(\@ary);
ok($ary->[1] eq 'bar', 'Cloned array');
$ary->[1] = 99;
ok($ary->[1] == 99, 'Clone mod');
ok($ary[1] eq 'bar', 'Original array');
threads->create(sub {
ok($ary->[1] == 99, 'Clone mod in thread');
$ary[1] = 'bork';
$ary->[1] = 'thread';
ok($ary->[1] eq 'thread', 'Clone mod from thread');
ok($ary[1] eq 'bar', 'Original array');
my $hsh :shared = shared_clone({'foo' => [qw/foo bar baz/]});
ok(is_shared($hsh), 'Shared hash ref');
ok(is_shared($hsh->{'foo'}), 'Shared hash ref elem');
ok($$hsh{'foo'}[1] eq 'bar', 'Cloned structure');
my $obj = \do { my $bork = 99; };
bless($obj, 'Bork');
Internals::SvREADONLY($$obj, 1) if ($] >= 5.008003);
my $bork = shared_clone($obj);
ok($$bork == 99, 'cloned scalar ref object');
ok(($] < 5.008003) || Internals::SvREADONLY($$bork), 'read-only');
ok(ref($bork) eq 'Bork', 'Object class');
threads->create(sub {
ok($$bork == 99, 'cloned scalar ref object in thread');
ok(($] < 5.008003) || Internals::SvREADONLY($$bork), 'read-only');
ok(ref($bork) eq 'Bork', 'Object class');
my $scalar = 'zip';
my $obj = {
'ary' => [ 1, 'foo', [ 86 ], { 'bar' => [ 'baz' ] } ],
'ref' => \$scalar,
$obj->{'self'} = $obj;
bless($obj, 'Foo');
my $copy :shared;
threads->create(sub {
$copy = shared_clone($obj);
ok(${$copy->{'ref'}} eq 'zip', 'Obj ref in thread');
ok(is_shared($copy) == is_shared($copy->{'self'}), 'Circular ref in cloned obj');
ok(is_shared($copy->{'ary'}->[2]), 'Shared element in cloned obj');
ok(ref($copy) eq 'Foo', 'Obj cloned by thread');
ok(${$copy->{'ref'}} eq 'zip', 'Obj ref in thread');
ok(is_shared($copy) == is_shared($copy->{'self'}), 'Circular ref in cloned obj');
ok($copy->{'ary'}->[3]->{'bar'}->[0] eq 'baz', 'Deeply cloned');
ok(ref($copy) eq 'Foo', 'Cloned object class');