use lib '../lib';
use v5.36;
use open qw[:std :encoding(UTF-8)];
# Test
#~ @ARGV = qw[-id 2];
#~ @ARGV = qw[-help];
#~ @ARGV = qw[-all];
#~ @ARGV = qw[-json];
#~ @ARGV = qw[-id 5 -json];
#~ @ARGV = qw[-json -id 333];
#~ @ARGV = qw[-all -json];
#~ @ARGV = qw[-id 216];
my $raw = 0;
my ( $id, $all );
sub _echo ($slip) { # JSON::Tiny is loaded in Acme::Free::Advice::Unsolicited anyway
$raw ? JSON::Tiny::encode_json($slip) : $slip;
GetOptions( 'json' => \$raw, 'help' => sub { pod2usage( -exitval => 1 ) }, 'id=i' => \$id, 'all!' => \$all );
if ( defined $all ) {
my @slips = Acme::Free::Advice::Unsolicited::all();
exit say $raw ? '[]' : 'No advice matches query' unless +@slips;
exit !say _echo( \@slips ) if $raw;
say _echo($_) for @slips;
exit !@slips;
my $slip = Acme::Free::Advice::Unsolicited::advice($id);
exit !( $slip ? say _echo($slip) : !say( $raw ? 'null' : '' ) );
=head1 NAME
advice_kk - Seek unsolicited advice from Keven Kelly in the terminal
advice_kk # gather random wisdom
advice_kk -id 5 # specific advice by ID
advice_kk -id 5 -json # specific advice by ID but you're a robot
advice_kk -all # get all advice
advice_kk -help # get help
=head1 OPTIONS
-json Echo raw JSON encoded data
-id <number> Specify an ID
-all Gather all advice
-help Display this help message
This script wraps Acme::Free::Advice::Unsolicited.
Copyright (C) Sanko Robinson.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms found in the Artistic License
2. Other copyrights, terms, and conditions may apply to data transmitted through this module.
Unsolicited advice provided by L<Kevin Kelly|>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Sanko Robinson E<lt>sanko@cpan.orgE<gt>