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Acme::Free::Advice::Unsolicited - Solicit Unsolicited Advice from Kevin Kelly


say advice( 224 )->{advice};


Acme::Free::Advice::Unsolicited provides wisdom from author and leading technology observer, Kevin Kelly.


These functions may be imported by name or with the :all tag.

advice( [...] )

Seek wisdom.

my $advice = advice( ); # Random advice
my $wisdom = advice( 20 ); # Advice by ID

You may request specific advice by ID.

Advice is provided as a hash reference containing the following keys:

all( )

my @advice = all( );

Seek all advice.

Advice is provided as a list of hash references containing the following keys:


Copyright (C) Sanko Robinson.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms found in the Artistic License 2. Other copyrights, terms, and conditions may apply to data transmitted through this module.

Unsolicited advice provided by Kevin Kelly.


Sanko Robinson

...but why?

I'm inflicting this upon the world because oodler577 invited me to help expand Perl's coverage of smaller open APIs. Blame them or join us in the effort.