package LibUI::Group 0.02 {
use 5.008001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Affix;
affix( LibUI::lib(), [ 'uiGroupMargined', 'margined' ],
[ InstanceOf ['LibUI::Group'] ] => Int );
[ 'uiGroupSetChild', 'setChild' ],
[ InstanceOf ['LibUI::Group'], InstanceOf ['LibUI::Control'] ] => Void
[ 'uiGroupSetMargined', 'setMargined' ],
[ InstanceOf ['LibUI::Group'], Int ] => Void
[ 'uiGroupSetTitle', 'setTitle' ],
[ InstanceOf ['LibUI::Group'], Str ] => Void
affix( LibUI::lib(), [ 'uiGroupTitle', 'title' ], [ InstanceOf ['LibUI::Group'] ] => Str );
affix( LibUI::lib(), [ 'uiNewGroup', 'new' ], [ Void, Str ] => InstanceOf ['LibUI::Group'] );
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
LibUI::Group - Control Container that Adds a Label to the Contained Child
use LibUI ':all';
use LibUI::Group;
use LibUI::HBox;
use LibUI::Window;
use LibUI::ColorButton;
use LibUI::Label;
Init && die;
my $window = LibUI::Window->new( 'Hi', 320, 100, 0 );
$window->setMargined( 1 );
my $group = LibUI::Group->new('Color Pickers');
my $box = LibUI::HBox->new;
my $cbtn_l = LibUI::ColorButton->new();
my $cbtn_r = LibUI::ColorButton->new();
sub colorChanged {
warn sprintf '#%02X%02X%02X%02X', map { $_ * 255 } shift->color();
$cbtn_l->onChanged( \&colorChanged, $cbtn_l );
$cbtn_r->onChanged( \&colorChanged, $cbtn_r );
$box->append( $_, 1 ) for $cbtn_l, $cbtn_r;
sub {
return 1;
A LibUI::Group object represents a control container that adds a label to the
contained child control.
This control is a great way of grouping related controls in combination with
L<LibUI::HBox> and L<LibUI::VBox>.
A visual box will or will not be drawn around the child control dependent on
the underlying OS implementation.
=head1 Functions
Not a lot here but... well, it's just a tab box.
=head2 C<new( ... )>
my $grp = LibUI::Group->new( 'Login' );
Creates a new LibUI::Group.
=head2 C<margined( )>
if( $grp->margined( ) ) {
Returns whether or not the group has a margin.
=head2 C<setMargined( ... )>
$grp->setMargined( 1 );
Sets whether or not the group has a margin.
The margin size is determined by the OS defaults.
Expected parameters include:
=item C<$margin> - boolean value
=head2 C<setChild( ... )>
$grp->append( $box );
Sets the group's child.
Expected parameters include:
=item C<$child> - LibUI::Control instance
=head2 C<delete( ... )>
$grp->delete( $index );
Removes the control at C<$index>.
Note: The control is neither destroyed nor freed.
=head2 C<title( )>
my $text = $grp->title( );
Returns the group title.
=head2 C<setTitle( ... )>
$grp->setTitle( $text . '*' );
Sets the group title.
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (C) Sanko Robinson.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Sanko Robinson E<lt>sanko@cpan.orgE<gt>