use 5.010;
use Moose;
our $MAJOR = 0.074; our $MINOR = 0; our $DEV = 1; our $VERSION = sprintf('%1.3f%03d' . ($DEV ? (($DEV < 0 ? '' : '_') . '%03d') : ('')), $MAJOR, $MINOR, abs $DEV);
use AnyEvent;
use lib '../../lib';
use Net::BitTorrent::Types qw[:client];
sub BUILD {1}
sub timer { shift; AnyEvent->timer(@_) }
sub run { AnyEvent->condvar->recv }
has 'peer_id' => (isa => 'NBTypes::Client::PeerID',
is => 'ro',
lazy_build => 1,
builder => '_build_peer_id',
required => 1
sub _build_peer_id {
return pack(
$MAJOR * 1000,
($DEV > 0 ? 'U' : 'S'),
(join '',
map {
['A' .. 'Z', 'a' .. 'z', 0 .. 9, qw[- . _ ~]]
} 1 .. 8
has 'torrents' => (traits => ['Array'],
isa => 'ArrayRef[Net::BitTorrent::Torrent]',
is => 'ro',
reader => '_torrents',
default => sub { [] },
coerce => 1,
handles => {
add_torrent => 'push',
clear_torrents => 'clear',
count_torrents => 'count',
filter_torrents => 'grep',
find_torrent => 'first',
has_torrents => 'count',
info_hashes => ['map', sub { $_->info_hash }],
map_torrents => 'map',
no_torrents => 'is_empty',
shuffle_torrents => 'shuffle',
sort_torrents => 'sort',
torrent => 'get',
around 'add_torrent' => sub {
my ($code, $self) = (shift, shift);
my $torrent;
if (blessed $_[0]) { $torrent = $_[0]; }
else {
$torrent = Net::BitTorrent::Torrent->new(@_);
blessed $torrent
&& $code->($self, $torrent)
&& $torrent->client($self);
my $infohash_constraint;
around 'torrent' => sub {
my ($code, $self, $index) = @_;
my $torrent;
$infohash_constraint //=
my $infohash = $infohash_constraint->coerce($index);
$torrent = $self->find_torrent(
sub {
$_->info_hash->Lexicompare($infohash) == 0;
$torrent = $code->($self, $index)
if !defined $torrent && $index =~ m[^\d$];
return $torrent;
# DHT (requires udp attribute)
has 'dht' => (is => 'ro',
isa => 'Net::BitTorrent::DHT',
lazy_build => 1
sub _build_dht {
Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new(client => shift);
# Sockets
has 'port' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Int',
default => 0,
writer => '_set_port',
#trigger => sub {...}
my %_sock_types = (4 => '', 6 => '::');
for my $prot (qw[tcp udp]) {
for my $ipv (keys %_sock_types) {
has $prot
. $ipv => (is => 'ro',
init_arg => undef,
isa => 'Object',
lazy_build => 1,
writer => '_set_' . $prot . $ipv,
predicate => '_has_' . $prot . $ipv
has $prot
. $ipv
. '_sock' => (
is => 'ro',
init_arg => undef,
isa => 'GlobRef',
lazy_build => 1,
weak_ref => 1,
writer => '_set_' . $prot . $ipv . '_sock',
predicate => '_has_' . $prot . $ipv . '_sock'
has $prot
. $ipv
. '_host' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Str',
default => $_sock_types{$ipv},
writer => '_set_' . $prot . $ipv . '_host',
predicate => '_has_' . $prot . $ipv . '_host'
after 'BUILD' => sub { $_[0]->$_() for qw[udp6 tcp6 udp4 tcp4] };
sub _build_tcp6 {
my ($self) = @_;
return Net::BitTorrent::Network::Utility::server(
sub { $self->_on_tcp6_in(@_); },
sub {
my ($sock, $host, $port) = @_;
#if ($self->port != $port) { ...; }
sub _build_tcp4 {
my ($self) = @_;
return Net::BitTorrent::Network::Utility::server(
sub { $self->_on_tcp4_in(@_); },
sub {
my ($sock, $host, $port) = @_;
if ($self->port != $port) { ...; }
sub _build_udp6 {
my ($self) = @_;
return Net::BitTorrent::Network::Utility::server(
sub { $self->_on_udp6_in(@_); },
sub {
my ($sock, $host, $port) = @_;
#if ($self->port != $port) { ...; }
sub _build_udp4 {
my ($self) = @_;
return Net::BitTorrent::Network::Utility::server(
sub { $self->_on_udp4_in(@_); },
sub {
my ($sock, $host, $port) = @_;
if ($self->port != $port) { ...; }
sub _on_tcp4_in {
my ($self, $peer, $paddr, $host, $port) = @_;
Net::BitTorrent::Peer->new(fh => $peer, client => $self));
sub _on_tcp6_in {
my ($self, $peer, $paddr, $host, $port) = @_;
#use Data::Dump;
#ddx \@_;
sub _on_udp4_in {
my $self = shift;
my ($udp, $sock, $paddr, $host, $port, $data, $flags) = @_;
sub _on_upd6_in {
my $self = shift;
my ($udp, $sock, $paddr, $host, $port, $data, $flags) = @_;
has '_peers' => (
is => 'HashRef[Net::BitTorrent::Peer]', # by creation id
is => 'ro',
traits => ['Hash'],
handles => {
peer => 'get',
add_peer => 'set',
del_peer => 'delete',
peer_ids => 'keys',
has_peer => 'defined',
peers => 'values',
clear_peers => 'clear', # removes all peers
count_peers => 'count',
no_peers => 'is_empty'
default => sub { {} }
around [qw[peer add_peer del_peer has_peer]] => sub {
my ($code, $self, $arg) = @_;
blessed $arg ? $code->($self, $arg->_id, $arg) : $code->($self, $arg);
if (0) { # Callback system
sub _build_callback_no_op {
sub {1}
has "on_$_" => (isa => 'CodeRef',
is => 'rw',
traits => ['Code'],
handles => {"trigger_$_" => 'execute_method'},
lazy_build => 1,
builder => '_build_callback_no_op',
weak_ref => 1
for qw[
peer_construction peer_destruction
{ # Callback System II
for my $type (qw[peer_construction peer_destruction]) {
has "_${type}_callbacks" => (
isa => 'ArrayRef[Ref]',
is => 'ro',
init_arg => undef,
traits => ['Array'],
handles => {
"add_${type}_callback" => 'push',
"${type}_callbacks" => 'elements',
"get_${type}_callback" => 'get',
"grep_${type}_callbacks" => 'grep',
"map_${type}_callbacks" => 'map',
"trigger_${type}_callback" =>
['grep', sub { $_->[1]->() if $_ }]
default => sub { [] }
around "add_${type}_callback" => sub {
my ($c, $s, $cb) = @_;
require Scalar::Util;
Scalar::Util::weaken $s;
$cb = ['*', $cb, [], ()];
$c->($s, $cb);
Scalar::Util::weaken $s->{"_${type}_callbacks"}->[-1];
return $cb;
#my $x = qq[sub trigger_${type} { ... }];
#warn $x;
#eval $x;
{ ### Simple plugin system
my @_plugins;
sub _register_plugin {
my $s = shift;
return $s->meta->apply(@_) if blessed $s;
my %seen = ();
return @_plugins = grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_plugins, @_;
after 'BUILD' => sub {
return if !@_plugins;
my ($s, $a) = @_;
require Moose::Util;
Moose::Util::apply_all_roles($s, @_plugins,
{rebless_params => $a});
=head1 NAME
Net::BitTorrent - Wheeeeeeee!!!
=head1 Synopsis
use Net::BitTorrent;
use AnyEvent;
my $c = Net::BitTorrent->new();
# XXX - callback system is incomplete
my $t = $c->add_torrent( path => 'a/legal.torrent' )
|| die 'Cannot load .torrent';
$c->run; # Simple wrapper around AnyEvent->condvar->recv
=head1 Description
L<Net::BitTorrent|Net::BitTorrent> is a class based implementation of the
BitTorrent Protocol for distributed data exchange.
=for html <span style="color:#F00;font-weight:700">
=for text
Note that this distribution is being rewritten from scratch and will
eventually use L<Moose|Moose> and L<AnyEvent|AnyEvent>. If you see this
notice, I am probably trying out some new thing I'd like to have some CPAN
tester data on.
You are invited to test but please B<DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE THIS IN PRODUCTION>
as everything from the API to basic internal functionality is subject to
change. For more, see this new
All bugs and feature requests should be made on the issue tracker found at
or via IRC at
=for text
=for html </span>
=head1 Author
Sanko Robinson <sanko@cpan.org> - http://sankorobinson.com/
=head1 License and Legal
Copyright (C) 2008-2010 by Sanko Robinson <sanko@cpan.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of
See the F<LICENSE> file included with this distribution or
L<notes on the Artistic License 2.0|http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_2_0_notes>
for clarification.
When separated from the distribution, all original POD documentation is
covered by the
L<Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/legalcode>.
See the
L<clarification of the CCA-SA3.0|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/>.
Neither this module nor the L<Author|/Author> is affiliated with BitTorrent,
=for rcs $Id: BitTorrent.pm be4f2da 2010-06-28 16:13:33Z sanko@cpan.org $