use Moose;
use AnyEvent;
use lib '../../../lib';
use Net::BitTorrent::Network::Utility qw[:paddr :sockaddr];
use Net::BitTorrent::Types qw[:dht :addr];
use 5.10.0;
our $MAJOR = 0.074; our $MINOR = 0; our $DEV = 3; our $VERSION = sprintf('%1.3f%03d' . ($DEV ? (($DEV < 0 ? '' : '_') . '%03d') : ('')), $MAJOR, $MINOR, abs $DEV);
# Stub
sub BUILD {1}
has 'client' => (isa => 'Net::BitTorrent',
is => 'ro',
predicate => 'has_client'
# Standalone?
after 'BUILD' => sub {
my ($s, $a) = @_;
return has '+client' =>
(handles => qr[^(?:(?:_has_)?udp\d.*?|ip_filter|port)])
if $s->has_client;
require Moose::Util;
{rebless_params => $a});
# Hey! Open up!
for my $type (qw[requests replies]) {
for my $var (qw[count length]) {
my $attr = join '_', '', 'recv_invalid', $var;
has $attr => (isa => 'Int',
is => 'ro',
init_arg => undef,
traits => ['Counter'],
handles => {'_inc' . $attr => 'inc'},
default => 0
for my $dir (qw[recv send]) {
my $attr = join '_', '', $dir, $type, $var;
has $attr => (isa => 'Int',
is => 'ro',
init_arg => undef,
traits => ['Counter'],
handles => {'_inc' . $attr => 'inc'},
default => 0
has 'nodeid' => (isa => 'NBTypes::DHT::NodeID',
is => 'ro',
lazy_build => 1,
builder => '_build_nodeid',
coerce => 1
sub _build_nodeid {
require Digest::SHA;
return Digest::SHA::sha1(rand(time * $^T) . $0 . 'Sanko was here.');
sub send {
my ($s, $node, $packet, $reply) = @_;
my $rule = $s->ip_filter->is_banned($node->host);
if (defined $rule) {
{protocol => ($node->ipv6 ? 'udp6' : 'udp4'),
severity => 'debug',
event => 'ip_filter',
address => [$node->host, $node->port],
rule => $rule,
message => 'Outgoing data was blocked by ipfilter'
return $s->routing_table->del_node($node);
my $sock
= $node->ipv6 && $s->_has_udp6_sock ? $s->udp6_sock
: $s->_has_udp4_sock ? $s->udp4_sock
: ();
my $sent = $sock ? send $sock, $packet, 0, $node->sockaddr : return;
if ($reply) {
else {
return $sent;
has 'ipv4_routing_table' => (
isa => 'Net::BitTorrent::Protocol::BEP05::RoutingTable',
is => 'ro',
lazy_build => 1,
handles => {
ipv4_add_node => 'add_node',
ipv4_buckets => 'buckets'
has 'ipv6_routing_table' => (
isa => 'Net::BitTorrent::Protocol::BEP05::RoutingTable',
is => 'ro',
lazy_build => 1,
handles => {
ipv6_add_node => 'add_node',
ipv6_buckets => 'buckets'
sub _build_ipv4_routing_table {
Net::BitTorrent::Protocol::BEP05::RoutingTable->new(dht => shift);
sub _build_ipv6_routing_table {
Net::BitTorrent::Protocol::BEP05::RoutingTable->new(dht => shift);
sub add_node {
my ($s, $n) = @_;
my $sockaddr = sockaddr($n->[0], $n->[1]);
next if !$sockaddr;
= blessed $n ? $n
: Net::BitTorrent::Protocol::BEP05::Node->new(
host => $n->[0],
port => $n->[1],
sockaddr => $sockaddr,
routing_table => (
length $sockaddr == 28 ? $s->ipv6_routing_table
: $s->ipv4_routing_table
( $n->ipv6
? $s->ipv6_routing_table->add_node($n)
: $s->ipv4_routing_table->add_node($n)
my $boot_constraint;
after 'BUILD' => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
return if !defined $args->{'boot_nodes'};
$boot_constraint //=
$self->add_node($_) for @{$args->{'boot_nodes'}};
for my $type (qw[get_peers announce_peer find_node]) {
has "_${type}_quests" => (isa => 'ArrayRef[Ref]',
is => 'ro',
init_arg => undef,
traits => ['Array'],
handles => {
"add_${type}_quest" => 'push',
"${type}_quests" => 'elements',
"get_${type}_quest" => 'get',
"grep_${type}_quests" => 'grep',
"map_${type}_quests" => 'map'
default => sub { [] }
after "add_${type}_quest" => sub {
require Scalar::Util;
Scalar::Util::weaken $_[0]->{"_${type}_quests"}->[-1];
my $onesixty_constraint;
sub get_peers {
my ($self, $infohash, $code) = @_;
$onesixty_constraint //=
$infohash = $onesixty_constraint->coerce($infohash);
require Scalar::Util;
Scalar::Util::weaken $self;
my $quest = [
0.25 * 60,
sub {
return if !$self;
for my $rt ($self->ipv6_routing_table,
{ for my $node (
{ $node->get_peers($infohash);
return $quest;
sub announce_peer {
my ($self, $infohash, $port, $code) = @_;
$onesixty_constraint //=
$infohash = $onesixty_constraint->coerce($infohash);
require Scalar::Util;
Scalar::Util::weaken $self;
my $quest = [
$code, $port,
0.25 * 60,
sub {
return if !$self;
for my $rt ($self->ipv6_routing_table,
{ for my $node (
{ $node->announce_peer($infohash, $port);
return $quest;
sub find_node {
my ($self, $target, $code) = @_;
$onesixty_constraint //=
$target = $onesixty_constraint->coerce($target);
require Scalar::Util;
Scalar::Util::weaken $self;
my $quest = [
$target, $code,
0.25 * 60,
sub {
return if !$self;
for my $rt ($self->ipv6_routing_table,
{ for my $node (@{$rt->nearest_bucket($target)->nodes})
{ $node->find_node($target);
return $quest;
sub _on_udp6_in {
my ($self, $sock, $sockaddr, $host, $port, $data, $flags) = @_;
my $packet = bdecode $data;
if ( !$packet
|| !ref $packet
|| ref $packet ne 'HASH'
|| !keys %$packet)
{ $self->_inc_recv_invalid_count;
$self->_inc_recv_invalid_length(length $data);
my $node
= $self->ipv6_routing_table->find_node_by_sockaddr($sockaddr);
if (!defined $node) {
$node =
host => $host,
port => $port,
routing_table => $self->ipv6_routing_table,
sockaddr => $sockaddr
sub _on_udp4_in {
my ($self, $sock, $sockaddr, $host, $port, $data, $flags) = @_;
my $packet = bdecode $data;
if ( !$packet
|| !ref $packet
|| ref $packet ne 'HASH'
|| !keys %$packet
|| !defined $packet->{'y'})
{ $self->_inc_recv_invalid_count;
$self->_inc_recv_invalid_length(length $data);
my $node
= $self->ipv4_routing_table->find_node_by_sockaddr($sockaddr);
if (!defined $node) {
$node =
host => $host,
port => $port,
routing_table => $self->ipv4_routing_table,
sockaddr => $sockaddr
# Basic identity checks
# TODO - if v is set, make sure it matches
# - make note of changes in nodeid/sockaddr combinations
return $node->routing_table->del_node($node)
if $node->has_nodeid # Wait, this is me!
&& ($node->nodeid->Lexicompare($self->nodeid) == 0);
if ($packet->{'y'} eq 'r') {
if (defined $packet->{'r'}) {
if ($node->is_expecting($packet->{'t'})) {
$self->_inc_recv_replies_length(length $data);
if !$node->_has_v && defined $packet->{'v'};
my $req
= $node->del_request($packet->{'t'}); # For future ref
$req->{'cb'}->($packet, $host, $port)
if defined $req->{'cb'};
my $type = $req->{'type'};
if !$node->has_nodeid; # Adds node to router table
if ($type eq 'ping') {
elsif ($type eq 'find_node') {
my ($quest) = $self->grep_find_node_quests(
sub {
defined $_
&& $req->{'target'}->equal($_->[0]);
return if !defined $quest;
my @nodes = map {
} ref $packet->{'r'}{'nodes'}
? @{$packet->{'r'}{'nodes'}}
: $packet->{'r'}{'nodes'};
my %seen = ();
= grep { !$seen{$_->[0]}{$_->[1]}++ }
@{$quest->[2]}, @nodes;
$self->ipv4_add_node($_) for @nodes;
$quest->[1]->($quest->[0], $node, \@nodes);
elsif ($type eq 'get_peers') {
# TODO - store token by id
if (!( defined $packet->{'r'}{'nodes'}
|| defined $packet->{'r'}{'values'}
{ # Malformed packet
if (defined $packet->{'r'}{'nodes'}) {
for my $new_node ( # XXX - may be ipv6
{ $new_node = $self->ipv4_add_node($new_node);
if $new_node;
if (defined $packet->{'r'}{'values'}) { # peers
my ($quest) = $self->grep_get_peers_quests(
sub {
defined $_
&& $req->{'info_hash'}
return if !defined $quest;
my @peers = map {
} ref $packet->{'r'}{'values'}
? @{$packet->{'r'}{'values'}}
: $packet->{'r'}{'values'};
my %seen = ();
= grep { !$seen{$_->[0]}{$_->[1]}++ }
@{$quest->[2]}, @peers;
->($req->{'info_hash'}, $node, \@peers);
if (defined $packet->{'r'}{'token'})
{ # for announce_peer
elsif ($type eq 'announce_peer') {
my ($quest) = $self->grep_announce_peer_quests(
sub {
defined $_
&& $req->{'info_hash'}->equal($_->[0]);
return if !defined $quest;
push @{$quest->[3]}, [$node->host, $node->port];
->($req->{'info_hash'}, $node, $quest->[2]);
if # seek peers sooner than we should
else {
#use Data::Dump;
warn sprintf '%s:%d', $node->host, $node->port;
#ddx $packet;
#ddx $req;
else { # A reply we are not expecting. Strange.
$self->_inc_recv_invalid_length(length $data);
elsif ($packet->{'y'} eq 'q' && defined $packet->{'a'}) {
$self->_inc_recv_requests_length(length $data);
my $type = $packet->{'q'};
if !$node->has_nodeid; # Adds node to router table
if ($type eq 'ping' && defined $packet->{'t'}) {
return $node->_reply_ping($packet->{'t'});
elsif ($type eq 'get_peers'
&& defined $packet->{'a'}{'info_hash'})
{ $onesixty_constraint //=
elsif ($type eq 'find_node'
&& defined $packet->{'a'}{'target'})
{ $onesixty_constraint //=
elsif ($type eq 'announce_peer'
&& defined $packet->{'a'}{'info_hash'})
{ $onesixty_constraint //=
else {
elsif ($packet->{'y'} eq 'q' && defined $packet->{'a'}) {
#use Data::Dump;
warn sprintf 'Error from %s:%d', $node->host, $node->port;
#ddx $packet;
else {
#use Data::Dump;
warn sprintf '%s:%d', $node->host, $node->port;
#ddx $packet;
#ddx $data;
# TODO: ID checks against $packet->{'a'}{'id'}
sub dump_ipv4_buckets {
my @return = _dump_buckets($_[0], $_[0]->ipv4_routing_table());
return wantarray ? @return : sub { say $_ for @_ }
sub dump_ipv6_buckets {
my @return = _dump_buckets($_[0], $_[0]->ipv6_routing_table());
return wantarray ? @return : sub { say $_ for @_ }
sub _dump_buckets {
my ($self, $routing_table) = @_;
my @return = sprintf 'Num buckets: %d. My DHT ID: %s',
$routing_table->count_buckets, $self->nodeid->to_Hex;
my ($x, $t_primary, $t_backup) = (0, 0, 0);
for my $bucket (@{$routing_table->buckets}) {
push @return, sprintf 'Bucket %s: %s (replacement cache: %d)',
$x++, $bucket->floor->to_Hex, $bucket->count_backup_nodes;
for my $node (@{$bucket->nodes}) {
push @return,
sprintf ' %s %s:%d fail:%d seen:%d age:%s ver:%s',
$node->nodeid->to_Hex, $node->host,
$node->port, $node->fail || 0, $node->seen,
__duration(time - $node->birth), $node->v || '?';
$t_primary += $bucket->count_nodes;
$t_backup += $bucket->count_backup_nodes;
push @return, sprintf 'Total peers: %d (in replacement cache %d)',
$t_primary + $t_backup, $t_backup;
push @return, sprintf 'Outstanding add nodes: %d',
scalar $routing_table->outstanding_add_nodes;
push @return,
'Received: %d requests (%s), %d replies (%s), %d invalid (%s)',
push @return, sprintf 'Sent: %d requests (%s), %d replies (%s)',
return @return;
sub __duration ($) {
my %dhms = (d => int($_[0] / (24 * 60 * 60)),
h => ($_[0] / (60 * 60)) % 24,
m => ($_[0] / 60) % 60,
s => $_[0] % 60
return join ' ',
map { $dhms{$_} ? $dhms{$_} . $_ : () } sort keys %dhms;
sub __data($) {
$_[0] >= 1073741824 ? sprintf('%0.2f GB', $_[0] / 1073741824)
: $_[0] >= 1048576 ? sprintf('%0.2f MB', $_[0] / 1048576)
: $_[0] >= 1024 ? sprintf('%0.2f KB', $_[0] / 1024)
: $_[0] . ' bytes';
=head1 NAME
Net::BitTorrent::DHT - Kademlia-like DHT Node
=head1 Description
BitTorrent uses a "distributed sloppy hash table" (DHT) for storing peer
contact information for "trackerless" torrents. In effect, each peer becomes a
tracker. The protocol is based on L<Kademila|/Kademlia> and is implemented
over UDP.
=head1 Methods
L<Net::BitTorrent::DHT|Net::BitTorrent::DHT>'s API is simple but powerful.
...well, I think so anyway.
=head1 Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new( )
The constructor accepts a number different arguments which all greatly affect
the function of your DHT node. Any combination of the following arguments may
be used during construction.
Note that L<standalone|Net::BitTorrent::DHT::Standalone> DHT nodes do not
support or require the C<client> argument but internally a
L<Net::BitTorrent|Net::BitTorrent> client is passed and serves as the parent
of this node. For brevity, the following examples assume you are building a
L<standalone node|Net::BitTorrent::DHT::Standalone> (for reasearch, etc.).
=head2 Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new( nodeid => 'F' x 40 )
During construction, our local DHT nodeID can be set during construction. This
is mostly useful when creating a
L<standalone DHT node|Net::BitTorrent::DHT::Standalone>.
use Net::BitTorrent::DHT;
# Plain text hex string
my $node_a = Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new( nodeid => 'F' x 40 );
# Packed hex string
my $node_b = Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new( nodeid => pack 'H*', 'F' x 40 );
# Bit::Vector object
require Bit::Vector;
my $node_c = Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new(
nodeid => Bit::Vector->new_Hex( 160, 'ABCD' x 10 )
# A SHA1 digest
require Digest::SHA;
my $node_d = Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new(
nodeid => Digest::SHA::sha1( $possibly_random_value )
Note that storing and reusing DHT nodeIDs over a number of sessions may seem
advantagious (as if you had a "reserved parking place" in the DHT network) but
will likely not improve performance as unseen nodeIDs are removed from remote
routing tables after a half hour.
Also note that, for ease of use, the constructor can coerce many different
forms into the L<Bit::Vector|Bit::Vector> object we're expecting. NodeIDs,
like SHA1 digests, are 160-bit integers.
=head2 Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new( port => ... )
Opens a specific UDP port number to the outside world on both IPv4 and IPv6.
use Net::BitTorrent::DHT;
# A single possible port
my $node_a = Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new( port => 1123 );
# A list of ports
my $node_b = Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new( port => [1235 .. 9875] );
Note that when handed a list of ports, they are each tried until we are able
to bind to the specific port.
=head1 Net::BitTorrent::DHT->find_node( $target, $callback )
This method asks for remote nodes with nodeIDs closer to our target. As the
remote nodes respond, the callback is called with the following arguments:
=item * target
This is the target nodeid. This is useful when you've set the same callback
for multiple, concurrent C<find_node( )> L<quest|/"Quests and Callbacks"> .
=item * node
This is a blessed object. TODO.
=item * nodes
This is a list of ip:port combinations the remote node claims are close to our
A single C<find_node> L<quest|Net::BitTorrent::Notes/"Quests and Callbacks">
is an array ref which contains the following data:
=item * target
This is the target nodeID.
=item * coderef
This is the callback triggered as we locate new peers.
=item * nodes
This is a list of nodes we have announced to so far.
=item * timer
This is an L<AnyEvent|AnyEvent> timer which is triggered every few minutes.
Don't modify this.
use Net::BitTorrent::DHT;
my $node = Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new( );
my $quest_a = $dht->find_node( pack( 'H*', 'A' x 40 ), \&dht_cb );
my $quest_b = $dht->find_node( '1' x 40, \&dht_cb );
sub dht_cb {
my ($target, $node, $nodes) = @_;
say sprintf '%s:%d handed us %d nodes they claim are close to %s',
$node->host, $node->port, scalar(@$nodes), $target->to_Hex;
=head1 Net::BitTorrent::DHT->get_peers( $infohash, $callback )
This method initiates a search for peers serving a torrent with this infohash.
As they are found, the callback is called with the following arguments:
=item * infohash
This is the infohash related to these peers. This is useful when you've set
the same callback for multiple, concurrent C<get_peers( )> quests.
=item * node
This is a blessed object. TODO.
=item * peers
This is an array ref of peers sent to us by aforementioned remote node.
A single C<get_peers> L<quest|Net::BitTorrent::Notes/"Quests and Callbacks">
is an array ref which contains the following data:
=item * infohash
This is the infohash related to these peers.
=item * coderef
This is the callback triggered as we locate new peers.
=item * peers
This is a compacted list of all peers found so far. This is probably more
useful than the list passed to the callback.
=item * timer
This is an L<AnyEvent|AnyEvent> timer which is triggered every five minutes.
When triggered, the node requests new peers from nodes in the bucket nearest
to the infohash.
Don't modify this.
use Net::BitTorrent::DHT;
my $node = Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new( );
my $quest_a = $dht->get_peers(pack('H*', 'A' x 40), \&dht_cb);
my $quest_b = $dht->get_peers('1' x 40, \&dht_cb);
sub dht_cb {
my ($infohash, $node, $peers) = @_;
say sprintf 'We found %d peers for %s from %s:%d via DHT', scalar(@$peers),
$infohash->to_Hex, $node->host, $node->port;
=head1 Net::BitTorrent::DHT->B<announce_peer>( $infohash, $port, $callback )
This method announces that the peer controlling the querying node is
downloading a torrent on a port. These outgoing queries are sent to nodes
'close' to the target infohash. As the remote nodes respond, the callback is
called with the following arguments:
=item * infohash
This is the infohash related to this announcment. This is useful when you've
set the same callback for multiple, concurrent C<announce_peer( )>
L<quest|/"Quests and Callbacks"> .
=item * port
This is port you defined above.
=item * node
This is a blessed object. TODO.
A single C<announce_peer> L<quest|/"Quests and Callbacks"> is an array ref
which contains the following data:
=item * infohash
This is the infohash related to these peers.
=item * coderef
This is the callback triggered as we locate new peers.
=item * port
This is port you defined above.
=item * nodes
This is a list of nodes we have announced to so far.
=item * timer
This is an L<AnyEvent|AnyEvent> timer which is triggered every few minutes.
Don't modify this.
C<announce_peer> queries require a token sent in reply to a C<get_peers> query
so they should be used together.
=for meditation
Should I automatically send get_peers queries before an announce if the token
is missing?
use Net::BitTorrent::DHT;
my $node = Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new( );
my $quest_a = $dht->announce_peer(pack('H*', 'A' x 40), 6881, \&dht_cb);
my $quest_b = $dht->announce_peer('1' x 40, 9585, \&dht_cb);
sub dht_cb {
my ($infohash, $port, $node) = @_;
say sprintf '%s:%d now knows we are serving %s on port %d',
$node->host, $node->port, $infohash->to_Hex, $port;
=head1 Net::BitTorrent::DHT->dump_ipv4_buckets( )
This is a quick utility method which returns or prints (depending on context)
a list of the IPv4-based routing table's bucket structure.
use Net::BitTorrent::DHT;
my $node = Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new( );
# After some time has passed...
$node->dump_ipv4_buckets; # prints to STDOUT with say
my @dump = $node->dump_ipv4_buckets; # returns list of lines
=head1 Net::BitTorrent::DHT->dump_ipv6_buckets( )
This is a quick utility method which returns or prints (depending on context)
a list of the IPv6-based routing table's bucket structure.
use Net::BitTorrent::DHT;
my $node = Net::BitTorrent::DHT->new( );
# After some time has passed...
$node->dump_ipv6_buckets; # prints to STDOUT with say
my @dump = $node->dump_ipv6_buckets; # returns list of lines
=head1 Author
Sanko Robinson <sanko@cpan.org> - http://sankorobinson.com/
=head1 License and Legal
Copyright (C) 2008-2010 by Sanko Robinson <sanko@cpan.org>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of
See the F<LICENSE> file included with this distribution or
L<notes on the Artistic License 2.0|http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_2_0_notes>
for clarification.
When separated from the distribution, all original POD documentation is
covered by the
L<Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/legalcode>.
See the
L<clarification of the CCA-SA3.0|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/>.
Neither this module nor the L<Author|/Author> is affiliated with BitTorrent,
=for rcs $Id: DHT.pm 3a21a4c 2010-08-05 14:25:07Z sanko@cpan.org $