our $VERSION = '1.0.21';
use strict;
sub import { Template::Liquid::register_tag('case') }
sub new {
my ($class, $args) = @_;
raise Template::Liquid::Error {type => 'Context',
template => $args->{template},
message => 'Missing template argument',
fatal => 1
if !defined $args->{'template'};
raise Template::Liquid::Error {type => 'Context',
template => $args->{template},
message => 'Missing parent argument',
fatal => 1
if !defined $args->{'parent'};
raise Template::Liquid::Error {
type => 'Syntax',
template => $args->{template},
message => 'Missing argument list in ' . $args->{'markup'},
fatal => 1
if !defined $args->{'attrs'};
if ($args->{'attrs'} !~ m[\S$]o) {
raise Template::Liquid::Error {
type => 'Syntax',
template => $args->{template},
message => 'Bad argument list in ' . $args->{'markup'},
fatal => 1
my $s = bless {name => $args->{'tag_name'} . '-' . $args->{'attrs'},
blocks => [],
tag_name => $args->{'tag_name'},
template => $args->{'template'},
parent => $args->{'parent'},
markup => $args->{'markup'},
value => $args->{'attrs'},
first_block => 0,
end_tag => 'end' . $args->{'tag_name'},
conditional_tag => qr[^(?:else|when)$]o
}, $class;
return $s;
sub push_block {
my ($s, $args) = @_;
raise Template::Liquid::Error {type => 'Context',
template => $s->{template},
message => 'Missing template argument',
fatal => 1
if !defined $args->{'template'};
raise Template::Liquid::Error {type => 'Context',
template => $s->{template},
message => 'Missing parent argument',
fatal => 1
if !defined $args->{'parent'};
raise Template::Liquid::Error {
type => 'Syntax',
template => $s->{template},
message => 'Missing argument list in ' . $args->{'markup'},
fatal => 1
if !defined $args->{'attrs'} && $args->{'tag_name'} eq 'when';
if ($args->{'tag_name'} eq 'when') {
$args->{'attrs'} = join ' or ',
map { sprintf '%s == %s', $args->{'parent'}{'value'}, $_ }
grep { defined $_ }
$args->{'attrs'} =~ m[(${Template::Liquid::Utility::Expression})
my $block
= Template::Liquid::Block->new(
{tag_name => $args->{'tag_name'},
end_tag => 'end' . $args->{'tag_name'},
attrs => $args->{'attrs'},
template => $args->{'template'},
parent => $s
# finish previous block if it exists
${$s->{'blocks'}[-1]}{'nodelist'} = $s->{'nodelist'}
if scalar @{$s->{'blocks'}};
$s->{'nodelist'} = []; # Unline {%if%}, we *always* empty the
# nodelist. This way, we ignore nodes that come before the first
# when/else block just like Liquid
push @{$s->{'blocks'}}, $block;
shift @{$s->{'blocks'}} # S::D->parse() pushes a dead first block
if $s->{'first_block'}++ == 0;
return $block;
=encoding UTF-8
=begin stopwords
Lütke jadedPixel
=end stopwords
=head1 NAME
Template::Liquid::Tag::Case - Switch Statement Construct
=head1 Description
If you need more conditions, you can use the C<case> tag. Note that, stuff that
comes before the first C<when> or C<else> is ignored. ...just as it is in
=head1 Synopsis
{% case condition %}
{% when 1 %}
hit 1
{% when 2 or 3 %}
hit 2 or 3
{% else %}
... else ...
{% endcase %}
...or even...
{% case template %}
{% when 'label' %}
// {{ label.title }}
{% when 'product' %}
// {{ product.vendor | link_to_vendor }} / {{ product.title }}
{% else %}
// {{page_title}
{% endcase %}
=head1 Author
Sanko Robinson <sanko@cpan.org> - http://sankorobinson.com/
The original Liquid template system was developed by jadedPixel
=head1 License and Legal
Copyright (C) 2009-2022 by Sanko Robinson E<lt>sanko@cpan.orgE<gt>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of The Artistic License 2.0. See the F<LICENSE> file included with
When separated from the distribution, all original POD documentation is covered
by the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. See