#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use NetHack::PriceID 'priceid';
use Getopt::Euclid ':minimal_keys';
# PODNAME: priceid
# ABSTRACT: identify NetHack items using shopkeepers
$\ = "\n";
$| = 1;
for (qw/buy sell base/) { $ARGV{in} = $_ if $ARGV{$_} }
die "You must specify a charisma when buying.\n"
if $ARGV{in} && $ARGV{in} eq 'buy' && !defined($ARGV{charisma});
my @results = priceid(%ARGV, out => 'both');
if (!@results) { print "No matches." }
elsif (!ref($results[0])) { print join ', ', @results }
for (@results)
my ($base, @items) = @$_;
print "$base: ", join ', ', @items;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
priceid - identify NetHack items using shopkeepers
=head1 VERSION
version 0.05
=item -t[ype] [:] <type>
The item type that you're IDing, such as wand or ! (potion).
=for Euclid: type.type: /([\"?+=!\/(\[]|amulet|scroll|spellbook|ring|potion|wand|tool|bag|lamp|flute|horn|armor|shirt|suit|cloak|helmet|gloves|shield|boots)/
=item -a[mount] [:] <amount>
The cost or price of the item(s).
=for Euclid: amount.type: int > 0
=head1 OPTIONS
=item -i[n] [:] <in>
The type of operation (buy, sell, base). Default: base
=for Euclid: in.type: /(b(uy)?|s(ell)?|base)/
=item --buy
Shortcut for -i buy
=item --sell
Shortcut for -i sell
=item --base
Shortcut for -i base
=item -c[h[a[risma]]] [:] <charisma>
Your character's charisma. Required only for buying.
=for Euclid: charisma.type: int > 0
=item --dunce
Your character is wearing a dunce cap.
=item --tourist
Your character is a level 14 or less Tourist, OR are wearing an uncovered shirt.
=item --angry
The shopkeeper is angry with you (it's very obvious when this is true).
=item -q[uan[tity]] [:] <quan>
The number of items in the stack that you're buying/selling.
=for Euclid: quan.type: int > 0
quan.default: 1
=head1 AUTHOR
Shawn M Moore <code@sartak.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Shawn M Moore.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.