# $Id: Segment.pm,v 1.5 2009-06-04 15:33:30 scottcain Exp $
=head1 NAME
Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment - DAS-style access to a chado database
# Get a Bio::Das::SegmentI object from a Bio::DB::Das::Chado database...
$segment = $das->segment(-name => 'Landmark',
-start=> $start,
-stop => $stop);
@features = $segment->overlapping_features(-type=>['type1','type2']);
# each feature is a Bio::SeqFeatureI-compliant object
@features = $segment->contained_features(-type=>['type1','type2']);
@features = $segment->contained_in(-type=>['type1','type2']);
$stream = $segment->get_feature_stream(-type=>['type1','type2','type3'];
while (my $feature = $stream->next_seq) {
# do something with feature
$count = $segment->features_callback(-type=>['type1','type2','type3'],
-callback => sub { ... { }
Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment is a simplified alternative interface to
sequence annotation databases used by the distributed annotation
system. In this scheme, the genome is represented as a series of
landmarks. Each Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment object ("segment") corresponds
to a genomic region defined by a landmark and a start and end position
relative to that landmark. A segment is created using the Bio::DasI
segment() method.
Features can be filtered by the following attributes:
1) their location relative to the segment (whether overlapping,
contained within, or completely containing)
2) their type
3) other attributes using tag/value semantics
Access to the feature list uses three distinct APIs:
1) fetching entire list of features at a time
2) fetching an iterator across features
3) a callback
=head2 Mailing Lists
User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
=head2 Reporting Bugs
Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email
or the web:
=head1 AUTHOR - Scott Cain
Email cain@cshl.org
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
use strict;
use Carp qw(carp croak cluck confess);
#dgg;not working# use Bio::Species;
use constant DEBUG => 0;
use vars '@ISA';
@ISA = qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::SeqI Bio::Das::SegmentI Bio::DB::Das::Chado);
#use overload '""' => 'asString';
# construct a virtual segment that works in a lazy way
sub new {
#validate that the name/accession is valid, and start and end are valid,
#then return a new segment
my $self = {};
my $class_type = shift;
my ( $name,$factory,$base_start,$stop,$db_id,$target,$feature_id,$srcf_id ) = @_;
bless $self, ref $class_type || $class_type;
$self->{'factory'} = $factory;
$self->{'name'} = $name;
$self->feature_id($feature_id) if $feature_id;
$target ||=0;
my $strand;
warn "na:$name, id:$db_id, $factory\n" if DEBUG;
warn "base_start = $base_start, stop = $stop\n" if DEBUG;
# clicking on the help in gbrowse calls this constructor without a
# name. return to avoid performances issues
if (! defined ($name)) {
# $self->Bio::Root::Root->throw("start value less than 1\n")
# if ( defined $base_start && $base_start < 1 );
$base_start = $base_start ? int($base_start) : 1;
my $interbase_start = $base_start - 1;
my $quoted_name = $factory->dbh->quote( lc $name );
warn "quoted name:$quoted_name\n" if DEBUG;
# need to change this query to allow for Target queries
##URGI - Changed the request to be sure we are getting the srcfeature_id of type 'reference class'
##from gbrowse configuration file
##We also check if we are not in the recursive call from feactory->segment, in this case we already set the ref feature_id
##for reference class feature.
##minor change: calling name2term with no arg returna a hashref (as documented)
##so if $factory->default_class() is empty, you would get a hashref in $refclass
my $refclass = $factory->default_class()
? $factory->name2term($factory->default_class())
: undef;
my $ref_feature_id = $factory->refclass_feature_id() || undef;
my $where_part = " and rank = $target " if(defined($target));
$where_part .= " and fl.srcfeature_id = $ref_feature_id ";
$where_part .= " and srcf.type_id = $refclass " if(defined($refclass));
$where_part .= " and srcf.is_obsolete = false " unless $self->factory->allow_obsolete;
$where_part .= " and srcf.organism_id = ".$self->factory->organism_id
if $self->factory->organism_id;
warn $where_part if DEBUG;
my $srcfeature_query = $factory->dbh->prepare( "
select srcfeature_id from featureloc fl
join feature srcf on (fl.srcfeature_id = srcf.feature_id)
where fl.feature_id = ? " . $where_part
#my $srcfeature_query = $factory->dbh->prepare( "
# select srcfeature_id from featureloc
# where feature_id = ? and rank = $target
# " );
my $landmark_is_src_query = $factory->dbh->prepare( "
select f.name,f.feature_id,f.seqlen,f.type_id,f.is_obsolete
from feature f
where f.feature_id = ?
" );
#not used any more
#my $feature_query = $factory->dbh->prepare( "
# select f.name,f.feature_id,f.seqlen,f.type_id,fl.fmin,fl.fmax,fl.strand
# from feature f, featureloc fl,f.is_obsolete
# where fl.feature_id = ? and
# ? = f.feature_id
# " );
my $fetch_uniquename_query = $factory->dbh->prepare( "
select f.name,fl.fmin,fl.fmax,f.uniquename,f.is_obsolete,fl.srcfeature_id,fl.strand
from feature f, featureloc fl
where f.feature_id = ? and
f.feature_id = fl.feature_id
my $ref = $self->_search_by_name( $factory, $quoted_name, $db_id, $feature_id );
#returns either a feature_id scalar (if there is only one result)
#or an arrayref (of feature_ids) if there is more than one result
#or nothing if there is no result
if ( ref $ref eq 'ARRAY' ) { #more than one result returned
my @segments;
foreach my $feature_id (@$ref) {
$fetch_uniquename_query->execute($feature_id )
or Bio::Root::Root->throw("fetching uniquename from feature_id failed") ;
my $hashref = $fetch_uniquename_query->fetchrow_hashref;
next if ($$hashref{'is_obsolete'} and !$self->factory->allow_obsolete);
warn "$base_start, $stop\n" if DEBUG;
warn "Looping through feature_ids in constructor:\n"
.Dumper($hashref) if DEBUG;
$base_start = $base_start ? $base_start : $$hashref{fmin} + 1;
$stop = $stop ? $stop : $$hashref{fmax};
$db_id = $$hashref{uniquename};
$srcf_id = $$hashref{srcfeature_id};
$name = $$hashref{name};
next if (!defined ($base_start) or !defined($stop) or !defined($db_id));
warn "calling factory->segment with name:$name, start:$base_start, stop:$stop, db_id:$db_id, srcfeature_id:$srcf_id\n" if DEBUG;
push @segments, $factory->segment(-name=>$name,-start=>$base_start,-stop=>$stop,-db_id=>$db_id,-feature_id=>$feature_id,-srcfeature_id=>$srcf_id);
warn "segments array in constructor:@segments" if DEBUG;
#reset these variables so subsequent passes through the loop wont be confused
$base_start ='';
$stop ='';
$db_id ='';
$strand ='';
$srcf_id ='';
if (@segments < 2) {
return $segments[0]; #I don't think this should ever happen
elsif (wantarray) {
return @segments;
else {
warn "The query for $name returned multiple segments\nPlease call in a list context to get them all";
Bio::Root::Root->throw("multiple segment exception") ;
elsif ( ref $ref eq 'SCALAR' ) { #one result returned
my $landmark_feature_id = $$ref;
warn "landmark feature_id:$landmark_feature_id" if DEBUG;
or Bio::Root::Root->throw("finding srcfeature_id failed");
my $hash_ref = $srcfeature_query->fetchrow_hashref;
my $srcfeature_id =
? $$hash_ref{'srcfeature_id'}
: $landmark_feature_id;
warn "srcfeature_id:$srcfeature_id" if DEBUG;
###URGI Is it the right place to set it?
#but don't set it if creating a feature for a hit object
unless defined($target);
if ( $landmark_feature_id == $srcfeature_id ) {
or Bio::Root::Root->throw("something else failed");
$hash_ref = $landmark_is_src_query->fetchrow_hashref;
warn "skipping feature_id $$hash_ref{feature_id}"
if (DEBUG and
$$hash_ref{'is_obsolete'} and
next if ($$hash_ref{'is_obsolete'} and !$self->factory->allow_obsolete);
$name = $$hash_ref{'name'};
my $length = $$hash_ref{'seqlen'};
my $type = $factory->term2name( $$hash_ref{'type_id'} );
if ( $$hash_ref{'fmin'} ) {
$interbase_start = $$hash_ref{'fmin'};
$base_start = $interbase_start + 1;
$stop = $$hash_ref{'fmax'};
$strand = $$hash_ref{'strand'};
warn "base_start:$base_start, stop:$stop, length:$length" if DEBUG;
if( defined($interbase_start) and $interbase_start < 0) {
$self->warn("start value ($interbase_start) less than zero,"
." resetting to zero") if DEBUG;
$base_start = 1;
$interbase_start = 0;
if( defined($stop) and defined($length) and $stop > $length ){
$self->warn("end value ($stop) greater than length ($length),"
." truncating to $length") if DEBUG;
$stop = $length;
$stop = $stop ? int($stop) : $length;
$length = $stop - $interbase_start;
warn "base_start:$base_start, stop:$stop, length:$length" if DEBUG;
$self->{'length'} = $length;
# cluck "i'm in new";
# $self->srcfeature_id($srcfeature_id);
$self->{'srcfeature_id'} = $srcfeature_id;
my $source = $self->source();
my $type_obj = Bio::DB::GFF::Typename->new(
# warn $self, ref $self, Dumper($self) if DEBUG;
return $self;
else { #return a Feature object for the feature_id
warn $landmark_feature_id if DEBUG;
warn $factory,$base_start,$stop,$strand if DEBUG;
#unless ($landmark_feature_id && $base_start && $stop) {
my $resultref = $fetch_uniquename_query->fetchrow_hashref;
warn Dumper($resultref) if DEBUG;
$base_start = $$resultref{'fmin'} +1;
$stop = $$resultref{'fmax'};
$strand = $$resultref{'strand'};
warn "after fetching coord info: $base_start, $stop, $strand"
my ($feat) = $self->features(
-feature_id => $landmark_feature_id,
-factory => $factory,
-start => $base_start,
-stop => $stop,
-strand => $strand, );
return $feat;
else {
warn "no segment found" if DEBUG;
return; #nothing returned
=head2 name
Title : name
Usage : $segname = $seg->name();
Function: Returns the name of the segment
Returns : see above
Args : none
Status : public
sub name {
my $self = shift;
return undef unless ref $self;
return $self->{'name'}
=head2 feature_id()
Title : feature_id
Usage : $obj->feature_id($newval)
Function: holds feature.feature_id
Returns : value of feature_id (a scalar)
Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
sub feature_id {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'feature_id'} = shift if @_;
return $self->{'feature_id'};
*primary_id = \&feature_id;
=head2 strand()
Title : strand
Usage : $obj->strand()
Function: Returns the strand of the feature. Unlike the other
methods, the strand cannot be changed once the object is
created (due to coordinate considerations).
corresponds to featureloc.strand
Returns : -1, 0, or 1
Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
sub strand {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'strand'} = shift if @_;
return $self->{'strand'} || 0;
*abs_strand = \&strand;
=head2 attributes
Title : attributes
Usage : @attributes = $obj->attributes;
Function: get the "attributes" of this segment
Returns : An array of strings
Args : None
This is a object-specific wrapper on the more generic attributes
method in Bio::DB::Das::Chado.
sub attributes {
my $self = shift;
my $factory = $self->factory;
defined(my $id = $self->id) or return;
=head2 _search_by_name
Title : _search_by_name
Usage : _search_by_name($name);
Function: Searches for segments based on a name
Returns : Either a scalar (a feature_id) or an arrary ref (containing feature_ids)
Args : A string (name)
Status : private (used by new)
sub _search_by_name {
my $self = shift;
my ($factory,$quoted_name,$db_id,$feature_id) = @_;
warn "_search_by_name args:@_" if DEBUG;
my $obsolete_part = "";
$obsolete_part = " and is_obsolete = false " unless $self->factory->allow_obsolete;
$obsolete_part .= " and organism_id = ".$self->factory->organism_id
if $self->factory->organism_id;
my $sth;
if ($feature_id) {
$sth = $factory->dbh->prepare("
select name,feature_id,seqlen from feature
where feature_id = $feature_id $obsolete_part");
elsif ($db_id) {
$sth = $factory->dbh->prepare ("
select name,feature_id,seqlen from feature
where uniquename = \'$db_id\' $obsolete_part ");
else {
$sth = $factory->dbh->prepare ("
select name,feature_id,seqlen from feature
where lower(name) = $quoted_name $obsolete_part ");
$sth->execute or Bio::Root::Root->throw("unable to validate name/length");
my $where_part = '';
$where_part = " and f.organism_id = ".$self->factory->organism_id
if $self->factory->organism_id;
$where_part .= " and f.is_obsolete = 'false' "
unless $self->factory->allow_obsolete;
my $rows_returned = $sth->rows;
if ($rows_returned == 0) { #look in synonym for an exact match
warn "looking for a synonym to $quoted_name" if DEBUG;
my $isth;
if ($self->factory->use_all_feature_names()) {
$isth = $factory->dbh->prepare ("
select afn.feature_id from all_feature_names afn, feature f
where afn.feature_id = f.feature_id and
f.is_obsolete = 'false' and
lower(afn.name) = $quoted_name $where_part
else {
$isth = $factory->dbh->prepare ("
select fs.feature_id from feature_synonym fs, synonym s, feature f
where fs.synonym_id = s.synonym_id and
f.feature_id = fs.feature_id and
f.is_obsolete = 'false' and
lower(s.synonym_sgml) = $quoted_name $where_part
$isth->execute or Bio::Root::Root->throw("query for name in synonym failed");
$rows_returned = $isth->rows;
if ($rows_returned == 0) { #look in dbxref for accession number match
warn "looking in dbxref for $quoted_name" if DEBUG;
$isth = $factory->dbh->prepare ("
select fd.feature_id from feature_dbxref fd, dbxref d, feature f
where fd.dbxref_id = d.dbxref_id and
f.feature_id = fd.feature_id and
f.is_obsolete = 'false' and
lower(d.accession) = $quoted_name $where_part");
$isth->execute or Bio::Root::Root->throw("query for accession failed");
$rows_returned = $isth->rows;
return if $rows_returned == 0;
if ($rows_returned == 1) {
my $hashref = $isth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $feature_id = $$hashref{'feature_id'};
return \$feature_id;
} else {
my @feature_ids;
while (my $hashref = $isth->fetchrow_hashref) {
push @feature_ids, $$hashref{'feature_id'};
return \@feature_ids;
} elsif ($rows_returned == 1) {
my $hashref = $isth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $feature_id = $$hashref{'feature_id'};
warn "found $feature_id in feature_synonym" if DEBUG;
return \$feature_id;
} else {
my @feature_ids;
while (my $hashref = $isth->fetchrow_hashref) {
push @feature_ids, $$hashref{'feature_id'};
return \@feature_ids;
} elsif ($rows_returned == 1) {
my $hashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $feature_id = $$hashref{'feature_id'};
warn "feature_id in _search_by_name:$feature_id" if DEBUG;
return \$feature_id;
} else {
my @feature_ids;
while (my $hashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
warn "feature_ids in _search_by_name$$hashref{'feature_id'}" if DEBUG;
push @feature_ids, $$hashref{'feature_id'};
return \@feature_ids;
=head2 class
Title : class
Usage : $obj->class($newval)
Function: Returns the segment class (synonymous with type)
Returns : value of class (a scalar)
Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
sub class {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'class'} = shift if @_;
return $self->{'class'};
=head2 type
Title : type
Usage : $obj->type($newval)
Function: used to be alias of class() for backward compatibility,
now behaves the same as Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature->type
Returns : A Bio::DB::GFF::Typename object
Args : on set, new value: Bio::DB::GFF::Typename object
sub type {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'type'} = shift if @_;
return $self->{'type'};
#*type = \&class;
=head2 seq_id
Title : seq_id
Usage : $ref = $s->seq_id
Function: return the ID of the landmark, aliased to name() for backward compatibility
Returns : a string
Args : none
Status : Public
*seq_id = \&name;
=head2 start
Title : start
Usage : $s->start
Function: start of segment
Returns : integer
Args : none
Status : Public
sub start {
my $self = shift;
return undef unless ref $self;
return $self->{'start'} = shift if @_;
return $self->{'start'} if $self->{'start'};
return undef;
=head2 low
Title : low
Usage : $s->low
Function: start of segment
Returns : integer
Args : none
Status : Public
Alias of start for backward compatibility
*low = \&start;
=head2 end
Title : end
Usage : $s->end
Function: end of segment
Returns : integer
Args : none
Status : Public
sub end {
my $self = shift;
return undef unless ref $self;
return $self->{'end'} = shift if @_;
return $self->{'end'} if $self->{'end'};
return undef;
=head2 high
Title : high
Usage : $s->high
Function: end of segment
Returns : integer
Args : none
Status : Public
Alias of end for backward compatiblity
*high = \&end;
=head2 stop
Title : stop
Usage : $s->stop
Function: end of segment
Returns : integer
Args : none
Status : Public
Alias of end for backward compatiblity
*stop = \&end;
=head2 length
Title : length
Usage : $s->length
Function: length of segment
Returns : integer
Args : none
Status : Public
Returns the length of the segment. Always a positive number.
sub length { shift->{length} }
=head2 features
Title : features
Usage : @features = $s->features(@args)
Function: get features that overlap this segment
Returns : a list of Bio::SeqFeatureI objects
Args : see below
Status : Public
This method will find all features that intersect the segment in a
variety of ways and return a list of Bio::SeqFeatureI objects. The
feature locations will use coordinates relative to the reference
sequence in effect at the time that features() was called.
The returned list can be limited to certain types, attributes or
range intersection modes. Types of range intersection are one of:
"overlaps" the default
"contains" return features completely contained within the segment
"contained_in" return features that completely contain the segment
Two types of argument lists are accepted. In the positional argument
form, the arguments are treated as a list of feature types. In the
named parameter form, the arguments are a series of -name=E<gt>value
Argument Description
-------- ------------
-types An array reference to type names in the format
-attributes A hashref containing a set of attributes to match
-rangetype One of "overlaps", "contains", or "contained_in".
-iterator Return an iterator across the features.
-callback A callback to invoke on each feature
The -attributes argument is a hashref containing one or more
attributes to match against:
-attributes => { Gene => 'abc-1',
Note => 'confirmed' }
Attribute matching is simple string matching, and multiple attributes
are ANDed together. More complex filtering can be performed using the
-callback option (see below).
If -iterator is true, then the method returns an object reference that
implements the next_seq() method. Each call to next_seq() returns a
new Bio::SeqFeatureI object.
If -callback is passed a code reference, the code reference will be
invoked on each feature returned. The code will be passed two
arguments consisting of the current feature and the segment object
itself, and must return a true value. If the code returns a false
value, feature retrieval will be aborted.
-callback and -iterator are mutually exclusive options. If -iterator
is defined, then -callback is ignored.
sub features {
my $self = shift;
warn "Segment->features() args:@_" if DEBUG;
my @sub_args = @_;
# In some cases (url search : ?name=foo) $self isn't a hash ref ie
# object but a simple scalar ie string. So we need to get the
# factory the right way before accessing it
my ($factory,$feature_id);
if (ref ($self) && $self->factory->do2Level) {
return $self->_features2level(@sub_args);
}# should put an else here to try to get the factory from @_
else {
if ($sub_args[0] and $sub_args[0] =~ /^-/) {
my %args = @_;
$factory = $args{-factory} if ($args{-factory});
$feature_id = $args{-feature_id} if ($args{-feature_id});
my ($types,$type_placeholder,$attributes,$rangetype,$iterator,$callback,$base_start,$stop,$seq_id,$end);
if (ref($self) and $sub_args[0] and $sub_args[0] =~ /^-/) {
($types,$type_placeholder,$attributes,$rangetype,$iterator,$callback,$base_start,$stop,$seq_id,$end) =
END )],@sub_args);
warn "type and types after calling _rearrange:$type_placeholder,$types" if DEBUG;
elsif (defined $factory and $sub_args[0] and $sub_args[0] =~ /^-/) {
($types,$type_placeholder,$attributes,$rangetype,$iterator,$callback,$base_start,$stop,$seq_id,$end) =
END )],@sub_args);
warn "type and types after calling factory->_rearrange:$type_placeholder,$types" if DEBUG;
else {
warn "didn't call rearrange" if DEBUG;
$types = \@sub_args;
#UGG, allow both -types and -type to be used in the args
if ($type_placeholder and !$types) {
if (ref $type_placeholder eq 'ARRAY') {
$types = $type_placeholder;
else {
$$types[0] = $type_placeholder;
warn "what sort of thing is type_placeholder?:".ref $type_placeholder if DEBUG;
warn "@$types\n" if (defined $types and DEBUG);
warn $factory if DEBUG;
$factory ||=$self->factory();
my $feat = Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature->new();
my @features;
my ($interbase_start,$rend,$srcfeature_id,$sql_types);
if (!$feature_id) {
$rangetype ||='overlaps';
# set range variable
$base_start = defined $base_start ? $base_start : $self->start;
$interbase_start = $base_start -1;
$end ||= $stop;
$rend = defined $end ? $end : $self->end;
# my $sql_range;
# if ($rangetype eq 'contains') {
# $sql_range = " fl.fmin >= $interbase_start and fl.fmax <= $rend ";
# } elsif ($rangetype eq 'contained_in') {
# $sql_range = " fl.fmin <= $interbase_start and fl.fmax >= $rend ";
# } else { #overlaps is the default
# $sql_range = " fl.fmin <= $rend and fl.fmax >= $interbase_start ";
# }
# set type variable
$sql_types = '';
my $valid_type = undef;
if ($types && scalar @$types != 0) {
warn "first type:$$types[0]\n" if DEBUG;
if (ref $$types[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
@$types = @{$$types[0]};
warn "first type after deref:$$types[0]\n" if DEBUG;
my $temp_type = $$types[0];
my $temp_source = '';
if ($$types[0] =~ /(.*):(.*)/) {
$temp_type = $1;
$temp_source = $2;
$valid_type = $factory->name2term($temp_type);
$self->throw("feature type: '$temp_type' is not recognized") unless $valid_type;
my $temp_dbxref = $factory->source2dbxref($temp_source);
if ($temp_source && $temp_dbxref) {
$sql_types .= "((f.type_id = $valid_type and fd.dbxref_id = $temp_dbxref)";
} else {
$sql_types .= "((f.type_id = $valid_type)";
if (scalar @$types > 1) {
for(my $i=1;$i<(scalar @$types);$i++) {
$temp_type = $$types[$i];
$temp_source = '';
if ($$types[$i] =~ /(.*):(.*)/) {
$temp_type = $1;
$temp_source = $2;
warn "more types:$$types[$i]\n" if DEBUG;
$valid_type = $factory->name2term($temp_type);
$self->throw("feature type: '$temp_type' is not recognized") unless $valid_type;
if ($temp_source && $temp_dbxref) {
$sql_types .= " OR \n (f.type_id = $valid_type and fd.dbxref_id = $temp_dbxref)";
} else {
$sql_types .= " OR \n (f.type_id = $valid_type)";
$sql_types .= ") ";
# $factory->dbh->trace(1) if DEBUG;
$srcfeature_id = $self->{srcfeature_id} if ref $self;
if (!$srcfeature_id && defined($seq_id)) {
#if the seq_id arg was passed in, we should only look on that feature
my $srcfeature_query = "SELECT feature_id FROM feature where lower(uniquename) = ? ";
$srcfeature_query .= "and organism_id = ".$factory->organism_id
if $factory->organism_id;
my $srcf_query_handle= $factory->dbh->prepare($srcfeature_query);
($srcfeature_id) = $srcf_query_handle->fetchrow_array;
warn "found srcfeature_id:$srcfeature_id" if DEBUG;
my $select_part = "select distinct f.name,fl.fmin,fl.fmax,fl.strand,fl.phase,"
."f.feature_id, af.significance as score, "
."fd.dbxref_id,f.is_obsolete ";
my $order_by = "order by f.type_id,fl.fmin ";
warn $feature_id if DEBUG;
my $where_part;
my $from_part;
if ($feature_id) {
$from_part = "from (feature f join featureloc fl ON (f.feature_id = fl.feature_id)) "
."left join feature_dbxref fd ON (f.feature_id = fd.feature_id
AND fd.dbxref_id in (select dbxref_id from dbxref where db_id=".$factory->gff_source_db_id.")) "
."left join analysisfeature af ON (f.feature_id = af.feature_id)";
$where_part = "where f.feature_id = $feature_id and fl.rank=0 ";
##URGI Added a sub request to get the refclass srcfeature id to map all the features from this reference region.
##We then filter and are sure that we are getting the features located on the reference feature with the good
my $refclass = $factory->name2term($factory->default_class());
my $refclass_feature_id = $factory->refclass_feature_id() || undef;
#In case we already have the reference class feature_id
if(defined($refclass_feature_id) and defined($srcfeature_id)){
$where_part .= " and fl.srcfeature_id = $refclass_feature_id ";
#From the type_id of the reference class and the feature_id we are working with
#we get the srcfeature_id of the reference class feature
my $srcquery = "select srcfeature_id ";
$srcquery .= "from featureloc fl join feature f on (fl.srcfeature_id = f.feature_id) ";
$srcquery .= "where fl.feature_id = ? and f.type_id = ?";
my $sth = $factory->dbh->prepare($srcquery);
$sth->execute($feature_id,$refclass) or $self->throw("refclass_srcfeature query failed");
my $hashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
my $srcfeature_id = $hashref->{srcfeature_id} || undef;
$where_part .= " and fl.srcfeature_id = $srcfeature_id " if(defined($srcfeature_id));
} else {
my $featureslice;
if ($factory->srcfeatureslice
&& $srcfeature_id
&& defined $interbase_start
&& defined $rend){
$featureslice = "featureloc_slice($srcfeature_id,$interbase_start, $rend)";
warn "using featureloc_slice" if DEBUG;
}elsif (defined $interbase_start && defined $rend){
$featureslice = "featureslice($interbase_start, $rend)";
}else {
$featureslice = "featureloc";
$from_part = "from (feature f left join $featureslice fl ON (f.feature_id = fl.feature_id)) "
."left join feature_dbxref fd ON (f.feature_id = fd.feature_id
AND fd.dbxref_id in (select dbxref_id from dbxref where db_id=".$factory->gff_source_db_id.")) "
."left join analysisfeature af ON (f.feature_id = af.feature_id)";
$where_part = "where fl.rank=0 ";
$where_part .= " and $sql_types "
if defined ($sql_types);
$where_part .= " and fl.srcfeature_id = $srcfeature_id "
if defined($srcfeature_id);
#the ref $self check had to be added here to make gbrowse_details work
#The good news is that gbrowse_details should always be calling with the
#feature_id, so this won't be needed anyway.
$where_part .= " and f.organism_id = ".$self->factory->organism_id
if (ref $self && $self->factory->organism_id);
my $query = "$select_part\n$from_part\n$where_part\n$order_by\n";
#Recursive Mapping
# Construct a query that recursively maps clone's features on
# the underlying chromosome
if ($factory->recursivMapping && ! $feature_id){
my $qFrom=$from_part;
$qFrom =~ s/featureslice/recurs_featureslice/g;
$query="$select_part\n$from_part\n$where_part\nUNION\n$select_part\n$qFrom\n$where_part\norder by type_id, fmin";
$query =~ s/\s+/ /gs if DEBUG;
warn $query if DEBUG;
#END Recursive Mapping
$factory->dbh->do("set enable_seqscan=0");
# $factory->dbh->do("set enable_hashjoin=0");
warn "Segement->features query:$query" if DEBUG;
my $feature_query = $factory->dbh->prepare($query);
$feature_query->execute or $self->throw("feature query failed");
# $factory->dbh->do("set enable_hashjoin=1");
$factory->dbh->do("set enable_seqscan=1");
if ($feature_query->rows < 1
and $sql_types
and !defined($interbase_start)
and !defined($rend)) {
#standard feature query failed to find anything
#try looking for srcfeatures:
my $srcfeature_query = "SELECT f.name,f.type_id,f.uniquename,f.feature_id, fd.dbxref_id,f.is_obsolete,f.seqlen FROM feature f left join feature_dbxref fd ON (f.feature_id = fd.feature_id AND fd.dbxref_id in (select dbxref_id from dbxref where db_id=2)) WHERE $sql_types order by f.type_id";
warn "srcfeature_query:$srcfeature_query" if DEBUG;
$feature_query = $factory->dbh->prepare($srcfeature_query);
$feature_query->execute or $self->throw("srcfeature query failed");
# Old query (doesn't use RTree index):
# select distinct f.name,fl.fmin,fl.fmax,fl.strand,f.type_id,f.feature_id
# from feature f, featureloc fl
# where
# $sql_types
# fl.srcfeature_id = $srcfeature_id and
# f.feature_id = fl.feature_id and
# $sql_range
# order by type_id
#take these results and create a list of Bio::SeqFeatureI objects
# my $sth_srcfeature_id_to_name = $self->factory->dbh->prepare("
# select name from feature where feature_id = ?;");
while (my $hashref = $feature_query->fetchrow_hashref) {
warn "dbstart:$$hashref{fmim}, dbstop:$$hashref{fmax}" if DEBUG;
warn "start:$base_start, stop:$stop\n" if DEBUG;
warn "skipping feature_id $$hashref{feature_id} because it is obsolete"
if (DEBUG and
$$hashref{is_obsolete} and !$self->factory->allow_obsolete);
next if ($$hashref{is_obsolete} and !$self->factory->allow_obsolete);
if ($feature_id &&
defined($stop) && $stop != $$hashref{fmax} ) {
$stop = $$hashref{fmin} + $stop + 1;
} elsif (defined($$hashref{seqlen})) {
$stop = $$hashref{seqlen};
} else {
$stop = $$hashref{fmax};
if ($feature_id &&
defined($base_start) && defined($$hashref{fmin}) && $base_start != ($$hashref{fmin}+1) ) {
my $interbase_start = $$hashref{fmin} + $base_start - 1;
$base_start = $interbase_start + 1;
} elsif (defined($$hashref{seqlen})) {
$base_start = 1;
} else {
my $interbase_start = $$hashref{fmin};
$base_start = $interbase_start +1;
warn "base_start:$base_start, end:$stop" if DEBUG;
my $source = $factory->dbxref2source($$hashref{dbxref_id}) || "" ;
my $type = Bio::DB::GFF::Typename->new(
if (defined $$hashref{seqlen}) { #this is a srcfeature
$feat = Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature->new(
else {
$feat = Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature->new(
$feature_id? undef :$self, #only give the segment as the
# parent if the feature_id wasn't
# provided
$feature_id ?
push @features, $feat;
my $fstart = $feat->start() if DEBUG;
my $fend = $feat->end() if DEBUG;
# warn "$feat->{annotation}, $$hashref{nbeg}, $fstart, $$hashref{nend}, $fend\n" if DEBUG;
warn "returning @features\n" if DEBUG;
if ($iterator) {
warn "using Bio::DB::Das::ChadoIterator\n" if DEBUG;
return Bio::DB::Das::ChadoIterator->new(\@features) if @features;
} elsif (wantarray) {
return @features;
} elsif (@features >0) {
return \@features;
} else {
=head2 _features2level
See: features
Its a crude copy past from feature + additionnal code to handle
prefetching of 2 levels features. The generated query is ~ as
performant as the one generated by features, and the calls to
Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment->sub_SeqFeatures are avoided, but this
doesn't lead to a huge performace boost.
If a further development increases the performances provided by this 2
level prefetch, we will need to refactor features and _features2level
to avoid code duplication
sub _features2level(){
my $self = shift;
warn "Segment->_features2level() args:@_\n" if DEBUG;
my ($types,$type_placeholder,$attributes,$rangetype,$iterator,$callback,$base_start,$stop,$feature_id,$factory);
if ($_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^-/) {
($types,$type_placeholder,$attributes,$rangetype,$iterator,$callback,$base_start,$stop,$feature_id,$factory) =
warn "$types\n" if DEBUG;
} else {
$types = \@_;
#UGG, allow both -types and -type to be used in the args
if ($type_placeholder and !$types) {
$types = $type_placeholder;
warn "@$types\n" if (defined $types and DEBUG);
$factory ||=$self->factory();
my $feat = Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature->new();
my @features;
my ($interbase_start,$rend,$srcfeature_id,$sql_types);
unless ($feature_id) {
$rangetype ||='overlaps';
# set range variable
$base_start = $self->start;
$interbase_start = $base_start -1;
$rend = $self->end;
$sql_types = '';
my $valid_type = undef;
if (scalar @$types != 0) {
warn "first type:$$types[0]\n" if DEBUG;
my $temp_type = $$types[0];
my $temp_source = '';
if ($$types[0] =~ /(.*):(.*)/) {
$temp_type = $1;
$temp_source = $2;
$valid_type = $factory->name2term($temp_type);
$self->throw("feature type: '$temp_type' is not recognized") unless $valid_type;
my $temp_dbxref = $factory->source2dbxref($temp_source);
if ($temp_source && $temp_dbxref) {
$sql_types .= "((f.type_id = $valid_type and fd.dbxref_id = $temp_dbxref)";
} else {
$sql_types .= "((f.type_id = $valid_type)";
if (scalar @$types > 1) {
for (my $i=1;$i<(scalar @$types);$i++) {
$temp_type = $$types[$i];
$temp_source = '';
if ($$types[$i] =~ /(.*):(.*)/) {
$temp_type = $1;
$temp_source = $2;
warn "more types:$$types[$i]\n" if DEBUG;
$valid_type = $factory->name2term($temp_type);
$self->throw("feature type: '$temp_type' is not recognized") unless $valid_type;
if ($temp_source && $temp_dbxref) {
$sql_types .= " OR \n (f.type_id = $valid_type and fd.dbxref_id = $temp_dbxref)";
} else {
$sql_types .= " OR \n (f.type_id = $valid_type)";
$sql_types .= ") ";
# $factory->dbh->trace(1) if DEBUG;
$srcfeature_id = $self->{srcfeature_id};
my $select_part = "select distinct f.name,fl.fmin,fl.fmax,fl.strand,fl.phase,"
."f.feature_id, af.significance as score, "
."fd.dbxref_id,f.is_obsolete ";
my $order_by = "order by f.type_id,fl.fmin ";
my $where_part;
my $from_part;
if ($feature_id) {
$from_part = "from (feature f join featureloc fl ON (f.feature_id = fl.feature_id)) "
."left join feature_dbxref fd ON
(f.feature_id = fd.feature_id
AND fd.dbxref_id in (select dbxref_id from dbxref where db_id=".$factory->gff_source_db_id.")) "
."left join analysisfeature af ON (af.feature_id = f.feature_id) ";
$where_part = " where f.feature_id = $feature_id and fl.rank=0 ";
$where_part .= " and f.organism_id = ".$self->factory->organism_id
if $self->factory->organism_id;
##URGI Added a sub request to get the refclass srcfeature id to map all the features from this reference region.
##We then filter and are sure that we are getting the features located on the reference feature with the good
my $refclass = $factory->name2term($factory->default_class());
my $refclass_feature_id = $factory->refclass_feature_id() || undef;
#In case we already have the reference class feature_id
$where_part .= " and fl.srcfeature_id = $refclass_feature_id ";
#From the type_id of the reference class and the feature_id we are working with
#we get the srcfeature_id of the reference class feature
my $srcquery = "select srcfeature_id ";
$srcquery .= "from featureloc fl join feature f on (fl.srcfeature_id = f.feature_id) ";
$srcquery .= "where fl.feature_id = ? and f.type_id = ?";
my $sth = $factory->dbh->prepare($srcquery,$refclass);
$sth->execute($feature_id) or $self->throw("refclass_srcfeature query failed");
my $hashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
my $srcfeature_id = $hashref->{srcfeature_id} || undef;
$where_part .= " and fl.srcfeature_id = $srcfeature_id " if(defined($srcfeature_id));
} else {
my $featureslice;
if ($factory->srcfeatureslice){
$featureslice = "featureloc_slice($srcfeature_id,$interbase_start, $rend)";
$featureslice = "featureslice($interbase_start, $rend)";
$from_part = "from ((feature f join $featureslice fl ON (f.feature_id = fl.feature_id)) "
."left join feature_dbxref fd ON
(f.feature_id = fd.feature_id
AND fd.dbxref_id in (select dbxref_id from dbxref where db_id=".$factory->gff_source_db_id.")) "
."left join analysisfeature af ON (af.feature_id = f.feature_id)) "
.'left join feature_relationship fr on (f.feature_id = fr.object_id) left join feature sub_f on (sub_f.feature_id = fr.subject_id) left join featureloc sub_fl on (sub_f.feature_id=sub_fl.feature_id) ';
$where_part = "where $sql_types "
." and fl.srcfeature_id = $srcfeature_id and fl.rank=0 "
.' AND (fl.locgroup=sub_fl.locgroup OR sub_fl.locgroup is null) ';
$select_part .= ', sub_f.name as sname,sub_fl.fmin as sfmin,sub_fl.fmax as sfmax,sub_fl.strand as sstrand,sub_fl.phase as sphase,sub_fl.locgroup as slocgroup,sub_f.type_id as stype_id,sub_f.uniquename as suniquename,sub_f.feature_id as sfeature_id';
my $query = "$select_part\n $from_part\n$where_part\n$order_by\n";
$query =~ s/\s+/ /gs if DEBUG;
warn $query if DEBUG;
warn "Segement->features query:$query" if DEBUG;
my $sth = $factory->dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute or $self->throw("feature query failed");
# $factory->dbh->do("set enable_hashjoin=1");
#2Level Optimisation
#each feature is spaned over several tuples, each of which store a different SUBfeature (only one tuple if no subfeat of course)
while (my $hashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
warn "dbstart:$$hashref{fmim}, dbstop:$$hashref{fmax}" if DEBUG;
warn "start:$base_start, stop:$stop\n" if DEBUG;
next if ($$hashref{is_obsolete} and !$self->factory->allow_obsolete);
if ( !defined ($feat->feature_id) || $feat->feature_id != $$hashref{feature_id}) {
#either first feature or new feature
if (defined ($feat->feature_id) && $feat->feature_id != $$hashref{feature_id}) {
# not the first feat , adding the previous feat
push @features, $feat;
if ($feature_id &&
defined($stop) && $stop != $$hashref{fmax} ) {
$stop = $$hashref{fmin} + $stop + 1;
} else {
$stop = $$hashref{fmax};
if ($feature_id &&
defined($base_start) && $base_start != ($$hashref{fmin}+1) ) {
my $interbase_start = $$hashref{fmin} + $base_start - 1;
$base_start = $interbase_start + 1;
} else {
my $interbase_start = $$hashref{fmin};
$base_start = $interbase_start +1;
warn "base_start:$base_start, end:$stop" if DEBUG;
my $source = $factory->dbxref2source($$hashref{dbxref_id}) || "" ;
my $type = Bio::DB::GFF::Typename->new(
$feat = Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature->new(
$feature_id? undef :$self, #only give the segment as the
# parent if the feature_id wasn't
# provided
$feature_id ?
print STDERR "Created Feature obj $$hashref{name}][[$$hashref{feature_id}][$$hashref{'srcfeature_id'}]\n" if DEBUG;
#handling sub feat, if any
if ($$hashref{sfeature_id}) {
if ($feature_id &&
defined($stop) && $stop != $$hashref{sfmax} ) {
$stop = $$hashref{sfmin} + $stop + 1;
} else {
$stop = $$hashref{fmax};
if ($feature_id &&
defined($base_start) && $base_start != ($$hashref{sfmin}+1) ) {
my $interbase_start = $$hashref{sfmin} + $base_start - 1;
$base_start = $interbase_start + 1;
} else {
my $interbase_start = $$hashref{sfmin};
$base_start = $interbase_start +1;
warn "base_start:$base_start, end:$stop" if DEBUG;
my $source = $factory->dbxref2source($$hashref{dbxref_id}) || "" ;
my $type = Bio::DB::GFF::Typename->new(
my $subFeat = Bio::DB::Das::Chado::Segment::Feature->new(
$feature_id ? $factory->srcfeature2name($$hashref{'srcfeature_id'}):$self->seq_id,
$$hashref{sfmin} + 1, $$hashref{sfmax},
$$hashref{score}, #TODO : add the subfeat score, not the feat
#adding the subfeat to its parent, ie $feat
# $feat->subfeatures($subFeat);
#warn $feat->feature_id . ":".$feat->start ."..".$feat->end ." base_start:$base_start, end:$stop";
} #end of the subfeat handling
my $fstart = $feat->start() if DEBUG;
my $fend = $feat->end() if DEBUG;
# warn "$feat->{annotation}, $$hashref{nbeg}, $fstart, $$hashref{nend}, $fend\n" if DEBUG;
} #end while hashref loop
#We check if the last feature creatd is the same as the last pushed in the array
if(@features > 0 && $features[-1]->feature_id() ne $feat->feature_id()){
push @features, $feat;
if ($iterator) {
warn "using Bio::DB::Das::ChadoIterator\n" if DEBUG;
return Bio::DB::Das::ChadoIterator->new(\@features) if @features;
} elsif (wantarray) {
return @features;
} else {
return \@features;
=head2 get_all_SeqFeature, get_SeqFeatures, top_SeqFeatures, all_SeqFeatures
Title : get_all_SeqFeature, get_SeqFeatures, top_SeqFeatures, all_SeqFeatures
Usage : $s->get_all_SeqFeature()
Function: get the sequence string for this segment
Returns : a string
Args : none
Status : Public
Several aliases of features() for backward compatibility
*get_all_SeqFeature = *top_SeqFeatures = *all_SeqFeatures = \&features;
sub get_SeqFeatures {return}
=head2 dna
Title : dna
Usage : $s->dna
Function: get the dna string this segment
Returns : a string
Args : none
Status : Public
Returns the sequence for this segment as a string.
sub dna {
my $self = shift;
my %arg = @_;
my ($ref,$class,$base_start,$stop,$strand)
= @{$self}{qw(sourceseq class start end strand)};
warn "ref:$ref, class:$class, $base_start..$stop, ($strand)\n" if DEBUG;
my $r_id = $self->feature_id;
$self->warn("FIXME: incomplete implementation of alternate sequence selection") if $self->verbose;
my $sth = $self->factory->dbh->prepare("
select residues from feature
where feature_id = ?");
$sth->execute($r_id) or $self->throw("seq query failed");
my $array_ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
my $seq = $$array_ref[0];
return $seq;
my $feat_id = $self->{srcfeature_id};
my $has_start = defined $base_start;
my $has_stop = defined $stop;
my $reversed;
if ($has_start && $has_stop && $base_start > $stop) {
($base_start,$stop) = ($stop,$base_start);
} elsif ($strand && $strand < 0 ) {
my $sth;
if (!$has_start and !$has_stop) {
$sth = $self->factory->dbh->prepare("
select residues from feature
where feature_id = $feat_id ");
} elsif (!$has_start) {
$sth = $self->factory->dbh->prepare("
select substring(residues for $stop) from feature
where feature_id = $feat_id ");
} elsif (!$has_stop) {
$sth = $self->factory->dbh->prepare("
select substring(residues from $base_start) from feature
where feature_id = $feat_id ");
} else { #has both start and stop
my $sslen = $stop-$base_start+1;
$sth = $self->factory->dbh->prepare("
select substring(residues from $base_start for $sslen) from feature
where feature_id = $feat_id ");
$sth->execute or $self->throw("seq query failed");
my $array_ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
my $seq = $$array_ref[0];
if ($reversed) {
$seq = reverse $seq;
$seq =~ tr/gatcGATC/ctagCTAG/;
return $seq;
sub subseq {
my $self = shift;
my ($start, $stop) = @_;
my $dna = $self->dna;
my $length = $stop - $start + 1;
my $substr = substr($dna, $start, $length);
my $subseqobj = Bio::Seq->new( -display_id => $self->seq_id,
-seq => $substr);
return $subseqobj;
=head2 seq
Title : seq
Usage : $s->seq
Function: get a Bio::Seq object for this segment
Returns : a Bio::Seq object
Args : none
Status : Public
Returns the sequence for this segment as a Bio::Seq object.
sub seq {
my $self = shift;
my $seqobj = Bio::Seq->new(
-display_id => $self->seq_id
-seq => $self->dna,
return $seqobj;
*protein = \&dna;
=head2 factory
Title : factory
Usage : $factory = $s->factory
Function: return the segment factory
Returns : a Bio::DasI object
Args : see below
Status : Public
This method returns a Bio::DasI object that can be used to fetch
more segments. This is typically the Bio::DasI object from which
the segment was originally generated.
sub factory {my $self = shift;
confess "self is not an object" unless ref $self;
return $self->{factory} }
=head2 srcfeature_id
Title : srcfeature_id
Usage : $obj->srcfeature_id($newval)
Function: undocumented method by Scott Cain
Returns : value of srcfeature_id (a scalar)
Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
sub srcfeature_id {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'srcfeature_id'} = shift if @_;
confess "how did I get into srcfeature_id method" if (DEBUG and !ref $self);
return $self->{'srcfeature_id'};
=head2 source
Title : source
Usage : $obj->source($newval)
Function: Returns the source; sets with an argument
Returns : A string that is the source
Args : A string to set the source
sub source {
my $self = shift;
my $source;
return $self->{'source'} = shift if @_;
return $self->{'source'} if defined ($self->{'source'});
#fine, not set, get by query
my $query = "SELECT dbx.accession FROM feature_dbxref fd
JOIN dbxref dbx USING (dbxref_id)
WHERE fd.feature_id = ?
AND dbx.db_id = ?";
my $sth = $self->factory->dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute($self->feature_id, $self->factory->gff_source_db_id)
or $self->throw("failed to get source via query");
($source) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
return $source;
=head2 source_tag
Title : source_tag
Function: aliased to source() for Bio::SeqFeatureI compatibility
*source_tag = \&source;
=head2 alphabet
Title : alphabet
Usage : $obj->alphabet($newval)
Function: Returns the sequence "type", ie, dna
Returns : scalar 'dna'
Args : None
sub alphabet {
return 'dna';
=head2 display_id, display_name, accession_number, desc
Title : display_id, display_name, accession_number, desc
Usage : $s->display_name()
Function: Alias of name()
Returns : string
Args : none
Several aliases for name; it may be that these could do something better than
just giving back the name.
*display_id = *display_name = *accession_number = \&name;
# *desc =
#dgg patch for SeqI.desc -- use ref segment Note property for description
sub desc {
my $self= shift;
return $self->{'desc'} if defined $self->{'desc'};
my $sth = $self->factory->dbh->prepare( "select value from featureprop
where feature_id = ? and type_id in (select cvterm_id from cvterm where name = 'Note') ");
$sth->execute( $self->feature_id );
my $hashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
return $self->{'desc'}= $hashref->{value};
#dgg patch for SeqI -- Bio::SeqI::species
sub species {
my $self= shift;
return $self->{'species'} if defined $self->{'species'};
my $sth = $self->factory->dbh->prepare( "select genus,species from organism
where organism_id = (select organism_id from feature where feature_id = ?) ");
cluck "i'm in species";
$sth->execute( $self->srcfeature_id );
my $hashref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
## this is dying; why? dgg
# my $spp= Bio::Species->new( -classification => [ $hashref->{species}, $hashref->{genus} ] );
my $spp= $hashref->{genus}.' '.$hashref->{species}; # works for display uses
return $self->{'species'}= $spp;
=head2 get_feature_stream
Title : get_feature_stream
Usage : $db->get_feature_stream(@args)
Function: creates a feature iterator
Returns : A Bio::DB::Das::ChadoIterator object
Args : The same arguments as the feature method
get_feature_stream has an alias called get_seq_stream for backward
sub get_feature_stream {
my $self = shift;
my @args = @_;
warn "get_feature_stream args: @_\n" if DEBUG;
my $features = $self->features(@args);
warn "using get_feature_stream\n" if DEBUG;
warn "feature array: $features\n" if DEBUG;
warn "first feature: $$features[0]\n" if DEBUG;
return Bio::DB::Das::ChadoIterator->new($features) if $features;
return Bio::DB::Das::ChadoIterator->new([]);
#dgg patch for DasI need
*get_seq_stream = \&get_feature_stream;
=head2 clone
Title : clone
Usage : $copy = $s->clone
Function: make a copy of this segment
Returns : a Bio::DB::GFF::Segment object
Args : none
Status : Public
# deep copy of the thing
sub clone {
my $self = shift;
my %h = %$self;
return bless \%h,ref($self);
=head2 sourceseq
Title : sourceseq
Usage : $obj->sourceseq($newval)
Function: undocumented method by Scott Cain
Returns : value of sourceseq (a scalar)
Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
sub sourceseq {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'sourceseq'} if $self->{'sourceseq'};
my $dbh = $self->factory->dbh;
my $sourceseq_query = $dbh->prepare("
select name from feature where feature_id = ?");
or $self->throw("getting sourceseq name query failed");
return if $sourceseq_query->rows < 1;
my $hashref = $sourceseq_query->fetchrow_hashref;
$self->{'sourceseq'} = $$hashref{'name'};
return $self->{'sourceseq'};
=head2 refseq
Title : refseq
Usage : $s->refseq
Function: get or set the reference sequence
Returns : a string
Args : none
Status : Public
Examine or change the reference sequence. This is an alias to
sourceseq(), provided here for API compatibility with
*refseq = \&sourceseq;
=head2 abs_ref
Title : abs_ref
Usage : $obj->abs_ref()
Function: Alias of sourceseq
Returns : value of sourceseq (a scalar)
Args : none
Alias of sourceseq for backward compatibility
*abs_ref = \&sourceseq;
=head2 abs_start
Title : abs_start
Usage : $obj->abs_start()
Function: Alias of start
Returns : value of start (a scalar)
Args : none
*abs_start = \&start;
=head2 abs_end
Title : abs_end
Usage : $obj->abs_end()
Function: Alias of end
Returns : value of end (a scalar)
Args : none
*abs_end = \&end;
=head2 asString
Title : asString
Usage : $s->asString
Function: human-readable string for segment
Returns : a string
Args : none
Status : Public
Returns a human-readable string representing this sequence. Format
sub asString {
my $self = shift;
unless (ref $self) {
warn "in asString with no self";
return unless ref $self;
my $label = $self->refseq;
my $start = $self->start;
my $stop = $self->stop;
return "$label:$start,$stop";
sub rel2abs {
return @_;