use lib 't';
# to handle systems with no installed Test module
# we include the t dir (where a copy of is located)
# as a fallback
eval { require Test; };
use Test;
plan tests => 2;
use DBI;
use strict;
my $f = "t/data/game.el";
my $data = Data::Stag->parse($f);
sub {
my $s = shift;
my @dbxref = $s->get_dbxref;
foreach (@dbxref) {
my $sx = Data::Stag->new(seq_dbxref=>[$_]);
sub {
my $s = shift;
my @dbxref = $s->get_dbxref;
foreach (@dbxref) {
my $sx = Data::Stag->new(annot_dbxref=>[$_]);
print $data->sxpr;
my $dbh = dbh();
my $ddl = $dbh->autoddl($data, [qw(seq_dbxref annot_dbxref)]);
print $ddl;
my $out = $dbh->selectall_stag('SELECT * FROM game NATURAL JOIN seq NATURAL JOIN seq_dbxref NATURAL JOIN dbxref');
print $out->sxpr;
my @dbxrefs = $out->get("game/seq/seq_dbxref/dbxref");
ok(@dbxrefs ==1);
ok($dbxrefs[0]->get_db eq 'x');
$out = $dbh->selectall_stag('SELECT * FROM annot NATURAL JOIN fset NATURAL JOIN fspan NATURAL JOIN game NATURAL JOIN seq NATURAL JOIN seq_dbxref NATURAL JOIN dbxref USE NESTING (annotset (annot (game(seq(seq_dbxref(dbxref)))) (fset(fspan))))');