package WWW::Scroogle;
use 5.008008;
use strict;
use Carp;
use LWP;
our $VERSION = '0.0133';
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
num_results => $class->_default_num_results,
language => $class->_default_language,
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub _default_num_results { return 100; }
sub searchstring
ref(my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
or croak 'no searchstring given yet!';
return $self->{searchstring};
sub set_searchstring
ref(my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
defined(my $searchstring = shift)
or croak 'no searchstring given!';
if ($searchstring eq '') { croak 'nullstring given!' }
$self->{searchstring} = $searchstring;
return $self;
sub _default_language { return ''; }
sub language
ref(my $either = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
if ($either->{language} eq '') {
return 'all';
}else {
return $either->{language};
sub set_language
ref(my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
my $language = shift;
if (not defined $language) {
$self->{language} = $self->_default_language;
}else {
grep{$language eq $_}$self->languages
or croak($language.' is not a valid language! ');
if ($language eq 'all') {
$self->{language} = '';
}else {
$self->{language} = $language;
return $self;
return $self;
sub languages
ref(my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
if (exists $self->{languages}) { # does $self->{languages} exist?
return @ {$self->{languages}}; # return the array $self->{languages}
} else { # if $self->{languages} does not exist, populate it
@ {$self->{languages}} = qw(
all ar zs zt cs da nl en et fi fr de el iw
hu is it ja ko lv lt no pt pl ro ru es sv tr
return @ {$self->{languages}}; # and return it
sub num_results
ref(my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
return $self->{num_results};
sub set_num_results
ref(my $self = shift)
or croak "instance variable needed!";
my $num_results = shift;
if (not defined $num_results) {
$self->{num_results} = $self->_default_num_results;
return $self;
if (not $num_results =~ m/^\d+$/) { croak 'odd number expected!'; }
if ($num_results < 1) { croak 'minimum is 1 result!'}
$self->{num_results} = $num_results;
return $self;
sub perform_search
ref(my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
my $searchstring = $self->searchstring;
my $language = $self->language;
my $num_results = $self->num_results;
if ($self->has_results) { $self->delete_results };
my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(POST => '');
my $postdata;
if ($language ne 'all') {
$postdata = 'Gw='.$searchstring.'&n=100&l='.$language.'&z=';
} else {
$postdata = 'Gw='.$searchstring.'&n=100&z=';
my $niterate;
if ($self->num_results <= 100) {
$niterate = 1;
}else {
$niterate = ($num_results - $num_results%100)/100;
if ($num_results%100 == 0) { $niterate--; }
my $results_left = $num_results;
for (0..$niterate) {
my $result = $agent->request($request);
for (split( '\n', $result->content)) {
if ($results_left <= 0) { last; }
if (m/^(\d{1,5})\. <A Href="(.*)">/) {
position => $1,
url => $2
return 1;
sub _add_result
ref (my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
my $options = shift;
if (not ref $options eq "HASH") { croak 'no options hash given!'; }
if (not exists $options->{url}) { croak 'no url given!'; }
if (not exists $options->{position}) { croak 'no position given!'; }
my $result = WWW::Scroogle::Result->new({
url => $options->{url},
position => $options->{position},
searchstring => $self->searchstring,
language => $self->language,
push @ {$self->{results}}, $result;
return $self;
sub nresults
ref (my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
if ($self->has_results) {
my $nresults = @ {$self->{results}};
return $nresults;
croak 'no results avaible';
sub get_results
ref (my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
if (not $self->has_results) { croak 'no results avaible' }
return @ {$self->{results}};
sub has_results
ref (my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
if (exists $self->{results}) {
}else {
sub delete_results
ref (my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
if ($self->has_results) {
delete $self->{results};
}else {
sub get_result
ref (my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
defined (my $requested_result = shift)
or croak 'no value given';
if (not $self->has_results) { croak 'no results avaible'; }
return $self->{results}[$requested_result - 1];
sub position
ref (my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
defined (my $string = shift)
or croak 'no string given!';
if (not $self->has_results) { croak 'no results avaible'; }
for (@ {$self->{results}}) { # iterate over all avaible results
if ($_->url =~ /$string/) { # does the url match the given pattern?
return $_->position # return the position of the result
return; # return boolean false if no matches were found
sub positions
ref (my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
defined (my $string = shift)
or croak 'no string given!';
if (not $self->has_results) { croak 'no results avaible'; }
my @results = $self->get_results_matching($string); # get array of result objects
my @return;
for (@results) { # iterate array of result objects
push @return, $_->position; # push the position number of that array to @return
if (scalar(@return) == 0) { return; } # return boolean false if no matches were found
return @return; # return the array of position numbers
sub get_results_matching
ref (my $self = shift)
or croak 'instance variable needed!';
defined (my $string = shift)
or croak 'no string given!';
if (not $self->has_results) { croak 'no results avaible'; }
my @return;
for (@ {$self->{results}}) { # iterate over all avaible results
if ($_->url =~ /$string/) { # does the url match the given pattern?
push @return, $_; # push the result object to @return
if (scalar(@return) == 0) { return; } # return boolean false if no matches were found
return @return; # return the array of result objects
=head1 NAME
WWW::Scroogle - Perl Extension for Scroogle
=head1 CAVEAT
Please note that using - which this module is using (may) be a violation of Google's "Terms of Service", of which has been reminded. You can find the TOS at does violate the "No Automated Query" section.
The Author has searched for some easy way to get google results, he stumbled across the Google SOAP Api to which turned out to be useless because google will not give away keys to it anymore, later he found out about Googles Ajax api which turns out to be useless as you can only get the first 20results for a searchterm, now there was only one possibility left: parsing the html output of google webquerys; but while thinking about that the author realized, those guys have already done that job and do provide nice, clean html output which is much easier to parse than google.
To come to an end: WWW::Scroogle does one job - it provides you with usable search results.
use WWW::Scroogle;
# create a new WWW::Scroogle object
my $scroogle = WWW::Scroogle->new;
# set searchstring
# get search_results
my $results = $scroogle->get_results;
# print rank of the first website whose url matches 'wikipedia'
print $results->position(qr{wikipedia}).'\n';
# get all results
my @results = $results->get_results;
# iterate over all results
for (@results){
print $_->url."\n";
WWW::Scroogle uses LWP to fetch the search results from scroogle and parses
the returned html output.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 WWW::Scroogle->new
Returns a new WWW::Scroogle object.
=head2 $searchstring = $scroogle->searchstring
returns the current searchstring
=head2 $scroogle->set_searchstring($searchstring)
sets $searchstring as the current searchstring
=head2 $language = $scroogle->language
returns the current Language - defaults to all
=head2 $scroogle->set_language($language)
sets $language as the current language
=head2 @languages = $scroogle->languages
Returns a list of avaible languages.
=head2 $num_results = $scroogle->num_results
Returns the current number of search results - defaults to 100
=head2 $scroogle->set_num_results
sets the number of results
=head2 $scroogle->perform_search
performs search and stores result. expects that a searchstring was set.
=head2 $scroogle->nresults
returns number of results or false if no results are avaible
=head2 $scroogle->has_results
returns true if there are stored results and false if there are no results avaible
=head2 $scroogle->delete_results
deletes all saved results
=head2 @results = $scroogle->get_results(@list_of_positions)
returns list of WWW::Scroogle::Result objects. or a list of all wanted results if list was provided
=head2 @results = $scroogle->get_results_matching( qr{} )
returns a list of result-objects whose url is matching the given string or regexp
=head2 $result = $scroogle->get_result($position)
returns the requested result
=head2 $position = $scroogle->position( qr{} )
returns the position (counting from 1) of the first result whose url matches the given string or regexp
=head2 @positions = $scroogle->positions( qr{} )
returns a list of the positions (counting from 1) of all results whose url's are matching the given string or regexp
=head1 CREDITS
Tina Müller
Moritz Lenz
=head1 AUTHOR
Written by Lars Hartmann, <lars (at) chaotika (dot) org>.
Copyright (C) 2008 by Lars Hartmann, All Rights Reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.