use Test::More tests => 20;
sub expecty
my ($x,$y,$h,$message)=@_;
is ($h->{$x},$y,"$message [$x=>$y] Y");
sub expectn
my ($x,$y,$h,$message)=@_;
isnt ($h->{$x},$y,"$message [$x=>$y] N");
sub isdef
my ($x,$h,$message)=@_;
ok(exists $h->{$x}, "$message [$x] Y");
sub notdef
my ($x,$h,$message)=@_;
ok(!(exists $h->{$x}), "$message [$x] N");
my @compass = qw(north east south west);
my @direction = qw(up right down left);
my @D = qw(north up east right south down west left);
my $myh = Tie::Hash::KeysMask->newHASH(sub {substr($_[0],0,1);});
%$myh = @D;
my $msg = '1st char significant';
notdef 'N',$myh,$msg ;
isdef 'n',$myh,$msg;
expecty qw(we left),$myh,$msg;
expecty qw(sw down),$myh,$msg;
my $myh = Tie::Hash::KeysMask->newHASH('uc');
%$myh = @D;
my $msg = 'ignore case';
isdef 'North',$myh,$msg;
isdef 'EAST',$myh,$msg;
expecty qw(West left),$myh,$msg;
expecty qw(WEST left),$myh,$msg;
expecty qw(south down),$myh,$msg;
my $myh = Tie::Hash::KeysMask->newHASH
({qw(North N north N south S SOUTH S Greenland N w west west W e east east E)});
%$myh = @D;
my $msg = 'alias by hash-mapping';
#my @t = $myh,$msg;
notdef 'NORTH',$myh,$msg;
isdef 'SOUTH',$myh,$msg;
expecty qw(N up),$myh,$msg;;
expecty qw(Greenland up),$myh,$msg;;
=begin ignore
# shows funny results caused by an abuse, that is because
# 'w'=>'west','west'=>'W' are included in the key-mask-hash
# & similarly with 'east'. This is a break with a rule described in the
# pod in section CAVEAT.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
$myh->{q(west)} = 'L';
$myh->{q(e)} = 'R';
$myh->{q(ne)} = 'RU';
print '-'x50,qq(\n);
print join qq(\n), map sprintf('%s => %s',$_,$myh->{$_}), (keys %$myh);
print qq(\n);
print '-'x50,qq(\n);
printf 'w => %s, west => %s, W => %s.'.qq(\n),@$myh{qw(w west W)};
print qq(\n);
printf 'e => %s, east => %s, E => %s.'.qq(\n),@$myh{qw(w east E)};
=end ignore