## -*-cperl-*-
## Author: Stephanie Evert
## Purpose: simple command-line registry file editor
$| = 1;
use strict;
use locale;
use CWB;
sub Usage {
die <<STOP;
Usage: cwb-regedit [options] (CORPUS | <filename>) <command> [<command> ...]
-r <dir> use registry directory <dir> [system default]
-h show this help page
:info print basic information about the registry entry
:reg print pathname of registry file
(:id | :home | :name | :ifile) [<value>]
print or set corpus ID (:id), data directory (:home),
descriptive name (:name) or info file path (:ifile)
:prop <property> [<value>]
query or set corpus property
:list (:p | :s | :a)
list declared attributes of specified type
:add (:p | :s | :a) <name>[=<path>] ...
add positional, structural or alignment attributes
:del <names>
delete attributes of any type
Command names are case-insensitive, and some intuitive abbreviations and variations
are allowed (but only the forms listed above are guaranteed to work).
our $Registry = undef; # -r, --registry
our $Help = 0; # -h, --help
my $ok = GetOptions(
"r|registry=s" => \$Registry,
"h|help" => \$Help,
if $Help or @ARGV < 2 or not $ok;
our $Corpus = shift @ARGV;
if (defined $Registry) {
$ENV{CORPUS_REGISTRY} = $Registry; # the CWB module uses this environment var to locate registry files
our $reg = new CWB::RegistryFile $Corpus;
die "Registry file not found. Aborted.\n"
unless defined $reg;
our $COMMAND = "";
our @ARGS = ();
our $CHANGES = 0;
# process commands
while (get_block()) {
if ($COMMAND eq ":info") { # print basic information
die "Syntax error: :info command does not take arguments (@ARGS)\n"
unless @ARGS == 0;
print "FILE\t", $reg->filename, "\n";
print "ID\t", uc($reg->id), "\n";
print "NAME\t", $reg->name, "\n";
print "HOME\t", $reg->home, "\n";
print "INFO\t", $reg->info, "\n"
if $reg->info;
foreach my $p ($reg->list_properties) {
print "##::\t$p = ", $reg->property($p), "\n";
elsif ($COMMAND =~ /^:(id|home|name|ifile|reg)$/) {
my $cmd = $1;
die "Syntax error: :$cmd command takes only 1 optional argument\n"
if @ARGS > 1;
if (@ARGS == 1) {
my $v = shift @ARGS;
$reg->id($v) if $cmd eq "id";
$reg->home($v) if $cmd eq "home";
$reg->name($v) if $cmd eq "name";
$reg->info($v) if $cmd eq "ifile";
die "Error: can't modify pathname of registry file with :reg\n" if $cmd eq "reg";
else {
print $reg->id if $cmd eq "id";
print $reg->home if $cmd eq "home";
print $reg->name if $cmd eq "name";
print $reg->info if $cmd eq "ifile";
print $reg->filename if $cmd eq "reg";
print "\n";
elsif ($COMMAND eq ":prop") {
die "Syntax error: no property given for :prop command\n"
unless @ARGS > 0;
die "Syntax error: :prop command takes 1 or 2 arguments\n"
if @ARGS > 2;
my $p = shift @ARGS;
if (@ARGS) {
$reg->property($p, shift @ARGS);
else {
my $value = $reg->property($p);
if (not defined $value) {
warn "Corpus property '$p' not defined in registry entry.\n";
$value = "";
print "$value\n";
elsif ($COMMAND eq ":add") { # add attribute(s)
die "Syntax error: :add command must be followed by :p, :s or :a\n"
unless @ARGS == 0 and match_command() =~ /^:[psa]$/;
while (match_command() =~ /^:([psa])$/) {
die "Syntax error: arguments missing for :add $COMMAND\n"
unless @ARGS > 0;
add_attributes($1, @ARGS);
elsif ($COMMAND eq ":del") { # delete attribute(s)
die "Syntax error: arguments missing for :del\n"
unless @ARGS > 0;
elsif ($COMMAND eq ":list") { # list attributes of specified type
die "Syntax error: :list command must be followed by :p, :s or :a\n"
unless @ARGS == 0 and match_command() =~ /^:[psa]$/;
while (match_command() =~ /^:([psa])$/) {
die "Syntax error: no arguments allowed for :list $COMMAND\n"
unless @ARGS == 0;
else {
die "Command $COMMAND is not valid at this point. Aborted.\n";
## write back if any changes have been made
if ($CHANGES > 0) {
my $regfile = $reg->filename;
# make a backup first
system "cp", "-p", $regfile, "$regfile~"; # ignore errors (e.g. if we don't have permissions to make a copy)
print "Changes saved to ", $reg->filename, "\n";
## subroutines
## delete specified attributes (all of them must exist)
sub delete_attributes {
my @atts = @_;
my @missing = grep {not defined $reg->attribute($_)} @atts;
die "Error in :del command: one or more attributes do not exist [@missing]. Aborted.\n"
if @missing;
print "Deleting attributes: @atts\n";
foreach my $a (@atts) {
## add attributes of specified type
sub add_attributes {
my $type = shift;
my @atts = @_;
if ($type eq "s") { # automatic expansion of s-attribute specs in cwb-encode format
my @expanded = ();
foreach my $spec (@_) {
if ($spec =~ /[:+]/) {
my $path = undef;
($spec, $path) = split /=/, $spec; # remove optional directory path first
die "Syntax error in s-attribute specifier '$spec'. Aborted.\n"
unless $spec =~ /^([a-z0-9_-]+):([0-9])(\+([a-z0-9_+-]+))?$/;
my $base = $1;
my $recursion = $2;
my @xmlatt = ($4) ? split /\+/, $4 : ();
foreach my $i ("", 1 .. $recursion) {
foreach my $ext ("", map {"_$_"} @xmlatt) {
push @expanded, "$base$ext$i=$path";
else {
push @expanded, $spec;
@atts = @expanded;
my @invalid = grep {not /^[a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*(=[^=]+)?$/} @atts;
die "Error in :add :$type command: invalid attribute name(s) [@invalid]. Aborted.\n"
if @invalid;
print "Adding $type-attributes: @atts\n";
foreach my $spec (@atts) {
my ($a, $path) = split /=/, $spec;
my $exist = $reg->attribute($a);
if ($exist) {
die "Error: attribute '$a' already declared as $exist-attribute. Aborted.\n"
unless $exist eq $type;
print "[$type-attribute '$a' already declared]\n";
$reg->add_attribute($a, $type);
$reg->attribute_path($a, $path)
if defined $path;
## list attributes of specified type
sub list_attributes {
my $type = shift;
my @atts = $reg->list_attributes($type);
print "@atts\n";
## check whether next token looks like a command (without removing it)
sub is_command {
return( @ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^:/ );
## match next token as command (without removing it) and return normalised name ("" if not a command)
sub match_command {
my $cmd = (@_) ? shift : $ARGV[0];
my $norm = "";
for ($cmd) {
last unless defined $cmd;
$norm = ":info" if /^:info$/i;
$norm = ":id" if /^:id$/i;
$norm = ":home" if /^:h(ome)?$/i;
$norm = ":name" if /^:n(ame)?$/i;
$norm = ":ifile" if /^:ifile$/i;
$norm = ":reg" if /^:(reg(istry)?|file)$/i;
$norm = ":prop" if /^:pr(op)?$/i;
$norm = ":add" if /^:add$/i;
$norm = lc($cmd) if /^:[psa]$/i;
$norm = ":del" if /^:d(el(ete)?)?$/i;
$norm = ":list" if /^:l(ist)?$/i;
return $norm;
## get a command block from the command line (command plus any number of non-command arguments)
## result is stored in global variables $COMMAND and @ARGS; returns FALSE at end of input
sub get_block {
$COMMAND = "";
@ARGS = ();
return 0
unless @ARGV > 0;
die "Syntax error: expected command, got '$ARGV[0]'\n"
unless is_command();
$COMMAND = match_command();
die "Syntax error: unknown command '$ARGV[0]'\n"
unless $COMMAND;
shift @ARGV;
# collect command arguments (if any)
while (@ARGV and not is_command()) {
push @ARGS, shift @ARGV;
return 1;
=head1 NAME
cwb-regedit - A simple command-line editor for CWB registry files
cwb-regedit [options] (CORPUS | <filename>) <command> [<command> ...]
-r <dir>, --registry=<dir> use registry directory <dir> [system default]
-h, --help display usage summary
print basic information about the registry entry
(:id | :home | :name | :ifile) [<value>]
print or set corpus ID (:id), data directory (:home),
descriptive name (:name) or info file path (:ifile)
:prop <property> [<value>]
query or set corpus property
:list (:p | :s | :a)
list declared attributes of specified type
:add (:p | :s | :a) <name>[=<path>] ...
add positional, structural or alignment attributes
:del <names>
delete attributes of any type
Command names are case-insensitive, and some intuitive abbreviations and variations
are allowed (but only the forms listed above are guaranteed to work).
B<cwb-regedit> is a simple command-line editor for CWB registry files in B<canonical format>.
It allows you to display and modify header information, corpus properties and attribute declarations.
For more complex editing tasks (such as adding descriptive comments), use the functionality
provided by the B<CWB> module (see L<CWB/"REGISTRY FILE EDITING"> manpage).
The first argument must be the name of a CWB registry file or a corpus ID.
In the latter case, B<cwb-regedit> will attempt to locate the corresponding registry file in
the system registry, or in a directory specified with the C<--registry> (C<-r>) option.
The remaining arguments are editing or display commands, which are applied to the registry entry in turn.
If any changes have been made, the modified registry file will be written back to disk automatically.
The following commands are currently supported:
=over 4
=item B<:info>
Print basic information about the registry entry, including pathname of the registry file,
corpus ID, name, data directory and info file, as well as all corpus properties defined in the registry entry.
=item (B<:id> | B<:name> | B<:home> | B<:ifile>)
Display corpus header information (corpus ID, corpus name, data directory, info file).
=item (B<:id> | B<:name> | B<:home> | B<:ifile>) I<value>
Modify corpus header information (corpus ID, corpus name, data directory, info file).
Don't forget to quote I<value> with single or double quotes if it contains whitespace or other special characters.
=item B<:prop> I<name>
Display corpus property I<name>. If this property is not defined, B<cwb-regedit> prints an
empty line and issues a warning message on B<stderr>.
=item B<:prop> I<name> I<value>
Modify or add corpus property I<name>. Don't forget to quote I<value> if it contains whitespace or special characters.
=item B<:list> (B<:p> | B<:s> | B<:a>) ...
List all attributes of the specified type: B<:p> for positional attributes, B<:s> for structural attributes,
and B<:a> for alignment attributes. Attribute names are printed on a single line separated by blanks.
You can specify multiple attribute types without repeating the B<:list> keyword, e.g. C<:list :p :s>.
=item B<:add> (B<:p> | B<:s> | B<:a>) I<name> ... [ (B<:p> | B<:s> | B<:a>) I<name> ... ]
Add one or more attribute declarations to the registry entry. The attribute type is indicated by
B<:p> (positional), B<:s> (structural) or B<:a> (alignment), followed by the names of the new attributes.
For structural attributes, the same extended specifications are supported as in the B<cwb-encode> program
(see the L<cwb-encode> manpage and the I<Corpus Encoding Tutorial> for details).
A separate data directory for each attribute can be appended to the attribute name in the form I<name>=I<path>.
For example, the command C<:add :s np:1+h=/ext_data/corpora/gigaword> would declare 4 s-attributes named
C<np>, C<np_h>, C<np1> and C<np_h1> and set their data path to F</ext_data/corpora/gigaword>.
=item B<:del> I<name> ...
Delete attribute declarations, regardless of attribute type. Note that the corresponding data files
will not automatically be deleted.
Copyright (C) 2002-2022 Stephanie Evert [https://purl.org/stephanie.evert]
This software is provided AS IS and the author makes no warranty as to
its use and performance. You may use the software, redistribute and
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.