#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use feature qw/state say/;
use 5.010;
my $args = new Getopt::Declare q{
[mutex: -h -w]
[mutex: -a -r]
[mutex: -header -n]
-header extract the tune header (record structure)
-d[ump] dump the requested feature with file seek addresses
-a[ll] detailed dump of all field descriptors [requires: -d]
-s[ize] print object size [requires: -d]
-h[tml] format as html
-w[iki] format as a wiki table
-r[elative] show relative addersess in the dump [requires: -d]
<file> input file [required]
or exit(-1);
my $file = $args->{"<file>"};
-e $file or die "file '$file' does not exist";
-f $file or die "'$file' is not a plain file";
-s $file or die "'$file' has zero size";
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
open INPUT, "<$file" or die "can't open '$file': $!";
binmode INPUT;
my $file_header = Finnigan::FileHeader->decode(\*INPUT);
my $seq_row = Finnigan::SeqRow->decode(\*INPUT, $file_header->version);
my $cas_info = Finnigan::CASInfo->decode(\*INPUT);
my $rfi = Finnigan::RawFileInfo->decode(\*INPUT, $file_header->version);
my $run_header_addr = $rfi->preamble->run_header_addr;
# fast-forward to RunHeader
seek INPUT, $run_header_addr, 0;
my $run_header = Finnigan::RunHeader->decode(\*INPUT, $file_header->version);
# The following three structures must be skipped in order to reach the
# tune file header: ErroLog, scan event hierarchy, and ScanParameters header.
# Skip to the error log and read through
seek INPUT, $run_header->error_log_addr, 0;
my $error_log_length = Finnigan::Decoder->read(\*INPUT, ['length' => ['V', 'UInt32']])->{data}->{length}->{value};
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $error_log_length - 1) {
# Read through the scan event hierarchy
my $nsegs = Finnigan::Decoder->read(\*INPUT, ['nsegs' => ['V', 'UInt32']])->{data}->{nsegs}->{value};
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $nsegs - 1) {
my $n = Finnigan::Decoder->read(\*INPUT, ['n' => ['V', 'UInt32']])->{data}->{n}->{value};
foreach my $j ( 0 .. $n - 1) {
Finnigan::ScanEventTemplate->decode(\*INPUT, $file_header->version);
# Skip the ScanParameters header
# Now at the start of the Tune File header
my $header = Finnigan::GenericDataHeader->decode(\*INPUT);
if ($header->n == 0) {
say STDERR "tune file not present";
if ( $args->{'-header'} ) { if ( exists $args->{-d} ) {
if ( exists $args->{-s} ) {
my $size = $header->size;
say "size: $size";
if ( exists $args->{-a}) {
if ( exists $args->{-h} ) {
$header->dump(style => 'html', filter => ['n']);
foreach my $i (0 .. $header->n - 1) {
$header->field($i)->dump(style => 'html', header => undef);
elsif ( exists $args->{-w} ) {
$header->dump(style => 'wiki', filter => ['n']);
foreach my $i (0 .. $header->n - 1) {
$header->field($i)->dump(style => 'wiki', header => undef);
else {
$header->dump(relative => exists $args->{-r}, filter => ['n']);
foreach my $i (0 .. $header->n - 1) {
$header->field($i)->dump(relative => exists $args->{-r});
else {
if ( exists $args->{-h} ) {
$header->dump(style => 'html', relative => exists $args->{-r});
elsif ( exists $args->{-w} ) {
$header->dump(style => 'wiki', relative => exists $args->{-r});
else {
$header->dump(relative => exists $args->{-r});
else {
foreach my $i (0 .. $header->n - 1) {
say $header->field($i)->type
. "\t" . $header->field($i)->length
. "\t" . $header->field($i)->label;
else {
# do the Tune File itself
my $record = Finnigan::GenericRecord->decode(\*INPUT, $header->ordered_field_templates);
if ( exists $args->{-d} ) {
if ( exists $args->{-s} ) {
my $size = $record->size;
say "size: $size";
if ( exists $args->{-h} ) {
$record->dump(style => 'html', relative => exists $args->{-r});
elsif ( exists $args->{-w} ) {
$record->dump(style => 'wiki', relative => exists $args->{-r});
else {
$record->dump(relative => exists $args->{-r});
else {
if ( exists $args->{-w} ) {
say "|| label || value ||";
foreach my $key ( sort {(split /\|/, $a)[0] <=> (split /\|/, $b)[0]} keys %{$record->{data}}) {
my ($stripped_key) = ($key =~ /^\d+\|(.*)$/);
$stripped_key ||= '';
say "|| " . $stripped_key
. " || " . $record->{data}->{$key}->{value}
. " ||";
else {
foreach my $key ( sort {(split /\|/, $a)[0] <=> (split /\|/, $b)[0]} keys %{$record->{data}}) {
my ($stripped_key) = ($key =~ /^\d+\|(.*)$/);
$stripped_key ||= '';
say "$stripped_key\t$record->{data}->{$key}->{value}";
} # if / if not -d
=head1 NAME
uf-tune - list or dump the instrument settings and calibration data from a Finnigan raw file
uf-tune [options] file
-header extract the tune header (record structure)
-d[ump] dump the requested feature showing file seek addresses
-a[ll] detailed dump of all field descriptors [requires: -d]
-s[ize] print object size [requires: -d]
-h[tml] format as html
-w[iki] format as a wiki table
-r[elative] show relative addersess in the dump [requires: -d]
<file> input file [required]
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exit.
=item B<-d[ump]>
Prints a table listing all fields in the requested object (a tune file
or its header), with their seek addresses, sizes, names and
values. Individual entries can be selected with the B<-n[umber]>
=item B<-h[tml]>
Format the dump output as an html table. When multiple entries are
specified, each will be rendered in its own table
=item B<-w[iki]>
Format the dump output as a wiki table.
=item B<-s[ize]>
Show structure size in bytes (works with the -d[ump] option).
=item B<-r[elative]>
Show relative addresses of all elements in the dump. The default is to
show the absolute seek address. (works with the -d[ump] option)
=item B<-a[ll]>
Dump all GenericDataDescriptor entries in the file header (requires B<-header>)
B<uf-tune> can be used to examine the embedded tune file, either by
listing its entries (which were intended for human consumption), or by
dumping the details of its encoding.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item List all tune file entries in the tabular form: <label, value>
uf-tune sample.raw
=item Dump the tune file contents in wiki format with total size and relative addresses:
uf-tune -dswr sample.raw
=item Print the contents of the tune file header in the tabular form: <type, length, label>
uf-tune -header sample.raw
=item Dump the header in the compact wiki format, with a stringified
GenericDataDescriptor list:
uf-tune -header -dw sample.raw
=item Dump the header in the extended wiki format, showing the
location of echa GenericDataDescriptor's element:
uf-tune -header -daw sample.raw