#!perl -T
use strict;
my @storage_types = Cache::CacheFactory::Storage->get_registered_types();
my %vals = (
'scalar' => 'value for scalar key',
'arrayref' => [ qw/value for arrayref key/ ],
'hashref' => { value => 'for', hashref => 'key' },
my %replace_vals = (
'scalar' => 'value for scalar key for replace',
'arrayref' => [ qw/value for arrayref key for replace/ ],
'hashref' => { value => 'for', hashref => 'key', 'for' => 'replace', },
my @sorted_keys = sort( keys( %vals ) );
my $namespace = 'CacheFactory_test_namespace';
my $tests_per_data_type = 9;
my $tests_per_storage_type_only = 6;
my $tests_per_storage_type =
$tests_per_storage_type_only +
( $tests_per_data_type * scalar( keys( %vals ) ) );
plan tests => ( $tests_per_storage_type * scalar( @storage_types ) );
foreach my $storage_type ( @storage_types )
my ( $storage_module, $cache );
$storage_module = Cache::CacheFactory::Storage->get_registered_class( $storage_type );
eval "use $storage_module";
skip "$storage_module required for testing $storage_type storage policies" => $tests_per_storage_type if $@;
ok( $cache = Cache::CacheFactory->new(
storage => $storage_type,
namespace => $namespace,
), "construct $storage_type cache" );
foreach my $key ( qw/scalar arrayref hashref/ )
key => $key,
data => $vals{ $key },
if( $storage_type eq 'null' )
is( $cache->get( $key ), undef, "$storage_type $key fetch" );
is( $cache->exists( $key ), 0, "$storage_type $key exists" );
elsif( $key eq 'scalar' )
is( $cache->get( $key ), $vals{ $key },
"$storage_type $key fetch" );
is( $cache->exists( $key ), 1, "$storage_type $key exists" );
is_deeply( $cache->get( $key ), $vals{ $key },
"$storage_type $key fetch" );
is( $cache->exists( $key ), 1, "$storage_type $key exists" );
$cache->remove( $key );
is( $cache->get( $key ), undef,
"$storage_type post-remove $key fetch" );
# Test add/replace combinations.
key => $key,
data => $vals{ $key },
key => $key,
data => "this shouldn't overwrite",
if( $storage_type eq 'null' )
is( $cache->get( $key ), undef,
"$storage_type $key pre-existing add fetch" );
elsif( $key eq 'scalar' )
is( $cache->get( $key ), $vals{ $key },
"$storage_type $key pre-existing add fetch" );
is_deeply( $cache->get( $key ), $vals{ $key },
"$storage_type $key pre-existing add fetch" );
key => $key,
data => $replace_vals{ $key },
if( $storage_type eq 'null' )
is( $cache->get( $key ), undef,
"$storage_type $key pre-existing replace fetch" );
elsif( $key eq 'scalar' )
is( $cache->get( $key ), $replace_vals{ $key },
"$storage_type $key pre-existing replace fetch" );
is_deeply( $cache->get( $key ), $replace_vals{ $key },
"$storage_type $key pre-existing replace fetch" );
$cache->delete( $key );
is( $cache->get( $key ), undef,
"$storage_type post-delete $key fetch" );
key => $key,
data => $replace_vals{ $key },
if( $storage_type eq 'null' )
is( $cache->get( $key ), undef,
"$storage_type $key non-existing replace fetch" );
elsif( $key eq 'scalar' )
is( $cache->get( $key ), undef,
"$storage_type $key non-existing replace fetch" );
is( $cache->get( $key ), undef,
"$storage_type $key non-existing replace fetch" );
key => $key,
data => $vals{ $key },
if( $storage_type eq 'null' )
is( $cache->get( $key ), undef,
"$storage_type $key non-existing add fetch" );
elsif( $key eq 'scalar' )
is( $cache->get( $key ), $vals{ $key },
"$storage_type $key non-existing add fetch" );
is_deeply( $cache->get( $key ), $vals{ $key },
"$storage_type $key non-existing add fetch" );
$cache->remove( $key );
foreach my $key ( qw/scalar arrayref hashref/ )
key => $key,
data => $vals{ $key },
if( $storage_type eq 'null' )
my ( %namespaces );
is_deeply( [ sort( $cache->get_keys() ) ], [],
"$storage_type get_keys" );
is_deeply( [ sort( $cache->get_identifiers() ) ], [],
"$storage_type get_identifiers" );
# Check that we're _not_ finding our namespace
%namespaces = map { $_ => 1 } $cache->get_namespaces();
ok( !$namespaces{ $namespace }, "$storage_type get_namespaces" );
my ( %namespaces );
is_deeply( [ sort( $cache->get_keys() ) ], \@sorted_keys,
"$storage_type get_keys" );
is_deeply( [ sort( $cache->get_identifiers() ) ], \@sorted_keys,
"$storage_type get_identifiers" );
# Can only check that we're finding our namespace, not the
# results of the entire call, because we can't predict what
# persistent namespaces already exist on the target system.
%namespaces = map { $_ => 1 } $cache->get_namespaces();
ok( $namespaces{ $namespace }, "$storage_type get_namespaces" );
# Method tests to see that we trigger no errors:
# we can't predict the results of these, so we're
# just limited to seeing that they don't error.
ok( $cache->size() || 1, "$storage_type size" );
ok( $cache->Size() || 1, "$storage_type Size" );
# Finally, test that clear() works.
foreach my $key ( qw/scalar arrayref hashref/ )
is( $cache->get( $key ), undef,
"$storage_type post-clear $key fetch" );