use strict;
use feature qw/say/;
use FindBin;
use lib 'eg/lib';
use Sample::Utils qw/get_or_restore_token store_token/;
use constant MAX_PAGE_SIZE => 50;
my $client = Google::API::Client->new;
my $service = $client->build('adsense', 'v1.3');
my $file = "$FindBin::Bin/../client_secrets.json";
my $auth_driver = Google::API::OAuth2::Client->new_from_client_secrets($file, $service->{auth_doc});
my $dat_file = "$FindBin::Bin/token.dat";
my $access_token = get_or_restore_token($dat_file, $auth_driver);
# Call adclients.list
my $res = $service->adclients->list(
body => {
maxResults => MAX_PAGE_SIZE
})->execute({ auth_driver => $auth_driver });
for my $ad_client (@{$res->{items}}) {
# Call adunits.list
my $ad_units = $service->adunits->list(
body => {
adClientId => $ad_client->{id},
maxResults => MAX_PAGE_SIZE
})->execute({ auth_driver => $auth_driver });
for my $ad_unit (@{$ad_units->{items}}) {
say "Ad unit with code $ad_unit->{code}, name $ad_unit->{name} and status $ad_unit->{status} was found";
store_token($dat_file, $auth_driver);
say 'Done';