use strict;
use 5.010;
use FindBin '$Bin';
use lib "$Bin/../lib";
use DBI;
eval { require DBD::SQLite } or plan skip_all => 'Need DBD::SQLite for testing';
package Customer;
__PACKAGE__->columns(qw/id first_name second_name age email/);
#__PACKAGE__->has_one(info => 'CustomersInfo');
mixin => sub {
package main;
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:","","")
or die DBI->errstr;
my $_INIT_SQL = q{
CREATE TABLE `customers` (
`first_name` varchar(200) NULL,
`second_name` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
`age` tinyint(2) NULL,
`email` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
my $_DATA_SQL = q{
INSERT INTO `customers` (`id`, `first_name`, `second_name`, `age`, `email`)
(6, 'Lady', 'Gaga', 666, 'gaga-o-la-la@bad.romance');
my $finder = Customer->find({ first_name => 'Bob' })->order_by('id');
isa_ok $finder, 'ActiveRecord::Simple::Find';
my @bobs = (1, 4); my $i = 0;
while (my $bob = $finder->next) {
ok $bob->id == $bobs[$i], 'next, bob.id == ' . $bobs[$i];
$finder = Customer->find;
while (my @customers_pair = $finder->next(2)) {
is scalar @customers_pair, 2, 'next(n) works good';
my $f = Customer->find({ first_name => 'Bob' });
ok my $Bob = Customer->find({ first_name => 'Bob' })->fetch, 'find Bob';
isa_ok $Bob, 'Customer';
is $Bob->first_name, 'Bob', 'Bob has a right name';
is $Bob->second_name, 'Dylan';
ok !$Bob->age;
ok my $John = Customer->get(2), 'get John';
is $John->first_name, 'John';
ok my $Bill = Customer->find('second_name = ?', 'Clinton')->fetch, 'find Bill';
is $Bill->first_name, 'Bill';
ok my @customers = Customer->get([1, 2, 3]), 'get customers with #1,2,3';
is scalar @customers, 3;
is $customers[0]->first_name, 'Bob';
is $customers[1]->first_name, 'John';
is $customers[2]->first_name, 'Bill';
eval { Customer->get(1)->fetch };
ok $@, 'fetch after get causes die';
ok my $cnt = Customer->find->count, 'count';
is $cnt, 6;
ok my $exists = Customer->find({ first_name => 'Bob' })->exists, 'exists';
ok(!Customer->find({ first_name => 'Not Found' })->exists);
is(Customer->find({ first_name => 'Not Found' })->exists, undef);
ok my $first = Customer->find->first, 'first';
is_deeply $first, $Bob;
ok my $last = Customer->find->last, 'last';
is $last->id, 6;
ok my $customized = Customer->find({ first_name => 'Bob' })->only('id')->fetch, 'only';
is $customized->id, 1;
ok !$customized->first_name;
ok my $customized2 = Customer->find({ first_name => 'Bob' })->fields('id')->fetch, 'fields (alias to "only")';
is $customized2->id, 1;
ok !$customized2->first_name;
my $c = Customer->find->only('first_name')->first;
$c = Customer->find->only('id')->first;
ok $first = Customer->find->only('id')->first, 'first->only';
is $first->id, 1;
ok !$first->first_name;
ok $last = Customer->find->last, 'last';
is $last->id, 6;
ok my @list = Customer->find->order_by('id')->desc->fetch, 'order_by, desc';
is $list[4]->id, 2;
undef @list;
ok @list = Customer->find->order_by('id')->asc->fetch, 'order_by, asc';
is $list[4]->id, 5;
ok @list = Customer->find->limit(2)->fetch, 'limit';
is scalar @list, 2;
ok @list = Customer->find->order_by('id')->offset(2)->fetch, 'offset';
is $list[0]->id, 3;
is scalar @list, 4;
undef @list;
$Bill = Customer->find({ first_name => 'Bill' });
ok $Bill->upload;
@list = Customer->find->order_by('first_name')->desc->order_by('id')->asc->fetch;
is $list[0]->first_name, 'Lady', 'order_by does work';
undef @list;
@list = Customer->find->group_by('first_name', 'age')->fetch;
is scalar @list, 5, 'group_by, got 4 objects';
my $count = Customer->find->count;
is $count, 6, 'simple count, got 5';
undef $count;
$count = Customer->find({ first_name => 'Bob' })->count;
is $count, 2, 'count, got 2 Bob\'s';
undef $count;
my @count = Customer->find->group_by('first_name')->count;
is_deeply \@count, [{first_name => '', count => 1}, {first_name => 'Bill', count => 1}, {first_name => 'Bob', count => 2}, {first_name => 'John', count => 1}, {first_name => 'Lady', count => 1}];
@count = Customer->find({ first_name => 'Bob' })->group_by('second_name')->count;
is_deeply \@count, [{second_name => 'Dylan', count => 1}, {second_name => 'Marley', count => 1}], 'count when find by first_name, group by second_name';
$Bill = Customer->find(3)->fetch;
is_deeply $Bill->to_hash, {
first_name => 'Bill',
second_name => 'Clinton',
age => 50,
email => 'mynameisbill@gmail.com',
id => 3,
mixin => undef,
}, 'got undefined mixin in the hash';
$Bill = Customer->find(3)->only('id', 'mixin')->fetch;
is_deeply $Bill->to_hash({ only_defined_fields => 1 }), { id => 3, mixin => 3 }, 'got defined mixin';