use Test::More qw/no_plan/;
use File::Temp qw/tmpnam/;
use Module::Load qw/load/;
use File::ShareDir qw/module_file/;
skip 'Environment variable TC_DSN is not set',
if not defined $ENV{TC_DSN};
eval { require DBD::Pg };
skip 'DBD::Pg is needed to run this test' if $@;
my $sqla = SQL::Abstract->new;
load Test::Chado, ':all';
subtest 'schema management with postgresql loader' => sub {
my $schema;
lives_ok { $schema = chado_schema() } 'should run chado_schema';
isa_ok( $schema, 'Bio::Chado::Schema' );
local $Test::DatabaseRow::dbh
= get_dbmanager_instance()->dbh;
my $namespace
= get_dbmanager_instance()->schema_namespace;
sql => [
{ "table_schema" => $namespace,
"table_name" => { -in => [qw/db feature cv cvterm/] }
results => 4,
description => 'should have all four tables'
lives_ok { drop_schema() } 'should run drop_schema';
sql => [
{ "table_schema" => $namespace,
"table_name" => { -in => [qw/db feature cv cvterm/] }
results => 0,
description => 'should not have three existing table'
subtest 'schema and fixture managements with postgresql loader' => sub {
my $schema;
lives_ok { $schema = chado_schema( load_fixture => 1 ) }
'should accept fixture loading option';
isa_ok( $schema, 'Bio::Chado::Schema' );
is( $schema->resultset('Organism::Organism')->count( {} ),
12, 'should loaded 12 organisms' );
lives_ok { reload_schema() } 'should reloads the schema';
local $Test::DatabaseRow::dbh
= get_dbmanager_instance()->dbh;
my $namespace
= get_dbmanager_instance()->schema_namespace;
sql => [
{ "table_schema" => $namespace,
"table_name" => { -in => [qw/db feature cv cvterm/] }
results => 4,
description => 'should have all four tables'
sql => "SELECT * FROM $namespace.organism",
results => 0,
description => "should not have any fixture after reload"
lives_ok { drop_schema() } 'should run drop_schema';
subtest 'loading custom fixtures with postgresql loader' => sub {
my $schema;
my $preset = module_file( 'Test::Chado', 'cvpreset.tar.bz2' );
lives_ok { $schema = chado_schema( custom_fixture => $preset ) }
'should accept custom fixture';
isa_ok( $schema, 'DBIx::Class::Schema' );
local $Test::DatabaseRow::dbh
= get_dbmanager_instance()->dbh;
is( $schema->resultset('Cv::Cv')->count( { name => 'cv_property' } ),
'should have cv_property ontology'
lives_ok { drop_schema() } 'should run drop_schema';