#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# All tests must be run from the software directory;
# make sure we are getting the modules from here:
use lib '.';
use strict;
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 2, todo => [1] }
# ----- REQUIREMENTS -----
# ------------------------
#exit 0;
my $apph = get_readonly_apph();
my $node = $apph->get_term({acc=>7585});
printf "node=$node\n";
# default sort seems to be by datasource and gene_product
my $ass_list;
eval {
$ass_list = $node->association_list(-sort_by=>'ev_code');
ok($ass_list->[0]->evidience_list->[0]->code eq 'IGI');
if ($@) {
print $@;
eval {
$ass_list = $node->association_list(-sort_by=>'gene_product');
my $bad = 0;
for (my $i=1; $i<@$ass_list; $i++) {
$bad =1 if
$ass_list->[$i-1]->gene_product->symbol gt $ass_list->[$i]->gene_product->symbol;
if ($@) {
print $@;