use Benchmark qw {:all};
use 5.016;
use rlib '../../lib';
use List::BinarySearch::XS qw /binsearch/;
use List::MoreUtils::XS 0.423 qw/bremove binsert/;
use List::MoreUtils;# qw /bremove/;
use Clone qw /clone/;
my $nreps = $ARGV[0] || 500;
my $data_size = $ARGV[1] || 1000;
my $run_benchmarks = $ARGV[2];
# ratio of insertions to deletions
my $insertion_frac = 0.1;
my $insert_count = $data_size * $insertion_frac;
srand 1534390472;
my %hashbase;
#@hash{1..1000} = (rand()) x 1000;
my $item = 'a';
for my $i (1 .. ($data_size +$insert_count)) {
$hashbase{$item} = rand() + 1;
$item ++;
my $hashref = \%hashbase;
my @rand_keys = sort {$hashbase{$a} <=> $hashbase{$b}} keys %hashbase;
my @insertions = splice @rand_keys, 0, $data_size * $insertion_frac;
my @sorted_keys = sort @rand_keys;
my @sorted_pairs = map {$_ => 1} @sorted_keys;
my $dds_base = List::Unique::DeterministicOrder->new(data => \@sorted_keys);
my $ho_base = Hash::Ordered->new (@sorted_pairs);
my %data = (
lmu => [],
lbs => [],
ldd => [],
lho => [],
baseline => [],
# make lots of copies to ensure data generation
# is outside the benchmarking
foreach my $i (0 .. $nreps+1) {
push @{$data{lmu}}, [@sorted_keys];
push @{$data{lbs}}, [@sorted_keys];
push @{$data{ldd}}, clone $dds_base;
push @{$data{lho}}, clone $ho_base;
push @{$data{baseline}}, [@sorted_keys];
my $l1 = lmu();
my $l2 = lbs();
my $l3 = ldd();
my $l4 = lho();
say 'First few items in each list:';
say join ' ', @$l1[0 .. 5];
say join ' ', @$l2[0 .. 5];
say join ' ', @$l3[0 .. 5];
say join ' ', @$l4[0 .. 5];
is_deeply ($l1, $l2, 'same order');
is_deeply ($l1, [sort @$l3], 'same contents, list-u-det-order');
is_deeply ($l1, [sort @$l4], 'same contents, hash ordered');
exit if !$run_benchmarks;
cmpthese (
lmu => sub {lmu()},
lbs => sub {lbs()},
ldd => sub {ldd()},
lho => sub {lho()},
baseline => sub {baseline()},
sub lbs {
my $list = shift @{$data{lbs}};
my $i = -1;
foreach my $key (@rand_keys) {
delete_from_sorted_list_aa($key, $list);
my $insert = $insertions[$i] // next;
binsert {$_ cmp $insert} $insert, @$list;
sub delete_from_sorted_list_aa {
my $idx = binsearch { $a cmp $b } $_[0], @{$_[1]};
splice @{$_[1]}, $idx, 1;
sub insert_into_sorted_list_aa {
my $idx = binsearch_pos { $a cmp $b } $_[1], @{$_[2]};
splice @{$_[2]}, $idx, 0, $_[1];
sub lmu {
my $list = shift @{$data{lmu}};
my $i = -1;
foreach my $key (@rand_keys) {
bremove {$_ cmp $key} @$list;
my $insert = $insertions[$i] // next;
binsert {$_ cmp $insert} $insert, @$list;
sub ldd {
# $dds reflects the old name for the module
my $dds = shift @{$data{ldd}};
my $i = -1;
foreach my $key (@rand_keys) {
$dds->delete ($key);
my $insert = $insertions[$i] // next;
$dds->push ($insert);
sub lho {
my $ho = shift @{$data{lho}};
my $i = -1;
foreach my $key (@rand_keys) {
$ho->delete ($key);
my $insert = $insertions[$i] // next;
$ho->set ($insert => 1);
sub baseline {
my $list = shift @{$data{baseline}};
my $i;
foreach my $key (@rand_keys) {
my $insert = $insertions[$i] // next;
This first test fluctuates a fair bit,
but List::Unique::DeterministicOrder is consistently fastest by ~40% or more.
The others have not been tested with differing PRNG seeds.
perl etc\bench\ 5000 1000 1
First few items in each list:
aak aap aas abc abk aby
aak aap aas abc abk aby
fs agm ahh aft tp px
gz aak amq nn cp sb
ok 1 - same order
ok 2 - same contents, list-u-det-order
ok 3 - same contents, hash ordered
Rate lho lbs lmu ldd baseline
lho 284/s -- -11% -11% -73% -96%
lbs 318/s 12% -- -0% -70% -96%
lmu 319/s 12% 0% -- -70% -96%
ldd 1053/s 271% 231% 230% -- -85%
baseline 7112/s 2405% 2134% 2132% 576% --
perl etc\bench\ 500 10000 1
First few items in each list:
aak aap aas abc abk aby
aak aap aas abc abk aby
pau bpx ism hpl blm ofb
ovt loc eug gxs gz biw
ok 1 - same order
ok 2 - same contents, list-u-det-order
ok 3 - same contents, hash ordered
Rate lmu lbs lho ldd baseline
lmu 6.60/s -- -30% -62% -81% -98%
lbs 9.36/s 42% -- -45% -73% -97%
lho 17.1/s 160% 83% -- -51% -95%
ldd 35.1/s 431% 274% 105% -- -90%
baseline 368/s 5479% 3829% 2047% 950% --
perl etc\bench\ 50 50000 1
First few items in each list:
aaan aabb aabq aabx aacz aadd
aaan aabb aabq aabx aacz aadd
ahcx ansq bsir bkss aadw apiq
bmzy ovt anya bclp aijn bqtc
ok 1 - same order
ok 2 - same contents, list-u-det-order
ok 3 - same contents, hash ordered
Rate lmu lbs lho ldd baseline
lmu 0.353/s -- -18% -89% -97% -100%
lbs 0.428/s 21% -- -87% -96% -100%
lho 3.33/s 843% 678% -- -71% -97%
ldd 11.6/s 3168% 2595% 247% -- -89%
baseline 107/s 30067% 24780% 3098% 823% --
perl etc\bench\ 5 100000 1
First few items in each list:
aaan aabb aabq aabx aacz aadd
aaan aabb aabq aabx aacz aadd
cxwa aqvg kpv bfru eiwd nbe
bmzy ovt anya bclp aijn dmmr
ok 1 - same order
ok 2 - same contents, list-u-det-order
ok 3 - same contents, hash ordered
(warning: too few iterations for a reliable count)
Rate lbs lmu lho ldd baseline
lbs 9.73e-002/s -- -8% -94% -97% -100%
lmu 0.105/s 8% -- -94% -97% -100%
lho 1.62/s 1570% 1444% -- -53% -96%
ldd 3.48/s 3476% 3207% 114% -- -92%
baseline 45.9/s 47048% 43492% 2724% 1218% --