use Benchmark qw {:all};
use 5.016;
use Clone qw //;
use rlib '../../lib';
use Clone;
my $nreps = $ARGV[0] || -3;
my $data_size = $ARGV[1] || 1000;
my $run_benchmarks = $ARGV[2] || 1;
# ratio of insertions to deletions
my $insertion_frac = 0.1;
my $insert_count = $data_size * $insertion_frac;
srand 1534390472;
my @sorted_keys = ('a' .. 'zzz');
my $base_object = List::Unique::DeterministicOrder->new(data => \@sorted_keys);
my $l1 = lu_clone();
my $l2 = xs_clone();
exit if !$run_benchmarks;
cmpthese (
xs_clone => sub {xs_clone()},
lu_clone => sub {lu_clone()},
sub lu_clone {
my $c;
for my $i (1..1000) {
$c = $base_object->clone;
return $c;
sub xs_clone {
my $c;
for my $i (1..1000) {
$c = Clone::clone $base_object;
return $c;