### Note: this was ported to Perl from:
# /// Betajaen's GUI 016 Uncompressed
# /// Written by Robin "Betajaen" Southern 07-Nov-2006, http://www.ogre3d.org/wiki/index.php/BetaGUI
# /// This code is under the Whatevar! licence. Do what you want; but keep the original copyright header.
use strict;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Ogre 0.33;
sub new {
my ($pkg, $arg) = @_;
my $self = bless {
t => 0,
fp => undef,
LS => undef,
}, $pkg;
if (defined $arg) {
# this code ref has to accept two args (see BetaGUIListener onButtonPress)
if (ref($arg) eq 'CODE') {
$self->{t} = 1;
$self->{fp} = $arg;
} elsif (blessed($arg) && $arg->isa('Ogre::BetaGUI::BetaGUIListener')) {
$self->{t} = 2;
$self->{LS} = $arg;
return $self;