# GenPerl module
# POD documentation - main docs before the code
=head1 NAME
$pt = new Genetics::Phenotype(name => 'JXPed1-1-Age',
importID => 266,
dateCreated => $today,
dateCollected => "1987-03-17",
Keywords => [ {name => "Test Data",
dataType => "Boolean",
value => 1},
Subject => {name => "JXPed1-1", importID => 12},
StudyVariable => {name => "Age", importID => 444},
AssayAttrs => [ {name => "Clinic Name",
dataType => "String",
value => "Sister of Gracious Mercy and Hope"},
value => 12,
isActive => 1,
) ;
See the GenPerl Tutorial for more information.
Phenotype objects represent the experimentally determined value an
individual has for a trait, affection status, environmental exposure,
or drug treatment.
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Currently, all feedback should be sent directly to the author.
=head1 AUTHOR - Steve Mathias
Email: mathias@genomica.com
Phone: (720) 565-4029
Address: Genomica Corporation
1745 38th Street
Boulder, CO 80301
=head1 DETAILS
The rest of the documentation describes each of the object variables and
methods. The names of internal variables and methods are preceded with an
underscore (_).
# #
# Begin the code #
# #
$ID = "Genetics::Phenotype" ;
#$DEBUG = $main::DEBUG ;
$DEBUG = 0 ;
$DEBUG and warn "Debugging in $ID is on" ;
=head1 Imported Packages
Genetics::Object Superclass
strict Just to be anal
vars Global variables
use strict ;
require 5.004 ;
@ISA = qw(Genetics::Object) ;
@ATTRS = qw(value isActive dateCollected
Subject StudyVariable AssayAttrs) ;
@REQD_ATTRS = qw(isActive value
Subject StudyVariable) ;
%DEFAULTS = () ;
=head1 Public methods
printXML Print an XML representation of the object
=head2 printXML
Function : Print an XML representation of the object.
Argument : A Genetics::Genotype object and the XML::Writer object being used
to generate the XML.
Returns : String
Scope : Public
Comments : Calls Genetics::Object->printGeneralXML to generate XML elements
common to all Genetics::Object objects.
sub printXML {
my($self, $writer) = @_ ;
my($class, $value, $hashPtr, $attrListPtr, $tag, $typeVal, $type, $val) ;
$class = ref $self ;
$class =~ s/.*::// ;
## Common Attributes/Elements
$self->printGeneralXML($writer) ;
## Phenotype Elements
# SubjectRef
$hashPtr = $self->field('Subject') ;
$writer->startTag('SubjectRef') ;
$writer->dataElement('Name', $$hashPtr{name}) ;
$writer->dataElement('ID', $$hashPtr{id}) ;
$writer->endTag('SubjectRef') ;
# StudyVarRef
$hashPtr = $self->field('StudyVariable') ;
$writer->startTag('StudyVarRef') ;
$writer->dataElement('Name', $$hashPtr{name}) ;
$writer->dataElement('ID', $$hashPtr{id}) ;
$writer->endTag('StudyVarRef') ;
# IsActive
$writer->dataElement('IsActive', $self->field('isActive')) ;
# PhenotypetAssayMethod
# PtValue
if (defined ($value = $self->field('value'))) {
$writer->startTag('PtValue') ;
$writer->dataElement('Value', $value) ;
if (defined ($attrListPtr = $self->field('Attr'))) {
foreach $hashPtr (@$attrListPtr) {
$writer->startTag('Attribute') ;
while (($tag, $typeVal) = each(%$hashPtr)) {
($type, $val) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $typeVal) ;
$writer->dataElement('Name', $tag) ;
$writer->dataElement('DataType', $type) ;
$writer->dataElement('Value', $val) ;
$writer->endTag('Attribute') ;
$writer->endTag('PtValue') ;
$writer->endTag($class) ;
return(1) ;
=head2 asHTML
Function : Generate an HTML representation of the object.
Argument : A Genetics::Phenotype object and a scalar containing the name
of the GenPerl database in which the object is stored.
Returns : Scalar containing the HTML text.
Scope : Public Instance Method
Comments : Calls Genetics::Object->_generalHTMLParam to generate HTML
elements common to all Genetics::Object objects. An
HTML::Template object is used to actually generate the HTML.
sub asHTML {
my($self, $db) = @_ ;
my $tmpl = new HTML::Template(filename => "/home/slm/work/GenPerl/templates/phenotype.tmpl") ;
my(%param) ;
%param = (DB => $db) ; # DB is the database the object is in. It is used
# to conscruct URL links to associated objects
# Object data
$self->_generalHTMLParam(\%param) ;
# Phenotype data
$param{ISACTIVE} = $self->isActive() ;
$param{VALUE} = $self->value() ;
$self->dateCollected() and $param{DATECOLL} = $self->dateCollected() ;
$param{SUBJECT} = $self->Subject->{name} ;
$param{SUBJECTID} = $self->Subject->{id} ;
$param{STUDYVAR} = $self->StudyVariable->{name} ;
$param{STUDYVARID} = $self->StudyVariable->{id} ;
$tmpl->param( %param ) ;
return $tmpl->output() ;