#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- cperl -*-
# Author: Slaven Rezic
use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::RealBin;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use Doit;
use Doit::Util qw(in_directory);
use TestUtil qw(module_exists);
if (!module_exists('LWP::UserAgent')) {
plan skip_all => 'LWP::UserAgent not installed';
plan 'no_plan';
my $doit = Doit->init;
eval { $doit->lwp_mirror };
like $@, qr{ERROR.*url is mandatory};
eval { $doit->lwp_mirror("http://example.com") };
like $@, qr{ERROR.*filename is mandatory};
eval { $doit->lwp_mirror("http://example.com", "/tmp/filename", refresh => 'invalid') };
like $@, qr{ERROR.*refresh may be 'always' or 'never'};
eval { $doit->lwp_mirror("http://example.com", "/tmp/filename", unhandled_option => 1) };
like $@, qr{ERROR.*Unhandled options: unhandled_option};
my $tmpdir = tempdir("doit-lwp-XXXXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1);
in_directory {
$doit->write_binary("test.txt", <<EOF);
Sample text file.
my $tmpurl = $tmpdir;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$tmpurl =~ s{\\}{/}g;
is $doit->lwp_mirror('file://' . $tmpurl . '/test.txt', "mirrored.txt"), 1, 'mirror was done';
is $doit->lwp_mirror('file://' . $tmpurl . '/test.txt', "mirrored.txt"), 0, 'no change';
ok File::Compare::compare("test.txt", "mirrored.txt") == 0, 'mirrored file has same contents'
or diag eval { $doit->info_qx({quiet=>1}, 'diff', '-u', 'test.txt', 'mirrored.txt') };
$doit->write_binary("test.txt", <<EOF);
Changed sample text file.
$doit->utime(1234,1234,"mirrored.txt"); # simulate outdated file
is $doit->lwp_mirror('file://' . $tmpurl . '/test.txt', "mirrored.txt", refresh => 'never'), 0, 'no mirror with refresh => never';
ok File::Compare::compare("test.txt", "mirrored.txt") != 0, 'file was not changed';
is $doit->lwp_mirror('file://' . $tmpurl . '/test.txt', "mirrored.txt", debug => 1), 1, 'mirror with default refresh (always)';
ok File::Compare::compare("test.txt", "mirrored.txt") == 0, 'file was refreshed';
eval { $doit->lwp_mirror('file://' . $tmpurl . '/does-not-exist', 'mirrored.txt') };
like $@, qr{ERROR.*mirroring failed: 404 };
} $tmpdir;