<!-- check if you have to change path and extension to nscache.cgi -->
<head><title>cache control</title>
<base target=cache>
<font size=-2 face=helvetica,arial>
<form ACTION="nscache.cgi">
type<input type=radio name=sort value=type>
size<input type=radio name=sort value=size>
date<input type=radio name=sort value=date>
url<input type=radio name=sort value=url checked>|
images<input type=radio name=type value=image>
jpeg<input type=radio name=type value="image/jpeg">
gif<input type=radio name=type value="image/gif">
text<input type=radio name=type value=text>
html<input type=radio name=type value="text/html">
all<input type=radio name=type value="" checked>|
Direct cache<input type=checkbox name=mycache>|
Flat list<input type=checkbox name=notree>|
<input type=hidden name=cachedir value="/home3/netscape-cache">
<input type=submit value="Create list">|
<a href="nscache.cgi">Fast</a>