use Test::More tests => 7;
use strict;
# Filename
my $pdf = PDF::API2->new();
$pdf->{forcecompress} = 0;
my $png = $pdf->image_png('t/resources/1x1.png');
isa_ok($png, 'PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::PNG',
is($png->width(), 1,
q{Image from filename has a width});
my $gfx = $pdf->page->gfx();
$gfx->image($png, 72, 144, 216, 288);
like($pdf->stringify(), qr/q 216 0 0 288 72 144 cm \S+ Do Q/,
q{Add PNG to PDF});
# Large RGBA PNG file
$pdf = PDF::API2->new();
$png = $pdf->image_png('t/resources/test-rgba.png');
isa_ok($png, 'PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::PNG',
# Filehandle
$pdf = PDF::API2->new();
open my $fh, '<', 't/resources/1x1.png';
$png = $pdf->image_png($fh);
isa_ok($png, 'PDF::API2::Resource::XObject::Image::PNG',
is($png->width(), 1,
q{Image from filehandle has a width});
close $fh;
# Missing file
$pdf = PDF::API2->new();
eval { $pdf->image_png('t/resources/this.file.does.not.exist') };
ok($@, q{Fail fast if the requested file doesn't exist});