Revision history for Test-Mocha
0.62_02 2015-08-14
Use Devel::PartialDump again, since bug fixes have been released.
Enable multiple method calls from multiple mocks/spies to be captured
simultaneously in stub(), called_ok(), or inspect().
0.62_01 2015-08-05
Cleared out the namespaces of Mock and Spy as much as possible to avoid
getting in the way of AUTOLOAD.
Added tests to make sure we keep the namespacees clean.
Resolved failing tests in t/called_ok.t caused by Test::More v0.98.
The issue was resolved in Test::More v0.98_05.
Stop skipping test_out(qr//) tests for newer versions of
Test::Builder::Tester. The issue was resolved in Test::More v0.99_01.
0.62 2015-07-24
Introducing: spy() for creating spies.
Restructured internals to use proper methods instead of avoiding
polluting namespace of mock objects. Their names begin with 2 underscores
to mark them as private to the distribution.
0.61 2015-04-23
Added class_mock() for mocking class methods and module functions
(Scott Davis)
0.60_02 2014-10-28
Fix travis-ci configuration.
0.60_01 2014-10-04
0.60 2014-08-22
Added function prototypes to trim down syntax (API change).
stub() and inspect() are no longer backwards compatible for v0.21 API.
Apply perltidy and perlcritic to code.
0.50 2013-11-18 Major interface change
dies() is now throws().
verify() is now called_ok().
stub(), called_ok() and inspect() now take a coderef with a method
spec instead of a mock object.
Backwards compatibility has been maintained with deprecation warnings.
Carp 1.11 is no longer supported.
0.21_02 2013-10-24
Enable isa(), DOES() and can() to be stubbed and verified.
Fix test failure with Carp 1.11 where Carp::Heavy calls ref() on mocks.
Skip failing tests with Test::Builder::Test 1.23_002 where
`test_out(qr//)` does not work because it tries to stringify `qr//`.
0.21 2013-10-16
Fix test failure with Carp 1.32 where CARP_TRACE is called on mocks.
[Internal modifications to Devel::PartialDump]
Removed Moose dependency
Removed all functions (only dump() remains as a method)
Minor bug fixes:
'list_delim' attribute is now used to separate lists.
'max_length' attribute with value 0 now dumps '...'.
Object dumps have '=' after the class name.
0.20 2013-10-11
Allow ref() to be stubbed.
Provide better diagnostics with method call history and caller info
when verify() fails.
Make Moose an optional prerequisite.
0.19 2013-09-18
Add inspect_all() function.
Remove Exception::Tiny test dependency.
Fix returns() and dies() when no arguments.
0.18 2013-09-13
Fix tests for Perl versions older than 5.014 (operator precedence for
bitwise '&').
Make matcher_moose.t optional using Test::Requires.
Stub executes() should be given mock $self as its first argument.
0.17 2013-09-10
Set version dependency for Types::Standard to 0.008 when InstanceOf
was introduced.
0.16 2013-09-04
Fix for Perl versions older than 5.014 (s/// operator with /r switch).
0.15 2013-09-02
Don't let AUTOLOAD() handle DESTROY().
Added stubbing with callbacks.
0.14 2013-08-30
Made inspect() public.
Removed Moose and other dependencies.
0.13 2013-08-26
Distribution fix (no modules were provided).
0.12 2013-08-26
Added support for using Type::Tiny type constraints as matchers.
0.11 2013-08-16
Forked from Test-Magpie.
Removed deprecated functions.
Refined documentation.
0.10 2013-08-12
Changed when->then_return to stub->returns.
[Stub behaviour changed to match Mockito]
The last stubbed response persists.
New stubs take precedence over older stubs.
0.09 2013-08-03
Export main functions by default.
Add optional parameter $test_name to verify().
0.08 2013-07-22
Fixed use of smartmatching and removed warnings
Improved verify() print messages
Added Mock::can() method
0.07 2013-07-15
Deprecated at_least() and at_most() functions.
Added verify() options: at_least, at_most and between.
Added argument checks for public functions.
Added more comprehensive tests.
0.06 2013-07-03
Enable calling ref() on mock object to return a specified type.