use strict;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
our @ISA = qw(Lingua::YaTeA::TermCandidate);
our $VERSION=$Lingua::YaTeA::VERSION;
sub new
my ($class) = @_;
my $this = $class->SUPER::new;
$this->{ROOT_HEAD} = ();
$this->{ROOT_MODIFIER} = ();
$this->{PREPOSITION} = ();
$this->{DETERMINER} = ();
$this->{MODIFIER_POSITION} = ();
$this->{INDEX_SET} = Lingua::YaTeA::IndexSet->new;
$this->{ISLANDS} = [];
$this->{ISLAND_TYPE} = ();
bless ($this,$class);
return $this;
sub getRootHead
my ($this) = @_;
return $this->{ROOT_HEAD};
sub getIslandType
my ($this) = @_;
return $this->{ISLAND_TYPE};
sub getPreposition
my ($this) = @_;
return $this->{PREPOSITION};
sub getDeterminer
my ($this) = @_;
return $this->{DETERMINER};
sub getRootModifier
my ($this) = @_;
return $this->{ROOT_MODIFIER};
sub getModifierPosition
my ($this) = @_;
return $this->{MODIFIER_POSITION};
sub searchHead
my ($this, $depth) = @_;
my $head;
# warn "REF: " . ref($this->getRootHead) . "\n";
# warn "BLESSED: " . blessed($this->getRootHead) . "\n";
if ((blessed($this->getRootHead)) && ($this->getRootHead->isa('Lingua::YaTeA::MonolexicalTermCandidate')))
$head = $this->getRootHead;
if ($depth < 40) {
$head = $this->getRootHead->searchHead ($depth);
return $head;
sub setOccurrences
my ($this,$phrase_occurrences_a,$offset,$maximal) = @_;
my $phrase_occurrence;
if($maximal == 1)
$this->{OCCURRENCES} = $phrase_occurrences_a;
$this->{MNP_STATUS} = 1;
foreach $phrase_occurrence (@$phrase_occurrences_a)
my $occurrence = Lingua::YaTeA::Occurrence->new;
$occurrence->{SENTENCE} = $phrase_occurrence->getSentence;
$occurrence->{START_CHAR} = $phrase_occurrence->getStartChar + $offset;
$occurrence->{MAXIMAL} = 0;
sub completeOccurrences
my ($this,$offset) = @_;
my $occurrence;
# print STDERR "---> " . $this->getID() . "\n";
foreach $occurrence (@{$this->getOccurrences})
# print STDERR $occurrence->{ID} . "\n";
# print STDERR $occurrence->{START_CHAR} . "\n";
$occurrence->{END_CHAR} = $occurrence->getStartChar + $offset - 1; # + $offset
# print STDERR $occurrence->{END_CHAR} . "\n";
sub getIndexSet
my ($this) = @_;
return $this->{INDEX_SET};
sub addIndexSet
my ($this,$index_set_to_add) = @_;
sub setIslands
my ($this,$phrase_island_set,$left,$right) = @_;
my $island;
if((defined $phrase_island_set)
($phrase_island_set->size != 0)
foreach $island (values (%{$phrase_island_set->getIslands}))
# islands are recorded
# if they are exogenous
($island->getType ne 'endogenous' )
# if they are endogenous and don't cover the full TC
($this->getIndexSet->joinAll('-') ne $island->getIndexSet->joinAll('-'))
sub addIsland
my ($this,$island) = @_;
push @{$this->getIslands}, $island;
sub adjustIslandReferences
my ($this,$mapping_from_phrases_to_TCs_h) = @_;
my $island;
my $type;
foreach $island (@{$this->getIslands})
$type = $island->getType;
($type eq 'endogenous')
if(exists $mapping_from_phrases_to_TCs_h->{$island->getSource->getID})
# the island is no longer linked to a phrase: it is now linked to a term candidate
$island = $mapping_from_phrases_to_TCs_h->{$island->getSource->getID};
die "y a un blem\n";
$island = $island->getSource;
$island->{ISLAND_TYPE} = $type;
sub getIslands
my ($this) = @_;
return $this->{ISLANDS};
sub containsIslands
my ($this) = @_;
if(scalar @{$this->getIslands} > 0)
return 1;
return 0;
sub getHeadAndLinks
my ($this,$LGPmapping_h,$chained_links) = @_;
my $phrase = $this->getOriginalPhrase;
my $head = $phrase->getWord($phrase->getTree(0)->getHead->getIndex);
my $left;
my $right;
my $prep;
my $det;
my $node;
my $link_key;
my @links;
my %first;
my %second;
foreach $node (@{$phrase->getTree(0)->getNodeSet->getNodes})
$left = $node->getLeftEdge->searchHead (0);
$right = $node->getRightEdge->searchHead (0);
$prep = $node->getPreposition;
$det = $node->getDeterminer;
if (defined $prep)
$link_key = $left->getPOS($phrase->getWords) . "-" . $prep->getPOS($phrase->getWords);
push @{$first{$left->getIndex}}, $prep->getIndex;
push @{$second{$prep->getIndex}}, $left->getIndex;
$link_key = $prep->getPOS($phrase->getWords) . "-" . $right->getPOS($phrase->getWords);
push @{$first{$prep->getIndex}}, $right->getIndex;
push @{$second{$right->getIndex}}, $prep->getIndex;
$link_key = $left->getPOS($phrase->getWords) . "-" . $right->getPOS($phrase->getWords);
push @{$first{$left->getIndex}}, $right->getIndex;
push @{$second{$right->getIndex}}, $left->getIndex;
if (defined $det)
$link_key = $det->getPOS($phrase->getWords) . "-" . $right->getPOS($phrase->getWords);
push @{$first{$det->getIndex}}, $right->getIndex;
push @{$second{$right->getIndex}}, $det->getIndex;
@links = sort{$this->sortLinks($a,$b)} @links;
if($chained_links == 1)
return ($phrase->getWord($phrase->getTree(0)->getHead->getIndex),$phrase->getTree(0)->getHead->getIndex,\@links);
sub chainLinks
my ($this,$links_a) = @_;
my $link;
my $links_sets_h = $this->getLinksSets($links_a);
my @chained_links;
my $set_a;
my $left;
my $right;
my $height;
my $type;
my $i;
my $search;
my %recorded;
my $updated_height;
my $previous_right;
foreach $set_a (values (%$links_sets_h))
if(scalar @$set_a > 1)
while ( $link = pop @$set_a)
$link =~ /\[([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) \(([^\)]+)\)\]/;
$left = $1;
$right = $2;
$height = $3;
$type = $4;
if($type eq "CH")
if($left < $right -1)
$updated_height = 0;
for ($i= $left+1; $i < $right; $i++)
if(!defined $previous_right)
$previous_right = $right;
$search = $i . " " . $previous_right ;
if(exists $recorded{$search})
$right = $i;
$height = $updated_height;
$recorded{$left . " " . $right}++;
$previous_right = $right;
$link = "[". $left . " " . $right . " " . $height . " (" . $type . ")]";
push @chained_links, $link;
push @chained_links, @$set_a;
@$links_a = sort{$this->sortLinks($a,$b)} @chained_links;
sub getLinksSets
my ($this,$links_a) = @_;
my %sets;
my $link;
foreach $link (@$links_a){
$link =~ /\[([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) (\([^\)]+\)\])/;
push @{$sets{$2}}, $link;
return \%sets;
sub sortLinks
my ($this,$link1,$link2) = @_;
my $first_element_of_link1;
my $second_element_of_link1;
my $first_element_of_link2;
my $second_element_of_link2;
$link1 =~ /\[([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) (\([^\)]+\)\])/;
$first_element_of_link1 = $1;
$second_element_of_link1 = $2;
$link2 =~ /\[([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) (\([^\)]+\)\])/;
$first_element_of_link2 = $1;
$second_element_of_link2 = $2;
if ($first_element_of_link1 != $first_element_of_link2){
return ($first_element_of_link1 <=> $first_element_of_link2);
return ($second_element_of_link1 <=> $second_element_of_link2);
sub adjustLinksHeight
my ($this,$links_a,$first_h,$second_h) = @_;
my $link;
my $first_word;
my $second_word;
my $link_tag;
my $height;
my $first_word_of_other_link;
my $second_word_of_other_link;
if(scalar @$links_a > 1)
foreach $link (@$links_a){
$link =~ /\[([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) (\([^\)]+\)\])/;
$first_word = $1;
$second_word = $2;
$height = $3;
$link_tag = $4;
if(exists $first_h->{$first_word}){
foreach $second_word_of_other_link (@{$first_h->{$first_word}}){
if($second_word_of_other_link < $second_word){
if(exists $second_h->{$second_word}){
foreach $first_word_of_other_link (@{$second_h->{$second_word}}){
if($first_word_of_other_link > $first_word){
$link = "[".$first_word . " " . $second_word . " " .$height . " " . $link_tag;
sub recordLink
my ($this,$link_key,$first_element,$second_element,$links_a,$LGPmapping_h) = @_;
my $LGP_link;
my %first_items;
my %second_items;
if(exists $LGPmapping_h->{$link_key}){
$LGP_link = "[" .$first_element->getIndex . " " . $second_element->getIndex . " 0 (" .$LGPmapping_h->{$link_key} . ")]";
push @$links_a, $LGP_link;
warn "Pas de mapping pour " . $link_key . " (" .$this->getIF . ")\n";
=head1 NAME
Lingua::YaTeA::MultiWordTermCandidate - Perl extension for ???
use Lingua::YaTeA::MultiWordTermCandidate;
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new()
=head2 getRootHead()
=head2 getIslandType()
=head2 getPreposition()
=head2 getDeterminer()
=head2 getRootModifier()
=head2 getModifierPosition()
=head2 searchHead()
=head2 setOccurrences()
=head2 completeOccurrences()
=head2 getIndexSet()
=head2 addIndexSet()
=head2 setIslands()
=head2 addIsland()
=head2 adjustIslandReferences()
=head2 getIslands()
=head2 containsIslands()
=head2 getHeadAndLinks()
=head2 chainLinks()
=head2 getLinksSets()
=head2 sortLinks()
=head2 adjustLinksHeight()
=head2 recordLink()
=head1 SEE ALSO
Sophie Aubin and Thierry Hamon. Improving Term Extraction with
Terminological Resources. In Advances in Natural Language Processing
(5th International Conference on NLP, FinTAL 2006). pages
380-387. Tapio Salakoski, Filip Ginter, Sampo Pyysalo, Tapio Pahikkala
(Eds). August 2006. LNAI 4139.
=head1 AUTHOR
Thierry Hamon <> and Sophie Aubin <>
Copyright (C) 2005 by Thierry Hamon and Sophie Aubin
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.6 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.