( DNase<=H=NN> I<=M=CD> ) DNase I NN CD DNase I NN termsPhB
( Bacillus<=H=NNP> cereus<=M=NN> ) Bacillus cereus NNP NN Bacillus cereus NNP termsPhB
( operon<=H=NN> of ( Bacillus<=H=NNP> subtilis<=M=NN> )<=M=NNP> ) operon of Bacillus subtilis NN of NNP NN operon of Bacillus subtilis NN termsPhB
( consensus<=M=NN> sequence<=H=NN> ) consensus sequence NN NN consensus sequence NN termsPhB
( synthesis<=H=NN> of all<=DT> proteins<=M=NNS> ) synthesis of all proteins NN of DT NNS synthesis of all protein NN termsPhB
( HindIII<=M=NN> fragment<=H=NN> ) HindIII fragment NN NN HindIII fragment NN termsPhB
( DNA<=M=NN> binding<=H=NN> ) DNA binding NN NN DNA binding NN termsPhB
( cell<=M=NN> type<=H=NN> ) cell type NN NN cell type NN termsPhB
( crystal<=M=JJ> structure<=H=NN> ) crystal structure JJ NN crystal structure NN termsPhB
( recombinant<=M=JJ> plasmid<=H=NN> ) recombinant plasmid JJ NN recombinant plasmid NN termsPhB
( ( amino<=M=JJ> acid<=H=NN> )<=M=NN> residues<=H=NNS> ) amino acid residues JJ NN NNS amino acid residue NNS termsPhB
( biosynthetic<=M=JJ> gene<=H=NN> ) biosynthetic gene JJ NN biosynthetic gene NN termsPhB
( competence<=M=NN> development<=H=NN> ) competence development NN NN competence development NN termsPhB
( loop<=M=NN> structure<=H=NN> ) loop structure NN NN loop structure NN termsPhB
( stress<=M=NN> response<=H=NN> ) stress response NN NN stress response NN termsPhB
( Northern<=M=NN> analyses<=H=NNS> ) Northern analyses NN NNS Northern analysis NNS termsPhB
( growth<=M=NN> phase<=H=NN> ) growth phase NN NN growth phase NN termsPhB
( B.<=H=NNP> stearothermophilus<=M=NN> ) B. stearothermophilus NNP NN B. stearothermophilus NNP termsPhB
( transcriptional<=M=JJ> fusions<=H=NNS> ) transcriptional fusions JJ NNS transcriptional fusion NNS termsPhB
( Salmonella<=H=NNP> typhimurium<=M=NNP> ) Salmonella typhimurium NNP NNP Salmonella typhimurium NNP termsPhB
( tetracycline<=M=NN> resistance<=H=NN> ) tetracycline resistance NN NN tetracycline resistance NN termsPhB
( transcriptional<=M=JJ> activator<=H=NN> ) transcriptional activator JJ NN transcriptional activator NN termsPhB
( protection<=M=NN> experiments<=H=NNS> ) protection experiments NN NNS protection experiment NNS termsPhB
( full<=M=JJ> length<=H=NN> ) full length JJ NN full length NN termsPhB
( signal<=M=NN> transduction<=H=NN> ) signal transduction NN NN signal transduction NN termsPhB
( consensus<=M=NN> promoter<=H=NN> ) consensus promoter NN NN consensus promoter NN termsPhB
( general<=M=JJ> protein<=H=NN> ) general protein JJ NN general protein NN termsPhB
( Bacillus<=H=NNP> brevis<=M=NN> ) Bacillus brevis NNP NN Bacillus brevis NNP termsPhB
( Bacillus<=M=NNP> species<=H=NNS> ) Bacillus species NNP NNS Bacillus specy NNS termsPhB
( trp<=M=NN> leader<=H=NN> ) trp leader NN NN trp leader NN termsPhB
( response<=M=NN> regulator<=H=NN> ) response regulator NN NN response regulator NN termsPhB
( stem-loop<=M=JJ> structure<=H=NN> ) stem-loop structure JJ NN stem-loop structure NN termsPhB
( constitutive<=M=JJ> expression<=H=NN> ) constitutive expression JJ NN constitutive expression NN termsPhB
( polymerase<=M=NN> chain<=H=NN> ) polymerase chain NN NN polymerase chain NN termsPhB
( sigB<=M=NN> operons<=H=NNS> ) sigB operons NN NNS sigB operon NNS termsPhB
( putative<=M=JJ> promoter<=H=NN> ) putative promoter JJ NN putative promoter NN termsPhB
( Bacillus<=H=NNP> amyloliquefaciens<=M=NNS> ) Bacillus amyloliquefaciens NNP NNS Bacillus amyloliquefacien NNP termsPhB
( reverse<=M=JJ> transcription<=H=NN> ) reverse transcription JJ NN reverse transcription NN termsPhB
( polyacrylamide<=M=NN> gels<=H=NNS> ) polyacrylamide gels NN NNS polyacrylamide gel NNS termsPhB
( sequence<=H=NN> of the<=DT> region<=M=NN> ) sequence of the region NN of DT NN sequence of the region NN termsPhB
( subunit<=H=NN> of ( RNA<=M=NN> polymerase<=H=NN> )<=M=NN> ) subunit of RNA polymerase NN of NN NN subunit of RNA polymerase NN termsPhB
( development<=H=NN> of competence<=M=NN> ) development of competence NN of NN development of competence NN termsPhB
( start<=M=NN> codon<=H=NN> ) start codon NN NN start codon NN termsPhB
( leader<=M=NN> region<=H=NN> ) leader region NN NN leader region NN termsPhB
( B.<=H=NNP> subtilis<=M=NN> ) B. subtilis NNP NN B. subtili NNP termsPhB
( inducible<=M=JJ> promoter<=H=NN> ) inducible promoter JJ NN inducible promoter NN termsPhB
( extension<=M=NN> analysis<=H=NN> ) extension analysis NN NN extension analysis NN termsPhB
( start<=M=NN> site<=H=NN> ) start site NN NN start site NN termsPhB
( regulation<=H=NN> of the<=DT> gene<=M=NN> ) regulation of the gene NN of DT NN regulation of the gene NN termsPhB
( chloramphenicol<=M=NN> acetyltransferase<=H=NN> ) chloramphenicol acetyltransferase NN NN chloramphenicol acetyltransferase NN termsPhB
( regulatory<=M=JJ> protein<=H=NN> ) regulatory protein JJ NN regulatory protein NN termsPhB
( promoter<=M=NN> sequence<=H=NN> ) promoter sequence NN NN promoter sequence NN termsPhB
( B.<=H=NNP> thuringiensis<=M=NN> ) B. thuringiensis NNP NN B. thuringiensis NNP termsPhB
( members<=H=NNS> of the<=DT> family<=M=NN> ) members of the family NNS of DT NN member of the family NNS termsPhB
( electrophoretic<=M=JJ> mobilities<=H=NNS> ) electrophoretic mobilities JJ NNS electrophoretic mobility NNS termsPhB
( transport<=M=NN> system<=H=NN> ) transport system NN NN transport system NN termsPhB
( sigma<=M=NN> factor<=H=NN> ) sigma factor NN NN sigma factor NN termsPhB
( DNA<=M=NN> synthesis<=H=NN> ) DNA synthesis NN NN DNA synthesis NN termsPhB
( putative<=M=JJ> terminator<=H=NN> ) putative terminator JJ NN putative terminator NN termsPhB
( unknown<=M=JJ> functions<=H=NNS> ) unknown functions JJ NNS unknown function NNS termsPhB
( protein<=H=NN> of ( Bacillus<=H=NNP> subtilis<=M=NN> )<=M=NNP> ) protein of Bacillus subtilis NN of NNP NN protein of Bacillus subtilis NN termsPhB
( spore<=M=JJ> germination<=H=NN> ) spore germination JJ NN spore germination NN termsPhB
( part<=H=NN> of an<=DT> operon<=M=NN> ) part of an operon NN of DT NN part of an operon NN termsPhB
( open<=M=JJ> frame<=H=NN> ) open frame JJ NN open frame NN termsPhB
( transcription<=M=NN> initiation<=H=NN> ) transcription initiation NN NN transcription initiation NN termsPhB
( low<=M=JJ> levels<=H=NNS> ) low levels JJ NNS low level NNS termsPhB
( transcriptional<=M=JJ> terminator<=H=NN> ) transcriptional terminator JJ NN transcriptional terminator NN termsPhB
( RNase<=M=NN> P<=H=NN> ) RNase P NN NN RNase P NN termsPhB
( mother<=M=NN> cell<=H=NN> ) mother cell NN NN mother cell NN termsPhB
( insertion<=M=NN> mutation<=H=NN> ) insertion mutation NN NN insertion mutation NN termsPhB
( higher<=M=JJR> affinity<=H=NN> ) higher affinity JJR NN high affinity NN termsPhB
( gene<=M=NN> codes<=H=NNS> ) gene codes NN NNS gene code NNS termsPhB
( glucose<=M=NN> dehydrogenase<=H=NN> ) glucose dehydrogenase NN NN glucose dehydrogenase NN termsPhB
( early<=M=JJ> stage<=H=NN> ) early stage JJ NN early stage NN termsPhB
( alternative<=M=JJ> factor<=H=NN> ) alternative factor JJ NN alternative factor NN termsPhB
( response<=H=NN> to stress<=M=NN> ) response to stress NN to NN response to stress NN termsPhB
( exponential<=M=JJ> phase<=H=NN> ) exponential phase JJ NN exponential phase NN termsPhB
( base<=M=NN> pairs<=H=NNS> ) base pairs NN NNS base pair NNS termsPhB
( phase<=H=NN> of growth<=M=NN> ) phase of growth NN of NN phase of growth NN termsPhB
( end<=H=NN> of the<=DT> growth<=M=NN> ) end of the growth NN of DT NN end of the growth NN termsPhB
( DNA<=M=NN> regions<=H=NNS> ) DNA regions NN NNS DNA region NNS termsPhB
( early<=M=JJ> genes<=H=NNS> ) early genes JJ NNS early gene NNS termsPhB
( Spo0A<=M=NN> protein<=H=NN> ) Spo0A protein NN NN Spo0A protein NN termsPhB
( genetic<=M=JJ> competence<=H=NN> ) genetic competence JJ NN genetic competence NN termsPhB
( sigma<=M=NN> B<=H=NN> ) sigma B NN NN sigma B NN termsPhB
( low<=M=JJ> concentration<=H=NN> ) low concentration JJ NN low concentration NN termsPhB
( pro-sigma<=M=JJ> E<=H=NN> ) pro-sigma E JJ NN pro-sigma E NN termsPhB
( promoter<=H=NN> of the<=DT> gene<=M=NN> ) promoter of the gene NN of DT NN promoter of the gene NN termsPhB
( extension<=M=NN> experiments<=H=NNS> ) extension experiments NN NNS extension experiment NNS termsPhB
( analysis<=H=NN> of the<=DT> sequences<=M=NNS> ) analysis of the sequences NN of DT NNS analysis of the sequence NN termsPhB
( S1<=M=NN> mapping<=H=NN> ) S1 mapping NN NN S1 mapping NN termsPhB
( copy<=M=NN> number<=H=NN> ) copy number NN NN copy number NN termsPhB
( RNA-binding<=M=JJ> attenuation<=H=NN> ) RNA-binding attenuation JJ NN RNA-binding attenuation NN termsPhB
( transcription<=M=NN> system<=H=NN> ) transcription system NN NN transcription system NN termsPhB
( forespore<=M=JJ> compartment<=H=NN> ) forespore compartment JJ NN forespore compartment NN termsPhB
( translation<=M=NN> initiation<=H=NN> ) translation initiation NN NN translation initiation NN termsPhB
( putative<=M=JJ> proteins<=H=NNS> ) putative proteins JJ NNS putative protein NNS termsPhB
( formation<=H=NN> of a<=DT> complex<=M=NN> ) formation of a complex NN of DT NN formation of a complex NN termsPhB
( Saccharomyces<=H=NNP> cerevisiae<=M=NN> ) Saccharomyces cerevisiae NNP NN Saccharomyces cerevisiae NNP termsPhB
( activation<=H=NN> of the<=DT> sigma<=M=NN> ) activation of the sigma NN of DT NN activation of the sigma NN termsPhB
( core<=M=NN> polymerase<=H=NN> ) core polymerase NN NN core polymerase NN termsPhB
( regions<=H=NNS> of promoters<=M=NNS> ) regions of promoters NNS of NNS region of promoter NNS termsPhB
( Bacillus<=H=NNP> subtilis<=M=NN> ) Bacillus subtilis NNP NN Bacillus subtili NNP termsPhB
( onset<=H=NN> of sporulation<=M=NN> ) onset of sporulation NN of NN onset of sporulation NN termsPhB
( translational<=M=JJ> fusions<=H=NNS> ) translational fusions JJ NNS translational fusion NNS termsPhB
( growth<=M=NN> rate<=H=NN> ) growth rate NN NN growth rate NN termsPhB
( AbrB<=M=NN> protein<=H=NN> ) AbrB protein NN NN AbrB protein NN termsPhB
( amylase<=M=NN> gene<=H=NN> ) amylase gene NN NN amylase gene NN termsPhB
( phosphate<=M=NN> starvation<=H=NN> ) phosphate starvation NN NN phosphate starvation NN termsPhB
( growth<=M=NN> medium<=H=NN> ) growth medium NN NN growth medium NN termsPhB
( transcriptional<=M=JJ> regulation<=H=NN> ) transcriptional regulation JJ NN transcriptional regulation NN termsPhB
( DNA-binding<=M=JJ> protein<=H=NN> ) DNA-binding protein JJ NN DNA-binding protein NN termsPhB
( transcriptional<=M=JJ> activation<=H=NN> ) transcriptional activation JJ NN transcriptional activation NN termsPhB
( genetic<=M=JJ> analysis<=H=NN> ) genetic analysis JJ NN genetic analysis NN termsPhB
( minimal<=M=JJ> medium<=H=NN> ) minimal medium JJ NN minimal medium NN termsPhB
( form<=H=NN> of RNA<=M=NN> ) form of RNA NN of NN form of RNA NN termsPhB
( stem<=M=NN> loop<=H=NN> ) stem loop NN NN stem loop NN termsPhB
( ribosomal<=M=JJ> protein<=H=NN> ) ribosomal protein JJ NN ribosomal protein NN termsPhB
( specific<=M=JJ> transcription<=H=NN> ) specific transcription JJ NN specific transcription NN termsPhB
( mobility<=M=NN> shift<=H=NN> ) mobility shift NN NN mobility shift NN termsPhB
( mapping<=M=VBG> experiments<=H=NNS> ) mapping experiments VBG NNS map experiment NNS termsPhB
( Chloramphenicol<=M=NN> resistance<=H=NN> ) Chloramphenicol resistance NN NN Chloramphenicol resistance NN termsPhB
( region<=H=NN> of the<=DT> operon<=M=NN> ) region of the operon NN of DT NN region of the operon NN termsPhB
( subtilis<=M=JJ> genes<=H=NNS> ) subtilis genes JJ NNS subtilis gene NNS termsPhB
( translation<=M=NN> system<=H=NN> ) translation system NN NN translation system NN termsPhB
( level<=H=NN> of transcription<=M=NN> ) level of transcription NN of NN level of transcription NN termsPhB
( potential<=M=JJ> site<=H=NN> ) potential site JJ NN potential site NN termsPhB
( start<=M=NN> point<=H=NN> ) start point NN NN start point NN termsPhB
( Shine-Dalgarno<=M=JJ> sequence<=H=NN> ) Shine-Dalgarno sequence JJ NN Shine-Dalgarno sequence NN termsPhB
( ctc<=M=NN> promoter<=H=NN> ) ctc promoter NN NN ctc promoter NN termsPhB
( high<=M=JJ> degree<=H=NN> ) high degree JJ NN high degree NN termsPhB
( sporulation<=M=NN> genes<=H=NNS> ) sporulation genes NN NNS sporulation gene NNS termsPhB
( spoIIG<=M=NN> promoter<=H=NN> ) spoIIG promoter NN NN spoIIG promoter NN termsPhB
( expression<=M=NN> vector<=H=NN> ) expression vector NN NN expression vector NN termsPhB
( Gram-negative<=M=JJ> bacteria<=H=NNS> ) Gram-negative bacteria JJ NNS Gram-negative bacteria NNS termsPhB
( toxin<=M=NN> gene<=H=NN> ) toxin gene NN NN toxin gene NN termsPhB
( regulatory<=M=JJ> system<=H=NN> ) regulatory system JJ NN regulatory system NN termsPhB
( polymerase<=M=NN> holoenzyme<=H=NN> ) polymerase holoenzyme NN NN polymerase holoenzyme NN termsPhB
( nuclease<=M=NN> mapping<=H=NN> ) nuclease mapping NN NN nuclease mapping NN termsPhB
( transcription<=M=NN> termination<=H=NN> ) transcription termination NN NN transcription termination NN termsPhB
( regulatory<=M=JJ> region<=H=NN> ) regulatory region JJ NN regulatory region NN termsPhB
( strong<=M=JJ> promoters<=H=NNS> ) strong promoters JJ NNS strong promoter NNS termsPhB
( transcription<=M=NN> assay<=H=NN> ) transcription assay NN NN transcription assay NN termsPhB
( complete<=M=JJ> sequence<=H=NN> ) complete sequence JJ NN complete sequence NN termsPhB
( transcription<=M=NN> terminator<=H=NN> ) transcription terminator NN NN transcription terminator NN termsPhB
( transcription<=H=NN> of genes<=M=NNS> ) transcription of genes NN of NNS transcription of gene NN termsPhB
( gene<=M=NN> promoters<=H=NNS> ) gene promoters NN NNS gene promoter NNS termsPhB
( synthetase<=M=NN> gene<=H=NN> ) synthetase gene NN NN synthetase gene NN termsPhB
( initiation<=H=NN> of replication<=M=NN> ) initiation of replication NN of NN initiation of replication NN termsPhB
( sporulation<=M=NN> factor<=H=NN> ) sporulation factor NN NN sporulation factor NN termsPhB
( in<=M=FW> vivo<=H=FW> ) in vivo FW FW in vivo JJ termsPhB
( core<=M=NN> enzyme<=H=NN> ) core enzyme NN NN core enzyme NN termsPhB
( spore<=M=NN> formation<=H=NN> ) spore formation NN NN spore formation NN termsPhB
( promoter<=M=NN> sites<=H=NNS> ) promoter sites NN NNS promoter site NNS termsPhB
( primer<=M=NN> extension<=H=NN> ) primer extension NN NN primer extension NN termsPhB
( level<=H=NN> of expression<=M=NN> ) level of expression NN of NN level of expression NN termsPhB
( Bacillus<=H=NNP> thuringiensis<=M=NN> ) Bacillus thuringiensis NNP NN Bacillus thuringiensis NNP termsPhB
( Northern<=M=NN> blot<=H=NN> ) Northern blot NN NN Northern blot NN termsPhB
( Western<=M=NN> blot<=H=NN> ) Western blot NN NN Western blot NN termsPhB
( sequence<=M=NN> analysis<=H=NN> ) sequence analysis NN NN sequence analysis NN termsPhB
( promoter<=M=NN> recognition<=H=NN> ) promoter recognition NN NN promoter recognition NN termsPhB
( gnt<=M=NN> operon<=H=NN> ) gnt operon NN NN gnt operon NN termsPhB
( cell<=M=NN> cycle<=H=NN> ) cell cycle NN NN cell cycle NN termsPhB
( site-directed<=M=JJ> mutagenesis<=H=NN> ) site-directed mutagenesis JJ NN site-directed mutagenesis NN termsPhB
( wild-type<=M=JJ> strain<=H=NN> ) wild-type strain JJ NN wild-type strain NN termsPhB
( early<=M=JJ> ( stationary<=M=JJ> phase<=H=NN> )<=H=NN> ) early stationary phase JJ JJ NN early stationary phase NN termsPhB
( direct<=M=JJ> repeat<=H=NN> ) direct repeat JJ NN direct repeat NN termsPhB
( spore<=M=JJ> coat<=H=NN> ) spore coat JJ NN spore coat NN termsPhB
( regulatory<=M=JJ> factor<=H=NN> ) regulatory factor JJ NN regulatory factor NN termsPhB
( exponential<=M=JJ> growth<=H=NN> ) exponential growth JJ NN exponential growth NN termsPhB
( crystal<=M=JJ> protein<=H=NN> ) crystal protein JJ NN crystal protein NN termsPhB
( presence<=H=NN> of glucose<=M=NN> ) presence of glucose NN of NN presence of glucose NN termsPhB
( Lactococcus<=H=NNP> lactis<=M=NN> ) Lactococcus lactis NNP NN Lactococcus lactis NNP termsPhB
( anti<=M=JJ> sigma<=H=NN> ) anti sigma JJ NN anti sigma NN termsPhB
( phi<=H=NN> 29<=M=CD> ) phi 29 NN CD phi 29 NN termsPhB
( DNA<=M=NN> complex<=H=NN> ) DNA complex NN NN DNA complex NN termsPhB
( cold<=M=JJ> shock<=H=NN> ) cold shock JJ NN cold shock NN termsPhB
( transition<=M=NN> state<=H=NN> ) transition state NN NN transition state NN termsPhB
( product<=H=NN> of the<=DT> gene<=M=NN> ) product of the gene NN of DT NN product of the gene NN termsPhB
( promoter<=M=NN> probe<=H=NN> ) promoter probe NN NN promoter probe NN termsPhB
( sigma<=M=NN> subunit<=H=NN> ) sigma subunit NN NN sigma subunit NN termsPhB
( upstream<=M=JJ> promoter<=H=NN> ) upstream promoter JJ NN upstream promoter NN termsPhB
( sequence<=H=NN> of the<=DT> gene<=M=NN> ) sequence of the gene NN of DT NN sequence of the gene NN termsPhB
( initiations<=H=NNS> of transcription<=M=NN> ) initiations of transcription NNS of NN initiation of transcription NNS termsPhB
( pyr<=M=NN> operon<=H=NN> ) pyr operon NN NN pyr operon NN termsPhB
( dnaK<=M=NN> operon<=H=NN> ) dnaK operon NN NN dnaK operon NN termsPhB
( E<=M=NN> sigma<=H=NN> ) E sigma NN NN E sigma NN termsPhB
( peptide<=M=NN> antibiotic<=H=NN> ) peptide antibiotic NN NN peptide antibiotic NN termsPhB
( null<=M=JJ> mutation<=H=NN> ) null mutation JJ NN null mutation NN termsPhB
( high<=M=JJ> temperature<=H=NN> ) high temperature JJ NN high temperature NN termsPhB
( fatty<=M=JJ> acid<=H=NN> ) fatty acid JJ NN fatty acid NN termsPhB
( analysis<=H=NN> of the<=DT> region<=M=NN> ) analysis of the region NN of DT NN analysis of the region NN termsPhB
( rRNA<=M=NN> genes<=H=NNS> ) rRNA genes NN NNS rRNA gene NNS termsPhB
( bacterial<=M=JJ> proteins<=H=NNS> ) bacterial proteins JJ NNS bacterial protein NNS termsPhB
( significant<=M=JJ> similarity<=H=NN> ) significant similarity JJ NN significant similarity NN termsPhB
( lower<=M=JJR> temperatures<=H=NNS> ) lower temperatures JJR NNS low temperature NNS termsPhB
( previous<=M=JJ> studies<=H=NNS> ) previous studies JJ NNS previous study NNS termsPhB
( acid<=M=NN> sequence<=H=NN> ) acid sequence NN NN acid sequence NN termsPhB
( Streptomyces<=H=NNP> coelicolor<=M=NN> ) Streptomyces coelicolor NNP NN Streptomyce coelicolor NNP termsPhB
( Bacillus<=H=NNP> stearothermophilus<=M=NN> ) Bacillus stearothermophilus NNP NN Bacillus stearothermophilus NNP termsPhB
( upstream<=M=JJ> regions<=H=NNS> ) upstream regions JJ NNS upstream region NNS termsPhB
( initiation<=M=NN> codon<=H=NN> ) initiation codon NN NN initiation codon NN termsPhB
( gene<=M=NN> transcription<=H=NN> ) gene transcription NN NN gene transcription NN termsPhB
( control<=H=NN> of the<=DT> promoter<=M=NN> ) control of the promoter NN of DT NN control of the promoter NN termsPhB
( beta-galactosidase<=M=NN> activity<=H=NN> ) beta-galactosidase activity NN NN beta-galactosidase activity NN termsPhB
( Transcriptional<=M=JJ> analysis<=H=NN> ) Transcriptional analysis JJ NN Transcriptional analysis NN termsPhB
( structural<=M=JJ> genes<=H=NNS> ) structural genes JJ NNS structural gene NNS termsPhB
( RNA<=M=NN> synthesis<=H=NN> ) RNA synthesis NN NN RNA synthesis NN termsPhB
( protein<=M=NN> gene<=H=NN> ) protein gene NN NN protein gene NN termsPhB
( polymerase<=M=NN> sigma<=H=NN> ) polymerase sigma NN NN polymerase sigma NN termsPhB
( N<=M=NN> terminus<=H=NN> ) N terminus NN NN N terminus NN termsPhB
( spo0A<=M=NN> gene<=H=NN> ) spo0A gene NN NN spo0A gene NN termsPhB
( gene<=M=NN> expression<=H=NN> ) gene expression NN NN gene expression NN termsPhB
( early<=M=JJ> phase<=H=NN> ) early phase JJ NN early phase NN termsPhB
( trp<=M=NN> operon<=H=NN> ) trp operon NN NN trp operon NN termsPhB
( gene<=H=NN> of an<=DT> operon<=M=NN> ) gene of an operon NN of DT NN gene of an operon NN termsPhB
( significant<=M=JJ> homology<=H=NN> ) significant homology JJ NN significant homology NN termsPhB
( specific<=M=JJ> promoters<=H=NNS> ) specific promoters JJ NNS specific promoter NNS termsPhB
( high<=M=JJ> concentrations<=H=NNS> ) high concentrations JJ NNS high concentration NNS termsPhB
( amino<=M=JJ> acids<=H=NNS> ) amino acids JJ NNS amino acid NNS termsPhB
( sequences<=H=NNS> of promoters<=M=NNS> ) sequences of promoters NNS of NNS sequence of promoter NNS termsPhB
( DNA<=M=NN> replication<=H=NN> ) DNA replication NN NN DNA replication NN termsPhB
( reading<=M=VBG> frame<=H=NN> ) reading frame VBG NN read frame NN termsPhB
( attenuation<=M=NN> mechanism<=H=NN> ) attenuation mechanism NN NN attenuation mechanism NN termsPhB
( form<=H=NN> of polymerase<=M=NN> ) form of polymerase NN of NN form of polymerase NN termsPhB
( Gram-positive<=M=JJ> bacteria<=H=NNS> ) Gram-positive bacteria JJ NNS Gram-positive bacteria NNS termsPhB
( positive<=M=JJ> regulator<=H=NN> ) positive regulator JJ NN positive regulator NN termsPhB
( control<=M=NN> region<=H=NN> ) control region NN NN control region NN termsPhB
( single<=M=JJ> copy<=H=NN> ) single copy JJ NN single copy NN termsPhB
( deletion<=M=NN> mutations<=H=NNS> ) deletion mutations NN NNS deletion mutation NNS termsPhB
( Listeria<=H=NNP> monocytogenes<=M=NN> ) Listeria monocytogenes NNP NN Listeria monocytogene NNP termsPhB
( middle<=M=JJ> promoters<=H=NNS> ) middle promoters JJ NNS middle promoter NNS termsPhB
( expression<=M=NN> system<=H=NN> ) expression system NN NN expression system NN termsPhB
( expression<=H=NN> of genes<=M=NNS> ) expression of genes NN of NNS expression of gene NN termsPhB
( wild<=M=JJ> type<=H=NN> ) wild type JJ NN wild type NN termsPhB
( repeat<=M=NN> sequences<=H=NNS> ) repeat sequences NN NNS repeat sequence NNS termsPhB
( Transcription<=M=NN> factor<=H=NN> ) Transcription factor NN NN Transcription factor NN termsPhB
( PHO<=M=NN> regulon<=H=NN> ) PHO regulon NN NN PHO regulon NN termsPhB
( transcription<=H=NN> of the<=DT> operons<=M=NNS> ) transcription of the operons NN of DT NNS transcription of the operon NN termsPhB
( subunit<=H=NN> of polymerase<=M=NN> ) subunit of polymerase NN of NN subunit of polymerase NN termsPhB
( cluster<=H=NN> of genes<=M=NNS> ) cluster of genes NN of NNS cluster of gene NN termsPhB
( spo0H<=M=NN> gene<=H=NN> ) spo0H gene NN NN spo0H gene NN termsPhB
( polymerase<=M=NN> core<=H=NN> ) polymerase core NN NN polymerase core NN termsPhB
( restriction<=M=NN> fragments<=H=NNS> ) restriction fragments NN NNS restriction fragment NNS termsPhB
( operator<=M=NN> site<=H=NN> ) operator site NN NN operator site NN termsPhB
( family<=H=NN> of proteins<=M=NNS> ) family of proteins NN of NNS family of protein NN termsPhB
( catabolite<=M=NN> repression<=H=NN> ) catabolite repression NN NN catabolite repression NN termsPhB
( heat<=M=NN> shock<=H=NN> ) heat shock NN NN heat shock NN termsPhB
( high<=M=JJ> level<=H=NN> ) high level JJ NN high level NN termsPhB
( coding<=M=VBG> sequence<=H=NN> ) coding sequence VBG NN cod sequence NN termsPhB
( effect<=H=NN> of the<=DT> mutation<=M=NN> ) effect of the mutation NN of DT NN effect of the mutation NN termsPhB
( transcriptional<=M=JJ> level<=H=NN> ) transcriptional level JJ NN transcriptional level NN termsPhB
( stationary<=M=JJ> phase<=H=NN> ) stationary phase JJ NN stationary phase NN termsPhB
( protein<=M=NN> product<=H=NN> ) protein product NN NN protein product NN termsPhB
( phase<=M=NN> cells<=H=NNS> ) phase cells NN NNS phase cell NNS termsPhB
( molecular<=M=JJ> mass<=H=NN> ) molecular mass JJ NN molecular mass NN termsPhB
( sequence<=M=NN> homology<=H=NN> ) sequence homology NN NN sequence homology NN termsPhB
( high<=M=JJ> resolution<=H=NN> ) high resolution JJ NN high resolution NN termsPhB
( phosphotransferase<=M=NN> system<=H=NN> ) phosphotransferase system NN NN phosphotransferase system NN termsPhB
( gel<=M=NN> retardation<=H=NN> ) gel retardation NN NN gel retardation NN termsPhB
( resistance<=M=NN> gene<=H=NN> ) resistance gene NN NN resistance gene NN termsPhB
( stop<=M=NN> codon<=H=NN> ) stop codon NN NN stop codon NN termsPhB
( stages<=H=NNS> of sporulation<=M=NN> ) stages of sporulation NNS of NN stage of sporulation NNS termsPhB
( single<=M=JJ> substitutions<=H=NNS> ) single substitutions JJ NNS single substitution NNS termsPhB
( glutamine<=M=NN> synthetase<=H=NN> ) glutamine synthetase NN NN glutamine synthetase NN termsPhB
( codon<=M=NN> usage<=H=NN> ) codon usage NN NN codon usage NN termsPhB
( Expression<=M=NN> levels<=H=NNS> ) Expression levels NN NNS Expression level NNS termsPhB
( region<=H=NN> of the<=DT> gene<=M=NN> ) region of the gene NN of DT NN region of the gene NN termsPhB
( regulatory<=M=JJ> gene<=H=NN> ) regulatory gene JJ NN regulatory gene NN termsPhB
( leader<=M=NN> transcript<=H=NN> ) leader transcript NN NN leader transcript NN termsPhB
( protein<=M=NN> synthesis<=H=NN> ) protein synthesis NN NN protein synthesis NN termsPhB
( Repressor<=M=NN> protein<=H=NN> ) Repressor protein NN NN Repressor protein NN termsPhB
( cell<=M=NN> division<=H=NN> ) cell division NN NN cell division NN termsPhB
( dependent<=M=JJ> promoters<=H=NNS> ) dependent promoters JJ NNS dependent promoter NNS termsPhB
( protein<=M=NN> kinase<=H=NN> ) protein kinase NN NN protein kinase NN termsPhB
( gene<=M=NN> order<=H=NN> ) gene order NN NN gene order NN termsPhB
( growing<=M=VBG> cells<=H=NNS> ) growing cells VBG NNS grow cell NNS termsPhB
( lacZ<=M=NN> gene<=H=NN> ) lacZ gene NN NN lacZ gene NN termsPhB
( glycine<=M=NN> betaine<=H=NN> ) glycine betaine NN NN glycine betaine NN termsPhB
( specific<=M=JJ> factor<=H=NN> ) specific factor JJ NN specific factor NN termsPhB
( lacZ<=M=NN> fusion<=H=NN> ) lacZ fusion NN NN lacZ fusion NN termsPhB
( terminal<=M=JJ> domains<=H=NNS> ) terminal domains JJ NNS terminal domain NNS termsPhB
( phage<=M=NN> DNA<=H=NN> ) phage DNA NN NN phage DNA NN termsPhB
( sporulating<=M=VBG> cells<=H=NNS> ) sporulating cells VBG NNS sporulate cell NNS termsPhB
( coat<=M=NN> protein<=H=NN> ) coat protein NN NN coat protein NN termsPhB
( DNA<=M=NN> fragments<=H=NNS> ) DNA fragments NN NNS DNA fragment NNS termsPhB
( Induction<=H=NN> of the<=DT> gene<=M=NN> ) Induction of the gene NN of DT NN Induction of the gene NN termsPhB
( ribosome-binding<=M=JJ> site<=H=NN> ) ribosome-binding site JJ NN ribosome-binding site NN termsPhB
( reporter<=M=NN> genes<=H=NNS> ) reporter genes NN NNS reporter gene NNS termsPhB
( translation<=M=NN> start<=H=NN> ) translation start NN NN translation start NN termsPhB
( DNA<=M=NN> segments<=H=NNS> ) DNA segments NN NNS DNA segment NNS termsPhB
( stage<=H=NN> III<=M=CD> ) stage III NN CD stage III NN termsPhB
( multicopy<=M=JJ> plasmid<=H=NN> ) multicopy plasmid JJ NN multicopy plasmid NN termsPhB
( secondary<=M=JJ> structure<=H=NN> ) secondary structure JJ NN secondary structure NN termsPhB
( mutant<=M=JJ> strain<=H=NN> ) mutant strain JJ NN mutant strain NN termsPhB
( palindromic<=M=JJ> sequence<=H=NN> ) palindromic sequence JJ NN palindromic sequence NN termsPhB
( general<=M=JJ> stress<=H=NN> ) general stress JJ NN general stress NN termsPhB
( terminal<=M=JJ> region<=H=NN> ) terminal region JJ NN terminal region NN termsPhB
( upstream<=M=JJ> sequences<=H=NNS> ) upstream sequences JJ NNS upstream sequence NNS termsPhB
( transduction<=M=NN> pathway<=H=NN> ) transduction pathway NN NN transduction pathway NN termsPhB
( initiation<=M=NN> sites<=H=NNS> ) initiation sites NN NNS initiation site NNS termsPhB
( negative<=M=JJ> regulator<=H=NN> ) negative regulator JJ NN negative regulator NN termsPhB
( sequence<=M=NN> identity<=H=NN> ) sequence identity NN NN sequence identity NN termsPhB
( direct<=M=JJ> transcription<=H=NN> ) direct transcription JJ NN direct transcription NN termsPhB
( gene<=M=NN> fusion<=H=NN> ) gene fusion NN NN gene fusion NN termsPhB
( Bacillus<=H=NNP> licheniformis<=M=NN> ) Bacillus licheniformis NNP NN Bacillus licheniformis NNP termsPhB
( carbon<=M=NN> source<=H=NN> ) carbon source NN NN carbon source NN termsPhB
( Staphylococcus<=H=NNP> aureus<=M=NN> ) Staphylococcus aureus NNP NN Staphylococcus aureus NNP termsPhB
( transcriptional<=M=JJ> activity<=H=NN> ) transcriptional activity JJ NN transcriptional activity NN termsPhB
( activation<=H=NN> of the<=DT> promoter<=M=NN> ) activation of the promoter NN of DT NN activation of the promoter NN termsPhB
( coding<=M=VBG> regions<=H=NNS> ) coding regions VBG NNS cod region NNS termsPhB
( asymmetric<=M=JJ> division<=H=NN> ) asymmetric division JJ NN asymmetric division NN termsPhB
( leader<=M=NN> sequence<=H=NN> ) leader sequence NN NN leader sequence NN termsPhB
( regulation<=H=NN> of expression<=M=NN> ) regulation of expression NN of NN regulation of expression NN termsPhB
( transcriptional<=M=JJ> attenuation<=H=NN> ) transcriptional attenuation JJ NN transcriptional attenuation NN termsPhB
( cell<=M=NN> wall<=H=NN> ) cell wall NN NN cell wall NN termsPhB
( genes<=H=NNS> of ( Bacillus<=H=NNP> subtilis<=M=NN> )<=M=NNP> ) genes of Bacillus subtilis NNS of NNP NN gene of Bacillus subtilis NNS termsPhB
( vegetative<=M=JJ> growth<=H=NN> ) vegetative growth JJ NN vegetative growth NN termsPhB
( negative<=M=JJ> regulation<=H=NN> ) negative regulation JJ NN negative regulation NN termsPhB
( genetic<=M=JJ> map<=H=NN> ) genetic map JJ NN genetic map NN termsPhB
( Deletion<=M=NN> analysis<=H=NN> ) Deletion analysis NN NN Deletion analysis NN termsPhB
( overlapping<=M=VBG> promoters<=H=NNS> ) overlapping promoters VBG NNS overlap promoter NNS termsPhB
( transcriptional<=M=JJ> start<=H=NN> ) transcriptional start JJ NN transcriptional start NN termsPhB
( log<=M=NN> phase<=H=NN> ) log phase NN NN log phase NN termsPhB
( alpha-amylase<=M=NN> gene<=H=NN> ) alpha-amylase gene NN NN alpha-amylase gene NN termsPhB
( leader<=M=NN> peptide<=H=NN> ) leader peptide NN NN leader peptide NN termsPhB
( recognition<=M=NN> sequences<=H=NNS> ) recognition sequences NN NNS recognition sequence NNS termsPhB
( Escherichia<=H=NNP> coli<=M=NN> ) Escherichia coli NNP NN Escherichia coli NNP termsPhB
( histidine<=M=NN> kinase<=H=NN> ) histidine kinase NN NN histidine kinase NN termsPhB
( signal<=M=NN> sequence<=H=NN> ) signal sequence NN NN signal sequence NN termsPhB
( gene<=M=NN> cluster<=H=NN> ) gene cluster NN NN gene cluster NN termsPhB
( wild-type<=M=JJ> cells<=H=NNS> ) wild-type cells JJ NNS wild-type cell NNS termsPhB
( Barbie<=M=NN> box<=H=NN> ) Barbie box NN NN Barbie box NN termsPhB
( RNA<=M=NN> polymerases<=H=NNS> ) RNA polymerases NN NNS RNA polymeras NNS termsPhB
( spore<=M=JJ> proteins<=H=NNS> ) spore proteins JJ NNS spore protein NNS termsPhB
( early<=M=JJ> promoters<=H=NNS> ) early promoters JJ NNS early promoter NNS termsPhB
( point<=M=NN> mutations<=H=NNS> ) point mutations NN NNS point mutation NNS termsPhB
( DNA<=M=NN> polymerase<=H=NN> ) DNA polymerase NN NN DNA polymerase NN termsPhB
( expression<=H=NN> of the<=DT> fusion<=M=NN> ) expression of the fusion NN of DT NN expression of the fusion NN termsPhB
( base<=M=NN> substitutions<=H=NNS> ) base substitutions NN NNS base substitution NNS termsPhB
( transcription<=M=NN> start<=H=NN> ) transcription start NN NN transcription start NN termsPhB
( inducible<=M=JJ> expression<=H=NN> ) inducible expression JJ NN inducible expression NN termsPhB
( specific<=M=JJ> genes<=H=NNS> ) specific genes JJ NNS specific gene NNS termsPhB
( nitrogen<=M=NN> sources<=H=NNS> ) nitrogen sources NN NNS nitrogen source NNS termsPhB
( transcription<=M=NN> units<=H=NNS> ) transcription units NN NNS transcription unit NNS termsPhB
( gene<=M=NN> product<=H=NN> ) gene product NN NN gene product NN termsPhB
( vegetative<=M=JJ> cells<=H=NNS> ) vegetative cells JJ NNS vegetative cell NNS termsPhB
( signal<=M=NN> peptide<=H=NN> ) signal peptide NN NN signal peptide NN termsPhB
( B.<=H=NNP> megaterium<=M=NN> ) B. megaterium NNP NN B. megaterium NNP termsPhB
( CAT<=M=NN> gene<=H=NN> ) CAT gene NN NN CAT gene NN termsPhB
( binding<=M=VBG> site<=H=NN> ) binding site VBG NN bind site NN termsPhB
( S1<=M=NN> nuclease<=H=NN> ) S1 nuclease NN NN S1 nuclease NN termsPhB
( promoter<=M=NN> activities<=H=NNS> ) promoter activities NN NNS promoter activity NNS termsPhB
( cell<=M=NN> growth<=H=NN> ) cell growth NN NN cell growth NN termsPhB
( protein<=M=NN> sequence<=H=NN> ) protein sequence NN NN protein sequence NN termsPhB
( rich<=M=JJ> medium<=H=NN> ) rich medium JJ NN rich medium NN termsPhB
( gel<=M=NN> shift<=H=NN> ) gel shift NN NN gel shift NN termsPhB
( sequence<=M=NN> similarities<=H=NNS> ) sequence similarities NN NNS sequence similarity NNS termsPhB
( complex<=M=NN> formation<=H=NN> ) complex formation NN NN complex formation NN termsPhB
( Bacillus<=H=NNP> anthracis<=M=NN> ) Bacillus anthracis NNP NN Bacillus anthracis NNP termsPhB
( endospore<=M=NN> formation<=H=NN> ) endospore formation NN NN endospore formation NN termsPhB
( soluble<=M=JJ> proteins<=H=NNS> ) soluble proteins JJ NNS soluble protein NNS termsPhB
( DNA<=M=NN> sequences<=H=NNS> ) DNA sequences NN NNS DNA sequence NNS termsPhB
( transcriptional<=M=JJ> unit<=H=NN> ) transcriptional unit JJ NN transcriptional unit NN termsPhB
( mutant<=M=JJ> cells<=H=NNS> ) mutant cells JJ NNS mutant cell NNS termsPhB
( attenuation<=M=NN> protein<=H=NN> ) attenuation protein NN NN attenuation protein NN termsPhB
( promoter<=M=NN> regions<=H=NNS> ) promoter regions NN NNS promoter region NNS termsPhB
( phage<=M=NN> phi<=H=NN> ) phage phi NN NN phage phi NN termsPhB
( chromosomal<=M=JJ> DNA<=H=NN> ) chromosomal DNA JJ NN chromosomal DNA NN termsPhB
( early<=M=JJ> sporulation<=H=NN> ) early sporulation JJ NN early sporulation NN termsPhB
( factor<=M=NN> sigma<=H=NN> ) factor sigma NN NN factor sigma NN termsPhB
( growth<=M=NN> conditions<=H=NNS> ) growth conditions NN NNS growth condition NNS termsPhB
( sporulation<=M=NN> defect<=H=NN> ) sporulation defect NN NN sporulation defect NN termsPhB
( vegetative<=M=JJ> promoter<=H=NN> ) vegetative promoter JJ NN vegetative promoter NN termsPhB
( initiation<=H=NN> of sporulation<=M=NN> ) initiation of sporulation NN of NN initiation of sporulation NN termsPhB
( termination<=M=NN> site<=H=NN> ) termination site NN NN termination site NN termsPhB
( oxidative<=M=JJ> stress<=H=NN> ) oxidative stress JJ NN oxidative stress NN termsPhB
( tRNA<=M=NN> genes<=H=NNS> ) tRNA genes NN NNS tRNA gene NNS termsPhB
( expression<=H=NN> of the<=DT> operon<=M=NN> ) expression of the operon NN of DT NN expression of the operon NN termsPhB
( onset<=H=NN> of the<=DT> phase<=M=NN> ) onset of the phase NN of DT NN onset of the phase NN termsPhB
( dyad<=M=JJ> symmetry<=H=NN> ) dyad symmetry JJ NN dyad symmetry NN termsPhB
( E.<=H=NNP> coli<=M=NN> ) E. coli NNP NN E. coli NNP termsPhB
( binding<=M=VBG> protein<=H=NN> ) binding protein VBG NN bind protein NN termsPhB
( missense<=M=JJ> mutations<=H=NNS> ) missense mutations JJ NNS missense mutation NNS termsPhB
( nucleotide<=M=NN> sequence<=H=NN> ) nucleotide sequence NN NN nucleotide sequence NN termsPhB
( tRNA<=M=NN> synthetase<=H=NN> ) tRNA synthetase NN NN tRNA synthetase NN termsPhB
( RNA<=M=NN> binding<=H=NN> ) RNA binding NN NN RNA binding NN termsPhB
( transcriptional<=M=JJ> regulator<=H=NN> ) transcriptional regulator JJ NN transcriptional regulator NN termsPhB
( protein<=M=NN> interaction<=H=NN> ) protein interaction NN NN protein interaction NN termsPhB
( competence<=M=NN> genes<=H=NNS> ) competence genes NN NNS competence gene NNS termsPhB
( A3<=M=NN> promoter<=H=NN> ) A3 promoter NN NN A3 promoter NN termsPhB
( glucose<=M=NN> repression<=H=NN> ) glucose repression NN NN glucose repression NN termsPhB
( region<=H=NN> of the<=DT> chromosome<=M=NN> ) region of the chromosome NN of DT NN region of the chromosome NN termsPhB
( molecular<=M=JJ> weight<=H=NN> ) molecular weight JJ NN molecular weight NN termsPhB
( alkaline<=M=NN> phosphatase<=H=NN> ) alkaline phosphatase NN NN alkaline phosphatase NN termsPhB
( stage<=H=NN> II<=M=CD> ) stage II NN CD stage II NN termsPhB
( specific<=M=JJ> proteins<=H=NNS> ) specific proteins JJ NNS specific protein NNS termsPhB
( RNA<=M=NN> polymerase<=H=NN> ) RNA polymerase NN NN RNA polymerase NN termsPhB
( abrB<=M=NN> gene<=H=NN> ) abrB gene NN NN abrB gene NN termsPhB
( Bacillus<=H=NNP> megaterium<=M=NN> ) Bacillus megaterium NNP NN Bacillus megaterium NNP termsPhB
( gel<=M=NN> electrophoresis<=H=NN> ) gel electrophoresis NN NN gel electrophoresis NN termsPhB
( membrane<=M=NN> protein<=H=NN> ) membrane protein NN NN membrane protein NN termsPhB