use strict;
use Carp qw(cluck carp verbose);
=head1 NAME
Bio::DOOP::Sequence - promoter sequence object
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.11
our $VERSION = '0.11';
This object represents a specific promoter in the database.
You can access the annotation and the sequence through this object.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tibor Nagy, Godollo, Hungary and Endre Sebestyen, Martonvasar, Hungary
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
$seq = Bio::DOOP::Sequence->new($db,"1234");
The arguments are the following : Bio::DOOP::DBSQL object, sequence_primary_id
sub new {
my $self = {};
my $dummy = shift;
my $db = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $i;
my $ret = $db->query("SELECT * FROM sequence WHERE sequence_primary_id = $id;");
my @fields = @{$$ret[0]};
$self->{DB} = $db;
$self->{PRIMARY} = $fields[0];
$self->{FAKE} = $fields[1];
$self->{DB_ID} = $fields[2];
$self->{LENGTH} = $fields[3];
$self->{DATE} = $fields[4];
$self->{VERSION} = $fields[5];
$self->{ANNOT} = $fields[6];
$self->{ORIG} = $fields[7];
$self->{DATA} = $fields[8];
$self->{TAXON} = $fields[9];
if (defined($self->{ANNOT})){
$ret = $db->query("SELECT * FROM sequence_annotation WHERE sequence_annotation_primary_id = ".$self->{ANNOT}.";");
@fields = @{$$ret[0]};
$self->{MAINDBID} = $fields[1];
$self->{UTR} = $fields[2];
$self->{DESC} = $fields[3];
$self->{GENENAME} = $fields[4];
else {
#cluck"No annotation is available for this promoter sequence! You are on your own now.\n";
if (defined($self->{DATA})) {
$ret = $db->query("SELECT * FROM sequence_data WHERE sequence_data_primary_id =".$self->{DATA}.";");
@fields = @{$$ret[0]};
$self->{FASTA} = $fields[2];
$self->{BLAST} = $fields[3];
else {
#cluck"No sequence data available! Where did it go?\n";
$ret = $db->query("SELECT * FROM taxon_annotation WHERE taxon_primary_id =".$self->{TAXON}.";");
@fields = @{$$ret[0]};
$self->{TAXID} = $fields[1];
$self->{TAXNAME} = $fields[2];
$self->{TAXCLASS} = $fields[3];
my %xref;
$ret = $db->query("SELECT xref_id,xref_type FROM sequence_xref WHERE sequence_primary_id = $id;");
for($i = 0; $i < $#$ret+1; $i++){
@fields = @{$$ret[$i]};
push @{ $xref{$fields[1]} }, $fields[0];
$self->{XREF} = \%xref;
bless $self;
=head2 new_from_dbid
Create new objects form sequence primary id.
sub new_from_dbid {
my $self = {};
my $dummy = shift;
my $db = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $i;
my $ret = $db->query("SELECT * FROM sequence WHERE sequence_id = $id;");
my @fields = @{$$ret[0]};
$self->{DB} = $db;
$self->{PRIMARY} = $fields[0];
$self->{FAKE} = $fields[1];
$self->{DB_ID} = $fields[2];
$self->{LENGTH} = $fields[3];
$self->{DATE} = $fields[4];
$self->{VERSION} = $fields[5];
$self->{ANNOT} = $fields[6];
$self->{ORIG} = $fields[7];
$self->{DATA} = $fields[8];
$self->{TAXON} = $fields[9];
if (defined($self->{ANNOT})){
$ret = $db->query("SELECT * FROM sequence_annotation WHERE sequence_annotation_primary_id = ".$self->{ANNOT}.";");
@fields = @{$$ret[0]};
$self->{MAINDBID} = $fields[1];
$self->{UTR} = $fields[2];
$self->{DESC} = $fields[3];
$self->{GENENAME} = $fields[4];
else {
#cluck"No annotation is available for this promoter sequence! You are on your own now.\n";
if (defined($self->{DATA})) {
$ret = $db->query("SELECT * FROM sequence_data WHERE sequence_data_primary_id =".$self->{DATA}.";");
@fields = @{$$ret[0]};
$self->{FASTA} = $fields[2];
$self->{BLAST} = $fields[3];
else {
#cluck"No sequence data available! Where did it go?\n";
$ret = $db->query("SELECT * FROM taxon_annotation WHERE taxon_primary_id =".$self->{TAXON}.";");
@fields = @{$$ret[0]};
$self->{TAXID} = $fields[1];
$self->{TAXNAME} = $fields[2];
$self->{TAXCLASS} = $fields[3];
my %xref;
$ret = $db->query("SELECT xref_id,xref_type FROM sequence_xref WHERE sequence_primary_id = $id;");
for($i = 0; $i < $#$ret+1; $i++){
@fields = @{$$ret[$i]};
push @{ $xref{$fields[1]} }, $fields[0];
$self->{XREF} = \%xref;
bless $self;
=head2 get_id
Returns the sequence primary id. This is the internal ID from the MySQL database.
sub get_id {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_fake_id
Returns the sequence fake GI.
sub get_fake_id {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_db_id
Returns the full sequence ID.
sub get_db_id {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_length
Returns the length of the sequence.
sub get_length {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_date
Returns the modification date of the MySQL record.
sub get_date {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_ver
Returns the version of the sequence.
sub get_ver {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_annot_id
Returns the sequence annotation primary id. This is the internal ID from the MySQL database.
sub get_annot_id {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_orig_id
This method is not yet implemented.
sub get_orig_id {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_data_id
Returns the sequence data primary id. This is the internal ID from the MySQL database.
sub get_data_id {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_taxon_id
Returns the taxon annotation primary id. This is the internal ID from the MySQL database.
sub get_taxon_id {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_data_main_db_id
Returns the sequence annotation primary id. This is the internal ID from the MySQL database.
sub get_data_main_db_id {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_utr_length
$utr_length = $seq->get_utr_length;
Returns the length of the 5' UTR included in the sequence.
sub get_utr_length {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_desc
print $seq->get_desc,"\n";
Returns the description of the sequence.
sub get_desc {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_gene_name
$gene_name = $seq->get_gene_name;
Returns the gene name of the promoter. If the gene is
unknow or not annotated, it is empty.
sub get_gene_name {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_fasta
print $seq->get_fasta;
Returns the promoter sequence in FASTA format.
sub get_fasta {
my $self = shift;
my $seq = ">".$self->{DB_ID}."\n".$self->{FASTA}."\n";
=head2 get_raw_seq
Returns the raw sequence without any other identifier
Return type: string
sub get_raw_seq {
my $self = shift;
my $seq = $self->{FASTA};
=head2 get_blast
print $seq->get_blast;
This method is not yet implemented.
sub get_blast {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_taxid
$taxid = $seq->get_taxid;
Returns the NCBI taxon ID of the sequence.
sub get_taxid {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_taxon_name
print $seq->get_taxon_name;
Returns the scientific name of the sequence's taxon ID.
sub get_taxon_name {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_taxon_class
print $seq->get_taxon_class;
Returns the taxonomic class of the sequence's taxon ID.
Used internally, to create monophyletic sets of sequences
in an orthologous cluster.
sub get_taxon_class {
my $self = shift;
=head2 print_all_xref
Prints all the xrefs to other databases.
Type of xref IDs :
go_id : Gene Ontology ID
ncbi_gene_id : NCBI gene ID
ncbi_cds_gi : NCBI CDS GI
ncbi_rna_gi : NCBI RNA GI
ncbi_cds_prot_id : NCBI CDS protein ID
ncbi_rna_tr_id : NCBI RNA transcript ID
at_no : At Number
sub print_all_xref {
my $self = shift;
for my $keys ( keys %{ $self->{XREF} }){
print"$keys: ";
for (@{ ${ $self->{XREF} }{$keys} }){print "$_ "}
=head2 get_all_xref_keys
@keys = @{$seq->get_all_xref_keys};
Returns the arrayref of xref names.
sub get_all_xref_keys {
my $self = shift;
my @xrefkeys = keys %{ $self->{XREF} };
=head2 get_xref_value
@values = @{$seq->get_xref_value("go_id")};
Returns the arrayref of a given xref's values'.
sub get_xref_value {
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
if (${ $self->{XREF} }{$key}){
return(${ $self->{XREF} }{$key});
else {
=head2 get_all_seq_features
@seqfeat = @{$seq->get_all_seq_features};
Returns the arrayref of all sequence features or -1 in case of error
sub get_all_seq_features {
my $self = shift;
my @seqfeatures;
# The order of the sequence features is important to correctly draw the picture of the cluster.
my $query = "SELECT sequence_feature_primary_id FROM sequence_feature WHERE sequence_primary_id =".$self->{PRIMARY}." ORDER BY feature_start;";
my $ref = $self->{DB}->query($query);
if ($#$ref == -1){
#cluck"No sequence feature found!\n";
for my $sfpid (@$ref){
my $sf = Bio::DOOP::SequenceFeature->new($self->{DB},$$sfpid[0]);
push @seqfeatures, $sf;
=head2 get_all_subsets
Returns the subset containing the sequence.
sub get_all_subsets {
my $self = shift;
my @subsets;
my $id = $self->{PRIMARY};
my $query = "SELECT subset_primary_id FROM subset_xref WHERE sequence_primary_id = $id";
my $ref = $self->{DB}->query($query);
if ($#$ref == -1){
#cluck"No subset found! This is impossible!!\n";
for my $subset (@$ref){
push @subsets, Bio::DOOP::ClusterSubset->new($self->{DB},$$subset[0]);