use strict;
use GD;
=head1 NAME
Bio::DOOP::Graphics::Feature - graphical representation of the features.
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.17
our $VERSION = '0.17';
This object represents a picture that contains all the sequence features of a subset.
The module is quick enough to use it in your CGI scripts. You can also use it to visualize
the subset.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tibor Nagy, Godollo, Hungary
=head1 METHODS
=head2 create
$pic = Bio::DOOP::Graphics::Feature->create($db,"1234");
Create new picture. Later you can add your own graphics elements to it.
1. Bio::DOOP::DBSQL object
2. Subset primary id.
Return type: Bio::DOOP::Graphics::Feature object
sub create {
my $self = {};
my $dummy = shift;
my $db = shift;
my $subset = shift;
my @seqs = @{$subset->get_all_seqs};
my $height = ($#seqs+1) * 90 + 40;
my $width = $subset->get_cluster->get_promo_type + 20;
my $image = new GD::Image($width,$height); # Create the image
$self->{IMAGE} = $image;
$self->{DB} = $db;
$self->{SEQS} = \@seqs;
$self->{WIDTH} = $width;
$self->{HEIGHT} = $height;
$self->{POS} = 0;
$self->{SUBSET_ID} = $subset->get_id;
# This is the map of the image. It is useful for generating html code.
#TODO : Add more types to this hash.
$self->{MAP} = {
motif => [],
dbtss => [],
utr => []
# The colormap of the object.
$self->{COLOR} = {
background => [200,200,200],
label => [0,0,0],
strip => [220,220,220],
utr => [100,100,255],
motif => [0,100,0],
tss => [0,0,0],
frame => [255,0,0],
fuzzres => [0,0,255]
bless $self;
=head2 add_color
Add an RGB color to the specified drawing element.
The available drawing elements are the following : background, label, strip, utr, motif, tss, frame, fuzzres.
sub add_color {
my $self = shift;
my $code = shift;
my $r = shift;
my $g = shift;
my $b = shift;
my @color;
@color = ($r,$g,$b);
$self->{COLOR}->{"$code"} = \@color;
=head2 set_colors
Set all the colors. Allocate colors previously with add_color. Use this method only ONCE after you set
all the colors. If you use it more than once, results will be strange.
sub set_colors {
my $self = shift;
my $r;
my $g;
my $b;
($r,$g,$b) = @{$self->{COLOR}->{background}};
$self->{IMAGE}->colorAllocate($r,$g,$b); # Set the background color.
($r,$g,$b) = @{$self->{COLOR}->{label}};
$self->{LABEL} = $self->{IMAGE}->colorAllocate($r,$g,$b); # Set the label color.
($r,$g,$b) = @{$self->{COLOR}->{utr}};
$self->{UTR} = $self->{IMAGE}->colorAllocate($r,$g,$b); # Set the UTR color.
($r,$g,$b) = @{$self->{COLOR}->{motif}};
$self->{MOTIFCOLOR} = $self->{IMAGE}->colorAllocate($r,$g,$b); # Set the motif color.
($r,$g,$b) = @{$self->{COLOR}->{tss}};
$self->{TSSCOLOR} = $self->{IMAGE}->colorAllocate($r,$g,$b); # Set the tss color.
($r,$g,$b) = @{$self->{COLOR}->{strip}};
$self->{STRIP} = $self->{IMAGE}->colorAllocate($r,$g,$b); # Set the strip color.
($r,$g,$b) = @{$self->{COLOR}->{frame}};
$self->{FRAME} = $self->{IMAGE}->colorAllocate($r,$g,$b); # Set the frame color.
($r,$g,$b) = @{$self->{COLOR}->{fuzzres}};
$self->{FUZZRES} = $self->{IMAGE}->colorAllocate($r,$g,$b); # Set the fuzznuc result color.
=head2 add_scale
Draws scale on the picture.
sub add_scale {
my $self = shift;
my $color = $self->{LABEL};
# Draw the main axis.
# Draw the scales.
my $i;
for ($i = 20; $i < $self->{WIDTH}-10; $i += 10){
if( ($i / 100) == int($i / 100) ) {
$self->{IMAGE}->line($i+10,0,$i+10,10,$color); # Big scale.
my $str = ($self->{WIDTH} - 20 - $i) * -1; # The scale label.
my $posx = $i - (length($str)/2)*6 + 10; # Nice label positioning.
else {
$self->{IMAGE}->line($i+10,3,$i+10,7,$color); # Small scale.
# Draw the arrow.
my $arrow = new GD::Polygon;
=head2 add_bck_lines
Draws scale lines through the whole image background.
sub add_bck_lines {
my $self = shift;
my $color = $self->{STRIP};
my $i;
for ($i = 20; $i < $self->{WIDTH}-10; $i += 10){
=head2 add_seq
Draws a specified sequence on the picture. This is internal code, so do not use it directly.
sub add_seq {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $seq = $self->{SEQS}->[$index];
my $len = $seq->get_length;
my $x1 = $self->{WIDTH} - 10;
my $x2 = $x1-$len;
# Draw the seq line.
$self->{IMAGE}->line($x2, $index*90+40, $x1, $index*90+40, $self->{LABEL});
# Draw UTR.
my $utrlen = $seq->get_utr_length;
if ($utrlen){
my $utrlen2 = $x1 - $utrlen;
if ($utrlen2 < 10){$utrlen2 = 10}
$self->{IMAGE}->filledRectangle($utrlen2, $index*90+35, $x1, $index*90+45, $self->{UTR});
$self->{IMAGE}->string(gdTinyFont, $utrlen2, $index*90+36, "UTR ".$utrlen." bp", $self->{LABEL});
# Print the seq name and the length.
my $text = $seq->get_taxon_name . " " . $len . " bp";
$self->{IMAGE}->string(gdSmallFont, $x2, $index*90+22, $text, $self->{LABEL});
# Draw Features.
my $features = $seq->get_all_seq_features;
if ($features == -1){ return }
my $motif_Y = $index*90 + 60;
my $shift_factor = 0;
my $motif_count;
my $min_motif_id;
for my $feat (@$features){
if( ($feat->get_type eq "con") && ($feat->get_subsetid eq $self->{SUBSET_ID})){
$min_motif_id = $feat->get_motifid;
for my $feat (@$features){
# Draw motifs.
if( ($feat->get_type eq "con") && ($feat->get_subsetid eq $self->{SUBSET_ID})){
$motif_count = $feat->get_motifid - $min_motif_id + 1;
# This code helps me to make three rows for the motifs
my $label_length = (length($motif_count) + 1) * 6; # Label width with gdSmallFont
my %motif_element = ($feat->get_motifid => [ $x1 - $len + $feat->get_start,
$motif_Y + $shift_factor,
$x1 - $len + $feat->get_end,
$motif_Y + $shift_factor + 5 ]);
$self->{IMAGE}->filledRectangle($x1 - $len + $feat->get_start,
$motif_Y + $shift_factor,
$x1 - $len + $feat->get_end,
$motif_Y + $shift_factor + 5,
$self->{IMAGE}->string(gdSmallFont, $x1 - $len + $feat->get_start, $motif_Y+$shift_factor+6, "m$motif_count", $self->{LABEL});
push @{$self->{MAP}->{"motif"}},\%motif_element;
if ($feat->length > $label_length){
$shift_factor = 0;
elsif( ($feat->length < $label_length) && ($shift_factor < 36)){
$shift_factor += 18;
else {
$shift_factor = 0;
# Draw tss.
if( ($feat->get_type eq "tss")){
my $motif_Y = $index*90 + 40;
my $tssfeat = new GD::Polygon;
=head2 add_all_seq
Draws all sequences from the subset. The first one is the reference species.
sub add_all_seq {
my $self = shift;
my @seqs = @{$self->{SEQS}};
my $i;
for($i = 0; $i < $#seqs+1; $i++){
=head2 get_png
open IMAGE,">picture.png";
binmode IMAGE;
print IMAGE $image->get_png;
close IMAGE;
Returns the png image. Use this when you finish the work and would like to see the result.
sub get_png {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_image
Returns the drawn image pointer. Useful for adding your own GD methods for uniq picture manipulation.
sub get_image {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_map
Returns a hash of arrays of hash of arrays reference that contains the map information.
Here is a real world example of how to handle this method :
use Bio::DOOP::DOOP;
$db = Bio::DOOP::DBSQL->connect($user,$passwd,"doop-plant-1_5","localhost");
$cluster = Bio::DOOP::Cluster->new($db,'81001110','500');
$image = Bio::DOOP::Graphics::Feature->create($db,$cluster);
for $motif (@{$image->get_map->{motif}}){
for $motif_id (keys %{$motif}){
@coords = @{$$motif{$motif_id}};
# Print out the motif primary id and the four coordinates in the picture
# id x1 y1 x2 y2
print "$motif_id $coords[0] $coords[1] $coords[2] $coords[3]\n";
It is a somewhat difficult, but if you are familiar with references and nested data structures, you
will understand it (or not).
sub get_map {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_motif_map
Returns only the arrayref of motif hashes.
sub get_motif_map {
my $self = shift;
=head2 get_motif_id_by_coord
$motif_id = $image->get_motif_id_by_coord(100,200);
Maybe this is the most useful method. You can get a motif id, if you specify the coordinates of a pixel.
Return type: string
sub get_motif_id_by_coord {
my $self = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
for my $motif (@{$self->get_motif_map}){
for my $motif_id (keys %{$motif}){
my @coords = @{$$motif{$motif_id}};
if(($x > $coords[0]) && ($x < $coords[2]) &&
($y > $coords[1]) && ($y < $coords[3])) {
=head2 draw_motif_frame
This method draws a frame around a given motif.
Arguments: motifid: the motif primary id.
Return type: 0 in success, -1 if the given motif id is not in the picture.
sub draw_motif_frame {
my $self = shift;
my $motifid = shift;
my $actualid;
my $have = 0;
for my $motif (@{$self->{MAP}->{motif}}){
($actualid) = keys %{$motif};
if ($actualid == $motifid){
my @choords = @{$$motif{$actualid}};
$have = 1;
# Draw the frame
if ($have == 0){
=head2 draw_fuzz_result
You can draw a fuzznuc result with this method. The arguments are the following:
Sequence DB id, the start position, end position.
To set the drawing color, you can use the setcolor("fuzzres",$r,$g,$b) method.
The method is showes the orientation. An arrow always orients to the start position.
Return value: 0 if successful or -1 if the given seq id can't be found.
sub draw_fuzz_result {
my $self = shift;
my $seqid = shift;
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $index = 0;
my $ori;
for my $i (@{$self->{SEQS}}){
if ($i->get_id eq $seqid){
#my $y = $index*90+40;
my $y = $index*90+50;
my $len = $self->{WIDTH} - 10 - $i->get_length;
my $x1 = $len + $start;
my $x2 = $len + $end;
my $poly = new GD::Polygon;
if(($end - $start) > 0){ $ori = -1 }else{ $ori = 1 }
$poly->addPt($start, $y);
$poly->addPt($start - 5*$ori, $y - 5);
$poly->addPt($start - 5*$ori, $y - 2);
$poly->addPt($end, $y - 2);
$poly->addPt($end, $y + 3);
$poly->addPt($start - 5*$ori, $y + 3);
$poly->addPt($start - 5*$ori, $y + 5);