use strict;
use Crypt::OpenPGP::Util qw( mp2bin bin2mp bitsize );
use Crypt::OpenPGP::Constants qw( DEFAULT_CIPHER
my @PKT_TYPES = (
sub pkt_type {
my $cert = shift;
$PKT_TYPES[ ($cert->{is_secret} << 1) | $cert->{is_subkey} ];
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $cert = bless { }, $class;
sub init {
my $cert = shift;
my %param = @_;
if (my $key = $param{Key}) {
$cert->{version} = $param{Version} || 4;
$cert->{key} = $key;
$cert->{is_secret} = $key->is_secret;
$cert->{is_subkey} = $param{Subkey} || 0;
$cert->{timestamp} = time;
$cert->{pk_alg} = $key->alg_id;
if ($cert->{version} < 4) {
$cert->{validity} = $param{Validity} || 0;
$key->alg eq 'RSA' or
return (ref $cert)->error("Version 3 keys must be RSA");
$cert->{s2k} = Crypt::OpenPGP::S2k->new('Salt_Iter');
if ($cert->{is_secret}) {
$param{Passphrase} or
return (ref $cert)->error("Need a Passphrase to lock key");
$cert->{cipher} = $param{Cipher} || DEFAULT_CIPHER;
sub type { $_[0]->{type} }
sub version { $_[0]->{version} }
sub timestamp { $_[0]->{timestamp} }
sub validity { $_[0]->{validity} }
sub pk_alg { $_[0]->{pk_alg} }
sub key { $_[0]->{key} }
sub is_secret { $_[0]->{key}->is_secret }
sub is_subkey { $_[0]->{is_subkey} }
sub is_protected { $_[0]->{is_protected} }
sub can_encrypt { $_[0]->{key}->can_encrypt }
sub can_sign { $_[0]->{key}->can_sign }
sub uid {
my $cert = shift;
$cert->{_uid} = shift if @_;
sub public_cert {
my $cert = shift;
return $cert unless $cert->is_secret;
my $pub = (ref $cert)->new;
for my $f (qw( version timestamp pk_alg is_subkey )) {
$pub->{$f} = $cert->{$f};
$pub->{validity} = $cert->{validity} if $cert->{version} < 4;
$pub->{key} = $cert->{key}->public_key;
sub key_id {
my $cert = shift;
unless ($cert->{key_id}) {
if ($cert->{version} < 4) {
$cert->{key_id} = substr(mp2bin($cert->{key}->n), -8);
else {
$cert->{key_id} = substr($cert->fingerprint, -8);
sub key_id_hex { uc unpack 'H*', $_[0]->key_id }
sub fingerprint {
my $cert = shift;
unless ($cert->{fingerprint}) {
if ($cert->{version} < 4) {
my $dgst = Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest->new('MD5');
$cert->{fingerprint} =
$dgst->hash(mp2bin($cert->{key}->n) . mp2bin($cert->{key}->e));
else {
my $data = $cert->public_cert->save;
$cert->{fingerprint} = _gen_v4_fingerprint($data);
sub fingerprint_hex { uc unpack 'H*', $_[0]->fingerprint }
sub fingerprint_words {
sub _gen_v4_fingerprint {
my($data) = @_;
my $buf = Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer->new;
$buf->put_int16(length $data);
my $dgst = Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest->new('SHA1');
sub parse {
my $class = shift;
my($buf, $secret, $subkey) = @_;
my $cert = $class->new;
$cert->{is_secret} = $secret;
$cert->{is_subkey} = $subkey;
$cert->{version} = $buf->get_int8;
$cert->{timestamp} = $buf->get_int32;
if ($cert->{version} < 4) {
$cert->{validity} = $buf->get_int16;
$cert->{pk_alg} = $buf->get_int8;
my $key_class = 'Crypt::OpenPGP::Key::' . ($secret ? 'Secret' : 'Public');
my $key = $cert->{key} = $key_class->new($cert->{pk_alg});
if( ! defined $key ) {
$cert->{unparsed_key} = $buf->get_bytes( $buf->length - $buf->offset );
return $cert;
my @pub = $key->public_props;
for my $e (@pub) {
if ($cert->{version} >= 4) {
my $data = $buf->bytes(0, $buf->offset);
$cert->{fingerprint} = _gen_v4_fingerprint($data);
if ($secret) {
$cert->{cipher} = $buf->get_int8;
if ($cert->{cipher}) {
$cert->{is_protected} = 1;
if ($cert->{cipher} == 255 || $cert->{cipher} == 254) {
$cert->{sha1check} = $cert->{cipher} == 254;
$cert->{cipher} = $buf->get_int8;
$cert->{s2k} = Crypt::OpenPGP::S2k->parse($buf);
else {
$cert->{s2k} = Crypt::OpenPGP::S2k->new('Simple');
$cert->{iv} = $buf->get_bytes(8);
if ($cert->{is_protected}) {
if ($cert->{version} < 4) {
$cert->{encrypted} = {};
my @sec = $key->secret_props;
for my $e (@sec) {
my $h = $cert->{encrypted}{"${e}h"} = $buf->get_bytes(2);
$cert->{encrypted}{"${e}b"} =
$buf->get_bytes(int((unpack('n', $h)+7)/8));
$cert->{csum} = $buf->get_int16;
else {
$cert->{encrypted} =
$buf->get_bytes($buf->length - $buf->offset);
else {
my @sec = $key->secret_props;
for my $e (@sec) {
sub save {
my $cert = shift;
my $buf = Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer->new;
if ($cert->{version} < 4) {
my $key = $cert->{key};
if( ! defined $key && defined $cert->{unparsed_key} ) {
return $buf->bytes;
my @pub = $key->public_props;
for my $e (@pub) {
if ($cert->{key}->is_secret) {
if ($cert->{cipher}) {
if ($cert->{version} < 4) {
my @sec = $key->secret_props;
for my $e (@sec) {
else {
else {
my @sec = $key->secret_props;
for my $e (@sec) {
sub v3_checksum {
my $cert = shift;
my $k = $cert->{encrypted};
my $sum = 0;
my @sec = $cert->{key}->secret_props;
for my $e (@sec) {
$sum += unpack '%16C*', $k->{"${e}h"};
$sum += unpack '%16C*', $k->{"${e}b"};
$sum & 0xFFFF;
sub unlock {
my $cert = shift;
return 1 unless $cert->{is_secret} && $cert->{is_protected};
my($passphrase) = @_;
my $cipher = Crypt::OpenPGP::Cipher->new($cert->{cipher}) or
return $cert->error( Crypt::OpenPGP::Cipher->errstr );
my $key = $cert->{s2k}->generate($passphrase, $cipher->keysize);
$cipher->init($key, $cert->{iv});
my @sec = $cert->{key}->secret_props;
if ($cert->{version} < 4) {
my $k = $cert->{encrypted};
my $r = {};
for my $e (@sec) {
$r->{$e} = $k->{"${e}b"};
$k->{"${e}b"} = $cipher->decrypt($r->{$e});
unless ($cert->{csum} == $cert->v3_checksum) {
$k->{"${_}b"} = $r->{$_} for @sec;
return $cert->error("Bad checksum");
for my $e (@sec) {
unless ($cert->{key}->check) {
$k->{"${_}b"} = $r->{$_} for @sec;
return $cert->error("p*q != n");
else {
my $decrypted = $cipher->decrypt($cert->{encrypted});
if ($cert->{sha1check}) {
my $dgst = Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest->new('SHA1');
my $csum = substr $decrypted, -20, 20, '';
unless ($dgst->hash($decrypted) eq $csum) {
return $cert->error("Bad SHA-1 hash");
} else {
my $csum = unpack "n", substr $decrypted, -2, 2, '';
my $gen_csum = unpack '%16C*', $decrypted;
unless ($csum == $gen_csum) {
return $cert->error("Bad simple checksum");
my $buf = Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer->new;
for my $e (@sec) {
$cert->{key}->$e( $buf->get_mp_int );
$cert->{is_protected} = 0;
sub lock {
my $cert = shift;
return if !$cert->{is_secret} || $cert->{is_protected};
my($passphrase) = @_;
my $cipher = Crypt::OpenPGP::Cipher->new($cert->{cipher});
my $sym_key = $cert->{s2k}->generate($passphrase, $cipher->keysize);
$cert->{iv} = Crypt::OpenPGP::Util::get_random_bytes(8);
$cipher->init($sym_key, $cert->{iv});
my @sec = $cert->{key}->secret_props;
if ($cert->{version} < 4) {
my $k = $cert->{encrypted} = {};
my $key = $cert->key;
for my $e (@sec) {
$k->{"${e}b"} = mp2bin($key->$e());
$k->{"${e}h"} = pack 'n', bitsize($key->$e());
$cert->{csum} = $cert->v3_checksum;
for my $e (@sec) {
$k->{"${e}b"} = $cipher->encrypt( $k->{"${e}b"} );
else {
my $buf = Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer->new;
for my $e (@sec) {
my $cnt = $buf->bytes;
$cnt .= pack 'n', unpack '%16C*', $cnt;
$cert->{encrypted} = $cipher->encrypt($cnt);
$cert->{is_protected} = 1;
=head1 NAME
Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate - PGP Key certificate
use Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate;
my $dsa_secret_key = Crypt::OpenPGP::Key::Secret->new( 'DSA' );
my $cert = Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate->new(
Key => $dsa_secret_key,
Version => 4,
Passphrase => 'foobar',
my $serialized = $cert->save;
# Unlock the locked certificate (using the passphrase from above)
$cert->unlock( 'foobar' );
I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate> encapsulates a PGP key certificate
for any underlying public-key algorithm, for public and secret keys,
and for master keys and subkeys. All of these scenarios are handled
by the same I<Certificate> class.
A I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate> object wraps around a
I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Key> object; the latter implements all public-key
algorithm-specific functionality, while the certificate layer
manages some meta-data about the key, as well as the mechanisms
for locking and unlocking a secret key (using a passphrase).
=head1 USAGE
=head2 Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate->new( %arg )
Constructs a new PGP key certificate object and returns that object.
If no arguments are provided in I<%arg>, the certificate is empty;
this is used in I<parse>, for example, to construct an empty object,
then fill it with the data in the buffer.
I<%arg> can contain:
=over 4
=item * Key
The public/secret key object, an object of type I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Key>.
This argument is required (for a non-empty certificate).
=item * Version
The certificate packet version, as defined in the OpenPGP RFC. The
two valid values are C<3> and C<4>.
This argument is optional; if not provided the default is to produce
version C<4> certificates. You may wish to override this for
compatibility with older versions of PGP.
=item * Subkey
A boolean flag: if true, indicates that this certificate is a subkey,
not a master key.
This argument is optional; the default value is C<0>.
=item * Validity
The number of days that this certificate is valid. This argument only
applies when creating a version 3 certificate; version 4 certificates
hold this information in a signature.
This argument is optional; the default value is C<0>, which means that
the certificate never expires.
=item * Passphrase
If you are creating a certificate for a secret key--indicated by whether
or not the I<Key> (above) is a secret key--you will need to lock it
(that is, encrypt the secret part of the key). The string provided in
I<Passphrase> is used as the passphrase to lock the key.
This argument is required if the certificate holds a secret key.
=item * Cipher
Specifies the symmetric cipher to use when locking (encrypting) the
secret part of a secret key. Valid values are any supported symmetric
cipher names, which can be found in I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Cipher>.
This argument is optional; if not specified, C<DES3> is used.
=head2 $cert->save
Serializes the I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate> object I<$cert> into a
string of octets, suitable for saving in a keyring file.
=head2 Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate->parse($buffer)
Given I<$buffer>, a I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Buffer> object holding (or with
offset point to) a certificate packet, returns a new object of type
I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate>, initialized with the data from the
=head2 $cert->lock($passphrase)
Locks the secret key data by encrypting that data with I<$passphrase>.
Returns true on success, C<undef> on failure; in the case of failure
call I<errstr> to get the error message.
=head2 $cert->unlock($passphrase)
Uses the passphrase I<$passphrase> to unlock (decrypt) the secret
part of the key.
Returns true on success, C<undef> on failure; in the case of failure
call I<errstr> to get the error message.
=head2 $cert->fingerprint
Returns the key fingerprint as an octet string.
=head2 $cert->fingerprint_hex
Returns the key fingerprint as a hex string.
=head2 $cert->fingerprint_words
Returns the key fingerprint as a list of English words, where each word
represents one octet from the fingerprint. See I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Words>
for more details about the encoding.
=head2 $cert->key_id
Returns the key ID.
=head2 $cert->key_id_hex
Returns the key ID as a hex string.
=head2 $cert->key
Returns the algorithm-specific portion of the certificate, the public
or secret key object (an object of type I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Key>).
=head2 $cert->public_cert
Returns a public version of the certificate, with a public key. If
the certificate was already public, the same certificate is returned;
if it was a secret certificate, a new I<Crypt::OpenPGP::Certificate>
object is created, and the secret key is made into a public version
of the key.
=head2 $cert->version
Returns the version of the certificate (C<3> or C<4>).
=head2 $cert->timestamp
Returns the creation date and time (in epoch time).
=head2 $cert->validity
Returns the number of days that the certificate is valid for version
3 keys.
=head2 $cert->is_secret
Returns true if the certificate holds a secret key, false otherwise.
=head2 $cert->is_protected
Returns true if the certificate is locked, false otherwise.
=head2 $cert->is_subkey
Returns true if the certificate is a subkey, false otherwise.
=head2 $cert->can_encrypt
Returns true if the public key algorithm for the certificate I<$cert>
can perform encryption/decryption, false otherwise.
=head2 $cert->can_sign
Returns true if the public key algorithm for the certificate I<$cert>
can perform signing/verification, false otherwise.
Please see the Crypt::OpenPGP manpage for author, copyright, and
license information.