Created: 2010-07-14
Maintainer: Toby Inkster <tobyink@cpan.org>
0.010 2014-09-23
Add `/usr/local/share/java/classes/saxon9he.jar` to Makefile.PL too.
0.009 2014-09-15
Add `/usr/local/share/java/classes/saxon9he.jar` to the list of paths
where Saxon may be found.
0.008 2014-09-10
[ Packaging ]
Switch to Dist::Inkt.
0.007 2012-09-11 Shaken, not stirred
[ Documentation ]
Improve documentation of base URIs.
Fixes RT#79463.
Improve documentation of import function.
[ Packaging ]
Drop common::sense dependency.
0.006 2011-10-06
[ Documentation ]
Mention that the 'default' value for the output format of the
'transform' method is broken.
[ Packaging ]
Upgrade Module::Package::RDF version.
0.005 2011-10-03
[ Bug Fixes ]
Change how $classpath is constructed.
Fixes #66276.
0.004 2011-02-18
Added: Allow parameters to be passed through to Inline::Java from the
'use' line.
0.003 2010-07-19
Added: Can determine <xsl:output> media-type, doctype-public,
doctype-system, encoding and version attributes.
0.002 2010-07-15
Added: Can capture output from <xsl:message>.
Added: Can specify a base URI in the constructor.
No longer default to 'xml' output method, but respect XSLT's specified
output method.
0.001 2010-07-15 Original version