package PLON;
use 5.008005;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed reftype);
use parent qw(Exporter);
use B;
use Encode ();
use Carp ();
our $VERSION = "0.07";
our @EXPORT = qw(encode_pson decode_pson);
our $INDENT;
my $WS = qr{[ \t]*};
sub encode_pson { PLON->new->encode(shift) }
sub decode_pson { PLON->new->decode(shift) }
sub mk_accessor {
my ($pkg, $name) = @_;
no strict 'refs';
*{"${pkg}::${name}"} = sub {
my $enable = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : 1;
if ($enable) {
$_[0]->{$name} = 1;
} else {
$_[0]->{$name} = 0;
*{"${pkg}::get_${name}"} = sub {
$_[0]->{$name} ? 1 : '';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
bless {
}, $class;
mk_accessor(__PACKAGE__, $_) for qw(pretty ascii deparse canonical);
sub encode {
my ($self, $stuff) = @_;
local $INDENT = -1;
return $self->_encode($stuff);
sub _encode {
my ($self, $value) = @_;
local $INDENT = $INDENT + 1;
my $blessed = blessed($value);
if (defined $blessed) {
'bless(' . $self->_encode_basic($value, 1) . ',' . $self->_encode_basic($blessed) . ')';
} else {
sub _encode_basic {
my ($self, $value, $blessing) = @_;
if (not defined $value) {
return 'undef';
my $reftype = reftype($value);
if (not defined $reftype) {
my $flags = B::svref_2object(\$value)->FLAGS;
return 0 + $value if $flags & (B::SVp_IOK | B::SVp_NOK) && $value * 0 == 0;
# string
if ($self->{ascii}) {
$value =~ s/"/\\"/g;
if (Encode::is_utf8($value)) {
my $buf = '';
for (split //, $value) {
if ($_ =~ /\G[a-zA-Z0-9_ -]\z/) {
$buf .= Encode::encode_utf8($_);
} else {
$buf .= sprintf "\\x{%X}", ord $_;
$value = $buf;
} else {
$value = $value;
q{"} . $value . q{"};
} else {
# Here is the list of special characters from perlop.pod
# Sequence Note Description
# \t tab (HT, TAB)
# \n newline (NL)
# \r return (CR)
# \f form feed (FF)
# \b backspace (BS)
# \a alarm (bell) (BEL)
# \e escape (ESC)
# \x{263A} [1,8] hex char (example: SMILEY)
# \x1b [2,8] restricted range hex char (example: ESC)
# \N{name} [3] named Unicode character or character sequence
# \N{U+263D} [4,8] Unicode character (example: FIRST QUARTER MOON)
# \c[ [5] control char (example: chr(27))
# \o{23072} [6,8] octal char (example: SMILEY)
# \033 [7,8] restricted range octal char (example: ESC)
my %special_chars = (
qq{"} => q{\"},
qq{\t} => q{\t},
qq{\n} => q{\n},
qq{\r} => q{\r},
qq{\f} => q{\f},
qq{\b} => q{\b},
qq{\a} => q{\a},
qq{\e} => q{\e},
q{$} => q{\$},
q{@} => q{\@},
q{%} => q{\%},
q{\\} => q{\\\\},
$value =~ s/(.)/
if (exists($special_chars{$1})) {
} else {
$value = Encode::is_utf8($value) ? Encode::encode_utf8($value) : $value;
q{"} . $value . q{"};
} elsif ($reftype eq 'SCALAR') {
if ($blessing) {
'\\(do {my $o=' . $self->_encode($$value) . '})';
} else {
'\\(' . $self->_encode($$value) . ')';
} elsif ($reftype eq 'REF') {
'\\(' . $self->_encode($$value) . ')';
} elsif ($reftype eq 'ARRAY') {
(map { $self->_indent(1) . $self->_encode($_) . "," . $self->_nl }
} elsif ($reftype eq 'CODE') {
if ($self->get_deparse) {
require B::Deparse;
my $code = B::Deparse->new($self->get_pretty ? '' : '-si0')->coderef2text($value);
$code = "sub ${code}";
if ($self->get_pretty) {
my $indent = $self->_indent;
$code =~ s/^/$indent/gm;
} else {
$code =~ s/\n//g;
} else {
'sub { "DUMMY" }'
} elsif ($reftype eq 'HASH') {
my @keys = keys %$value;
if ($self->get_canonical) {
@keys = sort { $a cmp $b } @keys;
(map {
$self->_indent(1) . $self->_encode($_)
. $self->_before_sp . '=>' . $self->_after_sp
. $self->_encode($value->{$_})
. "," . $self->_nl,
} @keys),
} elsif ($reftype eq 'GLOB') {
"\\(" . $$value . ")";
} else {
die "Unknown type: ${reftype}";
sub _indent {
my ($self, $n) = @_;
if (not defined $n) { $n = 0 };
$self->get_pretty ? ' ' x ($INDENT+$n) : ''
sub _nl {
my $self = shift;
$self->get_pretty ? "\n" : '',
sub _before_sp {
my $self = shift;
$self->get_pretty ? " " : ''
sub _after_sp {
my $self = shift;
$self->get_pretty ? " " : ''
sub decode {
my ($self, $src) = @_;
local $_ = $src;
return $self->_decode();
sub _decode {
my ($self) = @_;
if (/\G$WS\{/gc) {
return $self->_decode_hash();
} elsif (/\G$WS\[/gc) {
return $self->_decode_array();
} elsif (/\G$WS"/gc) {
return $self->_decode_string();
} elsif (/\G${WS}undef/gc) {
return undef;
} elsif (/\G${WS}\\\(/gc) {
return $self->_decode_scalarref();
} elsif (/\G${WS}sub\s*\{/gc) {
return $self->_decode_code();
} elsif (/\G$WS"/gc) {
return $self->_decode_string;
} elsif (/\G$WS([0-9\.]+)/gc) {
return 0+$1;
} elsif (/\G${WS}bless\(/gc) {
return $self->_decode_object;
} elsif (/\G${WS}do \{my \$o=/gc) {
return $self->_decode_do;
} elsif (/\G$WS\*([a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)/gc) {
no strict 'refs';
} else {
Carp::confess("Unexpected token: " . substr($_, pos, 9));
sub _decode_hash {
my ($self) = @_;
my %ret;
until (/\G$WS(,$WS)?\}/gc) {
my $k = $self->_decode();
or _exception("Unexpected token in Hash");
my $v = $self->_decode();
$ret{$k} = $v;
or last;
return \%ret;
sub _decode_array {
my ($self) = @_;
my @ret;
until (/\G$WS,?$WS\]/gc) {
my $term = $self->_decode();
push @ret, $term;
return \@ret;
sub _decode_code {
# We can't decode coderef. Because it makes security issue.
# And, we can't detect end of code block.
Carp::confess("Cannot decode PLON contains CodeRef.");
sub _decode_object {
my ($self) = @_;
my $body = $self->_decode; # class name
or _exception("Missing comma after bless");
my $str = $self->_decode; # class name
or _exception("Missing closing paren after bless");
return bless($body, $str);
sub _decode_scalarref {
my $self = shift;
my $value = $self->_decode();
or _exception("Missing closing paren after scalarref");
return \$value;
# do {my $o=3}
sub _decode_do {
my $self = shift;
my $value = $self->_decode;
or _exception("Missing closing blace after `do {`");
return $value;
sub _decode_string {
my $self = shift;
my $ret;
until (/\G"/gc) {
if (/\G\\"/gc) {
$ret .= q{"};
} elsif (/\G\\\$/gc) {
$ret .= qq{\$};
} elsif (/\G\\t/gc) {
$ret .= qq{\t};
} elsif (/\G\\n/gc) {
$ret .= qq{\n};
} elsif (/\G\\r/gc) {
$ret .= qq{\r};
} elsif (/\G\\f/gc) {
$ret .= qq{\f};
} elsif (/\G\\b/gc) {
$ret .= qq{\b};
} elsif (/\G\\a/gc) {
$ret .= qq{\a};
} elsif (/\G\\e/gc) {
$ret .= qq{\e};
} elsif (/\G\\$/gc) {
$ret .= qq{\$};
} elsif (/\G\\@/gc) {
$ret .= qq{\@};
} elsif (/\G\\%/gc) {
$ret .= qq{\%};
} elsif (/\G\\\\/gc) {
$ret .= qq{\\};
} elsif (/\G\\x\{([0-9a-fA-F]+)\}/gc) { # \x{5963}
$ret .= chr(hex $1);
} elsif (/\G([^"\\]+)/gc) {
$ret .= $1;
} else {
_exception("Unexpected EOF in string");
# If it's utf-8, it means the PLON encoded by ASCII mode.
# The PLON contains "\x{5963}". Then, we shouldn't decode the string.
return Encode::is_utf8($ret) ? $ret : Encode::decode_utf8($ret);
sub _exception {
# Leading whitespace
# Context
my $context = 'Malformed PLON: ' . shift;
if (m/\G\z/gc) { $context .= ' before end of data' }
else {
my @lines = split "\n", substr($_, 0, pos);
$context .= ' at line ' . @lines . ', offset ' . length(pop @lines || '');
die "$context\n";
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
PLON - Serialize object to Perl code
use PLON;
my $pson = encode_pson([]);
# $pson is `[]`
PLON is yet another serialization library for Perl5, has the like interface.
=head1 WHY?
I need data dumper library supports JSON::XS/JSON::PP like interface.
I use JSON::XS really hard. Then, I want to use other serialization library with JSON::XS/JSON::PP's interface.
Data::Dumper escapes multi byte chars. When I want copy-and-paste from Data::Dumper's output to my test code, I need to un-escape C<\x{5963}> by my hand. don't escape multi byte characters by default.
This release is a prototype. Every API will change without notice.
(But, I may not remove C<encode_pson($scalar)> interface. You can use this.)
I need your feedback. If you have ideas or comments, please report to L<Github Issues|>.
The object oriented interface lets you configure your own encoding or
decoding style, within the limits of supported formats.
=over 4
=item $pson = PLON->new()
Creates a new PLON object that can be used to de/encode PLON
strings. All boolean flags described below are by default I<disabled>.
=item C<< $pson = $pson->pretty([$enabled]) >>
This enables (or disables) all of the C<indent>, C<space_before> and
C<space_after> (and in the future possibly more) flags in one call to
generate the most readable (or most compact) form possible.
=item C<< $pson->ascii([$enabled]) >>
=item C<< my $enabled = $pson->get_ascii() >>
$pson = $pson->ascii([$enable])
$enabled = $pson->get_ascii
If $enable is true (or missing), then the encode method will not generate characters outside
the code range 0..127. Any Unicode characters outside that range will be escaped using either
a \x{XXXX} escape sequence.
If $enable is false, then the encode method will not escape Unicode characters unless
required by the PLON syntax or other flags. This results in a faster and more compact format.
PLON->new->ascii(1)->encode([chr 0x10401])
=> ["\x{10401}"]
=item C<< $pson->deparse([$enabled]) >>
=item C<< my $enabled = $pson->get_deparse() >>
If $enable is true (or missing), then the encode method will de-parse the code by L<B::Deparse>.
Otherwise, encoder generates C<sub { "DUMMY" }> like L<Data::Dumper>.
=item C<< $pson->canonical([$enabled]) >>
=item C<< my $enabled = $pson->get_canonical() >>
If $enable is true (or missing), then the "encode" method will output
PLON objects by sorting their keys. This is adding a comparatively
high overhead.
=head1 PLON Spec
=over 4
=item PLON only supports UTF-8. Serialized PLON string must be UTF-8.
=item PLON string must be eval-able.
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tokuhiro Matsuno E<lt>tokuhirom@gmail.comE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item L<Data::Dumper>
=item L<Data::Pond>
=item L<Acme::PSON>